Why do plebs hate this movie so much but eat up marvel movies? This is better than every single marvel movie combined
Why do plebs hate this movie so much but eat up marvel movies? This is better than every single marvel movie combined
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Star Wars "fans" can't handle change in a 40 years old franchise or something. I dunno. The movie was fine.
Plebs love this movie, though. I think you're confusing plebs with people who watch those 2 hour star wars video essays on youtube.
Imagine the reaction of christians if in the bible 2 jesus beats up babies and says "god doesn't exist" while sucking on a camel's cock.
I have no idea what that means.
i hate marvel movies too. This movie isnt pleb filter its just garbage
Both are shit for man-children. The message of this movie is allegedly "Let old things die" yet they can't let this tired franchise fucking go.
Because it was fucking awful
It was shit except for Kylo's scenes but crying about it daily a year later is a bit much.
If it's so terrible, why did most critics like it? And don't say "paid shills" because you know that's bullshit.
I love Reylo xD
Literally paid shills
It was made by incompetent people.
I was rewatching the scenes today, some of the ideas were cool, maybe as a standalone movie it's great. But as a star wars movie it just isn't up to par, and as part of a trilogy it ruined everything the first one up
it means he gets results you stupid chief.
its just because critics are hacks they dont need to be paid to be awful
I don't mean 'great' great, I mean not complete trash. The planet where the surface turned red when it got tore up was cool for example
gyno goblin
mmmm salt
>Star Wars or capeshit gets bad reviews
>OH NO NO NO JUST based critics!!!!
>Star Wars or capeshit gets good reviews
>i-it doesn't count they are paid shills and jews!!!!
I have never said based critics in my life
critics are the jannies of the film industry
>If it's so terrible, why did most critics like it?
Critics suck.
>the eternal marvelnigger with no brain found
Holy shit the fact that you actually compared that shit to the bible 2 proves you literally are a fucking brainlet and cant into cinema at all
>plebs love this movie
The only plebs are the ones seething about it all over the internet.
was not a mistake
Audiences literally eat shit all day and praise it, audiences are far worse and the reason that garbage like the force awakens and rogue one was praised to begin with because it hit the nostalgia buttons while not being actual films
Audiences loved that shitty Venom movie for fucks sake that at least critics had the decency to pan, audiences loved the new aladdin movie too and it was pretty fucking terrible lad
Yeah the press are totally trustworthy and not pushing an agenda . Nu Wars is actually great and anyone that doesn't like it is a problematic sexist asshole.
It's the most well directed star wars movie there has been so far.
>Audiences literally eat shit all day and praise it
Yet they still didn't like Last Jedi, what does that tell you?
>nuwars is actually great
Nobody said that you fat fucking freak
Only Rian Johnsons entry is kino, all the other disney war movies are shit. Rian Johnson did gods works and he's actually getting a trilogy the mad lad.
>Yet they still didn't like Last Jedi, what does that tell you?
>Yet they still didn't like ______
Anything they don't like is guaranteed good, are you new to this planet?
You're probably just trolling or stupid or both but whatever, People dislike it for being bad in and of itself as well as stealing the thunder from the movies that were good.
What if in bible 3 they bring back Adam and Eve and they will be wearing apple armor and ride giant snakes
> People dislike it for being bad
>The press and critics liked something I didn't, therefore there's an evil agenda
>Anything they don't like is guaranteed good, are you new to this planet?
Spoken like a true contrarian. You'll fit right in here, chief.
No it's not.
>ignores the pic proving the agenda
Yep it's a shill
So you're a fucking cuck to people who actually
1) still watch and praise the oscars when they are garbage
2) still watch and praise marvel movies when they are garbage
Thanks for showing us your high IQ. Audiences have been absolute retards since 2012 because the world is full of fucking mutts
What a weak fucking bait.
Nu LucasFilm and Marvel are part of the same company and they are praised by the same morons.
>I have no arguments, so I'll just throw out a buzzword
Yes it literally is better than every single marvel movies combined times 100. Sorry to ruin your precious life by telling you that the MCU is that fucking terrible but it really is.
>I wish Star Wars was more like Marvel I hate Rian Johnson
I've seen variations of this comment online legitimately 20 times, you actually underestimate capeshitters and are naive to this entire situation we have going on
>times 100
Who actually talks like this
But that's incorrect.
>But that's incorrect
If it was you would have given one tiny little reason as to why and you couldn't, the marvel films are fucking horrible of course Rian Johnson kino is better, watch more films.
