Whatever happened to

Attached: Richard.jpg (723x1000, 159K)

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Went into a deep depression after his last Howard Stern interview revealed what a sad life he truly lived.

He's a tranny now.

Attached: 1568517949377.jpg (720x762, 65K)

>That part where Howard kept wondering what the welt on his ass was from.

can I get a quick rundown on this interview?

You gotta admit it was funny to have that sad music playing while Howard asked him why he only had housekeepers instead of real friends.

he just suddenly stopped going to work and disappeared from public life. Some people think his housekeeper is dominating him and controlling him. There was a podcast series about it.

Watch this video of his interview, you will not regret it.

Attached: Richard Simmons .jpg (480x360, 23K)

top 5 Letterman guest easily

I don't have an hour on Saturday night to watch gays and jews talk about degeneracy.
Quick rundown pls?

Richard Simmons is made fun and berated the whole interview
>Richard Simmons comes on Howard Stern to promote Physical Education
>Howard notices Richard is limping and he says he got a welt on his ass from falling in a bathroom
>Howard and others joke that Richard might have gotten the welt from gay sex
>Howard asks Richard why doesn't have any friends or family outside of his housekeepers while sad music plays and Richard starts crying
>Howard says Richard Simmons is very womanly and Richard starts crying more and Richard storms out of the interview.
Theres a lot more that happened but those are the highlights. It was brutal.

wtf i almost feel sympathetic for richard

I forgot that he also asked Richard Simmons about his childhood, and Richard said he was lonely and had very few friends.

He's an untransitioned tranny, and is one of the lucky 60% who hasn't off-ed himself yet.

This is hilarious. Listening to the interview now. I love hearing fags cry.


Howard's a douche, as soon as a little comes his way he can't take it.

>hasn't off-ed himself yet.
probably because he hasn't transitioned and felt the full force of alienation

Richard is a kind soul. no bully.

Does he post on Yea Forums? Is he a /fit/ poster?

user, it's Sunday

No it's not, if it was Sunday I wouldn't be up after midnight drinking and shitposting

forgotten actors/actresses thread?

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They weren't even really making fun of him all that bad.

Yeah, but Richard is incredibly sensitive.

She quit acting


He just wanted fatties to get in shape without being too mean to them. He seems like a genuinely nice person.

I thought Yea Forums hated fatties?

shes a coomer now

And Richard wanted fatties to not be fat, ergo Richard was /ourguy/