Kinos with this feel

Kinos with this feel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>bitcoin tattoo

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Why are wojaks so funny?

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Publix is a pretty good place to work at though.

publix pays well for a wage slave tier position.

Getting sun, working out, getting paid, all at once, while your pale fat broke ass sits on the pooter posting pepes all day.

What the fuck is a Pubix?

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>he suffers in the first world

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The Jason Genova saga

>t. actual cart pusher.

thats one way to cope with it.

This is fucking hilarious what a bunch of turbo autists

From my understanding it's gay Floridian version of based Texan Henry E Butt establishments.

Publix is a really good grocery store chain in the southeast

Can you imagine the lack of self dignity to work at retail.

I rather uber slave than work retail.

>i got back to my car to find a dent
>i'd spend 10 years saving for that car, a range rover sport, it was my pride and joy
>it was an older gentleman
>i swear to you old man i will fuck your shit up
lol what a bell-end

>Publix is the official grocery store of smug pepe
damn, son, this is absolutely based and i couldn't agree more. how can yanks even compete?

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H - E - B:
>Revenue $21 billion+
>$34.56 billion

What's Publix? It's where we'd shop in a perfect world. It's the only chain of supermarkets in heaven. It's the greatest place a wagie could possibly slave.
Based. I've got a job interview at one this week. Right next to my house too, within walking distance. Wish me luck bros.

I know like fuck it's not hard to fix a stupid dent.

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Everyone I know calls it "H-E-B"

Yes, thank you I was spelling it out for comedic effect.
On a related note my grandad unironically calls it "Heeb" which I mean it is the first 3 letters of Hebrew...

bros, i don't want to go back tomorrow.

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cart pushers
>take cart(s)
>put them inside the store

rinse and repeat until the end of your shift

meanwhile, everyone on the inside has to
>deal with retarded impatient customers
>keep the shelves full
>get whatever meat/fish the customer wants if you work behind a counter
>keep your department clean
>deal with annoying coworkers

I'm sorry, but I have no respect for cart pushers. Your job is piss easy, a literal monkey could do it

t. retail worker

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>muh publix subs
cope grocerycels this is how we do it in arizona, fuck a sub the smell of fresh tortillas is god tier

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I work retail and all I do is flirt with MILF customers and my early 20s coworkers

heeb is a derogatory term for jews user

there's nothing wrong with being pale

Publix shits all over your beaner mart faggot

It sounds to me like you're very jealous that the cart pushers at your store have less than half of your responsibilities for the same amount of pay.

For me, it's Albertonson's.

goblin mart

Holy fuck I miss >cockona threads

>literally a second hand safeway

good luck, user. publix employees have always greeted me with a friendly hello and delivered service of the highest calibre. i know you'll carry on that tradition. just hope you look good in lime green. ;^)

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Same but also the MILF coworkers.

Jews are derogatory for a healthy society.

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Does safeway have these bomb cookies?

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They have to push carts in the Florida summer heat 95 degrees with 100% humidity

you know how when you finger your asshole and its all hot and wet? Thats what Florida is like

Albertson’s is the parent company of Safeway.

>They have to push carts in the Florida summer heat 95 degrees with 100% humidity
Don't forget it's usually on black pavement so it's probably even hotter.

redditors, for whatever reason, absolutely seethe over shopping carts

I suspect it's because the site's denizens are mostly cart pushers.

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thanks fren

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I'm a Wegman's kind of guy myself

>"people" who get upset over carts in the parking lot
>muh extra ten feet of walking
literally park in a different spot

I like (((Wegmans))) too.

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Beaners should all fucking hang desu

What is so good about a Publix other than the meme subs? The ones I’ve been to seemed fine but just like any other mid tier grocery store and with a poor selection of fresh meats and produce

When you work at Kroger, you have to do all of that + carts as a """"courtesy clerk""""

For me? It's Aldi.

>last upload 9 months ago
they got him bros

hmmmm… I'm getting conflicting clues here.

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me too user, me too

He got too close to the truth. RIP

Based. OKanon here

Is publix more based than aldi?

I’ve never worked as a cart pusher but I have got into verbal altercations with people not putting their carts away and once slammed a cart into some ones door to dent it as they backing out because they got fresh with me.
It’s nigger tier behavior. Like parking in a handicap spot.

how did you move the cart into their door if you're not a cart pusher?

