It's safe to say he's washed up

it's safe to say he's washed up

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Yes I agree. It's time to move forward onto the Chappelle era again

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No he out-lapped Chappell by a mile with this one

great special
some materials are used again
but still it was amazing
maybe ur woman or sjw OP

Chappelle blows this shit out of the water. It's some lukewarm leftist crap masquerading as anti PC. Nia ruined him
Fuck you

Been that way for a while friend

holy fuck mommy

yeah, just like louis ck, going for the really low hanging "lol sjws are silly" fruit

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Not really, this special was great.

I liked both but Paper Tiger > Sticks and Stones. Anyone who dislikes either is probably seething. In Bill's case, it's more than likely because he's married to a black woman.

What a disgusting cuck, its getting hard to watch. Someone should DNA test that kid for him

I thought it was great, and I was saying he was washed up after the last special

It was good, but feels like he's doing it for therapy.

That's why I appreciate Anthony Jeselnik. He doesn't go for the low hanging fruit, and his comedy manages to punch up while being original and edgy.

It was okay. I chuckled maybe twice. Shitting on virtue signallers is always enjoyable, but he didn't really say anything original. Most of these jokes would've been funnier 4-5 years ago.

Jeselnik is funny, but gets predictable after you realize that most of his jokes are
>normal set up
>take a dark turn

>when he brought back the First Lady bit he's done on stage and Conan already
Just retire Bill, or do a tour of the classics. Don't pretend this is new.

Also his Joe Rogan appearance was so fucking telling. It was painfully obvious he wanted to get it over with and just kept reverting to the same "monkey fight, MMA, comedy scene" talking points on repeat to burn time. The guy just seems to want retirement.

I don't see why he doesn't retire, then. I'm sure he has more than enough money and I know his podcast is highly successful. Having a black wife must have high maintenance costs.

nia is constantly buying expensive shoes and clothes, she posts everything on social media. billy boy fucked up.

is this one of those comedians that thinks they're new an exciting by saying the n word then asking me how "triggered" i am?

ehhh i got bored about half thru and havent finished, I like bill but hearing hurr durr sjw and trigger jokes is so boring

maybe second half is better like w the chapelle special

This one was a lot better than his last one, but nothing will beat the black and white one

Can I get some sauce senpai? I have a dark curiosity.

My guess is the wife's spending (as other user suggests) and that Nia is a fucking bitch. I think it honestly helps his marriage to be able to hide in his work. Also I can't help but suspect he's got 20+ years of fantasizing when he was eating shit as a small-time stand-up that he probably feels compelled to try and make good on. But I totally agree, the dude could just kick his feet up and podcast twice a week and make a fortune.

tom segura is the best stand up right now. and joan rivers remains underrated as hell, look up her old old videos zoomers.

I have to agree, chappelle had some good stuff, but burr was on point, and I actually finished his special, I turned off dave's after ~40m

Much better than his last special although I think it started to get tired toward the end.

The whole HOWEVER conversation joke was VERY telling.

thats what happens when youre a cuck that marries a nigger

For me, it's based Theo Von

Half of the jokes are from his last specials. Wtf.

Tom is great (just saw him last night) but for me, it’s a Dave Attel

Best special this year. That isn't saying much but it made me laugh. At least Bill was saying jokes while having some of his testicles remaining. I can't say the same for other follower comedians these days.

redneclk user confirmed

Imagine how much of a 12 year old mommies good boy you would have to be to think this. I can’t.

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I liked chappelles, he has really solid joke construction and is willing to be actually offensive

>Chappelle blows this shit out of the water

There were barely any jokes in Paper Tiger.