The Matrix

Do you feel like the Matrix is a product of its time or do you feel like it holds up even today? This also includes the sequels.

The 4th movie is being worked on too.

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The Matrix 1 is kinography. So were the other 2

Watched it earlier this week, I think it still holds up pretty good, most if not all of the themes are timeless

The first one holds up as a really well constructed action film and being a product of its time adds to its charm.

The sequels and especially the second one go more for the expansive lore, which is interesting for matrix heads I guess, but the sequels are not as tight and final as the first one was. I don’t think you’ll ever get a fight with as much hype and build up as the first Neo vs Agent Smith fight in the subway.

tl;dr The Matrix >> The Animatrix = Matrix Reloaded > Matrix Revolutions

the first one is good with a jazz cigarette

I think it got made a decade too soon. Using brains as neural nets actually make sense.

It will always hold up. Its message of liberation is eternal.

Yeah I think the third only really managed to dilute the second which I think expanded the lore perfectly.

Take out the rave and sex scene and the stupid kid spliced in later and it becomes a damn near perfect sequel.

I prefer it than the first since it's all origin story.

This philosophy has held up for thousands of years

The devil's arugula.

don't get me wrong it's a great movie but 'the chosen one' storyline is a bit cliche and some of the dialogue is cheesy

havent seen the sequels, are they worth watching at all? if they atleast have that comfy early 2000s feel to them i will watch them

Rewatched after 10 years. Still amazing and glued to my seat.

cringe as shit jesus christ

Chew up the meat and spit out the bones user. There's enough good in there to stomach the bad.

neo is just there for you to self insert

Reloaded is a really good action flick. 3 is watchable...

I love the Matrix possibly more as a platform than anything else the Wachowskis are really just all around bad filmmakers and think it could be handled better by just about anyone else.

Yeah desu there are very few movies that have the level of creativity with the action scenes that have come out... Its pretty amazing actually

Why wouldn't we trust them? They're cute. The one even has a top hat.

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How can you say that considering how good the matrix is

The mythos stands up on its own with no help at all but think they handled it in a ham-fisted way. We still have threads to this day from anons that can't even follow the narrative past Neo shutting down the squiddies.

Well imagine spending entire lives being at war in a state of siege, I can imagine the relief