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I don't have any. The ones that I did tho, two of them, are married and said no.

based one stop beaner market with 7 children.

He probably picked it up and threw it. They're not that heavy.

I don't understand how this is the only place I can get a decent salad quickly.

oh japanese ronaldu, we meetu againu

Because of their versatility. I saw someone recently say that they look forward to Pepe and Wojak dying. They clearly don't understand how ingrained in board culture they've become.

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they've existed since ~2010, pepe especially

they're not going anywhere

I know that Publix, dolphin village.

Too bad wagie

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bizonacci was murdered by the bogs

>”the five dollar rotisserie chickens are AMAZING, did you know they actually lose money on them”
>”it’s not all just processed food, you can buy essentials like paper towels and frozen pizzas in bulk and really stock up.”
>”oh these new black frame glasses? glad you like them, $89.99 with my Costco membership”

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>shitting on Costco
Absolutely plebeian.

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They didn’t sing last time I went :(

>t. couldn't get onto the exclusive Costco™ membership list

They sing to you?? I've never been to a Cold Stone but there is a new one a couple of miles from my house.

That was their gimmick for years if not decades.

That was my job at Giant Food when I was a teenager. I just got carts and helped people load up their cars. Got tips every once in a while and had to bag groceries when it was really busy. It was fun

>angry cartpushing wagie is coming at me
>thinking quickly, I put a cart inbetween him and me
>he could move it
>but if he did, he'd be moving carts
>and we all know cart pushing isn't a cart pushers job

at my kroger they have all the cart boys wear yellow warning vests so you know not to ask them for anything complicated like what aisle they moved the coconut milk


Mongrel mart


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>Calls Publix gay
>Shops inside a Man's Butt


imagine being forced to wake up early tomorrow and force yourself to shit before work.


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MilitaryFag from Florida who got stationed in WA.

Fred Meyer is the GOAT grocery store and it's not even close.


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it's really impressive how you murder innocent people because someone told you to

Safeway is owned by Albertson's so I'd think so


Publix is to other grocery stores what Target is to walmart

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>posting Yea Forums shit outside of Yea Forums

>everyone in the military is in the Army infantry

Thanks for your taxes btw

unironically this.

how intelligent are your peers in the service?

not its name
never was
never will be

you are weak

i worked at publix. it sucks. they have you stock water for 6 hours, hour lunch, and then stock more water. i quit.

Has been for a long time now and is a lot better than "feels guy." I didn't like it at first either, but sometimes you just gotta go with it.

I can't imagine anyone selling that much water

Waiting 2005
Sorry to Bother You 2018

>hour lunch

Why are you bitching exactly? Are you a DYEL who thinks a 24 pack of water is some heavy object.

it's not a big section, every time while you're doing it people come by and pick up 24 packs of water or some gallons. You finish, fuck off to do some other work, and then John says "did you fill water? it looks empty out there"

>spoken in a voice of waning hope and existential spoilage

yes. I'm 5'3.
they don't have 6'2 literally named Chad I was hired with do water, they have me do it. He's nice, I ask him for help, he does help, I help him with frozen, but I still did the majority of water.


yes i dont spend my free time at the doosh house

wojak and pepe are beyond based. love you guys

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>1270 stores vs. 340 stores
Proportionally H-E-B makes way more money per store, and their stores are cheaper than Publix.


>it's really impressive how you murder innocent people because someone told you to

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Tap water in much of the south (especially Florida) isn’t potable. You can wash and bathe with it but drinking it will make you sick.

For my job, surprisingly smart. Majority of jobs require adequate intelligence and there are some absolute retards in certain low skill jobs.


>wagie hate thread
>NOOOOO you can't mock our boys in blue they're heroes!

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>hurr dey murder da innocent! *chugs soi*

Also "boys in blue" are the police, not the military, retard

>when someone doesn't support the troops

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>tfw everyone on this site has been going on and on about how good their chicken strip subs are for years now.
>go to market to buy one to find out what the big deal is all about
>they are $7.99 each
>It costs as much as the whole 8 piece fried chicken box
>that moment when you realize you will never get to find out if it's as good as everyone says they are.

