/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Nicole
Noms: Holly/Jackson
Veto: Jackson

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Fuck your deals.

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that was a train

Seriously. Good riddance.

wow nicole is a spoiled bitch
shes so mad she got outplayed by jackson

>Cliff gets evicted by Jackson
>Nicole channels the energy of a thousand suns to win HOH
>finally takes down the villain Michie
Would be kino

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fall bitch
alpha as fuck

bog actually thinks nicole and nick are related
after the whole nicole witch hunt
this is a person going to F3

fall u dummy


she's won 2 hohs now

>first was taking out christie a threat to jackson/holly
>second was thrown to her and her ally leaving


Jackson is king alpha motherfucker.

Nicole needs to fuck off, she didn't win shit. She was given this.


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Based Michie. Manlets and Nicole utterly btfo

Hey girl is your birthday in October? because I want you to fall you dumb bitch

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Holly is a moron

never trust dem country boys

cliff just roaming around the house



This Abominable movie looks cute. I’ll probably never watch, but I’ll definitely give it a fap or two

looks like Grodner is setting up "The hero Nicole defeats the villain Jackson at F3" happy ending
F3 comp will definitely be rigged
oh well, at least he won't lose to bitter jury

cliff on suicide watch

I can't wait to hear taran the cuck's defense of cliff after this episode

>thinking nicole can beat holly 1v1


she has done it multiple times by now so i am not sure what's your point

How could cliff possibly be so retarded to think Michie would ever vote out Holly at final 3?

And if he wanted to go to final 3 with cliff and Nicole why does it fucking matter that holly goes out 5th or 6th?

based mary and taran on rhap tonight

unironically jackson deserves the win and afp at this point

Reminder that legally, the show can rig the comps for Nicole all they want

so pretty much jackson did nothing wrong

at least he isn't all robot

holly just dropped because jackson told her to while nicole was struggling

Michie realizes he f***ed up

isnt jackson getting the hero edit though?

Based CBS giving Jackson the AFP edit

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>where's momma?


>where's mama

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>where's momma?

okay now that was based

wtf was that?

except it's for jackson

based cliff throwing the game and afp

Lol Cliff thinking that they would throw the HOH and Veto

what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
who is this obsessed with their mother?

Cliff is honestly the most retarded player to ever make it this far

The winner of bb21

wait, this makes no sense

nicole in the DR is realizing that cliff and jackson probably have a final 2 deal (they kind of do) which is terrible for her game since she can't beat either
yet, she's pissed jackson isn't keeping cliff and keeping holly someone she has a slight chance of beating?

i don't get it


>Cliff can't make deals
Nicole is selfish as fuck

cliff was doing good. i almost didn't hate boomers.

all this end game retardation. making deals. protecting the biggest threats. then making more deals. then telling the fucking one person that was your ally the whole game.

what a fucking retard

shut the fuck up retarded fuckface

cliff basically gave up mentally around the final 7 point lol

Uhmmm, CBS, wasn't I supposed to be in this episode?

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Based psychopathic Jackson edit

zach bb8


he just wants his milkies

cliff is just a dumb boomer thats had everything handed to him in life

cliff and nicole are terrible players. don't overthink it lol

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They shouldn't have let Nicole win any HoH because she has the big head.

admit it girls
this season has been based af

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god holly is fucking dumb

>gets invited to host comp
>isn’t even shown on tv

>wins luxury comp
>wins veto comp
cant wait for wednesday

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shes as smart as she needs to be :)

we need a wheres momma screencap


He prob shit all over the house

It's been a weird ride. Horrible cast, awful pre-jury game, surprisingly good mid/late game, possibly one of the most satisfying winners of all time if Jackson pulls it off. A real mixed bag, bros.

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kek good post

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>good player takes notes from best player
i see you jackson

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based Jackson single handily saving the season

I need to know if her hymen is intact. I wonder if that question is in the application

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>Holly promised to throw HOH
>Holly promised to throw POV
>Jackson promised to vote out Holly if he wins POV
>Later on, Holly talked to Cliffcole and they told her she can win POV as long as she cuts Jackson

fascinating, can't believe Jackson and Holly made all those deals. They are crazy

and twitter whining about jackson and holly being so angry at cliff and nicole
now it makes perfect sense


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if jackson wins, this season is unironically in the top 10

slow start, but once the jury phase started it's been great all the way through

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based mistie

Why is cliff kissing Jackson's ass so much?

>tfw cliff won't enter the jury house to taint them against jackson and he'll only appear during the roundtable discussion


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nobody cares about your pngs

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holy shit
holly literally on her knees praying that she managed to stay over him

powerful image

shame cliff and nicole didn't watch bb14



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Jackson is Norman Bates.

