What does Yea Forums think of this movie?

>Britain just take the migrants p-please

Was a little too passive aggressive for my taste

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Other urls found in this thread:


i hate the uk

fuck this garbage movie fuck the uk can't believe you fags need a thread everyday on this shitty movie

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even some libtards hated this, felt like c-level tv show, fucking horrible.


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woah mate. check your thinking

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It's just gone 10am here in bong, so of course there's gonna be a Brexit thread up. Can't wait for October 31st desu, gonna be hilarious watching the amount of seething libtards cry about it lol

you forgot to mention paki rape gangs

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based starkey giving it some

Shh! We don't talk about that. These fine folk from the Islamic community are good boys who attend mosque every day.

Cockroach Kingdom

Ok, Ngubu

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a ramp. and no planes lmao

Germany’s army is literally armed with broomsticks lmao

The woman in charge of that fuck up is the next leader of the EU. Europeans love democracy, so she was elected (being the only person on the ballot)...lmao

Eurocucks are such bootlickers and feminine, unlike strong Anglos who win world wars

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Based Boris playing everything into his hand

Imagine parliament make it legally binding that no deal brexit now cannot happen, Boris has said he will abide the law HOWEVER the EU are open to more negotiations and the DUP are backing down their demands because Boris is still making them believe no deal can happen

This is unironic 4D Chess

>unlike strong Anglos who win world wars
1st world war: most of the fighting was done by the french against germans
2nd world war: most of the fighting was done by the soviets against germans

>loses all it's territory and becomes a brown shithole by 2060
wonder what losing would look like

inb4 300 fucking replies

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Double seething cope

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Reminder that this image is what many brits unironically think.

My worry is if we accept a deal that basically just keeps us in the EU, subject to all its laws and rules, without having a say in those laws and rules.

Unironically just treat us like the Swiss and i'd be happy.

The migrants you don’t like don’t come from Europe. Furthermore, the EU has never tried to enforce migrant quotas on the UK. Any and all refugees we have taken in have been at our own discretion. The influx of Eastern European migrants in 2004/5 was due to Tony Blair declining the integration period that new members of the EU typically go through (where freedom of movement to other EU countries is limited to prevent brain-drain/damage to workforce in the home country). Most, if not all, of your problems exist because of a fraudulent, corrupt and elitist set of Etonians who sit at the top of the country and subjugate the rest, as they have done for millennia. Wake up to the truth that Brexit should be fought along class-lines, not race-lines.

delusional anglo

the fucking state of europe

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With communism above all

>Unironically just treat us like the Swiss and i'd be happy.
But the Swiss treatment is being subject to all its laws and rules, without having a say in those laws and rules. They are even in Schengen, something UK wasn't when it was in the EU.

We don’t like the New Europeans, who can go anywhere with an EU passport

Hans knows this, but he lies to stop the truth spreading

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brexit means brexit, uk is not europe

It’s laughable stuff like this is believed. Most crimes now just get community service.

It’s true though. Brits have always won the wars in Europe and 99% of the cringe from Europe comes from the continent. The wars made you self hating and weak.

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so i wont get put in jail for hate speech?

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The Swiss have a huge influence exerted over them by the EU, same as Norway. Read more.

That ‘cope’ is the Brexiteer’s only response to critique suggests that their platform at this point is pure ideology. They have no leg to stand on. They know this is a suicide mission. They are deliberately and knowingly damaging the livelihoods of millions of innocent people in the pursuit of restoring to Britain a romanticised vision of history.

I’m sure some moron gets made an example of if there is enough publicity

No. We just don’t want our laws to be made by unelected Germans and Belgians who hate white people.

Enjoy Merkel’s migrants, Hans. I’m sure they’ll enjoy your daughters.

>99% of the cringe from Europe comes from the continent
bin the knife
u got a loicense for that?
secure under the watchful eyes
brexit bus
majority of cringe comes from anglos

Which ‘New Europeans’. You have to be accepted as a citizen of an EU nation to receive an EU passport, which is an incredibly arduous process that most migrants never bother or are unable to complete. You can’t cite any sources for the existence of these mysterious super-migrants.

You know that 90% of migrants are from muh empire?

