What are things that movies have taught you?

What are things that movies have taught you?

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American Psycho taught me to be conscious of my role in the world.

all sjw are psychos
based movie


i'd rather emulate the serial killing than the metrosexuality

facial masks are bad for your skin though

girlfriends aren't real

People seen sitting alone and staring into space in public are perceived as being weird by normalfags.
Now I have my earphones in at least.

How do you clear your pores then?


Fucking so would everybody but no no no we civilized now


I actually take good care of my skin as an adult because I was a pizza faced teen and my mom taught me to pop my zits and put rubbing alcohol on my acne.

most men don't break out because they don't cake on pounds of chemicals everyday to hide how they really look. bet.

Doesnt that shit clog your pores?

>use skin care products to fix your skin that's been ruined by using skin care products

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I started using my girlfriends moisturizer on my face and legs and now she enjoys rubbing her hands across them when she dresses me up for our sissyfication roleplay

clear your pores? for what? i never washed my face outside of highschool, and every time i did, the likelihood of me getting a pimple skyrocketed vs just leaving it. i never wash my face, and i never have pimples.

I don’t have to fuss over skin care like niggers do.

ITT: dirty filth-encrusted anons with blackheads the size of dimes.

t. woman or gay "man"

how to eye contact cut to sex

It's manly to be clean, user.

Doesn't that dry the skin?
I don't use soap. Warm water and pat drying.


The fuck it is.

>wow you have such great skin I bet you don’t do anything to it hahahaha
>yeah products usually hurt your skin more than they help it
Why do women get so mad when you tell them the truth?

So do all niggers follow eachother and like every "Yass Queen" statement made by other niggers?

What the fuck is this ape saying?

what does bet mean

yes, black twitter is fucking hilarious, but not in the way they think it is


It's called a "twitter joke" you make a quirky yet aggressive take on something in the hopes of getting likes.

You know humans aren't designed to need modern products just to maintain ourselves right? There are no facial masks in nature. If you're not a greasy fuck who eats fast food every day your pores should be clear enough on their own.

Black Entertainment Television

What are some BET kinos?

That award show they do every year has at least 2-3 fights guaranteed and even some drive by shootings.

That's fucking retarded.
Might as well never take medicine or do anything modern for your health operating under that logic.

Better not clip your toe nails either as nature didnt provide us with nail clippers

I understand that, the problem is there are a bunch of random words in a seemingly random order, with questionable punctuation and none of it makes sense.

I haven't washed my face since 96 and I have no breakouts my shit is perfect.

That's not necessarily true. Humans naturally move a lot, sweat, and this increases the odds of acne.

Unless you're by a natural water source and clean yourself daily, ancient humans most likely had bad skin.

Cleanliness is next to godliness, heathen.

god is a pussy bitch. if being dirty means I am closer to the devil then I will be the dirtiest man alive

I found a video on you. youtube.com/watch?v=tBWaNH4jiwY

>implying that the Devil likes to be unclean

the devil is the polar opposite of god

Okay so how the fuck do I get rid of the black deposits in my nose pores?

Didnt you read?
You just exist as a human and they go away according to anons itt

but I'm 25 and they never went away.
Shower every day, eat well and got fit so my nose pores are pretty much the only problem I have left.

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The hell is this nigress even saying?

Dude just go back in time before skin care products
You're like a caveman bro
It's just nature

Untrue. Not saying the Devil is good, nor am I suggesting that God is bad, but I am saying some things are universal.

Carefully squeeze them out. Good luck.

False, I met the devil and he was a very dirty being

It's just natural oil, it's no big deal everyone has them. Unless they are actually blackheads in which case go to a dermatologist.

Your pores clean themselves. Just get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Most people with shitty skin don't get enough sleep.

cool story bro

>the most beautiful angel ever created is dirty

Nigga have you met the devil? no. I have though. He is dirty

When did you met trump?

>Your pores clean themselves
They do not, why lie, user? Blackheads are simply the top of sebum piles in your pores that turn black because they oxidized when exposed to the air. Squeeze them out. You can do your whole nose in a day or two at the most. Swelling will happen, but squeezing works.

Oh dear...
I always thought that the Devil would be a better speaker and able to deceive the smartest people.

>You know humans aren't designed to need modern products just to maintain ourselves right? There are no facial masks in nature. If you're not a greasy fuck who eats fast food every day your pores should be clear enough on their own.
I guarantee you smell bad even if you don't think you do.

I've tried this before but I've always quit before making much progress because it hurts sometimes and I'm afraid of scarring.
Maybe I should just ask a dermatologist's opinion.
I hate going to doctors for that stuff though, makes me feel guilty for being vain.

Imagine lying on your death bed and remembering about the time you spent on facial care routines, then remembering it wasn't a factor in any of your achievements.
Even worse, imagine dying and not realizing any of this.

Coffee grounds

every time i ever flipped to BET it was some black drama show, or some talk show. so ehh.. nothing.

