What did you think of Prometheus (2012)?
What did you think of Prometheus (2012)?
I like it
if you had a twin sister and you fuck them is it masturbation since you have the same genes?
I liked it but was hoping it would cover the beings evolving into xenomorphs
Is this real?
>What did you think of Prometheus’ Garden (1988)?
Great claymation film. It’s a glance into the untouched realms of human creativity.
>A Daring Synthesis (2019)
Although Prometheus would need to have more of a meme to make this a daring synthesis
nooomi rapace made me cooom
Could have been so much better
Recommend me some kinos where a character/characters are in a desperate search of meaning, God, purpose, etc. Doesn't have to be space exploration, but preferably.
lmao he literally cooms in the river and creates humanity
If you read Damon Lindelof's script, you'll see that the movie suffered due to poor editing. The script explains every problem you've had with the movie because a couple minor scenes, which explain A LOT, were not added. Also a lot more context around the engineers motives are revealed as his dialog is expanded.
noomi is cute
I like how the black goo represented cum
Is fucking your siblings masturbation?
Neon Genesis Evangelion and End of Evangelion.
They even have the same humans evolved from alien goo plot as Prometheus
the blacked scene was with Charlize Theron was kino
star trek V: the final frontier
>If you read Damon Lindelof's script,
Not gonna happen.
It was okay. Covenant was much better.
i have no idea why i keep thinking of bicentennial man it's not even related
I liked it, but alien covenant fucked up
visually beautiful, but dumb narratively. pretended to be deep philosophically, but actually was only a dumb sci-fi horror film. guy pearce's old man makeup looked bad
Had great potential and wasted it.
the opening shot of Detifoss is beautiful
I liked this part
No, Prometheus fucked everything up and Covenant made a half-hearted effort to try and fix it.
Is that guy cooming?
maybe if it was one of those siamese twins
It's dog shit
Wtf the Asian guy looks like he could be your dentist
I'm sure he washes his hands.
Why do you people regurgitate the most unfunny shit
Try harder please
I like laughing
best sci fi of the 10s plebs and neck beards sperged though cause their scary aliens were not there to scare them any more
There are just enough good elements to make you hate it for not being the good movie it clearly had the potential to be.
It made Christcucks seethe so naturally I loved it
Why did they kill her off so horribly?
how cold is that air conditioning?
Because the actress didn't come back for the sequel and they needed to explain why her character wasn't there anymore when the first movie clearly set her up as a multi-movie protagonist.
Winter Light
I used to think it was shit but after watching Covenant and rewatching both, I can conclude Prometheus is top compared to Covenant.
It's like the eve of 2010s
Shame it had so much dumb shit for such a smart movie
I try not to
Prometheus was Blackedkino as well.
covenant was such trash kys
Someone said last thread that the hairless coomer guy died. Is this true?
Fuck no it was one of the worst alien movies ever
>this other shitty movie did it so it makes my movie okay
Fuck off, Damon.
>Liking AvP
Okay, I get it, you have shit taste
They are all bad, but Prometheus is Lucas-levels of broken.
The problem with the Alien franchise is that the fans are insufferable whiny faggots and nobody is able to please them no matter what they do.
The Predators had already been coming to Earth for hundreds of years by the time that movie takes place chief. Also that movie sucked.
EVA is overrated garbage
boy girl twins don't have the same DNA
What would have happened if instead of Weylan, begging for immortality, we selected our brightest people to make contact with the engineer?
Who the fuck is Lucas?
George Lucas. Prometheus has many of the same problems The Star Wars prequels do.
For what purpose?
underrated ruined by the sequel.
Same result. However, the rest of the crew would have probably been spared their retarded deaths.
>The Predators had already been coming to Earth for hundreds of years by the time that movie takes place chief.
Best sci-fi of the 10s isn't really saying much.
Answering OP, it was a shitty movie concept but it was a good movie, retards didn't like it because it missed their nostalgic G-spot so they smeared the shit all over the place with an even worse movie, Covenant.
There's a phrase from The Office that sort of summarizes the situation here, Robert California says Sabre store it's a bad idea because Sabre products are shitty and it's best no to let the costumer take a closer look.
