Now THIS was unfunny

Attached: bill-burr-paper-tiger.164393.jpg (1229x1843, 190K)

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Sure thing Big Red / Claudia Boleyn / Brianna Wu.

His wife has him by the BALLS.
What's her name? I know she's black.
Bill is getting woke lectures every single day.

The jokes in itself were funny but i just hate how he always has to scream or raise his voice to get a reaction. The Hawking joke was quite tasteless. Overall decent show.

Bill Burr is the closest I've ever come to finally understanding the phenomenon of bromances. I was watching his episode of the Simpsons earlier and I unironically grinned my head off.

can someone explain the retarded title to me

just websearch it you nonce
>"Paper tiger" is a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhilaohu (纸老虎/紙老虎). The term refers to something or someone that claims or appears to be powerful and/or threatening, but is actually ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge.

Pretty much sums up SJW logic which was the main focus of the set.

The lovely Nia.

10 times better than that latest Chappelle piece of shit.

I know he yells a lot in his comedy, but he seemed to do it A LOT in this special.

his rants in his podcast are way better than his actual comedic material

Badoomp doomp doomp me undies~

you misspelled nigga

He insists upon himself

leave bill

This. Hes just talking into the mic, not yelling into it when hes on stage. But whenever his wife joins him on the podcast I just shut it off.

the lovely ni**a

That’s not a bromance, he doesn’t even know who you are. It’s a mancrush, user. Accept it


what the fuck does this even mean you mong

It's just tedious when she's giving her hot take on things

he didnt say that his dog only barked at black people thats why he had to "give it away" actually went to put it down

>these SJWs are BRUTAL guys!
>But seriously, white oppression is the only reason Africa isn't a techno-paradise
>and now for my "First Lady isnt a job" routine recycled from 10 years ago

Truly the voice of right-wing dissidence.

Married burr is less funny than single burr

no one is claiming Bill is right wing

Pretty sure it's supposed to refer to Bill himself though

He constantly mocks feminism and if you listen to his podcast he's very obviously Ron Paul-ish in his thinking on a lot of things.

Obviously he presents as a based centrist so he's not unpersoned in show business.