Someone who is trying to give you some scale
No, I can just accept that if I didn't like a movie and neither did the general audience, I don't have to go against my own and public opinion just to pretend I have a personality.
I'm pretty sure I gave a better argument than you have.
I'd watch Disney's cinematic bible universe.
I'm sorry you're a flaming retard and don't understand that plebs constantly trash the kino entries of big series for over a decade now. its like pottery
you are all so fucking stupid as to defend the prequels solely because of faggots irrationally hating on them and you can't even see they do the same shit for the last jedi which ironically enough is kino just like them
He did God's work by destroying a franchise and costing Disney billions in future revenue? Agreed.
You didn't even give an argument because you're a braindead marvelshitter. Go pop in John Wick 3 and Avengers Endgame, buddy.
He did gods work by making kino like Lucas and making the fans really fucking upset, yes. And he's getting his own trilogy now to bootyblast star wars manchildren even more.
Where did I bash the prequels? Why do you always have to go against the public opinion? Did your parents not give you enough attention when you were a kid?
This. Hating Johnson is foolish, his hilarious disasterfest of a movie probably killed nuwars singlehandedly. Egg on the mouse's face. It also sent the people pleb enough to still care after TFA into a seething frenzy. TLJ is based.
>ignores the arguments
Yep it's a shill
>Why do you always have to go against the public opinion?
I dont, it just turns out that Star Wars fans are mostly retards who want the same stupid bing bing death star movie and have actually trashed great entries to their series then wonder why no directors want to touch their cancer fanbase except Rian Johnson who lives off tears of the weak.
I dont always go against public opinion, but i have zero fucking allegiance to them as should you, they praise dogshit many times and then trash good things many times, too many, too often.
>have actually trashed great entries to their series
There have never been great entries in Star Wars series. Grow up.
Change is neither good or bad by default.
The writing was terrible for the second act of a trilogy its that simple.
Like I said, better argument than yours.
>there have never been great entries in star wars series. grow up.
You should grow up actually buddy, calling everything shit is the biggest red flag that you're a fucking psuedo pleb faggot who needs to have sex
The great star wars entries are in fact
>Empire Strikes Back
>Revenge of the Sith
>The Last Jedi
the best movies from each trilogy
Don't you guys get tired of discussing the same shit all the time?
>The great star wars entries are in fact
>>Empire Strikes Back
>>Revenge of the Sith
>>The Last Jedi
Sure thing, kiddo.
>doesnt deny he's a marvelfag
Kek sit down already
Oh hi Rian
>no original thought present: the post
based incel
We'll most likely be seeing more shill threads since JJ Abrahams focus group written turd is coming out in about a month.
rumors go they got six cuts and cant lock down on anything because nothing works with the test groups
You've been filtered
Marvel movies are just as awful as TLJ, its just marvel has always been shit but star wars used to be good until disney marvelized it. TLJ is still one of the worst scripts that ever made it to the big screen though
>TLJ is still one of the worst scripts that ever made it to the big screen though
>rewind 5 years
>RLM: The prequels are the worst scripts that have ever made it to the big screen
wow thanks for your insight pleb
He's even holding it wrong. Is there anything he can do right?
Look at this low energy filter fag
Ironic how rey isnt particularly interesting to audiences
Go to sleep Rian. Your film is trash
Prequels scripts were cringe and embarrassing given the resources lucas had. The fact that Disney managed to do worse its the real issue here
>marvel has always been shit
the first IronMan was great and it's still their best movie to date.
The decline began after Disney bought them.
It was just that the quality drop was less abrupt than it happened with Star Wars after the Disney buyout.
>disney managed to do worse
Yes with Rogue One and Solo and the Force Awakens
Not with the last jedi which literally filtered all the plebs that loved one of or all of those shitty non Rian entries
I guess you ran out of things to say huh buddy
Could it have been saved with some major rewrites or did TFA shit the bed too hard for the trilogy to be saved?
Wow Ruin Johnson really painted them into a corner and Mystery Box Abrahmson isn't really that great of a writer. Poor devil.
>rewriting organic kino
It shouldnt have been a soft reboot. That was their first mistake
>it ruined everything the first one up
Maybe what the first movie set up deserved to be ruined. Who actually thought it was a good idea to have Rey be Luke's daughter? Who actually thought Snoke was a good villain?
Rian Johnson is LITERALLY the only director besides George Lucas who was given full control to write, direct and edit his own Star Wars film. And it shows because the movie has feelings and mise-en scene and tone that has never before been injected into the movies, like a breath of fresh air, Rian Johnson was sent to the heavens to grace true Star Wars fans and quench their hunger for more inspired tales.