This is what Alien franchise is, a turd covered in confetti that people think it's a cake and want to look inside when they shouldn't, it's best not to know how things happened or why.
And to be fair, most sci-fi are confetti turds.
>What would have happened if instead of Weylan, begging for immortality, we selected our brightest people to make contact with the engineer?
Exact same thing. The reason he attacks weyland is because he was on his way to kill humanity to begin with. But then xeno's flood the ship by an accident. What weyland says to him has little to do with what is going on. It´s more what david says if anything. If it even matters what any of them says. He wake up all of a sudden there´s some earth monkeys on his ship talking to him, that he was on his way to destroy because creating man apparently was a mistake. And they are talking to him about extending their life. You can´t expect a good reaction. The entire ship is loaded with that bioweapon that was meant to be released on earth. Instead they go release it on their planet instead. Which happen in sequel which is complete shit, because originally shaw wanted to go to ask them why. And plead for them not to do it. Hoping it was just a faction of them that had that intention and not all of them, and if they might change their mind.
So that's enough time to figure out it's safe to breathe normally without any long-term effects.
The awe of the engineers is completely ruined by the sequel that makes them look like a bunch of primitive retards just standing there without any kind of protection or anything. As if that one fucking ship is the only one they have and special platform just waiting for it. I guess they never thought about why it took so long for that fucking ship to complete its mission and return from that experimental base, and it wasn't the only ship either.
So i mean the sequel is such immense fucking shit, that you almost feel sad that you even watched the first one.
um based?
>This is what Alien franchise is, a turd covered in confetti that people think it's a cake and want to look inside when they shouldn't, it's best not to know how things happened or why.
>And to be fair, most sci-fi are confetti turds.
Well if you are going to explain it you have to make it very good. Prometheus lined it up nicely in so many ways. But i guess then they got spooked since they would step over all kinds of religious toes and stuff if they had to provide an awe inspiring explanation of who the engineers are. So instead then they have covenant with a bunch of spaceniggers just standing waiting for that 1 ship no screening procedures on approach to their planet no nothing, just 1 docking bay for that ship and they standing out there like spaceniggers and they all get rekt, so then because of this, the engineers then turn into looking like retards just so they can have the theme of david creating his own lifeform. Kind of like engineers were doing. And you don´t even hear anything about the engineers other that their planet looks like planet nigger even in destroyed form, and now they are all dead and david has lost his mind and is doing the things he is doing.
Covenant holds the award for only movie i walked out of, even if it was right at the end. Such fucking trash that let me down so hard as an Aliens fan, and I even liked Prometheus
The problem I see is that only millennials need explaining, no one else wanted it, everyone was fine with aliens just killing for no reason or origin, they could have made they land on the planet trying to find the engineers and discover that it was overtaken by aliens, have the whole "routine" and then bomb the site from orbit erasing any chance of a backgroud, but they choose to feed the millennial bullshit and it ended like it did.
Sci-fi doesn't need background, it can't have deep lore, specially stupid sci-fi like Star Trek, Star Wars and etc, the only reason millennials need background it's to feed their stupid fanfics tumblrs ideas, it became a trend that needs to die and it's destroying narratives, like those Craster's babies.
>Aliens fan
>The problem I see is that only millennials need explaining, no one else wanted it, everyone was fine with aliens just killing for no reason or origin
Well the alien lore is pretty clear that the xenomorph is a bioweapon of unknown origin. And you see an engineer when they find the derelict craft where the eggs are so. Yeah you don´t need anymore than that and part of the cool thing is also the mystery. That you don´t quite know.
So if you are going to go all the way which prometheus did. Which actually just could stand alone without a followup, because then atleast you got to see them. But if you then do sequel to THAT aswell, it HAS TO BE GOOD and explain a shitton of things. Instead they choose to explain fucking nothing. And make it about david and how he loses his mind realizing his makers maker doesn´t like his maker, so now he doesn´t care about anything and goes 'insane' or whatever trying to create his own lifeform.
They should never have made covenant if they wanted to make it like that. Prometheus has religious undertones it´s making the engineers gods. Right. So then either stop there or you go through with it in alien covenant. But they didn´t, it´s like they wanted to but then they got spooked and made the engineers ridiculous and got rid of them right at the start and explained nothing else about it.
