I don’t watch either of these guys but I thought I’d weigh in on this ‘controversy’ while it is still relevant.
Bill Maher >Points out how obesity is the biggest cause of mortality in the United States. >States that there aren’t as many fat people in Europe. >Lists off the various bad effects of obesity whether it be physical or social. >States that while 53 people died from mass shootings in August, 40,000 people died from obesity. >States that the Amazon rainforest is getting destroyed in order to create farms and meat factories to appease fatsos. >Gives a monologue for how shame is sometimes necessary to get people to stop doing bad habits like smoking, drinking, or being racist.
James Corden >Claims that being fat is mostly genetic. >Says that Bill is wrong about there not being as many fat people in Europe. >Constantly attempts to look like a victim while attacking Bill. >Calls Bill’s tactic of fat shaming equivalent to bullying and claims that it will either cause fat people to kill themselves or to eat more.
Before I make a comment on who I think is right, what do you guys think?
Atheism is the lead cause of eternal suffering in the fiery pits of Hell. Corden may die 15 years earlier, comparatively, but will have the last laugh.
Hudson Foster
Bill Maher is a hack but speaking as a (formerly) fat fuck who got skinny then became a fat fuck again because I was being a bitch, he's correct.
Fuck fatties, they're lazy and they eat to damn much.
Alexander Nelson
i think they both look like faggots but the fat one is fat so hes a bigger faggot
Isaiah James
Why can't fat people just stop eating too much.
Lucas Thomas
Maher is right. I have never been able to stomach that fat fuck. He comes off as petty, entitled, snobby, and incredibly obnoxious. The amount of C O P E and S E E T H E coming from fat fucks is stratospherical sometimes.
Carson Turner
>before I give my opinion >gives hugely biased account Lol and you complain about liberal media being biased???
Joseph Sullivan
they are both right. American fats are obese from gluttony and greed. European fats are genetical anomalies, their ancestors were probably serfs and anything they eat their genes think that it should be stored as fat. But an European fat doesn't look as an abomination as an American one does.
Ryan Harris
>Name two cameramen in the room right now.
Eli Williams
>States that there aren’t as many fat people in Europe. Although he's right on most points. The UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, etc. are trailing in obesity rates of like 25% or greater.
Cameron Scott
England has more fatties than the rest Europe because they have poor eating habits like Americans. Heck American eating habits are just English just a little bit more extreme. Both are hacks but eat healthy and work out and yes some people will never be a size 0 but anything over 250 is unhealthy
John Wilson
>hugely biased account What exactly is biased in his account of points in the interventions?
Jordan Barnes
Corden is a bitch, but you're legit retarded if you think shaming is a tactic that will affect any sort of widespread change when it comes to the obesity issues affecting the west. Pussy though it is, fat fucks need a light at the end of their salt, sugar, and fat soaked tunnel. They need to be shown that they CAN take control over this shit, that they CAN be happy cooking and eating right, that change IS possible. It's fun to make /fph/ threads, and I enjoy them as much as everyone else, but recognize that in the real world, these are weak addicts you're dealing with.
That doesn't mean accepting their bullshit or excuses, in fact we need to be willing to draw a hard line when it comes to >muh genetics type bullshit. But just mocking, without offering a way out, is ultimately destructive. Be willing to say what you actually want. Do you want to actually fix this problem, or do you just want to enjoy mocking these buttergolems?
if fat people cure themselves of the fat then i cant make fun of them anymore
Grayson Davis
Shaming has been a major behavioral influence in human societies for longer than recorded history. People are highly responsive to pressure from their communities to perform particular roles or actions. Most people barely even have a community anymore though.
Julian Bailey
OP here. Bill's right and James is wrong. Europe does have fat people, but the fattest country is Europe (Malta) and it is skinnier than 30 American states. I never claimed to be unbiased, I think one is right and one is wrong. I stated before that I don’t watch either, so this isn’t anything personal. James really wasn’t giving arguments, but appeals to emotion.
>Bill Maher >>Points out how obesity is the biggest cause of mortality in the United States. True >>States that there aren’t as many fat people in Europe. Mostly true. UK is close. >>Lists off the various bad effects of obesity whether it be physical or social. That fat people have trouble walking is reason enough >>States that while 53 people died from mass shootings in August, 40,000 people died from obesity. Irrelevant but true. Mass shootings are just inherently more interesting than the slow death of society and culture. >>States that the Amazon rainforest is getting destroyed in order to create farms and meat factories to appease fatsos. Not sure about this, I think this is probably more likely due to increased meat consumption in poor countries/rising population. >>Gives a monologue for how shame is sometimes necessary to get people to stop doing bad habits like smoking, drinking, or being racist. Seems sensible, it's what they do in Japan. youtube.com/watch?v=wwH3rA8Evow >James Corden >>Claims that being fat is mostly genetic. True, weight in a particular environment is mostly genetic (80%). The environment has changed in the last 50 years (work has become far more sedentary). You have to consciously change your environment/behaviour to lose weight. >>Calls Bill’s tactic of fat shaming equivalent to bullying and claims that it will either cause fat people to kill themselves or to eat more. Fat people are too lazy to kill themselves.