"Your Snoke theory sucks" is a funny neme but I can't believe söyboys actually got offended by it.
You are right and you should say it. It's not grate but still better than murval
>isn't really that great of a writer
this is why he got a great writer on board of such classics as Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice and Justice league!
Why are you quoting antithesis of antagonist, when Luke proved Kylo was wrong?
one of the biggest flaws of TFA is that it failed to set up the world post ROTJ
It could, TFA was shit but left a lot of open doors. Rian just took a massive shit in every single one of them resulting in the worst Star Wars movie to date and the death of the franchise
>lets throw a random "mise-en scene" in and hope nobody notices i don't know what i'm talking about.
To be fair the storygroup would have theoretically been in charge to sort out rians mess but since its now filled with mutt womyn only who never saw star wars in their life that shit went out of the window
>The message of this movie is allegedly "Let old things die"
That's the dramatic message the antagonist projects
Luke literally dies in the most pure jedi death since Obi-Wan
You never actually cared about or understood star wars
Keep spouting absurdities. Someone's bound to agree with you eventually.
What did it ruin exactly? What was good in TFA that ruining it ruined a franchise?
Chances of a coherent trilogy
>random "mise-en scene" in
So your eyes and brain do not work? Because Rian has distinct mise-en scene style and in fact different kinds of it that are shown throughout his film and which are impressive.
>"I like to eat shit"
"that's stupid"
>"Wow, no original thought detected, everyone says that."
Keep posting numale mediacuck screencaps because you can't actually comprehend the filmmaking terms I presented in my thought out post.
You literally don't know a thing about film, just stick to marvel.
I'd rather he die early.
Batman vs Superman? Yeesh it's going to be hot garbage for sure then .
I don't think he meant TLJ ruined things TFA did right, i guess he meant TLJ ruined things TFA didn't, like:
>Space fights
But just look at what you have posted in this thread, I don't really need to say any more.
It's true, all of it.
>look at all the plebs you've triggered in this thread
>TFA left a lot of open doors
No it didn't. There's nothing inside those mystery boxes but shit. Try actually coming up with a sequel and you'll see that.
These videos do an alright job of expounding on this:
>inb4 nigger
Yes i especially liked the scene where 3 main characters clumped together around a sci-fi tv set watching maz katana fly a jetpack. Or how every single encounter was in the most literal sense face to face, or exactly head on. Such genius!
>lack of diversity on tv can push people towards ISIS
by that logic they shouldnt be surprised when forced diversity pushes people towards national socialism
Thanks for proving that only retards hate on the last jedi
You sound hurt
TFA was the one that made Luke a draft-dodger. TLJ was left to explain why.
Snoke is bad and never should have existed.
Fucking kill yourself nigger nu was has been irredeemable since tfa.
That red throne room scene has to be the worst action scene ever made, what were they thinking?
>Rian just took a massive shit in every single one of them (the shit garbage set up in the force awakens)
Absolutely based and it resulted in one of the best Star Wars movies to date!
he had no reason to die doing what he did.
Bullshit, Rian worked close with a storygroup (tell me, how many of them are a woman you probably know) It was hack JJ who did TFA only with a help of bad robot staff.
Lucas' original VII script/treatment had Luke exiled on an island because of a jedi killer than massacred his temple and a girl shows up
Looks like you lost
It was the same recycled shit from 40 years ago you fucking mong mate, it's a shitty Star Wars film *worse than ATOC* and a shitty sci-fi film
people who like this trash need a full lobotomy
>who hurt you sweetie?
Not an argument, also dilate
I don't know if you are trolling, I still enjoy how "true fans" get worked up, sad and emotional over what you say. Keep up a gods work, may the God and Savior Rian bless you!
You goofed up with your mise-en scene bullshit and it proves you don't understand what it means at all. He has a point and you are too triggered to admit it. Stay salty
>he had no reason to die doing what he did.
He literally force projected himself billions of miles away
"you're not doing this the effort would kill you" - foreshadowing in the last jedi
He sacrificed himself because rey took the falcon and he had no way to get off of his planet or even find them in time so he had to mentally go fuck with kylo
it was based and actually kino
TLJ was so bad even normies didnt like it
>maz katana fly a jetpack.
That was the worst shit.
Attack of the Clones and The Last Jedi are the most ambitious Star Wars films and you are anti-art and a pure, stone cold, IMDB-plebbor.
