First Man

This was really good

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I was surprised how accurate it was. Sure there were changes but it wasn't Bohemian Rhapsody tier shitfest changing the facts.

I like the goose and Armstrong is my childhood hero, but I can't get over how different they look. It's not a good casting.

Attached: Neil-Armstrong-facts-3.jpg (635x404, 62K)

pol told me it was anti American

It was forgettable imo, doesn't really suck you in

Now i need some good moon landing documentaries. please recommend me some.

No, it's just about him and his family instead of the program itself. Apparently, this upsets people.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

obligatory ost

The soundtrack stuck with me more than anything desu

They took USA off the sides of the rocket because it triggered Europeans.


Other than the proven fact that USA never landed on the so-called "Moon," it was a good little fantasy period piece. Any interviews with Neil Armstrong about his reaction?

>Muh looks

they came in peace for all mankind you stupid nigger

One of his worst roles. Completely uncompelling. Kino score and kino cinematography (apart from meme handled cam) and props for shooting on film.

no they didn't lol

The wife drama really dragged it down

This, there should have been less of her and more of Neil himself. The movie implied he had some conflict with Aldrin which should have been expanded on more too.

Apollo 11
In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)
For all mankind (1989)

>The wife drama really dragged it down

its 2019 , I'm surprised they didn't make her the main character.

The Tom hanks From earth to the moon tv series is pretty good. Each episode covers a mission so you can pick and choose what you're interested in.

If the real Janet was half as bitchy as movie Janet, it's a wonder they didn't divorce earlier than they did.

And it got snubbed at the Oscars, I'm still mad.

Still can't believe that those soulless trannies in the Academy didn’t even nominate the score for the Oscar

at least its not a black actor

>No, it's just about him and his family instead of the program itself. Apparently, this upsets people.
People got upset because they said they deliberately decided to avoid showing the planting of the flag.

t. guy amped up by the media over the flag thing so that he wouldn't question the story

>Brainless retards got upset because they said they deliberately decided to avoid showing the planting of the flag.

Those "there's no flag" fake news twitter cry outs were equally embarrassing

Have you ever even seen the footage of the flag being planted?
It's literally just Neil and Buzz fumbling around for 10 minutes struggling to plant it properly. And it's mostly Buzz doing the work, but this is a film about Neil Armstrong

If I said no it would change nothing about what I said. All I did was point out his smarmy misrepresentation that he quickly doubled down on.

The media was lying that there is no flag at all to the point of people believing there is not a single American flag in the entire film which was beyond retarded.. No one was talking about the "planting" before, there is no misrepresentation

Bad casting. James Marsden should have been Neil Armstrong, as he has the proper smile.

Attached: james.jpg (267x400, 34K)

So now your story is that it is a coordinated media lie?

left and right hand misdirection

it was really reddit you mean

Who would you have preferred? Patrick Wilson?


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No it was a classic media freak out sharing of not confirmed rumors as supposed facts. It was then bashed like black trannies will go to the Moon in the film instead, but the film couldn’t be more patriotic pro family pro white pro success pro American than it is

Attached: so unpatriotic.webm (1920x802, 2.96M)


>Shaky Cam: The Movie


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Show flag planting on the moon please

Agreed. Absolutely wonderful film.

Was great. I cried at the bracelet on the moon scene

That scene was fucking incredible.

In the movie

The X-15 opening scene was the best thing I experienced in a theater in a long time.

Attached: (1920x1080, 586K)

The most offensive thing about that movie was they gave screen time to the whitey on the moon niggaz. They spend 100x the NASA budget on gibs.

Me too. I saw it twice in theaters and that scene and the scene with his son got me both times.

The movie is about Neil, not the Moon mission. You can even see it's Neil taking a picture of Buzz with the flag, not the other way around.
And the planted flag is in the film, just not the actual planting which took more than one swift motion

>The most offensive thing
lmao are you black? It was literally making fun of welfare nigs while white people literally go to the fucking Moon, even Armond White called it "racist"

Not to mention that Aldrin claims it fell over when they blasted off, but you sure as shit don't hear anyone complaining about them not showing that.

that scene was great. it reflected the times.

>Niggers mad at whitey's accomplishments & just want gibs
>A sign of the times

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1945-1969 America was basically peak human civilization

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>1945-1969 America was basically peak human civilization

Yes I think so , the 1969-72 moon landings make a good point to mark the beginning of Americas decline. After that they lose Vietnam , Watergate and revelations about government misconduct destroyed any trust people had in the American government system. Things have only accelerated since then.

>that Agena connecting scene
>that sudden "Elliott didn't make it"
>all the cgi visuals that look so real, you don't even question them
I didn't really ask for a movie about the personal life of Armstrong, expected something more technical and objective. I'm really glad it is what it is though.

>the Gemini scene
>the lights bend back

I thought it was a nightmare about getting ejected into space. Blew my mind that it really happened.

Removed american flags