is this any good?
Is this any good?
You've just come across kino OP
Better mafia series than Sopranos.
good but molasses fucking slow, and the story takes a hit after season 2
season 5 is the best season fight me faggots
Quite good. Steve Buscemi did a magnificent job.
but steve plays the same character in everything he's in
Yes. It's the one show alongside Mad Men that I actually, genuinely, love.
What are you talking about? Hes a very flexible and somewhat underrated actor.
Big if true
same intonation
same facial expressions
same demeanor
>but muh big lebowski
its literally the same but he accepts being talked down to
>mad men
>not sopranos
okay i've heard enough ill pass
Just watch until Season 2. Seriously. No matter what anyone says about Season 3 being okay, or contrarians who say 4 and 5 were good, just don't. It's not just that it's bad, the series is a waste of time after 2. It's a very hollow show. You won't get anything out of it, really.
Ever watched Fargo?
>You won't get anything out of it, really.
You don't get anything out of any fiction though.
who /agent van alden/ here
My buddy, my buddy
she was a naive idiot
him and harrow were the best. Joe the boss and gyp close seconds.
Considering they had to completely scrap their plans mid-way through the second season, it's not bad.
It's ok. It spends a lot of time wanking with it's original characters instead of the far more interesting real gangsters though.
The only thing I really didn't care for was the Sex Ed arc in Season 3. Shit dragged on and ruined the tension.