>TLJ was so good it proved that audiences in the modern era can't into kino and I defend them when they like trash movies like Venom
FTFY you are NPC
>"you're not doing this the effort would kill you" - foreshadowing in the last jedi
Nu wars lore
It is coherent if you pay attention to the details
Is this your retort?
Oh right sorry. It is coherently bad.
aside a few scenes it's still a bad film mate, nothing's going to change that, TLJ's shit you find at the bottom of dvd bins, it's only as highly rated as it is because it's got STAAAR WAAAARS on it, otherwise it wouldn't be selling, Ryan doesn't make good films, he makes disappointments.
Funny how you never see any actual criticism of it on this board. It's always "it's shit", "you're retarded if you like it" and "mouse shills". Sounds a lot like butthurt to me.
No its fucking garbage actually
You just proved him right you idiot
almost as good as the people who cant explain why its good and just about people not liking change
nothing in tfa made any sense, and tlj was the same, all nu wars is faggot shit.
I know Rian hurt and destroyed you childhood and you will to live
The casino arc is enough to make this one of the worst star wars film
all criticism can already be found on youtube, everyone and their gran has something awful to say about the film and this place is an echo chamber half the time you're talking to the wall because mousecucks are off circle jerking to reylo porn
It was a redirecting scene with one of the best jokes for adults
There's literally nothing wrong the with casino segment and i just watched TLJ the other day for about the 30th or 35th time. They leave the casino planet by the 1 hour 6 minute mark or something in a 2 and a half hour movie.
>TLJ whining thread
>Off to the bump limit at record speed
Does anything new ever come up in this thread or is it just the same circle jerking over how terrible it is?
>you childhood and you will to live
Fuck off ESL shill
>the other day for about the 30th or 35th time
now thats sad
Maybe we're all wrong and Ruin Johnson is actually the most creative, intelligent person in the world who has achieved a higher understanding of storytelling.
It would have died off bur the reylos jumped in to harvest yous
>30th or 35th time
They're both bottom of the barrel shit but you raise a good question. The answer is popularity and expectations.
On one hand, people keep expecting Star Wars movies to leave the imprint they left when they were kids and watched the OT or the PT. Turns out, they're old and something aimed at juvenile audience doesn't do the trick anymore without the nostalgia. They're let down, same thing happened with the PT when they came out, especially with TPP.
On the other hand, Marvel movies are for people with terribly low expectations and jumping on the Marvel train is popular among the normie crowd. Also, hating on modern Star Wars, both the ST and the PT, is popular too. Though to be fair, the ST is horrendous and worse than the PT.
>I didn't like it, marvel loving audience didn't like it
>it must be a garbage!
>you goofed up with your mise-en scene bullshit
No I didn't The Last Jedi has clear spatial awareness, beautiful visuals and proxemics and a director who knows exactly how to edit things consecutively and therefore how to film them to make any scene have a certain tone or atmosphere.
Shills stick to their script and TLJ is still a piece of shit so same old same old
its actually amazing that if you search for the last jedi in youtube theres dozens of videos critiquing and analysing the movie
I can't say. It's such a milquetoast film I can't imagine anyone getting worked up by it, in either a positive or negative sense. Like, it's ok. Does some things well, does some things poorly. Whatever.
Have relations
No the best joke was "yo moma"
No, women have shit taste in film
Gender swapped Star Wars is a lot like this fiasco. Made in ignorance of what made the original great.
No they don't sweetie, men are literally cancer video game playing NEETS who gobble down sugar and pay for capeshit every day
It's true though, the real hack is JJ
Wanna know how I know you're virginal?
Ruin Johnson agrees.
Oh, so now TFA is bad but still should be followed for COHERENCY! Sorry, intelligent I can't follow this this brain gymnastics
The Force is feminist.
asking wrong person pal, I know a bad movie when I see one.
Don't give up on your life! it's just a movie, Rian can't get you in real life
Is this movie going to under perform? Perhaps.
>posts numale /pol/ meme man
>i know a bad movie when i see one
Doubt it you fucking basic bitch retard
I know, shame he got Solo and Galaxy's Edge LMFAO
Have you ever seen any of OT films?
>Jokes there are not cringy to me because of nostalgia, I will never admit it "you mama" hurt my intelligence and killed star wars!
Shill harder.
not according to that scene where that bitch dropped the detonator
Because critics want to rate Marvel movies higher so that they appeal to a wider audience of awful Marvel fans for them sweet clicks. They miscalculated how bad TLJ was going to be received.
Also some are just bad.