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man rhap just keeps finding these literal whos

uh oh guys
cliff says he got one last trick up his sleeve
and he's looking at his victims right now

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it was supposed to be mary tonight and they changed it :(

it doesnt include Jackson stone faced and staring at the audience

how about you stay there

2. kat
3. tommy

ali is so hot. i want her chunky jew pussy so bad

just imagine the smell of getting your dick balls deep into that dorky quarky little ass of hers, she can probably take anal like a champ, balls deep in, head coming out, balls deep in, head coming out. Shit all over your dick but you both don't care, you're opening that brown cavern and you're both having fun. Her asshole looks like a volcano unleashing white lava after I finish inside of her

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Lmao, all of them are rooting for Nicole.
as am I

absolutely based

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have sex incel

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Such a disgusting faggot

>tfw /bb/ forgot to celebrate rockstar's daughter's birthday

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are we gonna get cliff gheesling?

he's gonna be in jury for like a week

nah, they sequestered in hotel rooms after roundtable

oh yeah? huh.

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i just want a straight white man to win bros
how long has it been?

Cliff planning his eviction speech


That's with last year's schedule. Cliff should be going to the Jury house. He's going out at the same time as 5th place last year.


hayden, ian and baller

cast wasn't that bad they just didn't figure stuff out til later, which is why it got interesting
pre-jury was hilarious

He said white.

derrick is not white


which one of those isnt white?
is jasinski a heeb?

pre-jury at least had moments like everyone making fun of ovi, the intrigue of davids potential, kemi/bella fighting, and the whole formation of unde9able locking nicole out

Not really, it's a long F4 week for sure but F4 evictee leaves 6 days before Finale just like any other season

so glad these weeks are playing out in full time desu, they need to keep this format. rushing the final 5/4 always sucked, it's like you spend so much damn time on the first few weeks and then rush the end game where things matter the most. jackson might not have been able to pull any of that off if it was your typical surprise eviction schedule.

gay people aren't white

Jackson is going to make the news some day where they have to use his middle name.

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Rob calling Jolly exciting and good TV
Tangelacucks BTFO

nicole telling cliff to go tell the jury that jackson doesn't keep his word and to tell them that holly isn't playing her own game
if nicole gets to F2, this could be interesting

rob is a cuck that says jackson all season then he has a guest on that calls him mitchie and then he starts saying it that way too. beta faggot

christie and tommy just gonna tell him, he got played by jackson
especially dr.will

dr will told that everyone last year, didn't change their votes

he's doing it as a joke for her man, he's cool


Kat knows both Bog and Jackson. Nicole isn't winning shit.


fuck modern big brother is awesome

white ones are.
which one of them is gay?

Christie-Tommy-Jess-Sis will decide the winner

so 2 votes are secured?
so what
cliff, tommy, and christie are in no fucking way voting for jackson

The jury doesn't respect Nicole.

being gay makes you not white don't ask me how it works

which one of ian, hayden and baller are gay?

you know...

dumb Nicole
if anything she should tell Cliff to hype up Jackson, so if she cuts him it would be seen as game winning move

you just KNOW

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baller would probably fuck anything with a pulse

Conclusions from this season:
1. People from New Jersey aren't to be trusted.
2. Engineers are mouth breathing retards.
Anything else?

The only thing I feel Jackson fucked up on was constantly saying that Holly and him were never a set in stone final 2. Like whats the point in lying about something so obviously not true.

He'd blow anything for a pill.

and his family owns real estate so he might be a heeb too

Ian and Steve are Engineers.

3. People from New Jersey eat gabbagool

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You're a fucking autistic retard incel
Note that


I wish assholes from New Jersey would stop calling themselves Italian.
Dr. Will is Italian; Tommy is just an American mutt.

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nicole is super butthurt

Did Jackson slip her the high hard one?

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great to see coaster superfans with overblown perception of their game to get a reality check

Boomers sit the fuck down.

Thats been her story all season. Got btfo by Bella. Got by btfo by Jackson. Shes a crybaby bitch and threw a tantrum so she could make F3. Shes a lame ass victim and its no surprise twitter/reddit champion her since shes their perfect self insert.

When Twitter and Reddit chooses a HG to root for, there is a very high chance that the favored HG is terrible at the game.

>you have to throw the veto and hoh
>you have to evict your gf
>im not taking you to final 2 you ok with that
>you have to evict your bf

exactly, this is why Paul is /ourguy/ right

Paul was never our guy. He picked on Bridgette.
Frank was /ourguy/.