Adrian Jackson
i read the bible...comic-tier quality writing. literally capeshit was not impressed.
Tyler Fisher
>People are highly responsive to pressure from their communities to perform particular roles or actions
Yeah, and that response is to buy 20 bucks worth of McDonald's and eat it in their room alone. Fucking idiot.
Adrian Ortiz
Feel free to believe that.
Gabriel Roberts
You said it yourself. >Most people barely even have a community anymore Where are these fatties going to be held accountable for their destructive behavior? Who is going to point at them and laugh when they shuffle into their house with a Wendy's bag holding enough food for 3 people? Fucking tard.
Easton Bennett
They both seem like fags, but Corden just comes off a super fake unlikeable dude everyime I see him. He has all the money in the world, if he really wanted to lose weight he could.
Aaron Ward
It's different for everyone though. There are actual people who make a lifestyle change do to social shaming.
Aiden Allen
Bill Maher is right and wrong. He says people should be shaming fat people, which is sorta stupid because that makes it sound like you mean actively calling fat people names or something. When it's more like people should be praising beautiful and thin people more rather than the whole progressive thing about praising ugly and fat people.
Bigger problem is that you have people shamed for praising being thin. Like it Britain there was the backlash against some diet shake company or whatever that did an advertising campaign with a thin woman and a tagline "are you beach body ready?", which seemed to result in counter campaigns to promote being comfortable being fat. Most people end up overlooking the backlash because they see it as insane progressives, but it still ends up being effective as they help normalize the grossly obese.
Fat people are presented as average in so many areas of life now that it throws off everyone's sense of what SHOULD be average.
Robert Hill
>There are actual people who make a lifestyle change do to social shaming Sure, I see people on /fit/ post that all the time. But re-read what I wrote >widespread change Fact is this is not something that will solve this problem for a MAJORITY of westerners.
Noah Jenkins
Have you considered that the fact that I mention that nobody has communities anymore may mean that the message of my post is different from what you have taken away from it?
Ryan Cox
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who unironically think the only reason they are pushing 400lbs is because of 'genetics'
>the fattest non-anglo Euro country is Hungary which is still less fat than 42 Murrican states JESUS CHRIST
Brandon Clark
>OP here. Bill's right and James is wrong. Europe does have fat people, but the fattest country is Europe (Malta) and it is skinnier than 30 American states.
Another issue here is that it's typically blacks and Hispanics that are obese. So for white people that don't live in black or Hispanic areas they don't even notice this obesity issue is as prevalent as it is, since really it's not showing up in their communities.
Gabriel Torres
I went outside once, the gameplay was alright but the graphics SUCKED!
Brody Morgan
I always see fat white Americans in those pics made to make fun of you tho.
Mason Hughes
Lost of South Asians are overweight as fuck here. Mostly because they love Ghee butter
Adrian Morgan
I'm just sick of Liberals paying foriegners to shit on our country.
Aaron Bailey
Corden is a fat, untalented, gay, fat piece of shit. So glad he got shipped across to America
Nathan Hughes
Butter doesn't make you fat. It's a myth.
Aiden Peterson
There is no such thing as a white American.
Xavier James
I imagine that happens because it's a stereotype that Americans are mostly white plus you can look as those statistics about obesity in the US.
Sebastian Nguyen
>it's a stereotype that Americans are mostly white
Nathaniel Kelly
then what're you doing on this board. tubby?
Bentley Mitchell
Nahh. There are obese white, asian, Hispanic, Indians, natives, blacks...etc American lifestyle and diet will fuck people up. Look at the Sopranos, American Italians are fat fucks while Italians are skinny
Aaron Foster
Do you really care about some minor liberal talking heads getting into a slapfight?
Asher Murphy
I think there's an emotional component that plays into food being an escape or a way to deal with something be it stress/trauma/what have you.
I listened to that one rogan pdocast where the brain scientist said your brain acts differently once you become fat and that it is actually harder to lose weight if you are morbidly obese, from a mental aspect. I've seen other anecdotal studies that show similar things. Like this Asian trainer who couldn't understand why the fat people he trained lacked discipline, so he purposely gained 100 pounds to show it's possible to lose it but he found that once he was fat he hated exercise and craved sugar which was the opposite of how he felt when he was healthy.
Lastly, I think a combination of poor education and living in the first world in the current day is just a recipe for disaster.
