This was considered 'ripped' in 1999

>this was considered 'ripped' in 1999

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This movie was a total mess!

Go further back and see 'ripped' it's literally some skinny guy.

That is what a fit person not on steroids looks like.

Look at the rock okay. That is all steroids.

Sad Twink Dyel

it still is. pitt's fight club body is probably the most lusted after body in hollywood history and otter-mode is GOAT and most aesthetically pleasing. only /fit/ retards tell themselves differently.

What's agent Bill Tench doing there?

>this was considered "ripped" in the 1950's

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It’s actually the ideal Male body according to women
Women don’t want men with massive pecs, makes them feel insecure when their man has a bigger, shapelier chest than them
It’s all about low body fat % and nice arms

>this was considered 'ripped' in 1967

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Post body faggot.

>One year later
Dubsguy absolutely mogs Tyler Durden

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Gets dubs.

Ok retard

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Blessed reply’s

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>generation of men raised by women

that's how you get incels

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That is still ripped.

This the gymcel thread?

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What about Zac Efron?

looks like he cycled for a couple months and only trained upper body, tyler durden still looks natty whereas Bale looks a little roided. Don't even try to say Christian Bale isn't familiar with roids either after he went from the Machinist to Batman in like a year


Pretty good digits for a coping dyel faggot

bottom right can't be real

oh damn

Lol why the fuck is /fit/ even still a board? 4channel needs a board culling.

>full ottermode DYEL lmao1pl8

If you think they are supposed to be ripped you completely missed the point of the Fightclub. The book went to some length to describe how their bodies were muscular in a natural way ,opposed to being sculpted gymrats.

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Everyone has a fucking neck. This sad sack of shit went from Guido to Gumba.

What's going on here

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Thanks. And remember face, height, frame.

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>putting the golden one in there
incredibly successful, has a wife and child

No it wasn't fuckhead. They were normal everyday guys, that was the whole point. Did you even watch the movie? Holy shit I hate you so much.

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have you seen the other pic of the dude on the right? i'll try to find it

He's a known white nationalist, so no, he's not successful.

Arnold admitted to using gear, though (because others were doing it also, so it was impossible to win without it). We'll never know how well he would have done as a natty - and he had the genes for body building.

id unironically suck the cock on the right guy

It's called lean user. You'll live longer and be healthier for it. Bulked up meat heads are only good for lifting heavy things.

>this is considered ripped in 2019

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