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how are you still entertained by posting this

Memeing aside, Paul was /ourguy/ during BB18 and he was a Baste villain during BB19.

>this is true
>me thinks
this is why people like nicole, she talks like them. she's literally retarded and talks like them so they like it

Because in the moment, retards like Cliff truly believe that obvious lie. And he's kind of right, in the beginning, it was suppose to be Jack and Jackson but Jack decided to follow the wrong horse instead of being a bro.

No, they were rooting for him to win in his first season. He ended up losing for a dumb final decision (evicting James over Nicole).

There is no such thing as bullying in Big Brother ya simp. And If he hurt her so bad then why did she vote for him to win and let him creampie her ass after the show?

feel like shit, just want her back bros

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le we liked paul samefagger is back

after cliff and nicole voted to keep a showmance, they're a laughing stock to the jury

imagine being on the jury and seeing tommy come in. and then cliff right after and he says "jackson broke his deal to vote out holly his showmance and take me to final 3 with nicole". He'll be laughed at and it'll give jackson even more power

wow look at that qute cowgirl!!!!

Paul would have lost to James too (James gets Moos/FTs/Shitcole/Days/Coreys vote). He should have beat both of them tho.

Jackson is a diehard Paul fan and studied his gameplay both the positives and negatives inorder to make it to the end. Even Baste Paul defended Jackson at the start of the season. Paul is certified /ourguy/.

>nicole won 2 hohs and a veto at the very end of the game, started to think she was hot shit AND expected a showmance to vote each other out so she could coast to the f2 only to get BTFO
you love to see it

Jackson's best bet might just be Holly.

With Nicole he 99% has Kat and 100% has Holly. He more than likely doesn't have Tommy, Christie, and Nick with Nicole as his second. Tommy is a 20%, Nick is a 30%, and Christie is a 2%. Tommy and Nick might respect game but Tommy might be bitter about the lie and Nick was Nicole's ally in the last few days. Cliff is a 45% because he was Nicole's ride or die but he's sucks Jackson's balls a great deal and might respect game. Jess is a man hating bitch so he is batting zero there but Jack seems to be a good 80% Jackson and Anal might be a good 70% since the time spent with Jack's dick in her ass might have turned her bitterness into nothingness.

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Nicole won 1 hoh and was given the other.

honestly, I think jackson handedly beats both nicole and holly and i think he'll take his showmance especially after the way nicole's been acting

>miss me yet, nicole?

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He should but look at it this way. Jackson and Holly are considered one entity to the jury. He would lose less from bitterness with Holly with him because most of the jury considers them one mind and two bodies. If one wins, the other wins. But Nicole winning allows their bitterness towards Jackson to manifest.

remember christmas won 2 hohs and evicted mark and jason
why did noone root for her? she deserved the win


if Josh cuts Paul and takes her, she would win
meatball made the right decision

No, Josh wins against either.

I can't stop laughing at the how stupid cliff and nicole are. they really thought they could beat the power duo in the veto AND that the duo would take each other out because of a deal and she'd get to f3 with cliff

She would have Paul, Elena and Raven for sure. Paul would wink at Matt and Kevin and they would vote how he says.

>Nicole talking to camera
>omg if I want to win I actually have to win something now. I can't just get carried all the way to $500k anymore

No, it has been confirmed that Josh wins against Christmas 6-3 because Josh would have taken Paul out.
Cody, Alex, Jason, Mark and Elena were already a voting bloc in jury, so they are going to respect Josh more if he took out Paul. Plus, Paul would even respect Josh for taking him out after staying for such a long time.

>this nicole cope on cam 3/4

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People always like underdogs. Dominant alliances get disliked even if they're not doing anything wrong.

chekcked. i know. its pretty bad.

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lets hope the underdog makes it to final 2

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>let's play big brother

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Nicole should have kept Kat over Cliff and started playing her own game a long time ago.
Instead, she was content to let Cliff play the game for her. Because of that, she doesn't really have the resume or the respect from the jury to win. Even against Holly

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fair point, I do know a lot of mutts.
but there was a point in time that I ate gabbagool for lunch every day at work cuz I worked right next to a Starbucks.
it was fucking delicious too.