Lets ruin our community's just so rich globalists can make more money!

>an example of
an example of what?

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It's funny how bongs realized that those dumb laws were their all along not not enforcedby the eu lol

>migrant crisis
>Kalergi Plan
>Literal inventors of communism
>French demographics

How long until turkey is in the EU?

>Most crimes now just get community service.
only if you're wog or paki.
whites have been sent down for name calling and wrong think.

>You have to be accepted as a citizen of an EU nation to receive an EU passport, which is an incredibly arduous process that most migrants never bother or are unable to complete
Because there's no Africans in France, Germany or Spain lol

It’s a phrase meaning they would give the maximum penalty for the crime just to show the public that’s what COULD happen even though it typically wouldn’t. Like I said most crimes are given community service

It's inevitable, you truly have to be delusional to think otherwise. Erdogan's just dragging the process out with his muh Neo-Ottoman-Empire bullshit, once he's out they'll go back to "Turks are just East Greeks"

Explain the Calais jungle.

Merkel invited Africans to Europe. The EU have no internal borders, so they march through trying to get here. None of them are citizens.

Plus you’re deluded if you think it’s hard to get citizenship. Germans bend over backwards for Mutti Merkel’s migrants

They'll get fucked by their government even more when they are out

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And fucking bongs allowed millions of arabs, africans, pakis and indians into eu because of muh empire

All this shit came from Mrs May and her Home Secretary antics.
Unironically one of worst politicians of 21st century

Yeah, all those damn pakis ruining Paris lol

Eastern Europeans are the largest crime population in britain.

you import migrants by yourself but hey atleast you'll know it's your own people erasing the brittbong from history

France had muh empire too buddy and people from their former colonies etc can easily come to france.

None of which went to other European countries. They came here because they speak English.

As if you’re defending Merkel’s blunder lmao. It will be studied a hundred years from now.

Enjoy unlimited paki immigration after Brexit.

EU laws are voted on by elected MEPs. People you voted for. MEPs (elected) also vote for the EU Commisioners (who arguably have a greater mandate now than Johnson does). It’s the current Tory government who truly hate white people. Years of austerity has ground down the working classes and shrunk the middle class to the point where people are forced to cope with police who are reactive instead of preventative, a dying NHS and severe underfunding for transport links anywhere outside of London. More people than ever before are forced into the humiliating position of having to go to food banks to survive, yet it is some anomalous German that is at the root of your problems? Wake up, you are an idiot. For the record, I’m British, too.

bongs had no say in the matter. They were never asked or allowed to vote on it. It was forced on them by certain cabals in whitehall who really hate their country.

>France had muh empire too buddy and people from their former colonies etc can easily come to france.
A sterling argument for the UK remaining in the EU lol

Don’t mind sikhs desu

Amerifat here. I am unaware of how you Britbongs break this Brexit deadlock.

Is there anything the Labour Party can do to stop Brexit on Oct 31st or is this really gonna happen this time? I hope it does because fuck the EU (read: fuck the Eternal Kraut, yet again), but I don't know how the process will work.

Even in a no-deal situation (which seems to be the most likely outcome at this point), I doubt a complete British economic apocalypse is going to occur like the Lefties say will.

What are your thoughts?

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Why do seething Europeans always use this argument?

>haha you have Pakis already so just take all the Africans Merkel invited plus let unelected failures like Von Der Leyen make your laws

It isn’t even an argument. Yes, we have problems in the U.K. So why does that mean we should add to it with continental stupidity and self hatred?

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So the argument to stay in the eu is because we will important paki's, which we do anyway along side eastern europeons and africans because of the eu?

The Calais Jungle was closed down two years ago. I think the number of actual migrants who made it through from Calais barely exceeded a few hundred. Every country has an issue with illegal immigrants, and Britain actually suffers very little from the issue due to the geographic benefits we enjoy.

>people. Years of austerity has ground down the working classes and shrunk the middle class to the point where people are forced to cope with police who are reactive instead of preventative, a dying NHS and severe underfunding for transport links anywhere outside of London
That tends to happen when you cram an additional 20 million people into a rain-sodden shithole island 2bh

>muh tories
>muh NHS
>defends Germans
You’re a scouser, aren’t you?