I use a nail file point to do it and I do it in shifts, if you will, of every other bathroom trip (home only),m that way the swelling is minimal. Fuck seeing a doctor, just be careful and don't do too much at once.

Also remember to wash your hands and to sterilize the tool with alcohol; don't get a horrible infection from this.

>why the FUGG won't ladies give me a chance???
>just let the slime be, bros

try being 35.

Every two or three nights, depending on the condition of my skin, I apply a charcoal exfoliating product. My morning routine is very simple. During my lukewarm to cold shower, I wash my face with an alcohol-free facial cleanser to strip away dirt and excess grease. For my hair, I use a tea tree/castor-based volumizing shampoo (once every three days), followed by an anti-frizz conditioner infused with menthol (this creates a pleasant cool tingling feeling on the scalp.) I wash my body with a eucalyptus and mint gel which has a subtle, organic aroma.
After my shower, I apply shave butter and shave with a safety razor. I dry my hair with a cashmere sweater because cotton towels are abrasive and create frizz. I finish up with Dior Sauvage aftershave, aloe vera moisturizer, non-scented deodorant, and style my hair with medium hold, natural finish pomade.

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How is discussing keeping your face clean, presentable and with minimal scarring not important?

why are 90s born queers so obsessed with trump?

The irony is that the sebum oil that turns black is partly responsible for good skin, which is why greasy people always look younger. The shit you learn, eh?

The japanese?
Those sandal wearing goldfish tenders?

imagine never getting laid
oh nevermind you dont have to imagine do ya

>have acne in mid 20s
>ask dr for pills
>get laughted at.

I always wondered why i look 10 years younger than i am.

By going to sauna like a normal person?

The only thing Trump and the Devil have in common is a love of Jews.

>normal person
kill yourself reddit nigger

I Don't live in Finland and my town's sauna is filled with fags

cavemen weren't trudging around in smoggy exhaust-filled cities either

Lion King taught me that a worry-free lifestyle is the best way to live if you're analogous to a muddy pig in this life


I'm a cis man and I used masks for a while years aso. Can't remember if they made my skin look better or not. I'm beautiful now, though.


>I'm a cis man
>I'm beautiful now, though.


what the fuck did he mean by this? your pores "clear" themselves dipshit

your whole nose shouldn't be covered in black heads. I think you have confused sebaceous filaments with blackheads. this nigga really be out here scraping out normal pigmentation

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Your can get a blackhead in any pore that fills up with sebum, user. Nose looks and feels great.

right but the probability that every single pore on your nose has a blackhead is very low. pic related aren't blackheads retard

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guy who raised his concern here,
my nose looks much worse than this

No, it's true.

>shows blackheads among newly unclogged pores
Sure thing, bro.

No but those pores are adnormally large.

so this is the power of American education

A greasy pore-clogged European that doesn't know what the fuck they're speaking to? Forgive me if I'm awash in disbelief.

maybe nonwhite people don't get sebaceous filaments? is that why Americans are so confused about this?

>Much of the difference is semantics. Blackheads, technically speaking, have a dark cap that is thought to occur as a result of oxidation. Blackheads also tend to tightly fill and widen oil gland ducts. Blackheads behave like bottle-cork plugs. Sebaceous filaments, on the other hand, do not have oxidation-induced darkening of the portion nearest to the skin surface. They tend to be narrower and, at times, longer than blackheads. As such, they typically do not cause complete blockage and impaction of the oil gland unit.

I love being American, thus almost always correct.

Just because you're grimy and unwashed doesn't mean that is the natural state outside of your third world shithole country.

Cold water before bed and healthy food

>much of the difference is semantical therefore there are no non-semantical differences

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>Cold water before bed
That's mean.
Cold water will actually seal blackheads inside the pores, you want to wash with warm water with relaxes and opens the pores.

He meant drink the water you fucking idiot.

Do you not understand what semantics mean, you Semite?

I understand what semantics mean but in the post he literally said there were non-semantic differences so it's irrelevant you fat mutt

Sure YOU did. ;)

even if he didn't pores don't "open" or "close" in the first place so you'd still be a fucking idiot for rubbing water on your face no matter the temperature

>even if he didn't pores don't "open" or "close" in the first place
Omfg yes they do, genius.

>Squeeze them out. You can do your whole nose in a day or two at the most. Swelling will happen, but squeezing works.
This is insane, and not in an intriguing American Psycho way. This what they make nosestrips for.

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I have perfect skin and I've never used a skincare product in my life. It's all in the diet

FYI: hyaluronic acid is great for your pores and give you an even skin complexion

also men tend to have better skin than women in the first place because they don't douse it with chemicals every day

Nosestrips don't work except for literal women with their dainty girly pores. Just squeeze them out and stop being a bitch about it. Want a clean nose or not? WWJBD?

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Why white women used face powder when they already white?

I use hydrochloric acid myself. I highly recommend it. please don't do this

You can never be white enough.

To hide acne scars

Warm water to open them, clean my face, cold water to close them