>doubles down and uses /pol/ buzzword
Basic bitch retard
nobody is being a shill by saying a movie thats two years old is good in the same breath as saying rogue one, solo and the force awakens are shit
You mean that kino shot of letting that detonator drop as long as possible infront of her and cutting to her catching it?
it's going to flop because reylos wont pay for shit
Sounds kino tbphwyf
I wouldn't handle "change" either if I changed from a healthy person to someone who gets gangrene on his leg and has it amputated.
>using "Buzzwords" unironically
You going to stat calling the board nazis again?
What's his damage, for real.
Capeshit actually tries to be good. Sometimes it even succeeds.
If there's even a chance of reylo they'll all be there opening night.
>This is better than every single marvel movie combined
Imagine having a bar this low.
MCU is bottom of the barrel trash.
TLJ does indeed make TFA bad just like adding a turd on a pizza.
>Capeshit actually tries to be good
How can people say Rey is not a Mary Sue when the entire universe apparently revolves around her
Were there jokes in the OT?
>it's a low bar to say 1 star wars movie that people supposedly hate is better than 25 total MCU flicks from a shit franchise that people love
no, they just make a big fuss online, next year they'll be back to shipping harry potter
Do you actually know any of them? They're pretty fucking serious about it.
there was humor, not gags.
As autistic as this is going to sound, the Star Wars fanbase has higher standards in regards to quality than those who like MCU.
George was an art-film director turned into an innovator for blockbusters. His SW films always had a type of ingenuity and intelligent design, which put them above most generic crappy b-movie entertainment.
That's what you get when you don't let Rian Johnson finish the trilogy. Good thing he's at least confirmed to get his entire trilogy now to fuck around with
Thats the main difference. Star wars never was comedy. Somehow people now expect movies to make them laugh. Where did it all go wrong?
The Rise of Skywalker has to be one of the most retarded tited I've ever heard. It feels so awkward to say.
>the Star Wars fanbase has higher standards
If they did, they would be praising the last jedi as it's actually fucking good
Rian Johnson was an art-film director turned into a Star Wars blockbuster destroyer. His SW film has a type of ingenuity and intelligent design, which puts it above most generic crappy b movie MCU entertainment
Yoink . This is going in my star wars folder.
They wanted to title it Rise of the Skywalker but then its abbreviation would be the same as Revenge of the Sith.
Han Solo saying "boring conversation anyways" when he shoots the intercom?
In every single scene where they're supposed to be in danger, C-3PO is piping up with jokes as the "comic relief"?
"Get in the garbage chute, flyboy!"
"Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell!"
“laugh it up fuzz ball”
"Would someone please get this walking carpet out of my way?"
"What an incredible smell you've discovered!"
"We're all gonna be a lot thinner..."
"Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough!"
You slept when Luke met Yoda?
Just say you have never seen OT and just are on a bandwagon.
>These are jokes therefore they are cringy because you called TLJ's jokes cringy!!!
The desperate state of shills.
If you actually think this is on the same level as a yo mama joke you should get your head checked
they spent more time telling the old fans to fuck themselves then going back to watch the movie, they'll have a hissy fit when gyno ren dies and then pretend they never cared in the first place. Even if they all went to see it 20 times they still wouldn't replace the revenue from the old fans.
>Bringing boytong to show he is sad he is not a jedi main lead
Finn was already ruined it TFA when he refused to kill but later joyfully shot his ex mates while wohooing.
It's literally the same exact shit
You are a fucking idiots delight who got filtered by a meta joke
>they did, they would be praising the last jedi as it's actually fucking good
Prove it
>It's literally the same exact shit
user your autism is showing again
Convenient. J. J. Abrams will never be brought to justice.
>It's literally the same exact shit because I say so
The state of shills.
Who cares what plebs think.
>movie not in trouble
Not even hiding the shilling
Is this just blindness from nostalgy or autism?
>this joke isn't a joke like these other jokes because I say so mommy
>revenue from the old fans.
They will die soon anyway
>this is exactly the same as a yo mama joke because I say so
The state of shills.
Reminder there were no reshoots in The Last Jedi because Rian Johnson is actually a filmmaker
Well it be dogshit-tier like The Last Jedi or passable but still forgettable meh-tier like Rogue One?
>Why do plebs hate this movie so much but eat up marvel movies? This is better than every single marvel movie combined
it's not stupid enough for them.
t. Psuedo-Intellect who believes his opinion=objective fact
The most hollywood is producing garbage and is filled with pedos.
I'm happy they are mad
You're a fucking pleb and probably a mutt who watching netflix trash like stranger things so you will love it.
