Attack on Titans

Attack on Titans

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i really want to watch this but unfortunately it's not on netflix

Is this kino?

Working through JoJo atm

Should I start this afterwards?




« 零 »

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Absolutely kino, fuck the contrarians. If by the end of the fifth episode you're not digging it then it's not for you.

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Tfw 30yo boomer and too old for this shit
I tried to like it, but it's just so cringe at times

>paying for anime

the fuck is wrong with you

I always thought the title should be "Attack on, titans!" at least that would kind of make sense. Attack on Titan sounds like they're attacking the moon Titan

The English title is a mistranslation and the Japanese title, Shingeki no Kyojin, had no real meaning until like chapter 80

What was cringe about it? The Naruto wanna-be MC?

Im a fucking weeb and I hated this show. It hits all the shitty anime cliches. Also why is every episode just basically them talking and crying on a rooftop for 20 minutes. Inb4 “hurr they experience traumatising stuff”, its the shittiest writing ive seen in years

The early first season is full of annoying anime tropes, especially the MC. I don't even watch that much anime but even I picked up on that shit. It changes and becomes its own thing over time.

yeah it is, at least on burgerland, go to crunchyroll watch for free

i started jojo after this and i think is better, part 3 is feeling like a slog for me. with AoT i felt like watching next ep right after. i dont get the hate, i guess it got popular so people gotta be contrarian.

The first half of part 3 (season 2 of the anime) is easily the worst section

Attack on, Titan!

But seriously its supposed to be a reference to the main characters titan form, its just horribly mistranslated.

>I'm a fucking weeb
go back to rddit, ironic weeb faggot

It starts good, gets boring then hits the absolute high-point after they visit the basement.

Gotta give props to the writer actually bothering with giving answers to the questions he established, even if a lot of them feel like asspulls.

This is the first anime I've seen. Why does it treat the audience like a fucking idiot? Like jeez you dont need to explain everything like i'm a 5yo kid. Those 25 episodes couldve easily been cut to 12 without all the unnecessary bs. Are all animes like this?

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>Why does it treat the audience like a fucking idiot? Like jeez you dont need to explain everything like i'm a 5yo kid.
it's a shonen anime user, it's literally written for 13-17 year olds

Cmon even 13yo are not that thick. They'd get the gist.
I'd admit though, the story is engrossing. If only this show was a little more subtle.

Ooooh name your favorite show of the season please.

More like Attack on Reddit

The manga is SIGNIFICANTLY better.

Can someone explain this Manga meme to me. Arent they exactly the same? If not, then why would they not make a word for word anime adaptation of the manga?

ThisJoJo anime is:
2 > 5 > 4 > 3b > 1 > 3a

JoJo manga is:
7 > 4 > 5 = 6 > 2 > 3 > 1

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There's a lot more dialog in the manga and some of the scenes are cut and rearranged in the anime

>Cmon even 13yo are not that thick.
if you ever go on Yea Forums, threads for series that DON'T constantly explain everything that happens are filled with people complaining that the plot doesn't make any sense and they don't understand how anything works. The average person is a fucking retard, and kids are even dumber than that

Its the same as bookfags
leave them be
contrarian fucks

The art, pacing and characterization can be and usually are better in the manga format. JoJo is another example where the manga is better (I would argue the Part 2 anime is the only one better than it's manga counterpart, with Part 5 about equal), and you should read both of them.

SnK's manga is also much further along in plot than the anime and deals with more and more themes and character arcs than the normie-fied anime does.

You seem to have forgotten to put an argument in your post

this is strait up the best manga/anime of all time and if you are not reading it right now you are missing out on the event of a life time. Shit posting has reached a critical level and nothing will be the same for a long time to come.

Its better than
>code geass
>naruto all the way up to the pain arc
>any other anime you can think of.
your choice.

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is mostly the same. but he music in AoT is just puts it on another level. Also they cut some stuff in the anime. it was small stuff but it was really annoying.

Fuck the anime read the manga, it gets good around chapter 121

Fuck off to

But the anime hasn't even reached the most kino parts yet, how is episode 5 something to go by?


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if you weren't hooked at episode 2 you are a brainlet.

>Im a fucking weeb
name 10 good anime

without context this panel is confusing as fuck.
this was such a great moment and almost nothing will be the same once its animated.

Also don't look up context its a major fucking spoiler.