You’re already enjoying Merkel’s hordes lmao

And as I said, it was the fault of the Blair government that they arrived in such numbers. France and Germany both have much lower percentages of Eastern European migrants present in their populations.

Yeah and Polish "right wing" party imported million of ukrainians and people from bangladesh but they have no citizenship so poland is still 99.9% white on paper lol.

Sikhs have a massive chip on their shoulder and still try and hold up the awful caste system from india. Look at how sikhs behave towards whites they see as lower than them. awful bunch tbqh.

Tradesmen will no longer have to compete with the whole of europe for work. My firm already has 6 years of jobs booked in and taking on new apprentices

Von Der Leyen was literally the only person on the ballot you cuckold. That’s European democracy for you. It’s not surprising. They spat out onto he world fascism and communism. Bunch of peasant retards.


once you brexited and vlad and maria can't work in your country anymore you'll have to resort to more browns as a contintental this makes me smile

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This. Never, under any circumstance, work for a FOB sikh.

>Communism hammer and sickle at the top

They aren't even being subtle about it anymore are they?

Most of those 20 million are white British, friend.
Mancunian. And I’m not defending Germans, nor the EU. I think there are severe issues that are yet to truly come to light in the EU. Look into Italy’s forays into micro-bonds to see a real issue Europe - the inability for member-states to escape national debt through currency devaluation. What I dislike is these arguments against Europe which are based in either little or no fact. When it’s people’s jobs and security that are on the line, you need to act pragmatically, not emotionally.

>you'll have to resort to more browns
And you think this won't happen to you lol.
Look up the proposed EU solutions to the "greying of Europe" lmao

You know this isn't official?

tfw no brextfu

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got a loicense for that post mate? carefull or the cops will put you in jail for such dellusional opinions

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>Most of those 20 million are white British
Because "white British" is as much a meme as "white American".
inb4 Gaz O'Reilly/Demjunjik/Grikopolous shrieks otherwise

It boils down to this, then.

The only people on 4chn who defend the EU are butthurt Poles who were used as an example of uncontrolled EU migration and Germans who now have a huge financial hole to plug.

Britain. Making the continent seethe for a thousand years.

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>muh austerity

Get back to your council estate, Dazza


She actually only passed the vote by 9, a large chunk of the parliament voted against her. Her election was more akin to a vote on Johnson becoming leader, where you can vote for or against, than a general election, where you get to choose who to vote for. The nominative stages which lead to her being voted on involved several candidates, who were each voted against in favour of Von Der Leyen. Keep drinking the Brexit Party Kool-Aid though.

I don't even like the EU but you're a retard if you think it's better to be out.
You'll just be a vassal state of the US. Ironic

The UK isn't gonna stop taking in immigrants just because they leave the EU. However, they're gonna have to make a trade deal with the US that's gonna include a clause that the UK must loosen their standards of quality for food so Americans can export their hormoned and antibiotics fed meat to the UK. This clause is one of the reasons why the TTIP didn't go through, since the EU wasn't willing to compromise on food quality.

Why *car explodes* does *Merkel imports a million more* Britain *machete attack on train* have *Merkel imports 2 million more* a *BOOM* rape *NYE mass sex attack* problem?

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>Poles who were used as an example of uncontrolled EU migration
Funny how UK was the only EU country that didn't implement legal controls on Polish immigration when they joined the EU so naturally Poles moved first to UK in droves. Once again it was UK government that made the decisions and then blamed EU for them. Delusional anglos....

Well, that’s a whole new argument. The point is, most of those people aren’t brown - which is who most of you seem to dislike.
Great argument. Ignoring the suffering of millions of people because of some imagined ‘muh South’ superiority. Grow up.

no no, i have to make this about race because i can't fathom the concept of a chain of consequences

b-but that's not what this snappy daily mail headline claimed happened?!

You’re literally pic related lmao

What you and the rest of continental Europeans are cowards. You hate the EU but you’re terrified to leaveit because you are small and weak. Britain wasn’t scared because Britain is a global power.


