Previously on Hannibal

Previously on Hannibal...

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S2 was a masterpiece, I remember when it first aired and everyone on Yea Forums went crazy with the finale

what went so wrong in S3?

nothing, felt rushed because they knew about not getting a S4, but it was decent, S2 tho was kino.

I miss those threads

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Alana unironically should’ve died, though her character change in s3 was handled well

It was good, but not in the same way that season 2 was good. To me it was a good actual conclusion

I totally forgot she had that cool dual revenge thing with margot. Their relationship was better than Molly and Will, that was just a drag. Dragon man should have killed her and the kid

The network told them it was their last season.

>watching a show while posting on Yea Forums

I get it with reality shows or marathons or whatever but it seems like a waste with a show like Hannibal

>Isometric exercises

Is it ever coming back?

The whole appeal of the show was the tension and humor in you the audience knowing what he is while the other characters have no idea, once they got the elephant out of the room it inevitably lost its vitality. They awkwardly adapted the Hannibal book in the first half but it was already weak material and made the rest of the cast pointless, all the various ways of tying the stories together felt forced and convoluted, it makes the Scott movie look good by comparison. Red dragon second half didn't take any risk, it was too faithful and that's boring if you've already seen the two other adaptations, and lambs which was just a rehash of red dragon anyway. It's an entire season of recycled material and that doesn't succeed at doing anything meaningful with the homolust character dynamics because it's so limited by the books structures and formulas, I know it's supposed to be the 'breakup season' but it's really awkward. Fundamentally the way fuller treated the various books as interchangeable puzzle pieces was silly, doing red dragon faithfully as the ending, when it's supposed to be the beginning, after all the shit will and hanni went through, including Hannibal arc with will as Clarice, just doesn't feel like a logical or satisfying narrative, thematic or emotional progression, especially since he had already taking bits from it for the Myriam arc. The only moment it feels alive is when it betrays the book and does its own thing like the ending, which is retarded but also beautiful in its own gay fuller way.

>literally no one dies

I still can't watch the s1 episode with the girl that cant see faces hiding under wills bed
just hits all my spooky buttons

I didn't read the books, so I cannot relate to anything you just wrote, and I get to enjoy S03

Abigail did

The season 2 finale had the best 50 minutes in all of media. A perfect episode from start to finish.

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Is this show any good? It reminded me of House M.D. but a crime version of it. Hated how repetitive house was, there was some good episodes but it was not worth waiting for them.

That episode was so damn creepy. Maximum spook

t-there is still hope

It is miles better lmao
