Does anything come close to Enter the Void in terms of visuals and a trippy atmosphere?
Does anything come close to Enter the Void in terms of visuals and a trippy atmosphere?
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Sadly, there aren’t many movies out there that are truly psychedelic
All I know is, I've tried this movie on shrooms 4 times, and never once has it been a decent trip. That's a worse success rate than Willow.
>watching movies while on shrooms
Fucking pathetic
>trying to experience movies while your brain is dysfunctional
The absolute state of hippies
undone on prime
Same here. You trip better with LOTR than with this kind of tryhard shit. Only decent trip I've had with similar material is Waking Life
I love Noé though and I think Climax achieved it much better. Once the mushroom told me the whole setup is a metaphor of how France is being ruined, literally disintegrating before your eyes, it was beautiful
It's the only way to ensure you don't end up in lockup, so...
But you know what, you go be the guy who takes shrooms and then gets arrested for running around naked in the park, or who gets lost in the woods and dies, or ends up doing some retarded shit.
Unless you've got some sort of sensory deprivation chamber, in which cause, kino.
confirmed for never doing shrooms, you sound like a fucking faggot that's watched too many seth rogan movies
I don't try to experience the movie. I want the movie to help the shrooms carry me away to wonderland.
Okay, buddy. You clearly take a very low dose of shrooms.
What do you top out at, 4g? And done them maybe two or three times?
how so? you probably think its way more spiritual to look at the tree in your backyard..
>doing a drug so you can watch a scripted event unfold
just hang out with your friends or something, if you hate trees go out on the town, just don't be a faggot sitting on your couch wasting your high
Altered States is the og dude
>Altered States
And this
I've seen it. It's stupid as hell but I absolutely love the drug scenes. I wish more of the movie was that.
Mandy (2018)
wasting your high? you must not trip too often... Ive been out on the town and hiking and shit while blitzed... its pretty good... and so is watching 2001 Space Odyssey
I really should get around too watching that
Watch windows media colored light patterns, better than this shitty flick
This is much better than The Void btw
I like to watch movies on the comedown
certified acid friendly
scanner darkly
2001 space odyssey
the man who fell to earth
truman show
the matrix
life of pi
the fountain
the little prince
lego movie
april and the extraordinary world
wall -e
Spring Breakers, also
It IS more spiritual to look at a tree than to watch a movie. Not that spirituality is the point of psychedelics.
if you have a profound trip watching 2001 or whatever, how is that any less spiritual or worthy of a trip than just looking at trees?
Fuck mind game, movie goes to shit after the Whale.
One of the gayest fucking movies I've ever watched
you've never done shrooms before.
great anime. loved watching that tripping
I think we disagree on what spiritual and worthy mean. If movies were spiritually divine, people would watch movies in church instead of singing and doing whatever their rituals are.
These people are idiots. They think drugs are a spiritual experience instead of a hedonistic one. Unless your in a group, at a safe party, it's just unwise to go out into nature and do drugs like shrooms or acid. You wander. You get lost. You don't have your wits about you for hours. It's just a terrible fucking idea.
>advances in computer graphics are being made daily
>but we'll never get a movie like this again
There's no disagreement, the other user simply wants to move the goalposts because he's a faggot.
if you've never rewatched tree of life on LSD you have never experienced true bliss
have you ever seen this? just as good if not a little better
retarded garbage
Any of Malicks films are good when you're high.
What about Baraka? Or Chronos?
I watched this on mephodrone and it was all good until that fucking crash scene. It kept happening just as you're getting cozy.Nightmare shit
The only real answer
The answer that literally nobody asked for.
Is this movie truly any good?
When it was on netflix I avoided it because it looked try hard,yet other movies I watched only because they popped up in every category.
Eagle vs Shark was good,I only watched Good Dick because aftwr seeing that title too many times I had to try it.
Gib me a quick spoiler free run down on ops movie,pls.
oops I am banned because I posted "based" to an of topic post,that post was along the lines of "...outside of Twitter do you really think people hate the right?I hate the right,I hate the left and I hate you"
Well,you fag nannies check this out...airplane mode on/airplane mode off.
Check mate you poor peices of shit.
I fucking hate tranny jannies as much as the next guy or more but you netflix "need to try good dick", hipster watching faggots are even worse. Hope they find a way to ban you for life faggot
I hate niggers as much as the next person but this movie a psychedelic rollercoaster with a great atmosphere. Perfect for acid or dxm
t. retard
t. like watching gay shit happen in a pretentious manner
Decent list but how is 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas' not on there?
Also, Into The Spider-Verse is amazing on acid