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No deal isn’t happening. And 90% of Britain’s food comes from Britain and EU.
They’re not going to be forced to take poor US meat. Believing that is lunacy

does the eu have those double yolk eggs, because i had those in canada but i cant find them in the us

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>global power

I doubt it

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>Britain wasn’t scared because Britain is a global power.
LMAO r-rule britannia

That makes me happy.

It won't be an easy transition (mostly because the EU bureaucrats are petulant, spiteful globalists) but it will benefit Britain in the long run. Cheers, m8.

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seems like the eternal kraut lives rent free in nigels head

>Britain wasn’t scared because Britain is a global power.
oh lord they're serious

girl pretty

It was done by Blair, a huge EU fan.
>hurr durr austerity is bad so I better vote labour to import more people who need to be spent on and who will drive down wages hurrrrrrr

>This clause is one of the reasons why the TTIP didn't go through, since the EU wasn't willing to compromise on food quality.
Lol, absolute state. It didn't go through because European agricultural interests are almost as psychotically defensive as American agricultural interests.

>My worry is if we accept a deal that basically just keeps us in the EU, subject to all its laws and rules, without having a say in those laws and rules.

>Unironically just treat us like the Swiss and i'd be happy.

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>The UK isn't gonna stop taking in immigrants just because they leave the EU

Actually its much worse for the UK if they leave the EU. People like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson want to stop immigration from Europe (Mostly white people) and replace it with immigration from the Commonwealth (Indians, Pakis, Africans)

>global power
you mean your country became a cheap house for all the people of the globe free with free anglo loli's to boot

I never told you who to vote for, but you’re right in thinking that I’d never vote Tory.

You’e just been rekt

>mostly because the EU bureaucrats are petulant, spiteful globalists
Yeah brexit is totally EUs fault for not giving UK all the benefits of EU membership like access to free markets and none of the responsibilities...

>Power: 48.6

what does that even mean?

The EU is a retarded concept, once you adopt the Euro you surrender currency controls to the European Central bank.

>Britain wasn’t scared because Britain is a global power.

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>immigration from the Commonwealth
also Canada, Australia, new Zealand, all mainly white, Christian countries.

>It was done by Blair, a huge EU fan.
Yes but it's not EU's fault, it's the fault of UKs political establishment. But because anglos can't see any fault in their own actions, they blame the EU. Hence brexit.

Heh... my power level is 48.6, you are a meagre 39. Prepare to feel the blade, mon ami ;)

What kind of person defends the EU?

Every single advocate of the EU tends to be on the left. I’m talking dyed hair, pronouns, refugees welcome, all that shit.

That’s reason enough to know Brexit is a good thing. Because it has the backing of right wingers who aren’t insane. Like Trump.

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>also Canada, Australia, new Zealand, all mainly white, Christian countries.
they all seem to have an asian problem common theme in the anglovworld


This is a valid critique of the EU.

Let me guess, this """"""scientific""""" ranking was done by some UK think tank?

>eu is responsible for dellusional self hating britts

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If the US, the world superpower, considers us a global power, then I’d listen to them.

Also you’re speaking my language because at one point we probably crushed your country and installed Anglo institutions and culture, like in Germany.

When Farage said Commonwealth nations, he didn't mention Australia, NZ or Canada. He mentioned Africa and India specifically.

I don't know about NZ and Canada, but no one in Australia wants to emigrate to shitty England.

It was done by the US

those in the uk political establishment defend it because they're in line for plum jobs in brussels if we stay in. completely self-interested.

cute boy

france's power increases every time they suffer a terrorist attack. its like zenkai

1) If you join the Euro, you have no monetary policy. That is done by the ECB. So if Italy really should lower its interest rate it can’t because it may not be good for other countries in the Eurozone.

2) Schengen means you don’t have a border with other European countries. This is what caused the migrant crisis. German stupidity meant migrants could roam anywhere in the EU. If you don’t have a border you aren’t a country.

3) The EU openly says that the nation state is a bad idea and wants full federal union. If you’re pro EU because you want a superstate, fair enough, but don’t pretend you still like countries. They are polar opposite positions. Again, the EU makes this clear.

4) The EU encourages mass immigration, particularly from Africa and the Middle East, because it wants a mixed population. Mixed populations are less nationalistic and that makes it easier to federalise countries.