It won't be 1/1000000th as good as the last jedi
john fav is a literal no talent jew hack
>audiences are far worse
>believing in yourself
>trusting millions of mutts that get marvel trashheaps to win oscars
Audiences literally praised black panther and lady bird and blackklansman and get out and mad max reddit road as well
you're proving me right. critics and audiences are both the exact same cancer and their overall opinions as an aggregate never matter
Sounds like you don't believe in yourself
who's that? he looks cute
>People can see that dumb and cringy humor was always part of sw, they must be shills!
>I as a true fan know it was really funny! not because I was not a bolding adult at the time of watching it.
>I didn't laugh! it means jokes in TLJ ruined whole franchise.
It's very entertaining interacting with people like you
>OT jokes are just like ST jokes because I say so, here's more green text because I say so
The state of shills.
and he gave no dam to "what audience thinks!" dude is a true based filmmaker, sw fans don't deserve him, but I guess as long as he makes them miserable he can waist his time on it
Oh but I do and then I put 2 and 2 together and realized that Star Wars "core" fans should never be pandered to nor should their wants or wishes ever be taken into consideration by the filmmakers
because that's the only way you get good films like empire strikes back in teh first place, nobody was trying to pander to those who liked the first film, it was a different flick
Kids who grew up with the prequels were born in the 90s, kids who grew up with the ot have a good 30-40 years left.
>Yoda acting like a child to test luke justifies all nuwars characters to act like children
Ok kiddo
>all nuwars characters act like children
>Oh but I do
That doesn't sound like you believe in yourself
>dumb and cringy humor was always part of sw
TLJ was the first time they used mcu/whedon type quips. They want the funko pop audience.
All nu wars is faggot shit.
>Yikes, he's right that all nuwars characters act like children
>I'm right because I'm!
The state of white bolding demographic working in a dead end job.
Now I feel bad for reminding you the pain TLJ brought you.
Pretty much all of the directors working on Disney Wars are hacks though? I just want to know if this'll be the final nail in the coffin for this dying franchise. The sequels were a disaster, Solo bombed, the games will be ruined as long as their in EA's hands and their theme park is flopping hard, so TV shit is the now thing they have left going for them.
responding to your own post with your phone doesn't make you two different people
You're actually fucking delusional and a numemeing sack of shit.
>oooooo icky icky goooo
>hello there!
>be careful not to choke on your ambitions
>Pretty much all of the directors working on Disney Wars are hacks though?
Yes besides Rian Johnson
He's getting his entire trilogy
Why are you still watching television and streaming it's all fucking muttdogshit it's not even going to be 1/10 as good as solo and solo was pretty shitty
>the games will be ruined as long as their in EA's hands
Fallen Order looks unironically good
Don't cry, everyone thinks your desperation is hilarious, shill.
Yes but it's EA, they'll find a way to fuck it up; they always do.
Yeah Rian, he's the delusional one while you're even more delusional.
>hello there!
arguably an MCU type quip but it happens before the drama begins so it isn't.
>be careful not to choke on your ambitions
RO is a bad movie.
Jesus fucking christ how is that even real
even if you were right and the comedy was foreign, it being foreign and different doesnt make it bad, yes even the yo momma joke and freshly squeezed blue titty milk was better tone and filmmaking than most blockbusters this decade
>Don't cry, everyone thinks your desperation is hilarious
Where did this came from? poor thing is projecting. OMG are you really crying right now? pls call suicide prevention hotline!
To be honest I wish I were payed for making sw fans sad.
RO came out before TLJ and so did the prequels which had tons of quips
>Being that desperate to shill TLJ by saying it's better than most blockbusters
The state of shills. Or maybe it is Rian Johnson.
>To be honest I wish I were payed for making sw fans sad.
Well you wouldn't be because you're doing a bad job trying to make SW fans sad. More like laughing at your incompetence and compulsions.
>saying it's better than most blockbusters
But I didn't I said it was better than most blockbuster THIS decade
Learn to read
george wasn't really subtle with this stuff either.
Go rewatch endgame and cry at Tony's death
the pacing is bad, the script is a mess, but mainly it's just boring. it's too bad because there are sparks of creativity in it.
You're saying that RO is better than TLJ?
>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was DC FANS!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was INCELS!
>"People hated Empire back then, too!"
>"Dividing the fanbase was intentional!"
>"It did something DIFFERENT!!!"
>"I love how it subverted expectations!"
>"It made me rethink my views on life!"
>"It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It was an 'intellectual' film!"
>"It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It was expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!"
