Why would a leftist director like Del Taco create such a red pilled character?
Why would a leftist director like Del Taco create such a red pilled character?
Thats a pretty ethically defensible character for a lefty bro.
Also he's the villain...
Underrated to be honest, this and Blade.
>redpilled character is the villain
Why did they even allow themselves to become a race that lives in slums? So strange.
They were psychologically crippled by the near-total slaughter they used the Golden Army to unleash on humanity. Basically they couldn't handle the moral horror of genociding their enemies, so resigned themselves to keep the moral high ground in a long, slow death.
Nuada is the only elf whose spirit isn't yet broken. He totally is willing to genocide humankind, but ironically humans are blind to the sacrifice the rest of the elves willingly made and are not at all prepared to extend the same mercy to the elves. That's why the movie works as a tragedy. Nuada wants the best for his people, but his people no longer want the best for themselves. Even if he did destroy all humans, the magical creatures wouldn't be able to take back the world. With a few exceptions like the pro-human sellout Hellboy, they have already resigned themselves to waning away.
Brainwashed with guilt for the golden army being so effective.
>"Our best days don't have to be behind us"
>"Dude, that's racist"
>"Humans pollute the world"
>"That's none of our business, lol"
if they had killed all the human mutts in the first place that wouldn't matter
You'd be surprised how many leftists would flip to nazism if it was but a bit less taboo.
His speech is complete kino
>"I have returned from exile to wage war! To reclaim our land, our birthright! And for that, I will call upon the help of all my people and they WILL answer."
They're definitely on board when you mention the one percent.
ITT: Sympathetic bad guys
It's pretty hard though. You can't have everything without losing something.
PotC is full with them.
>Hector Barbossa
>Davy Jones
>Armando Salazar
Can go fuck himself for being an irredeemable selfish cunt:
>Edward Teach
Manlets, when will they learn:
>Cutler Beckett
So it's literally about white people. Again, why would a bioleninist like del toro create such a character? I guess he's the villain, but he's portrayed very sympathetically.
protip: commies didnt put up with sjw shenaningans. you got shit for free, you also got to shut the fuck up, work and go be a victim somewhere else.
That's sounds really familiar.
Del Taco wasn't pretending to be Liberal back then. He didn't care about winning an oscar.
>bbbut hes not pretending!!!!
im sure he hates trump and is liberal but i also think he's a fat nerd who could really care less about most politics . Most of his political trash was literally just campaigning to win an oscar
He's showing his appreciation for wh*toids "stepping down" by glorifying their sacrifice in his art while still implicating them as a force of evil.
While the global South wants wh*toids gone, they know they would never achieve the level of power they currently wield if not for the arcane instruments of the wh*toid. Religious devotion to hated god, there's a spiritual element that parallels the rivalry between g*d and his ch*sen.
left-right paradigm is flawed.
The mere existence of third positionism (and the hypothetical fourth position) proves it.
There is nuance between strict hierarchical monarchy and utter equality, and many stops along the way.