Are you happy?

Are you happy?

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not really but you know there are people in a worse situation i'm just whinning about beign a virgin

I hate jews

yes, my gf makes me very happy

Attached: my gf1366.jpg (1080x1350, 132K)

post height and jaw

Not all the time. But I'm working towards what will change that, so it won't be like this forever. Mostly just lonely, but at the same time I like having time for myself.


post nose

Happier than I have any right to be



I am extremely happy when I hold my adorable toddler.

reblog if you’re a virgin and can’t drive

Kill yourself. Your life isn’t worth continuing, and you know it. Nobody loves you, they’re just concerned about how disappointing you are.

fuck no, but I am at fault for it so whatever.

That’s very nice user, happy for you.
You should learn to drive

>being a dad and still on Yea Forums
It’s time to stop coming here, user. It’s time.

Only when I'm posting or looking at my waifu

I'd say so, not everything is great but could be a lot worse

I'm happy when I'm with my gf. Otherwise, Not so much.

It's not your fault

Attached: IMG_8442.jpg (970x546, 73K)


not even in the slightest

who said he was a dad

No. I'm 30 and have never had a gf. I honestly haven't been truly happy since high school.

Not TV or film related. Get lost

For the most part. If I had a tight Asian gf, or alternatively, fat ass white gf, my life would be heaven.

We're all gonna make it bros

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>tfw 14 year old sister got a bf before I was able to get a gf

feels mad man. Fucking hell, I don't even care about girls or have any interest in women, I just want to lose this damn "virgin" label so people stop bothering me and thinking I'm weird.

Attached: tno.jpg (321x323, 38K)

>posted from itoddler device

I am, I have a quite busy social life, I'm doing stuff every weekend and between college and work I sleep like a baby every night. I did a record with my band and it's actually quite good and I'm starting another band, probably some acoustic shit. I'm the best in my class and the best at work. I'm chatting up some qt at work who might be the one, so things are looking up

Not really.

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but they *supposedly* like you user!

I would skullfuck you in reallife if you brought up my iPhone you fuckikg worm

Stop hiding behind cynicism