>"China doesn't matter anyway!"
>"B-but muh sexist MRA cut!"
>"It makes some old white men angry online, but they're always angry anyway."
This is the most damage controlled Star Wars movie, let alone the most damage controlled movie of any genre in recent history, that I've ever seen in my life thus far. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It was a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's nu-Wars was made to pander to SJWs/baizuo and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.
You said that it was better than most blockbuster THIS decade? So you're saying that it's better than one blockbuster? That's still overestimation.
No it was death star flick number 4 compared to an original kino
>RO came out before TLJ and so did the prequels which had tons of quips
I haven't watched RO, only clips and that was enough. If it was as quiperiffic as TLJ I would have seen the memes.
The stuff in the prequels is not MCU quips, the fight with Darth Maul isn't interspersed with Obi Wan making jokes about his red/black tattoos.
I don't need to, watching you cry over how much everyone else hates TLJ and trying to pretend you're different people is hilarious.
You're saying they're both equally terrible? I agree.
So you don't watch films or you're a fucking xshitter dcshitter or marvelshitter? Which is it?
>The stuff in the prequels is not MCU quips
kek dude please stop
>no quips in RO
>the robot is quipping in every scene besides him getting killed
Personally I find entertaining how sw fans like you behave.
I'm happy you are laughing and are not suicidal, I don't want your death on my karma.
Neither, I watch films. Maybe if you watched more films instead of watching TLJ you would be able to fool people.
>Always a pleasure to meet a jedi
>Now THIS is podracing
>Ooooh icky icky goo!
>Hello there!
>You were right about one thing master, the negotiations WERE short
>holding for General Hugs
Damn TLJ haters are actually fucking insane
these aren't really MCU quips.
it's george trying to establish arrogance.
Yeah, more like it's entertaining how you can't even defend TLJ competently.
>these quips that are establishing arrogance in a quip form aren't really quips
>Damn TLJ haters are actually fucking insane
It's only one person, and it's the same person trying to spam TLJ defense posts in Star Wars threads. He gets easily angry though.
>watching you cry over how much everyone else hates TLJ
Hmm, I think you are projecting, it seems you are the one who has nay value in what majority thinks or likes.
>trying to pretend you're different people is hilarious.
I guess there are the others like me who enjoy sw butthurt fans outbursts.
>I watch films
If you did you wouldn't hate the last jedi like flick lovers
Another thread on its way to bump limit!
>I don't know what a quip is
The state of TLJ shills.
This, Star Wars was always heavily political.
The problem nu-Star Wars' political messaging is that it's horribly written and more or less exists just to make an empty statement to fulfill a PoC quota, but with no real meaningful content to back it up. If anything, most of the themes and messages are handled in such a fucking horrible way that their inclusion does more damage to the stories and the characters as a whole.
And it doesn't help that political themes are so fucking volatile and one-sided in today's world either.
>I guess there are the others like me who enjoy sw butthurt fans outbursts.
Yeah, you mean your computer and your mobile device.
>Hands up Jedi
-Battle droid from the prequels
Stop, you'll anger the TLJ shill.
>I still don't know what a quip is
The desperation of TLJ shills.
Well done! TLJ is indeed similar to the prequels. You are starting to see.
So a TLJ shill proves that TLJ is worse than every MCU film. What just happened?
It's dumb to defend something to change someones opinion (why would some user matter so much?) but getting on peoples nerves and enjoying their reactions is different business.
>atypical staging, writing, delivery, emotions
>great sound editing and editing
You're right
Name your top 10 films and top 10 directors
With that Gungan thing they're trying to "fix" the "problem" George created.
It all falls into place. TLJ caters prequel fags. TFA caters OT fags. We can all rejoice!
Fuck off Rian
knowing it's not true and realizing how much you believe that only one person on this planet can laugh at sw fans is not really funny, it tells me you don't interact with people in real world and form your worldview from here...
TLJ is prequelesque mixed with a little ESB and ROTJ, no idea why people hate it so much.
Yeah it's really funny how you're still in denial.
When will we get film done by christmas special fags?
>google "last jedi reshoots"
>Reminder there were no reshoots in The Last Jedi
confirmed TLJ shill!
All of them except for The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, JJ Abrams, and Rian Johnson
Do you think the TLJ shill is just a TLJ shill or is it someone from Lucasfilm or maybe Rian himself?
Tell me one change or a scene from TLJ that isn't a rehash from the OT.
You sound like you're doing all the crying for this thread, TLJ shill.