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said the mexican

>When a NEET doesn't thank me for my service

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cartpushers in israel DIED so you'd be free to put your carts in the cart corral

>anyone trying to pretend that Publix isn't far and away the best grocery store
Oh how little you faggots know. I honestly feel sorry for you. I left based FL and miss Pooblax so bad bros

show pusi

t. Commie retard

My dad used to do this every fucking time we went to Cold Stone, I'd get so pissed off by this after the second time.

Nobody fucking cares about your service

I work as an order picker/service desk at Home Depot and think about offing myself on a daily basis.

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I like pepe but wojack can go fuck himself

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>weeb is too retarded to know the difference between the military and cops

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>muh secret club
you're the newfag here buddy

You pay a bit more normally, but their sales are usually really good. Something is buy one get one free in almost every aisle. The people are friendly and unless you got a good sandwich shop its probably one of the better sandwich shops you got without driving to a busier part of town.

Eleven fucking dollars for a fucking big cookie?
I don't need to die to go to hell. I'm already in hell.

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At least wojak posters don't spam. Fuck pepe.

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>you know how when you finger your asshole and its all hot and wet?
No, I don't know that.

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>mom buys me a yellow lantern t-shirt for christmas
>only know enough about green lantern from googling that i know it's yellow lantern symbol
>cannot name a fucking thing from green lantern at all
>go to supermarket
>waiting at the bakery to slice a loaf of bread
>guy comes out
>eyes me up and down before asking what i want
>please slice this
>he does so
>on my way out he fist pounds his chest and says something
>ask what that was
>he says you're wearing the lantern shirt
fucks sake mom

Well now you do

You fucking cocksucking shiteating wageslaves can't do a single god damn thing right. I wanted one cheeseburger, it should've ended there. But no, putting one slice of cheese on one single burger is harder than doing a brain autopsy on one leg with a vibrating egg shoved up your hairy rancid anus. I had to give the order back not once, not twice, THREE TIMES because you incompetent failures handed my burger back three fucking times without doing anything to it. I could have just went back there and got it myself, it would've taken ten seconds, but I couldn't have expected this level of complete incompetence, and didn't. First thing I would've done is complain to your manager if he wasn't the guy working the register who also was a retarded mouthbreather. Getting the most basic order wrong three times, what's your excuse?!

"I'm sorry, I-I wasn't listening"

>How to lose your job and get your company sued
This is why you do not hire a certain demographic of individuals.

it's not secret it's divided. i don't post twitter shit here you shouldn't post Yea Forums shit there
god damn it's not hard it's what made the internet so great in the first place. you didn't think about real life, now real life is mixing with the internet, news shows continually unabashadly 'WE READ THIS ON THE INTERNET HERE IS WHAT WE READ STRAIGHT FROM THE INTERNET YOU KNOW IT'S FROM THE INTERNET THAT MAKES IT LEGITIMATE" only they don't say legitimate they say "legit" like that makes it more legitimate.

is that supposed to be sperm?

The fried chicken is pretty good too

oh man... I used to like Pita Stop. Fuck that shit if they hire degens like that.

Cr1tikal is that you?

>implying nogs are smart enough to file a lawsuit in the firstplace
>implying i care if some multi-billion dollar corporations get shit on for stuff like this

Dear god what a cringe story on all sides

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That's not true. I always say think you.

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You wear clothes your mom bought you and you're acting superior. Jesus christ

I wage slave service desk and Home depo and it's pretty good
I practically stand around and do nothing for half the day

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it's not superior, it's confusing. i wore goku/dragon ball shirts throughout teenagehood and nobody ever mentioned them at all.

>imagine not having a career that you are proud of that leaves you feeling challenged and accomplished every day

Honestly, I think owning a business would be the only to get this feel

They were taking turns jerking off in your burger

It’s the source of Florida man’s power

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I feel the same way, I just wanna open up a nice little shop in Wisconsin.

Pushing carts was the best job when I worked at Walmart. Would rather push carts in the rain than have deal with the average entitled middleaged woman at the cash register any day.
Also did not give a single fuck about people littering the carts all over the parking lot. Gives you an excuse to walk around the parking lot collecting a few carts at time, basically doing absolutely nothing for long periods of time.
The Walmart I worked at had a decent slope in the parking lot so you could ride the cart around all day too, as long as no sycophant assistant managers were outside smoking.