I don't know if a 2000 year delay of his original mission could be a reason to reassess the situation as to destroy earth.
But I feel that Weyland asking for immortality, regarding himself on the same level as the engineer, and having created an android that is superior to humans. Essentially making his own race obsolete, reaffirms the engineer about his view on humans as a failure, and continues his initial mission, to destroy humanity.
As a species, we are too power hungry, constantly consuming resources and are too reckless with our technology.
space axe
>But I feel that Weyland asking for immortality, regarding himself on the same level as the engineer, and having created an android that is superior to humans. Essentially making his own race obsolete, reaffirms the engineer about his view on humans as a failure
I think that´s really irellevant, but the reason he doesn´t just fuck them up right away is because of david, because that's not an engineer creation. And he doesn't like david either. He tears his head off and clubs weyland with it. So to him both david and weyland are obsolete. Not just 1 of them. Obviously when he's in stasis thinking he's on a mission to destroy humanity waking up any time and then he wakes up the humans are talking to him instead and his crew is dead. Not exactly making him happy.
>As a species, we are too power hungry, constantly consuming resources and are too reckless with our technology.
Well that's partly the engineers fault aswell. No proper guidance or direction. Also humans are trying to improve their living standards, terrible at dealing with a few corrupt people though. And maybe overbreeding aswell is also a massive problem with nobody regulating birthrates and population sizes of any countries.
But it appears we were not even to reach the stage we reached. That mission should have been carried out long ago. He's just been laying in stasis for who knows how long. This is also why it makes no sense they celebrating return of that ship in covenant, first off it wasn't the only one, secondly they are not going to ask why it took so long? Idiotic it's just excuse to make them look like spaceniggers so you don't have to explain anything else. They didn't want to go there and explain how they are like deities essentially. Nor what is behind them or where they come from etc. Making prometheus irrelevant and pretty stupid. But i understand why, that would be extremely controversial.
So they make it about david instead.
I enjoyed the themes and symbolism,
cool movie
I saw it in the cinema with my then gf (soon wife), good memories, good film
any other KINO about mysteroius origins of humanity?
>any other KINO about mysteroius origins of humanity?
Not that many made unfortunately. This is why some really enjoyed this movie, I'm one of those and so apparently are you. But it was not that many who liked it. Most don´t understand that's what it is about. And instead had entirely other expectations and went.
>booo, we need more marines vs aliens, what is this crap? They are just walking around, finding things and talking about stuff.
It wasn´t what they expected it to be, and they don´t care about stuff like that. So lot of people thought it was shit. Or didn't understand what was the point.
It's very provocative to make a movie about mankinds origin and about anything about deities. Eventhough it's very obvious that deities in religions are what we today would call extra terrestrials. But few want to dare and go there. Because guess what, most of the people of the world are fucking retarded, and religious people will get angry and
>say NO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT YOU IDIOT.. How dare you say such a stupid thing!
And that's why i think alien covenant turned out so shitty aswell. They choked and then made the engineers spaceniggers and got rid of them..
>look they are gone, i don't have to explain shit, just forget we even went there religious people and people in general.. look here's a david the robot n shieeet..
God I want to see her ass so bad
Tree of Life
But people are just retarded when it comes to religious people and people in general. Right recently they in what is it iran is cutting themselves in the forehead over some persian guy called ali that died or whatever in the past some islamic thing. Hindu and buddhist do crazy things, bizarre dumb rituals, so do christians for that matter and all the other kinds of beliefs i forgot to mention..
Nobody is fucking ready to admit that the deities they worship either they made them up, or they are extra terrestrials why they come from the sky. Or even some they see some extra terrestrials come or hear stories up about it. Then they make up their own extra terrestrials that are for them. But those stories sound a lot like those people rather than some extra terrestrial. HAHA. But then to scare other people oh they come from sky and hurt you if you don´t be nice to a particular people and whatever. Because our extra terrestrials are for us not you. etc. So it's like a game of bullshit. Because these kinds of stories are way old and all it takes is some people to hear about them then they appropriate that thing to say oh it's their god and he's only for them. And so if you go against those people then they will come hurt you. Kind of like to scare other people.