If you’re pro EU you’re either evil or a retarded pleb.

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>not actually prepared to go along with one of the options
>hold the election anyway

>The organisation European Geostrategy
doesn't look like the "US". Also the links to the organisation doesn't even work lol. Highly reputable....

>They are polar opposite positions
Not really. It's the same process, just on bigger scale.


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>If you’re pro EU you’re either evil or a retarded pleb.
this is what eurosceptics really believe. U ARE EEEEEEVIL or a pleb (who in actuality are most eurosceptic because of muh globalism taking our jobs but don't mind that) if you like EU

Within a generation they'll be a 56% mongrel horror show. Most of Britain will be sharia zones or shitting streets.

nothing wrong with sharia you seething kike

It makes me laugh how Remoaners think they’re in the elite.

You’re being exploited just the same as everyone else.

she's pretty, too bad she is 16 and displaying herself like a piece of meat to bait people and also once she opens her british mouth you are ready to be done with her

The nation state is literally the opposite of dissolving national governments.


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t. typical brexiter

Nation states are jewish D&C

>countries that developed their own language and culture through thousands of years separate from one another due to geography is a Jewish plot


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You might get a few hot Aussie chicks out of it but in reality, you'll be hit with a tsunami of Pajeets and Muhammeds. Who will clean your toilets when Vlad is gone? Pajeet certainly won't.

Nation-states were also formed from smaller parts. Just look at French Revolution and reforms that followed it.

Yes being proud of your country is very wrong in this day and age. Fuck me you lack any spine.

There are vast, wide plains between being proud of something, and being deluded about it.

U got a loicense for this outburst of excess patriotism m8?!

come on bro it's 2019 there's only 2 stances on every matter that people have memorized good strawman arguments for. if you try to go anywhere between those then you're a centrist and you don't matter


Cringe. A centrist is just someone who doesn’t know enough to decide what he agrees with.

>5 is just a number that can't decide if its zero or ten

yeah so basically choose between genociding the whites and genociding the browns. if you don't want to genocide anyone then you're a centrist and you're impeding progress for both sides, making you the most dangerous

well when white genociders are in reality people who don't mind seeing black people in their capeshit movies and brown genociders want to kill all browns, centrists going on about both being bad is pretty cringe.

Brexit was Racist a bigoted hate mob hijacked democracy away from the people with the help of Russia we absolutely should have a 2nd referendum and get thing right this time.

there's that centrist talk again

Kys commie

Brexit was delusional anglos going on about Britannia still ruling the waves and we absolutely should not have 2nd referendum because of democratic principles and brexit unironically being good for both UK (delusional anglos being happy) and EU (obstuctionist UK leaving the club).

When we leaving lads?

Pathetic gaslighting attempt

>b-but muh sources
As if the liberal establishment will ever release the real data

Pretty much this. I knew a couple...heavy Guardian/Indipendent readers. Very Left. I ditched them when they became pro EU obsessed. Literally a daily debate that become insufferable to listen to. I heard the other day they proclaimed their daughter is "gender neutral"

concession accepted

>"i know"
>how do you know? where's the data?
>"it is impossible to know, but i know"

Okay retard.

I like their style

underrated pic

this is your brain on Brexit

Being proud requires a sense of delusion. Plus dont automatically assume that because someone chooses to leave the EU is deluded...because that is delusion on your part.

>napoleon fought bloody wars to keep british trade out of the continent
>the modern anglo pulls it out FOR FREE

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Lmao at people still underestimating Boris

The elite have been outplayed on every level, they’ve been left to calling on Hollywood to shit on Boris. Like Ford Coppola and Ruffalo really give a shit. They’ve been paid to talk

Ruffalo only responded after Boris used his character for propaganda though. He didn't start shit, he reacted to shit being started on our end.

>3 years and still no Brexit
Britain has been importing Pajeets and Ahmeds long before Germany and Sweden made it "cool". For all the shit Germany does, this on is entirely on the UK. You wanted a bunch of brown people from your shitty colonies to come over and clean your toilet, well you got it, and you got more than you asked for.

And gave the most manufactured speech back to Boris about hulk

How does that German boot tastes, European citizen?