Burger King used to be so much better when their patties were twice the size they are now and a double cheeseburger wasn't just a cheeseburger with an extra patty on it. Cheap fucks must be failing.

>Tampa skyline

Absolutely disgusting

I honestly as a Rich man now, only want to fuck poor wagie girls. Its my fetish, It just feels so good to have so much $$ and knowing in 1 hr you make what the wagie makes in 9 hrs.


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Is Florida nicer than people make it seem? Finna move to Miami or Tampa to escape the cold and find me a nice Cuban cutie.

Fresh off the door greeter shift I presume

why are American's so sociopathetic and entitled? Must be their secret to controlling the world.

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Why are two cars in the same lane?

It's a doggy dog world over here.

Tampa is shit move 30 miles to Orlando. It's still shit full of niggers like Tampa but not a busy.
I live southwest of Orlando and there's nothing here.

Is retail better than fast food? I just can't take my fast food job anymore, I just can't. I want to kill my boss and all my coworkers, and all the customers. It's so fast paced and stressful I hate it so fucking much.

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i work in sales, thinking about quitting too. heard ikea pays more for the same work

I have a flex schedule where I just have to work 80 hours in a 2 week period. I actually choose to show up at 6. Waking up early is comfy

what the fuck? does everyone on this board have a mcjob or work in a grocery store with a minority of people that are KV NEETS?

It's very lonely. The best part will be interacting with customers because the rest of your time you're in your own head, and I hate being in my head, I have music wired throughout my house all the time so I don't have to think while i'm in the shower or anything.

Sound like for me, retail would be better. I'm very used to and love being lonely and in my own head. Thanks for the info.

Hoe competetive is Costco membership anyway?
For Sam's Club, I needed 5 years relevant field experience minimum, a Master's in Economocs with a 3.7+ GPA, and two strong letters of recommendation. And that's just for the lowest tier membership.

just quit. its a fucking mcjob. there are so many other entry level shitty jobs out there. sell water in the streets like a mexican. id rather do that than work in fast food. that sounds miserable

It's all about pride. Getting minimum wage and all you have to do is walk around and push carts is a stellar deal.

But most would rather work themselves to death doing a job society told them is respectable, than live a life a leisure where you're looked down upon.

I'm a pizza delivery guy. I tend to drive between five to ten mph over the speed limit and some of the best parts of my days are when I get to antagonize the people who want to tailgate me even when I'm already speeding.

I'll open one with you, user

want to do drugs and go to theme parks?

All retail / minimum wage / etc type jobs offer part time, low hour positions right?

At my currently McCuck job I only work 16 hour weeks, but I still despise the work. I want to get something different but I don't want to fuck myself over and not be able to get something that is similarly part time and low hours. Don't give that much a shit about pay, just time.

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What kind of job? That sounds kinda cool. Do you ever just crush overtime one week so you can take it easy the next?

i do except sea world because i'm uncomfortable with my boydy

I used to stock shelves at a grocery store and it was incredibly comfy, you didn't even really have to deal with people, just tell them where shit is

>used to go to Value Village a few times a month last year
>Lebanese or something goth qt at the register
>she gets more disdainful and standoffish every time I come in
Never asked her out, went back and she probably quit wagecucking

Former garden associate here. Find any other job man, even if it's still retail. Home Depot is hell.

I moved to Fort Lauderdale, seems like it’s just a meme to me. It’s has the same amount of crazy as any other big American city

Please don't, you're making us wagies look even worse.

Stop being poor you fucking fried chicken eating nigger. Its fucking 8 dollars.

based giant eagle.

Same crap happens to me. Family members always get me black shirts with capeshit on them thinking I'm into it. I'm not tho.
>Where green Arrow shirt to the mall
>get stopped by some guy who wants to take a picture of my shirt

>Go to supermarket
>buy a Hungry man tv dinner
>bag boy gives me a mocking type smile and says "Are you a hungry man?"
> just wanna buy this unhealty thing without drawing too much attention to myself
>I smile at him to be nice
>He looks as if my smile freaked him out or something
>I don't need this shit
>He looks at my Star Wars shirt
>smile at the blonde qt cashier hes trying to impress, and says "Nice shirt" "May the force be with you" while turning his head towards the qt cashier and laughing
>they are both holding back laughter
Fuck my life. I just wanted to buy some fucking food man.

