I'm supposed to believe this limp-wristed faggot is a feared genocidal mob boss

>i'm supposed to believe this limp-wristed faggot is a feared genocidal mob boss

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you get what you fucking deserve

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He's so cute in his Joker makeup, I want to see him get destroyed by a big black cock

>mob boss
You aren't supposed to believe that at all?

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He's not a mob boss in this movie, he just spergs out and kills a few people lone wolf style.

I didn't even think it was real. Is whatever the WB heads on something I could possibly buy?

>i'm supposed to believe this limp-wristed manlet faggot is a feared genocidal military boss

Attached: Hitler-276427.jpg (590x1007, 77K)

>limp-wristed manlet faggot
pick one, tranny

At least Hitler looked like a man. Joaquin got the body of a 14yo boy

Hitler was a 175cm vegan who couldn't get into artschool.

it's jarring because Heath was a huge chad with broad shoulders, phoenix looks like a wimp in comparison

This is pre-workout Joker though. The redpill forces him to get jacked after.

Attached: perfection.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

>WWI vet
>limp-wristed faggot

>phoenix looks like a wimp in comparison

The Joker is supposed to be skinny. He isn't supposed to be dangerous by being physically imposing. He uses surprise, weapons and misdirection.

Because he lost some weight.

he's literally me

Attached: joaquin-phoenix-4647.jpg (431x650, 198K)

when has the joker ever been genocidal?

isn't the joker supposed to be 70% funny guy bro
and 30% psychopath

fooled you didn't he

The percentages change depending on his depiction fine sir

this movie is some shitty incel killer drama with comic book shit thrown in to make money, it essentially has nothing to do with the comics.


He never killed anyone. He's a limp-wristed faggot.