I have never noticed he had a blue eyes. One more reason to love him
It's just some bored fuck baiting the thread for (yous.)
So just like everyone else in the thread?
He's a bored neet just like us and we keep eachother busy so that we can get through the day without realizing how hollow and meaningless our existence really is.
Some are trying to have real disbussions but yeah, mostly everyone's just baiting. That's all this shithole board is good for now, anyway.
>there is only one person who likes The Last jedi mommy
>Brick = masterpiece
>Looper = pretty good
>The Last Jedi = masterpiece
>TLJ shill uses a tweet from Rian as evidence
Sounds like he's the only person in this thread that "likes" TLJ.
That headline. Was this before Solo completely bombed and they cancelled all their spinoff movies?
It says Feb 19, 2019. After Solo bombed at the box office.
Clickbait shills like those movies? That sure explains a lot!
Nobody wanted Solo in the first place
Rian is getting his trilogy.
It's not good though.
Being subversive for the sake of being subversive does not equate to narrative value. Rey's parents could have just as easily never have come up again, given what Maz told her in the last film. The only value there was in explaining who they are/were is by extension explaining why her connection to the Force is so strong, so to bring it up again only to tell the viewer they were nobody in particular is asinine. As an aside, DJ fits the description Kylo gives of Rey's parents almost to a T, so the film misses a perfect opportunity to build narrative cohesion just to aggravate the viewer.
Furthermore, the entirety of the Canto Bight segment feels like it's from a completely different film. Please do not bring up Tattooine from The Phantom Menace, as I have seen on more than one occasion people point to Tattoine as an absolute low point for that movie. Canto Bight should have been truncated.
Luke is dramatically out of character. It isn't J.J. Abrams fault either.
>Luke continues to overlook Kylo's tendency toward the Dark Side because he believes in him like he believed in his father.
>Kylo Ren kills all of Luke's other students because he couldn't be helped.
>Luke's passivity ruined Leia and Han's son and robbed him of pupils he had come to think of as his own children.
>In shame, Luke retreats into exile.
There, I put Luke back on the island in the same exact narrative position he was at the beginning of the film, and I did it without humiliating one of cinema's greatest heroes by turning him away from the central tenets of his character.
The Last Jedi is full of holes. It's a genuinely bad movie on every conceivable level.
>Being subversive for the sake of being subversive
That's not what Rian does and this is the most elementary critique and framing point possible
So he's being subversive for the sake of being subversive.
That's right. Just ignore the fact that people got insulted by TLJ and decided to boycot anything Star Wars related. Ignore the fact that JJ is now juggling 6 endings to the movie that needs to fix the franchise. Ignore the fact that they are backpedaling on nearly everything disney said to their fanbase prior to TLJ.
>nobody wanted solo so who cares
kek you are delusional
>kek you are delusional
He keeps trying to shill Rian and TLJ in these threads and you're only figuring that out now?
It sure seems like that's what he was doing and it sure seems like that's why the people who enjoy TLJ enjoy it. I'm basing this stance off of the movie, his interview where he talked about the kind of movie he wanted to make, and the fan based reception.
>This is the most elementary critique and framing point possible.
I disagree, but it's not like I stopped there. I guess you stopped reading there though, so that's okay.
That's right just ignore the facts that
1. nobody wanted a fucking solo movie
2. nobody wanted a fucking young solo movie
3. nobody wanted a fucking manlet solo movie
4. nobody wanted solo without harrison ford
5. they fired the fucking directors and reshot the film
6. they hired ron howard a fucking hack to reshoot the movie
7. they let some nigger who can't even light sets properly fuck up the entire look of their film
But keep blaming Rian, Ron
Lukes arc in the last jedi doesn't subvert anything he literally acts like a hero against an army and is shown afterwards being talked about by children in legendary tales
Calm down, Rian
Too many death sticks
Go see Knives Out! in theaters everywhere November 25th
What if Rian Johnson made a sequel to Backstroke of the West?
The truth is you're both right. Rian did alienate a lot of people from the Star Wars fanbase, but Solo bombing doesn't mean much because nobody liked that movie in the first place.
Also, it came out like six months later. Although it's worth noting Far From Home came out two months after Endgame and still performed well.
Luke Skywalker is an almost completely different character in The Last Jedi. His reasons for being in exile are abominable. His pitiful last stand against the First Order doesn't negate how he's presented in the rest of the film.
He thinks Solo actually underperformed because of this
What is this?
TFA and TLJ are equally bad
Well, there goes my sleep.
Plebs like the MCUck and/or shit wars. They both suck.