Always Sunny Thread

do you think the new season will be better now that rob and glenn are writing again?

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I really hope this is the last season. God forbid they keep going til danny dies. It had a good run, and I hope it just...ends.

this. How the fuck they’ve managed to stay on air for a whopping 14 seasons is beyond me. Season 13 was really bad too. Like literally maybe only 2-3 episodes worth of good material, none of which was anyone near as good as season 1-7.

i just want more scenes of kaitlyn's feet

here’s a pic

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I would even stretch it to season 10, hell I would have even liked the cruise episode as a finale. But the last season kinda just bummed me out.

yeah it definitely was getting worse but i’d say it was pretty gradual for the most part. seasons 8-12 had some great episodes in there just some lackluster ones as well. Season 13 was really bad and pretty much killed the show

season 13 finale was K I N O

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>those nips

I liked it

it was the grave

Unironically liked the performance and symbolism and how the rest of the episode set it up. But it was still out of place in an episode of Sunny to go that hard into a dramatic climax without a hint of comedy.
Even the ending of the show should probably be something petty and insignificant that implies they never change or improve in any way given that that's the whole point of their characters

>something petty and insignificant that implies they never change or improve in any way
but how does that le own blumphf, you beta-cuck s0iboy

The Me Too episode was the perfect example of why I think the bitching about season 13 is mostly bullshit. It lures you into thinking they're going to make jokes about cancel culture or rape accusations and take sides, then, like EVERY OTHER EPISODE, it turns out in the end that the only relevant thing is that they're all fucking scumbags to varying degrees. That's why the show is good. They can't learn to a comedic extent. /pol/tards that make up Yea Forums now can't figure out a sitcom

season 13 any good? I love this show but i couldnt make it past the second episode.

Well the third episode is about how female reboots are shit if you want to go one more, but it's not the best in the season. I liked it overall

I liked the Escape Room and Time’s Up episodes. Other than that it’s not memorable at all. The message behind the finale was alright but it should’ve been a stand-alone episode. It was a shit finale.

out of place and tactless, if you like this garbage you are literally part of the problem and the reason sunny has been tanking for 7 years

fuck this scene DESU, Mac is not a professional dancer, how is it not some kind of dream or imagined dance

The new trailer doesn't inspire any hope of that, and that last episode was completely out of place.

How can any of you fools still be watching this? I'd have thought that last episode would cause anyone posting on Yea Forums to drop it.

I've always said that The Gang Goes to Hell should've been a 3-part finale/movie

Charlie's Home Alone is /punished/ kino

Gonna go for a 15th season so they can be the longest running single camera show or some bullshit

The lack of comedy was the comedy. Something so out of place for a final of always Sunny that you can’t help but laugh your ass off
It’s a pleb filter and you fell for it

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Glenn blames his character for losing out on movie roles and Rob thinks Mac is some important gay icon. It's going to be terrible.

glenn still has time to do serious work. needs to drop the dead weight

It was bad. Sunny has never been about protecting faggots or making political statments.

What roles did he miss out on?

James Gunn said he would have been Star Lord if Chris Pratt didn't accept the role.

Rob needs to go woke if he wants work other than Always Sunny. The stuff that they did back in the first few seasons were bleeding edge controversial even at that time.

Now, it's woke or broke in Hollyjew.

did mac's unfunny show about being a game developer come out yet?


Where did this cringe come from?

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that one racial consciousness episode completely ruined that show for me

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No the show is dead. They killed it by being fags, they don't get another chance.

Kaitlin's The Mack was footsexual kinography

Yea it was so intellectually satisfying to see an incredible boring and pretentious dance in my comedy show. The way they disregarded the characters motivations and just went for it. It takes so much courage to insert an unwanted and out of place scene into your tv show. Brava to the director, if only drumpftards had studied weaponized faggotry in the arts at Sarah Lawrence like I did. Then they would understand.

based and degenerate pilled

>Dennis is Star-Lord
>Dee is Gamora
>Mac is Drax
>Charlie is

Jurassic World

>The lack of comedy was the comedy. Something so out of place for a final of always Sunny that you can’t help but laugh your ass off

It wasn't meant to be funny. It was supposed to "resonate emotionally" and feel "important".

>McElhenney: Well, the impetus was twofold. I wanted to do something with my character in regards to his sexuality, something that wasn’t just played for jokes but that would resonate emotionally, and I wasn’t 100 percent sure what that would be. We didn’t want it to seem pandering or off-tone or off-brand or just un-Sunny. So, how do we find a way in which it feels like you’re still watching the same show and yet we’re addressing something that is so important to our culture right now?

this show literally hasn't been good for a decade

How do you get Frank of all people to feel anything? That was unbelievable

They have ONE chance to explain that dancing shit. If they can somehow retcon it into a big prank, I may keep watching.

Charlie is Rocket, Frank is Groot

Rocket and Groot just sit on the ship eating milk steak for the entire movie

>We didn’t want it to seem pandering or off-tone or off-brand or just un-Sunny
And yet it turned out to be all of those things. Man, I feel they misjudged their audience pretty badly. No one wanted this and no one cares about Mac's sexuality outside of the closet gay jokes. Worst thing they did for his character was have him actually come out as gay.

>No one wanted this and no one cares about Mac's sexuality outside of the closet gay jokes. Worst thing they did for his character was have him actually come out as gay.
it was obviously done to please the alphabet mafia as the boys are moving deeper into Hollywood

I want them to just stop the show. It was funny when they actually wrote most of the material but now their characters are being assassinated by a bunch of diversity hires in the writing room. Next season is only gonna get worse.

I just finished marathoning the show, half of it in the background while doing other things. I'd seen a couple of the seasons a few times through since it was really popular in my friends group back when season 1-8 or so were airing. It really starts to fall apart somewhere around 7, the characters don't do the things they've been set up to do, Charlie has moments where he's normal and acts like other people are weird for doing more normal shit than him, only to turn around and say a spider lives in his ear and tells him things a few episodes later. I don't know when the writing became more than just the OG crew, but I'd guess around then.

It's hilarious how people try to laud the show as brilliant, when in reality they just started to use a genuinely hilarious show that was basically centrist politically as a mouthpiece for political garbage. I miss when it made fun of both sides, it was a lot of fun and wasn't just hammering you over the head.

I've not listened to any interviews with them, but I've heard from a few people that they basically try to pretend like they always intended for the cast to be completely and utterly unlikable while supporting viewpoints they detested, but I just don't believe that. You don't write some of the funniest racism jokes to ever hit a sitcom without actually understanding it.

That said, it's still pretty funny up through season 12, it has its moments, but season 13 is horrible and irredeemable. When you watch them one after another it makes the shittier episodes easier to ignore.

>as the boys are moving deeper into Hollywood
And they never seem to get anywhere. Charlie had a spurt there, but it was just Sunny fans follwing him.

1 is mostly a pilot
2-5 is the show in it's original intended form
6-9 is when they get super flanderized but the show is still mostly funny
10-13 is where it becomes mostly bad, but they still all have at least one or two great episodes

i will never not watch this show

Imagine being so depressed you genuinely believe something this silly.

Yea that was really funny for a comedy show

they're going to have to make it so that was in mac's head, and in reality he was dancing in a hallway on drugs or some shit

otherwise whats the point in the show if the characters don't actually exist anymore and are just literal vessels for whatever Rob wants to use them for that week