Who should direct a Yea Forums movie?

Who should direct a Yea Forums movie?

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Mary Harron

Who should direct a 4channel movie?


Taika Waititi


Rian Johnson

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Uwe Boll

Unironically David Fincher, opening with a 15 year old moot on futaba, the peak of the movie being the Palin hack trial, and culminating with the sale to hiro


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One of these posts is based and the rest are CRINGE!

It's definitely the Jason post.

Some out-of-touch untalented jew who thinks incels are the devil and doesn't know what an internet is beyond social media, so it can be as inaccurate and funny as possible.

Why should there even be a Yea Forums movie?

Michael Moore

Roman 'i like em cunny' Polanski obviously

Idris Elba

Raimi, starring Toby as moot

Why should there even be any movie? They're a waste of time and resources.

Imagine how cringe a Yea Forums movie would be. I'm getting tremors just thinking about it.


and me playing as based guy

I'm going to assume s o y was filtered there, I think you are a perfect cast user!

Melissa McCarthy

David Lynch

Shaymalan and i'm not memeing/joking/ironicing/or such
It'd be a comedy thriller and played by a bunch of B-side actors

obviously haneke

I don't get it, what's the plot?

James gunn

Cast him.

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Jesse Eisenberg


Idris Elba

>the social network
>Yea Forums the movie
He can't keep getting away with this

Raimi or tarantino depending on the tone of the movie

Uwe boll is the only one who could do it justice.

you'd have to wait until Yea Forums was kill before making a proper movie
otherwise it'll just be dumb memeshit that won't age well

Henry Cavil

>4CHAD: the movie
I would watch it

>Moot intimidating the FBI agents who knock on his door
>Moot seducing the cute Target attendant into cutting him a deal on the PC parts he needs for the new 4chinz server
>Moot dressed as a princess
I want to preorder the tickets already