How did he actually survive?

How did he actually survive?

Attached: chucknoland.jpg (650x400, 76K)

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Surely there wouldn't be enough Coconuts and wood on the island to last him 4 or however many years it was.

He starts catching fish and shit. He lived in the cave during the shitty months.

fed on seed

Still fat.

Coconut crab

Attached: giant-coconut-crab-57bbf0cc3df78c8763928673.jpg (660x500, 79K)

He had Wilson there to help him.

Stone cold Steve Austin was on the island with him and he cooked and fished and fed him then cuddled at night while humming baroque music together.

Cast Away is comfy as hell even though he's on a deserted island.

The drive to get back to the cunt of Helen Hunt.

very carefully

Where does Tom Hanks rank in your opinion as an actor? I think he's top tier.
Very rarely do you see such talent in such a large variety of roles.

The dead body scene scared me when I was little, with how blue-grey the man looked.

What movie

Eating his coom?

He's pretty great, even in mediocre movies. The Terminal is great.
more like the Helen CUNT lmaooo

You could own the remains, if you really want to.

Attached: Cast-Away-Dead-FedEx-Pilot-Tom-Hanks_Movie-Prop.jpg (900x882, 44K)

You best be joking


Well, he wouldn't have eaten every day. He had a cave for shelter. He would have had certain vitamin deficiencies by the time he escaped, but he would have had a diet of fish, seaweed, eggs from native birds, maybe lizards/snakes, coconuts. He may have also salvaged any preserved foods from the flight. Been a long time since I saw the movie, but I'm not quite sure how large the Island was, but usually those sorts of islands have a large freshwater lake in the centre, that springs up and filters through the sand. So he was probably set for water.


He didn't he actually died in the plane crash and the survival was his purgatory for caring more about his job than his personal life, heaven was him getting rescued, making peace with his wife(who was still alive on earth) and finding love elsewhere in heaven.

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Collect rainwater and he's good for water. You can live on fish and various seafood, which there's an unlimited supply of, and coconuts.

The island was quite large and had a large forested area
You literally have an endless supply of crabs, fish, and seafood.
Sure you're not getting all your vitamins but you'll surely survive. He was pretty much good as soon as he started fires.


There is no music in castaway until he gets on the raft.

Those fuckers must be absolutely delicious. Anyone here had one before?

Yeah I had one once. Might have gotten pranked into eating its poop, as a "tradition"
Poop tasted like coconut, meat was just a giant crab

Doesen't Elvis play either at the party or when he’s in the car? His friend mentions putting Elvis records in his casket at the symbolic burial service

>He K'in'ke'inkapolo, I bet you two canna teriyaki spam we can get this white guy to eat crab shit if we tell him it a sacred tradition, bruh
>Kua'laluma'lata, ain't no way this white guy gunna eat crab shit bruh
KEK, based coconut niggers.

are we going to acknowledge he literally went insane, he was talking to a ball, and once he got back he got another ball to be friends with.

Sounds pretty based to me.

>this guys doesn't have two balls for best friends
What's it like being a eunuch?


Hey everyone, this nigga likes playing with balls!

Forest Gump

I'm pretty sure the production company provided food and liquid.

i don't remember him getting another ball. i just remember him sleeping on the floor and they served seafood at his party for some reason

He’s my favorite for best actor of all time.

I've heard that they are delicious. I want to FARM them in old abandoned malls.

Kek, real cartoons, raise your kids on this if you want them to not become a tranny.
If you want a tranny, just subscribe to didny+

How did he not die from scurvy? I don't think coconut has any vitamin c or anything you niggas mentioned.

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>Huh, I guess the real Cast Away was me all along
shit ending

being a castaway sounds more comfy than being a wagecuck in modern society

its not really, it does get a bit comfy after youve got decent shelter, fire and good food supply

I don't watch all his movies, but I know he's good actor with some real caliber. Definite top 10

Lots a greenstuff has vitamin C, including seaweed. Cabbages were sometimes used as an antiscorbutic although they were less potent than citrus fruit.
You’ll also get it from fresh meat like Crab.
The issue with sailors was that they were away from shore for so long they literally had nothing green available. They’re beef and pork was salted months ahead of time and lacked nutrition. Citrus fruits aren’t really necessary it’s just the most efficient way in terms of how much cargo space it takes up.

When he was delivering the last package, you can briefly see that he got another ball in his car.

I can't believe they have that sitting in a warehouse hoping someone wants to buy it

some people put a picture of a beach in the car, I think he had enough of the beach and just wanted a ball

It's in the passenger seat of his vehicle. You see it when he's on his way to deliver the unopened package back to the now divorced artist, all while "Return to Sender" is playing on the radio.

This is the one movie that I self insert the most. That and Swiss Family Robinson.

Homare said you can eat any green seaweed for that.

Attached: homare.jpg (190x266, 15K)

Honest answer? Too stubborn to die. Survival skills are important but the number one thing that will keep you alive alone is just willpower. You can fuck up a ton (eat the wrong things, sun damage, drink shit water) but as long as you can force yourself to keep going the human body will persevere.

any other survival/island movies? the less plot the better

he fuk dey coocoonut



There's probably like 6 of them

Honestly how did they trick you into feeling so sad when he lost wilson? I cried real tears, but it's really just a dumb volleyball.


imagine how many movies have had bodies. I wonder if they just have a whole warehouse full of realistic looking corpses.

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He is convincingly acting like he is not a pedophile. Top nods to him and Spielberg.

kys reddit fag

I'd hate to walk into an old abandoned mall and it's just randomly crawling with those fuckers.
I wonder if they're an invasive species?
Some assholes released some pet pythons into the Florida wetlands and just from that now they're infested and pay people to kill them.

This move is kind of quaint in retrospect because nowadays they all would have been Amazon boxes.

Question is did he get enough Vitamin C to avoid scurvy

Daddy taught her good
You only say that because you haven't gone a long period without easy access to water, proper sanitation or being forced to sleep in freezing conditions.

Anthropologists have repeatedly reported getting trolled to the end of the earth and back, as well as having natives fugg them. Wild job. Anthropology as a field is also pure cancer. I'd probably have the right attitude for it now, but as a student it was yikes and I'd find it hard to lie to kids.

(season 25)