Why hasn't Hollywood used this yet?

Why hasn't Hollywood used this yet?

Attached: SCP_Logo1.jpg (1200x640, 40K)


Even hollywood knows it's nothing but trash

What is, Cabin in the Woods. Already been done

They sent a producer to scout out the site and he was too weirded out by their autism to keep browsing.

reason 1:
>it's creative commons
reason 2:
>autistic trannies

Attached: 1546034787496.jpg (1005x2048, 928K)

Try writing some dialog for your favorite story there, it won't turn out great as there's nothing to really latch on to "humanity-wise".

im confused what this is
nobody has explained it to me and im still confused after years

it's a creepypasta site. there are a few on there worth reading. the community is shit as you would expect.

Didn't stop Basedny from using Slenderman

The website is such a shitty design trying to be clever
Some YouTube did “over reviews” of a lot of the monsters and shit which is a lot better than reading through their awful website

this has to be fake

given the staff turn over at SCP, odds are these people are already dead. Very strange that the transylvanian community latched on to the most (necessarily) oppressive, harsh, militaristic, murderous organisation that would ever let a billion babies die for the greater good. SCP are only goodies by default and would march them all into a furnace if they thought it would give them some advantage over something or someone.

The guy on the top left looks like that SGDQ tranny.

It's fake in that their "identities" are all made up yes

reason 1 is the answer. who do we even call to start negotiations? the web developer? the contributor with the most views? it's just not worth the hassle. the IP isn't valuable so hire a hack director to steal the concept. hey everyone joss agreed to produce!

>who do we even call to start negotiations?
no one, it''s public domain

as swift as the wind

The problem is that since CC can't be licensed, if you produced a movie based on SCP you would have no legal IP (intellectual property) rights to it. This essentially means that anyone (including movie theaters) can legally distribute/reproduce it free of charge, meaning you would make no money off tickets since the theaters wouldn't even have to pay you.

>This essentially means that anyone (including movie theaters) can legally distribute/reproduce it free of charge
No the movie/show/whatever you make is covered under the same laws that regulate adaptations of public domain works.

When and why was it hijacked by literal faggots?