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I get drunk off of a bottle of wine each night...wageism is a curse.

dumb phoneposter

wine is too sweet and a lot to drink. i get 99 schnapps. most potent least price


>bag boy
Do you realize how easy it is to get wage slaves in trouble by reporting them to their higher ups?

dude. just laugh. and say i make in 1 hr what you make in 9 slave.

If you want northern type people with warm weather go to south Florida. North Florida is kind of southern in culture but most southern people still hate it. Seriously southern people don't like Florida that much so don't expect the southern type warm people. The problem is that the large cities are just infested with crime, illegals, and drugs like you wouldn't believe, but they have tons of tourism. Rest of the areas are just poor as dirt and meth playpens or middle class and full of retirees or carpetbaggers.

I drink half a liter of bottom shelf vodka every night. My tolerance level is getting too high even for this. I'd have to shotgun beers back to back to get drunk.

fucking based

>got a minimum wage cuck job as a cashier at a mom and pop hardware shop
>all of the boomers that walk in expect me to be an industry expert and instantly decipher that they're poorly trying to describe to me
>see 100 different customers a day that all expect me to remember them because they've shopped there for decades

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I was aware of the mistake the moment I posted it.
This site has no edit button but hey at least we still have captcha

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Dont encourage him to lie

Christ. There's no escaping this hell, is there?

Grocery is one step above other retail IMO and the pay scale usually shows it. Unless you are a cashier or deli, then its hell.

actually kys


Home Depot cuck here, know this feel all to well. Like motherfucker if I knew that stuff I would be working as a paid professional, not slaving away at this shithole.

condolences user, my in laws live in Davenport, I can’t imagine anything more soulless than the I4 corridor

Their store brand frozen pizzas suck

>mfw chilling in comfy high-salary engineering job at a top ENR ranked firm and can bullshit my hours without hesitation

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Anybody who /starbucks/ inside of a grocery store? In NC we have Ingles, and my barista job is pretty decent compared to to the average fast food job.

"animal rights" faggots are such a joke

the starbucks inside the fry's by my place looks like literal hell

Unironically Alabama is really nice,I live there now, and has a pretty coast and tons of lakes, rivers, and unlike Florida, mountains. I grew up in Georgia and spent a ton of time in Florida. I lived in Missouri and Alaska as well. If you don't mind sometimes cold winters northern GA, AL, and parts of TN are great. If you want to stay in Florida I guess find one of the smaller towns on the coast. If you can get a good job in one of those nice towns with a smalltown mindset they seem OK to live in.

why do azn girls always fuck around with shopping carts?

i'm just trying to do my job and return them

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I wonder how many animals' lives I've personally ended, not counting insects and microorganisms. It has to be tens of thousands at the least.


i love you guys and im so sorry life is this way. PLEASE dont make it permanent. I cry thinking about how shitty Waiters, and retail jobs are. Seriously I CRY so much. i have no degree and make 100 an hr. Dont believe me? thats fine. I still pray and cry for you.

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I was a dairy manager at sprouts for like 6 months after working as whatever for a year

Truly the most depressing existence

imagine living somewhere where seeing El before words is common. Kys

they can sense your weakness.

They will fuck with displays too, straighten stuff that is by merchandizing guidelines supposed to look messy.

I'm moving on to a bank job, just got done with my degree in Econ in May. Making connections with people that work for large investment firms. I'm not sticking around for much longer, but I have been there since April 2018.


Can I ask for this next time I go?

>Had computer certifications
>Got health issues
>Certifications ran out while I was dealing with my health
>Can't get a computer job because they all require certifications and experience
>Working warehouse job that wears me out
>Sleep most of the day
>Feel stuck
I want to quit so I can start studying again but I like having money no matter how little I make.


I think they realized how humiliating it is for everyone involved.

>not shitting at work
Is there a better feeling than getting paid to take a dump?

Jerking off at work so you get paid to fap.