>it gets good around chapter 121

Ugh no thanks

I was recommended this by one of my weeb friends (big mistake). It has all the stereotypical anime tropes (which I hate because I'm not a fucking weeb). My largest gripe with this series isn't the fucking stupid time dilation "YOU HAVE 15 SECONDS TO DECIDE" turning into fucking 5 minutes of nested flashbacks or the incessant screaming, it's that whenever ANYTHING happens on screen a character will then say EXACTLY what happens on screen and then HOW THEYRE GOING TO REACT and then reacts.

Example: some guy gets stepped on by a titan. two people will yell in unison "OH MY GOD HE JUST GOT STEPPED ON BY A TITAN AND THATS REALLY SCARY BECAUSE THAT TITAN COULD STEP ON ME NEXT OH MY GOD"
holy shit it's so bad

I wouldn't read the manga until you finish season one. No real point as its mostly the same.

how does it feel being a brainlet?
imagine not liking anything that doesn't go

The true title is Shingeki no kyojin, which can be translated as "the attack of the titans"(which is what happens for most of the time) or "the advancing titan"(who is the true name of MC's power)

The show treats me like a brainlet by explicitly telling me everything that happens instead of using the VISUAL part of the AUDIO VISUAL medium it's presented in and I fucking hate it and somehow that makes ME the brainlet?


"the advancing titan"
it has never been called that.

>eren is a naruto wanna-be.
>laterally became an anti-hero after the timeskip

Yup, in fact i remeber naruto killing thousand of innocent people because they wanted to destroy his village

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No, it started truly getting good after chapter 20, than procedes to became kino.
121 is just the last chapter publicated and right now it is one of the best after the glorious chapter 100

what in the actual fuck are you on about. You wouldn't even be able to grasp at event happening without that. Imagine not being able to relate to people who can't think rationally or realize that most people are just average at thinking critically. Most of the show has people reacting real ways in situations where is easy to say "yea wow what an idiot, If that were me..." or "why is such and such happening when everyone should just realize..."
Most of the time characters draw logical conclusions outside of the heat of battle but in a life or death scenario where most of them aren't even 18 are even 17 it doesn't seem so out landish that people might act irrationally. I get that its frustrating as fuck to see people not act with clairvoyance but dealing with people in real life that are like that will adjust to how you react to it. People are really fucking dumb in real life and react in such shit ways to situations where a calm head all the difference.
If you are vexed that people act irrationally grow up.

Honestly, whats with japanese media and the whole "it starts out shit, but gets good later"? So many games, vns, anime and manga that tend to start out so fucking slow, but then shit picks up after hours of investment. Western media tends to be opposite, where it starts out good but ends awfully.
Also Erwin motherfucking Smith is the best AoT character by far, its not even debateable.

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>Erwin mothefucking Smith is the best character

You misspelled Reiner.

SnK didn't exactly start slow though

Watch the anime up to the fight with the armored titan, then read the manga

I haven't enjoyed a show aimed at kids and teens this much since Avatar the last Airbender, heading in without knowing anything about it I got really into the worldbuilding and mystery of it

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Reiner is probably second best, I really didnt like all the plot armor hes had in the whole series but considering the stuff later on in the manga its kinda hilarious.
True it didnt start slow, but it did start out rather tropey and stale. Most of the characters were boring and dull (particulary Eren) and the moment it was revealed that he could become a titan I was getting ready to drop it.

Agreed on all counts.

user, there are over 50 sites that I can think off right out of my head that has it for free. Both dubbed and subbed.

Adult Eren shows up way before that.

do people not torrent anymore? I see this on Yea Forums too. Control threads were like "it's only on epic, waiting for steam release" bro it's on torrents go play it then buy it later if you like it, wtf ?

I didn't even know that was Eren till Reiner said his name

And then that anti-hero Eren was all a facade to trick Zeke. He's still a retard Naruto-esque protag

>Is this kino?
it's very antisemitic.

One of the most retarded animes I've seen. Fucking awful.

>The real titans were inside us all along

It's 4 years later and he's hiding his identity


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>Arent they exactly the same?
No, most anime adaptations don't translate that well, it's very rare that they manage to accomplish that.

They had the first season on there, what was the problem couldn't they afford the later seasons?

>Im a fucking weeb
No you are fucking not, you don't even know the meaning of that word.

>was all a facade to trick Zeke
What the fuck do you mean? He wants to do the rumbling and kill everyone except the Eldians on Paradis, how is that naruto

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T. I watched only flew episodes of s1

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>all the Titans look like Americans

It's pure kino

She is a beauty. Wow, Marley Eren is so much different than man bun Eren

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