Or its someone who takes a step back and looks at both sides of the argument. Wanna be in my gang mentality is idiotic.

Boris IS the elite you god damned idiot.

>major credit companies like paypal already left the island
god save the queen!

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Boris literally asked for this speech. It was a response.

>Boris and his pals aren't the elite

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>Brexit was delusional anglos going on about Britannia
Yeah, it's not the Europeans who are delusional empire-fetishists.
ITT: Stupid fucking continentals fall for utopian fantasy for the 20th time this century.

Shoo shoo /pol/

>developed their own language and culture through thousands of years separate from one another
Is this a power of american education?

fuck EU

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Why the fuck would Aussies or Canadians want to come to the UK?

Are you disputing the fact communities in the Ukraine developed separately from Iceland? Portugal and Estonia? Wtf are they teaching on the continent lmao

This is why all the good unis are in the UK

Worse it's a deluded empire.

>This is why all the good unis are in the UK
Unironically one of the biggest concerns of Brexit is what happens to pan-European scientific research. Like does UK exit from ESA too? It would be sad, UK produces alot of good scientists.

Why are so many Slavs pro Brexit? Are they retarded?

What country are you from?

There is nothing wrong with scientific collaboration with Europe. But if the price of that is to be ruled by failed politicians we can’t vote for and who hate us because of past biases then no, it’s not worth it.

>politicians we can’t vote for


MEPs can't initiate legislation, merely rubberstamp it.

>politicians we can’t vote for
who's the main character of again? what is his current job?

>MEPs can't initiate legislation,
Who can then?

Only the Commission.


Which is elected by the parliament and council, which are elected by the people. That's how democracy works user.

The utter state of retarded leftard butthurt against poland

Commission is nominated by and only works with the approval of European council (elected heads of government) and European parliament (directly elected MEPs).

Based. Watching UK get assfucked even harder by low workforces will be fucking beautiful.

Commissioners aren't elected by anyone. They are appointed by national government and approved by the EuroParliament. This is why each country gets its own commissioner instead of majority bloc in Parliament appointing commissioners. And no the appointments aren't democratic either.

>Britain is a global power.

Who's gonna tell him?

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God that face is horrifying
Not watching this trash since it's gonna have a slant AND most importantly the saga isn't over brexit hadn't happened

The UK will do far better than the continental Europe which will get swamped by low integrating Africans and Arabs over the next few decades. Everyone knows this.

Incorrect. They are nominated by national governments and then either elected or not elected by the EP.

You can't "approve" someone who is already "appointed".

>swamped by low integrating Africans and Arabs
>immigration already plummeting only a few years after the crisis
I'm sorry little one.

The fact that it's taking all of this and people are predicting world ending results shows you how bad of an idea this whole thing is; down with super states.

>Has its own currency.
This is all the UK needs for it to be better off that the majority of the EU members


Yeah I'm sure the crisis is over.

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>5 communist signs
>3 jewish stars
>3 muslim signs
>2 crosses
Sounds about right


>A reddit comment is his argument

Attached: 1547498658447.jpg (602x603, 63K)

Christianity is mostly dead in Europe.

The argument is you will import less pakis you dumb fuck, pakistan is not in europe.

>Italy’s new left-leaning government has authorised 82 migrants to disembark from an NGO rescue ship, marking a break from the hardline immigration measures of the former interior minister Matteo Salvini.


Attached: salvini.png (635x541, 298K)

>we got our shit pushed in and now we need to save face by making them look stupid yeah we got beat by people we know are stupid, but we were not expecting them to outsmart us so we will call what they did cheating and replicated their tactics next time and call it fair.

We can do that without being in the EU.

and that's a good thing honestly

When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing — they believe in anything. - Chesterton.

The last 5 years or so have convinced me of the wisdom of this statement.

Yes your government isn't going to stop anytime soon and there are already stories about nurses from european countries being replaced by poos and pakis, enjoy.

Where’s the swastica? Doesn’t seem very inclusive.

Too bad about the vast number people who believe in Allah living just next to Europe. And the smaller number within.

How do they expect those African countries to explode in population while the people paying for those countries to exist are not increasing?

Oh I plan to.