show me ur tv tats
Show me ur tv tats
tattoos are for degenerates
is that CWC?
Here's mine, based on the Thanos snap trophy
That shits so bad that it looks like he tattooed himself with the left hand
Girls love tatts bro
get with the 21st century dickhead, if you want to slay poon get tatted, period.
This ain't the 90s boomers, no one cares about tats no more
honestly love how it turned out and the artist undercharged me
especially kino tats
That's a good way to ensure you never earn a good job at a respectable company.
Only low I.Q. retards get tattoos. You'll have a very hard time finding a lawyer, politician or doctor with a tattoo.
i'm not that big of a fan of marvel but i really like that little character. what is it from?
Not exactly TV but it is from a cinematic
I know it’s not actually you, but I literally can’t believe how ducking pathetic you have to be to tattoo a reddit trophy on your arm. Wow.
I'm usually not into tattooes but this one is pretty dope
Good luck finding one that’s non Jewish either
Halo 2 was kino AS FUCK
Rate me
Is this a cringe thread?
Nice pepperoni nip
I dont give a fuck about MUH JUICE as long as they pay me
Good reaction pic
Very true.
based boomer
I would never, under any circumstances, get a TV or movie tattoo. Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.
When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like certain movies or tv shows will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.
Ching chong ching chong
Based pasta poster
>yeah i want to look like a blueberry pie that got fucked up in the oven
wtf is ur problem? do u even speak chinese? nice menu items
CRINGE. You did jack shit
>OH BLUU BLUU I was in the desert for a few years for the jews and we didnt even wiiiiinn!!!!! Waaaaaaaa!
Thats the Chinese symbols for cock and bull, or it might be, YOU don't know you don't speak chinese
my ex got squid tattooed on her feet, she wanted cthulhu but didn't know what it was or how to say or spell it.
Could you post pics?
>so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
Based retard needing a tattoo to remember this
some fucking people
holy fuck cut off your arm
That's pretty cool dude, well done :)
My ex got all kinds of garish shit tattooed on her after we broke up. It's actually comforting
Don't get me wrong, it''s a comfy film to watch in the comfort of your home theater in the fall/winter or when it's raining, but fuck getting a tattoo about that film, or any film.
Would look better if the V was cut in.
8.5/10 solid bait
She got them pretty much as we were breaking up, she knew i didnt like tattoos, i might have a picture somewhere, ill have a look.
Based but bluepilled
I may get this one
Yeah mine went off to Thailand and came back with that shit. I looked her up the other day, she's two years younger than me but now looks older. Winning.
Looks good desu
>needing tattoos to get a girl wet
Big oof
how many times have you had sex in the span of 5 years? don't all answer at once
I learned this the hard way but many places in Japan will not allow you to enter if you have a visible tattoo, especially hot springs and bath houses where most of your skin will be visible. People on the street will actively avoid you and ignore you if they see you have a tattoo. If you ever plan on visiting the land of the rising sun, don't make the mistake I did
Yea Forums is to blame for this one
Not them, Literally had sex twice this morning
ugly whoresluts maybe
How can one country be so based?
Fake. That dude cheesing in the mirror
Is it cause of the Yakuza guys ?
yup, having a tattoo is like wearing gang shit from the bloods or crips
thinking about getting this as a back piece
Based and dare I say it redpilled
fat bitches with blue hair
>prison tats
have you been to prison? better hope you never go with a tat you shouldn't have.
except bangers don't give a shit unless you're literally flagging
im training to be become a tattoo artists lads
finna post results when i permanent disfigure a couple of retards
also i have 0 (zero) tattoos, theyre for fags but they pay good
around 5000
I want a map of Beleriand on my back
have you? because it sounds like you're parroting something you saw in a movie and don't know what you're talking about.
>no tats
Good luck getting business. Itd be like a restaurant ran by a skinny cook. Wouldnt trust him.
You should kill yourself
Shut up nerd, go back to playing video games or whatever you do.
Nope. But I did know a guy with some lightning bolts. He was not supposed to have them.
my god tier work will talk for me
What will your answer be if a customer asks why you dont have tats?
i will be wearing long sleeves
Fucking degenerates. Only sailors and gangsters get tattoos.
kek you're the one who sought out a hive of pedos and autists.
And after that the yellow disappears too?
i thought about getting "you're gonna carry that weight" from cowboy bebop on me but then i realized that would be permanently branding me as a weeb fag
I'm Banana Rick, Morty!
I'm going to get Ryan Gosling's monster claw tattoo
They do removal in layers, they'll do one color at a time.
most people would think you're a beatles fan
desu that'd be even worse
I'm gonna get a dick tattooed on my dick, but in bigger.
tattoo it on, wait 6 months, lazer it off...
win win. pretty sweet business
Based zoomer
haha, they spelt loser wrong and tried to fix it and thought we wouldnt notice, stupid idiots haha
tattoo. "the weight of a man" and stop being a faggot
My brother got a celtic symbol on his lower back just to be edgy, I told him he looks like a faggot with a tramp stamp and he stormed off to play fortnite. I think he really thought it looked cool
i meant this weeb.