Convincing someone to drop is not being given it.
Holly was a dumbass. Nicole won the HOH.

there was no one to root for during bb19 after marky and cody left. they were all playing for paul

why are long island broads so dumb? lol

holy shit will you fucking faggots stop talking about bb19. it never happened. shut the fuck up.

jury gonna see holly blatantly throw the veto

Dunno where your confidence is coming from. Nicole is a perfect candidate to vote for if you are bitter. Invisible game wise most of the season, no blood on her hands, underdog that got herself to F2.
Jackson's win would shake up next seasons, Nicole's win is just continuing previous trajectory.

this is a hannukah neighborhood and we don’t take kindly to christmas around these parts

You mean the HOH.

post yfw they bring back david for the memory episode

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watch holly beat nicole because of kat and jess lol


according to twitter, david is an uncle tom
if CBS wants to appease them, it's going to be Kemi

what is jess' beef with niggole?


>prejury houseguest winning afp

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>every Nicole in BB made F2


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jess is literally a fat bully

why are boomers obsessed with their word
first jerry and now cliff
at least jerry was an alpha and not a cock slurping faggot like cliff

forgetting someone?

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>gets erased from the wednesday episode

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did something happen? i don't remember anything

no one is bitter lol


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Jerry btfo cliff in a fist fight even with 30+ years on him.

>Cliff- One of the things that bugs me the most is that he chose to tell me that he wasnt going to honour it only after he won the veto competition. If he really felt that this agreement should never have existed, why didnt he tell me before the veto competition?

why the fuck did jackson play big brother well? fuck him so unfair

I thought that was my stomach

So Jackson is among the best players of all time after this season right? Whether or not he wins.

top 80 for sure

breaking your word = lying while swearing on the bible

top 6 easily

we can all agree this is the hardest season right?


no she just never liked her and constantly shit talked her.

he's howie tier


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always changed away from jess on feeds though lol

Cliff: “he did break a handshake swear to me”

>excess timeouts
what am i hearing


how are the eagles this shit

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why didn't she let fessy piitb?

i miss this little mole bitch like you wouldn't believe

still cant believe they won a super bowl

ummm it was BEWD magic he can't lose

I don't think Jess will vote for her
Votes that are in the air are nick, jack, and sis

she has to win to win

>final 2

Alright the season is almost over, lets see your best feet caps

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>talking shit about hurricane howie


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Howie is a literal retard who blew three fingers off his hand by being retarded.

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bad post

good representation of Cliff's game

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jessica looks like shit

punished Jackson forced to hang out with Bog now
both Cliff and Nicole are avoiding him

one of the best of the modern age

holly jackson sayin nicole should have threw it to cliff

did nicole forget that jackson threw her under the bus earlier this summer with the rouge vote ? lmao

the call that saved /bb/

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jackson didnt like being handed 10k in a dumb comp


Hes a top 5 or 10 Post-BB14 player. Something like Paul/Vanessa/Jackson/Christie/Nick/Paulie/Zack in no order.

Nicole fell for the Chad Mist.
If Jackson broke up with bog and told Nicole she had a chance, she'd jump at it.

Quick Rundown?

>No Tyler

>Jury Tyler

Give me a name.

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Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love


Holy shit, would you consider uploading them somewhere?

Also Jess if you have any. If not, Bella.

Yet you listed Paulie and Nick.

christie please

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seconding christie


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Analyse p-please


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based christiebros

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I-I have a thing for fat feet because of how my fetish started, don't judge me

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tyler was mediocre at best

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how can she be so dumb with such a big head

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wow look at that qute girl!!!! :3

word: Broken

Survivor will be good, right bros?

Why can't the finale be on this Wednesday?
This season is sooooo long.

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Reminder that the all-winner season has edge of extinction.

No, it's a copy of BB14. All the oldfags will be brought into the game at the merge.

i've never watched survivor and never will
fuck that show
they should have a winter and summer season of BB

Seasons are too long now. Older seasons were a couple of weeks shorter and it was better all around.

so its gonna be great?

At least we know what to look for in the edit this time.

Hogg would have won a 72 day season.

Winter BB would be a disaster. The holiday season makes people stir crazy and depressed

Dan's not playing.

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That's what the oxy is for.

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don't be a pleb

> Michelle Fitzgerald gets evicted day 3 reenters day 36 and wins 9-0

thanks friend

BB2 was 82 days.

I'm not sure who wins a shorter season but I don't think Hogg would have necessarily fared better.

I'd rather have two 60 day seasons in the summer. I get sick of the cast after two months.
OTT seemed to be the right length of a season.


is this some doctor who shit or?

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it's election newfag shit

wow look at this pretty girl! look at that kissable neck!!!!

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jackson was screaming and it turned out to be because he dropped a watermelon

jackson drops a water melon and smashes it on the ground
>*both giggle*


biggest blindside of the season

new thread

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he just means “it’s a meme from after 2016 that I don’t like”

Go to bed. The season is over.