I am I worked at Starbucks for five years. It depends on your store manager. Like way more than you think. The teams are a lot smaller than you think and personal drama can ruin your paycheck. If you aren't super down with liberals just keep your mouth shut when they inevitably decide to sperg out. Because they will never get fired. We had gay people and a tranny work with us and they would scream at customers and coworkers but other people would get in trouble because Starbucks just runs like that. If you can play the standard corporate run store game well you can run a store within 8 years. And that money is retarded good and tons of vacation hours. Though they do have decent incentives but they honestly take a LONG time to kick in. Like the stocks they give you aren't yours until two years for them to vest. Good luck. It had ups and downs but it was a good job to have while I got my bachelors.

I'm shit shy.

Imagine not having any inspirations and you can only work either fast food or retail.
Fucking lmao

Came to post this

Stop murdering people Sheldon

I used to take extra long dumps at work and think to myself "yes, ha ha you are paying me to take a dump"

>destroy shitskin countries in the name of Israel, then open the borders to take care of their refugees
BASED Armyfag!

>the entrances are labeled in spanish

Tons, because they buy shitty toilet paper for the restroom, and will get mad at you if you spend too long in the restroom. So if you're taking a huge nasty dump, not only are you going to be smearing the shit around hopelessly with less then paper thin toilet paper for a very long time, but you're going to get the manager knocking on the bathroom door telling you to hurry up and get back to work. You end up with two choices - waddle out of their with a dirty bunghole smelling like you just bathed in raw sewage, or try and hurry up by wetting the toilet paper at the sink and using it as impromptu wet wipes.

imagine being required by the corporation you work for to do some weird gimmick like flipping the ice cream over at dairy queen or singing at cold stone creamery. it must be fucking humiliating. it's also a fucking bummer to see these guys that are well past 70 working a job for young adults.

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>have flip gf
>every time we go shopping, I walk the cart back to the coral thing
>she bitches at me the whole time
"why are you doing that? bebe thats why they have guys to get the carts. just leave it. Come oooon!"
>one time we load the car with groceries and before I can push it back where it goes she shoves it really hard into the grass like Bubbles and laughs about it.

she would also glare at me for tipping more than a few dollars no matter how big the bill is. is this an asian thing or just flip women?
shit was annoying, but the pussy game ridiclous.

>Country so cucked they have stores with foreign names on them
What a pathetic country

>giving your credit cared info to nu-moot.

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How could they get away with yelling at customers? What if they complained to corporate?

>stores with foreign names on them
name a single country on the planet that doesn't do this

>having respect for anyone working retail
that's not how it works

I unironically have this job, but I don't whine about it.

i'd recommend stop wearing cringy graphic tees of children's media

>tip jar at a drive-thru window
Goddamn that's pathetic. One step up from begging on the streets.

>it's also a fucking bummer to see these guys that are well past 70 working a job for young adults
It's a hobby for most of them

Your gf is just an asshole. How is that a Filipino thing? Or even a white thing? No, dude. Break up with her. She's retarded.

I would say it's equivalent.

You're right, but I don't wanna buy new shirts. I hate shopping for clothing.

Yfw they deny your request to sing a chicago song

I hate working Deli so god damn much. People are blind, retarded, and dont know how to read

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you ever serve someone that's all three?

>missing the point
reddit nigger

Pushing carts on a Saturday or Sunday fucking sucks. I'd rather push carts on Wednesday. It's so fucking slow because there aren't customers at all.

fucking hell, don't you have an internet connection? just buy some shit on h&m or asos that you like. Hate to be mean but you kinda deserve this shit you're getting if you don't even try to change it.
bizarre behavior desu.

I work at Wal-Mart and I just view it like that part in Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about the value of working these kinds of low tier pleb jobs, so you are able to put yourself in the shoes of the actual plebs of society that make up 80-90% of every society. Plus I work around young pretty women all day. I am getting sick of making no money though, I will probably do this for another year.

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>jacked off at work again

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I dunno who you work for, but I told them this. I said I can only do 3 carts before I lose control, I can't be comfortable with 4+ carts.
They might have been desperate.