None of these fucking people are interested in admitting what is going on with this. Eventhough it´s so clear. Every smart person have already realized it, though they might not say it too out loud.
People around the world are fucking retarded, and even if you assume no complications, nobody want to come and interact with us. Bunch of fucking morons in charge everywhere, now they bombing oil fields over in saudi arabia..
But prometheus is cool movie but covenant was shit for that reason. They can't go there, piss off too many retarded people if they present their version of what they think some of them might be like.
>try to remember difference vs differance
What are you in high school for adults?
coom kino
Good film simply shouldnt be a alien prequel and a scifi movie on it own
Is there a better tummy in television or film?
I really liked it. I'm not an Alien fanatic, but I like Alien and I love Aliens. My opinion on the movie didn't rely on it existing in the Alien universe and watching Xenomorphs annihilate people.
I love adventure films and sci-fi. So this movie fit the bill. It had enough ambiguity to it to stay interesting for repeated viewings. The architects or whatever were cool. They were totally wasted in Covenant. That movie was a great disappointment. Still not terrible, but so shallow compared to Prometheus.
This guy is possibly the most malevolent person I've ever seen. He looks like he should be wanted for a mass shooting. He should be distributing heroin, shooting down airliners. He should be laughing maniacally as millions of innocents are snuffed out.
Thank God he's just obsessed with porn.
only works for clones
>The awe of the engineers is completely ruined by the sequel
and the engineers completely ruined the awe of the space jockey. Your point?
>They should never have made prequels
>Still not terrible, but so shallow compared to Prometheus.
Implying that Prometheus isn't shallow
Who is Blacke Draw and what is his plan? I need a quick rundown.
Flawed but ultimately good movie. Too bad Covenant was garbage.
The architect guys were a cool addition to the world. Then Covenant just squashes them like a bug. That's my beef. Covenant is more like Aliens, except not nearly as good
True Detective S01
The asian dude is definitely weirder than the coomer man
>chooses the shot where she just had an alien abortion and got stapled closed
I’m pretty sure they became anti-technology or something. When we first see them landing, billions of years ago, they are in an enormous cigar shaped futuristic vehicle. Then the ship from two thousand years ago is more organic looking. Finally when David goes to their planet they seem primitive. It’s like they became anarcho-primitive. It could be explain the hatred of David and why David hates them. It’s either that or they are separate species in different stages of development with separate goals. They did look slightly different in covenant than they did in Prometheus. That too could have been the reduction in bio-engineering. Maybe they were religious and decided to ban technology of every kind and were going across the galaxy wiping out their older projects like a programmer erasing old bloated shitty programs and replacing them with simpler more efficient ones but for religious purposes. It’s the only thing I can think of.
Not if you just view Prometheus as a “what if” plot. Yes maybe it is alien canon, fine, but I never view any of these prequels that are made 20 - 30+ years later as legit. It makes it easier to accept if you just imagine it as one of the many possibilities. The Star Wars sequels and prequels are just ideas thrown on top of the lore of the originals don’t take it too seriously.
I liked it but just for David. Fassbender is really the only redeeming feature in that and the sequel, which I’ve forgetting the name of.
>Amerimutt education
Fuck off Jayman
>the alien lore is pretty clear that the xenomorph is a bioweapon of unknown origin
Not in the original. All the other movies are shit in comparison.
>coomies spreading coomerism
nice job coomrade
Is fucking your self from an alternate timeline gay or masturbation?
Holy Mountain, Seven Years in Tibet, Kingdom of Heaven.
Based Requiem fan.
I think the engineer was on some level offended that David was an asexual machine incapable of reproducing, the engineers work on organic life so a robot would be a useless dead end.
>Not if you just view Prometheus as a “what if” plot. Yes maybe it is alien canon, fine, but I never view any of these prequels that are made 20 - 30+ years later as legit. It makes it easier to accept if you just imagine it as one of the many possibilities. The Star Wars sequels and prequels are just ideas thrown on top of the lore of the originals don’t take it too seriously.
I don't consider them canon, but they still devalue the originals.
On top of being shitty movies on their own