They are gay or trans. It isn't PC to fire them. I'm not joking or overreacting. We had to receive training one time where some lady talks about how bad she felt and regretted kicking a junkie shooting up out of her store. They did another training about pronoun BS too recently. I just kept silent and forced those retards too work when I clocked on. Politics ain't no joke there. Honestly there were a lot of republicans there but we didn't say anything cause we could get fired if we talked about our opinions.

You can only push 3 carts at once? Really? I push as much as 15 carts at once.

>young pretty women

>in brightest day in blackest night, beware your fears made into light, let those who try to stop whats right burn like his power, sinestros might!

>Would you still eat it?

Do rattlesnakes kiss carefully?
Does a fat Puppy hate fast cars?
Does a one legged duck swim in circles?

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There are pretty young women working retail jobs everywhere. Just pay attention.

'm not bagger or cart, i'm just stocker
but yes
i could push 15 carts, they wouldn't end up where i want them to be but i could


I used to work at a place that had a literal retard doing that job.

And every day, all the rest of the employees would be forced out into the parking lot to get carts because the retard is too retarded to do his job properly. Yet they will never fire him because he's a retard.

What a fucking waste of money and life.

Not him, but it's true. I'm something of a hypersexual though, I get aroused easy, so it can be distracting to me.


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i believe what you're saying because i've got a ton of friends that work/worked at starbucks. but i'm curious why anyone hasn't made this a huge case. it seems like perfect grounds for a serious class action lawsuit.

It's all about technique, my friend. Just slow down the speed of the push.

>im not a fagger, im just a stroker
That's all i understood from your post.

can i get a quick rundown?

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>implying cattle farmers name their products

I like having a job where I can shift my hours early, show up before anybody else in the office, take a luxurious crap in an empty floor of the building while doing a crossword. Super comfy. My day is already 1/4 over by the time most of the rest of the people in the office show up, I go home before most school kids do.

t. has never once been to a county fair

LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOO There is mentally challenged guy at my store who pushes carts in the early morning (when the store is slow) and I take over him at noon. He's pretty cool and does his job OVERLY well though.

HEB Home delivery driver here. The pay and hours are decent but FUCK you if you order 3+ cases of water if you live on a floor higher than one

Money. That place makes billions. Hell millions off the one store I was at alone, 3-4 million a year. They have lawyers to silence any dissent.

Well done.

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You work the same job as a retard, user. Your job is so menial that they can afford to pay a retard to do it badly just for tax breaks. How does that make you feel?

I just accepted a job at Burger King. am I going to die? everybody in the establishment t is a negro black.

>the virgin publix
>The Chad Winn Dixie

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>tfw work in the trades
>not smart enough to go back to college
>dont want to be one of those guys who destroys their body for $50-60k/yr until they're 65

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This desu except it would be doing backstock for things like laundry detergent.

>Burger King
>working any burger place other than whataburger

Literally buy a helium tank. It’s not worth it

dumb phoneposter
but winn dixie has good flavor potato chips

Self checkout every time. Every once in a while a grocery store around me replaces normal checkout stands with a bunch of self-checkout ones that only require one person to cover instead of like 5, and it warms my heart to think about the wagies they fired because of it

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>am I going to die?
you wish wagie

based and culturally-enriched-pilled

Sorry I can’t post from my pc. I’m too busy fucking your mom


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stop coping start hoping

Aaaand you're fired.

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Funny, because the starbucks I work at is a licensed store, we didn't have to be "educated" on sensitivity to gays and trans people. As such, my former gay manager, who did a phenomenal job, was fired because he was caught overdosing on pills in the back stock room.

make this post Yea Forums related before the jannys come back

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This guy gets it.

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Licensed stores aren't actually Starbucks stores. You don't do the same stuff and its basically cafes that are renting the name. You are an employee of whatever the larger place you are in. Like a Starbucks in a Fred Meyer or Target is not a corporate store and they are Target or Fred Meyer employees.

I 'd be grateful if I could do that back in the 70s.

That was a very sweet book. Our 3rd grade teacher read it aloud to us.
>Winn Dixie
Literally a lower quality Publix.

Impressively based. Embarrassing text though.

with Wegman's

From the looks of it I'd say some trolls are making fun of some autistic body builder in real life whos just trying to do his shitty job.

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hahaha... i would never do that.......

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