Grayson Richardson
>Gives a monologue for how shame is sometimes necessary to get people to stop doing bad habits like smoking, drinking, or being racist. Shame has done nothing to decrease literally any of these things though. In fact, going overboard trying to shame racism has just made more people racist.
Daniel Richardson
Just as with crime statistics, white people still show up less often in comparison to other ethnic groups.
>Obesity rates by race in 2015 >White: 29.7% >Black: 39.8% >Hispanic: 31.8% >Asian: 10.7%
Hispanics aren't much more fat that whites. Blacks are fat as fuck compared to everyone else (largely due to black women) but whites are still being absolutely mogged by asians. White americans are still fatter than the fattest European countries on that other guy's list. So sorry, this isn't a case white people being perfectly healthy and it being solely the minorities' fault for driving up the fat stats. You're not as fat as Shaniqua but you're still a fat fuck and you're definitely not in a position to be shifting the blame onto the latinos who are roughly as fat as you are.
Daniel Cooper
Being overweight or obese is universally agreed upon to be bad for your health. There is no argument to be had. These are cold, hard time proven facts. You will be happier and live longer with significantly less health issues at a healthy weight for your height.
There is no defense for being a fatty. None.
John Parker
>Claims that being fat is mostly genetic. Wrong. Different metabolism doesn't mean the laws of thermodynamics function differently for you. If you eat so much that you get fat, you won't starve if you eat slightly less.
Bentley Brown
Former fatso here, neither is fully right. Shaming works in some cases, but in others it only pushes people further into their habits since they think it's a lose-lose situation and go back to eating as a coping mechanism. In general, the following is all you need to know: >No drinking soda >No snacking >Exercise is frivolous in weight loss compared to diet >You eat because you're bored; Find a new hobby >No diet pills unless you like shitting yourself It's really not that hard. I tried to explain to my mom how she could lose it all just by dropping the soda and so on, but she wouldn't take it seriously.
Chase Jackson
>Enough insulation to live in northern Canada >Display your dominance on airplanes >Roll down a hill at top speed and kill people having picnics at the bottom >Paint a face on your belly and jiggle around to make it change expression >Get off of this miserable planet sooner Sounds like there's a lot of good reasons to be fat desu
David Perry
every sunday you wackos come out lol jesus sucked off 8 of his apostles and let the rest cum in his boipussy 2 at a time
Wyatt Morris
>I thought I’d weigh in I saw what you did there, you little cunt.
Carter Fisher
>James Corden >cope
Anthony Taylor
Is bill Mahr a Jew ?
Luis Morris
I hate 'muh fatness is genetic' bullshit but Bill Maher is also an insufferable douche. I don't really have any opinions beyond that.
Ryder Johnson
The west is dying when no father will slap blasphemy out of their child, until they are alone and suffering, and comitting blasphemies against the holy spirit, in surrogate living, on surrogate everything, on a digital mockery of the world, out of boredom and desperation. Just begin to think what you'll have to do to right this - you coward.
Ryan Peterson
Corden has no excuse for still being fat.
Jack Clark
Posting Sneed and cooming to feet, mostly.
Zachary Edwards
Mentally, they should be able to understand that their lifestyle is not sustainable in any way.
Kayden Young
It is clearly societal factors behind the extreme obesity in Anglo-countries. Most likely due to the precarious work life that leave the common man stressed and without time. Most of them do not even have a month of paid holidays. The lack of public transport and urban sprawl doesn't help either as it fosters an inactive lifestyle.
It is the same with the opioid epidemic. Working men without proper public health care gobbled painkiller so they wouldn't miss a day of wageslaving for their masters.
Brandon Lee
L i t e r a l l y all you have to do to lose weight is eat at a calorie deficit. Making up dumbass excuses is exactly why the majority of westerners are fat lazy pieces of shit that refuse to improve or change their lifestyle. It is pathetic. You are pathetic.
Brody Reed
That's technically true, but I'd add that you should eat things you like at a calorie deficit. There's a reason that the air-popcorn and celery diets fail.
Lincoln Reyes
>How do we solve the greatest public health crisis of our society? >Just tell them to eat less bro Don't you have homework to do?
Blake Gray
It’s well-known that you shouldn’t shame a person with an under-eating food disorder (anorexia) so what makes it right to shame a person with an over-eating food disorder?
Logan King
Who cares.
Eli Kelly
The reason for any diet failing is because the individual is weak willed and decided that it wasn't going to work from the start. The majority of fatties have zero drive to improve or change. If they did they wouldn't have let themselves get to the point of being fat in the first place.
Just because the majority of humanity are retarded low IQ fatheads incapable of having any sort of willpower to stop stuffing their rotten maws for one second doesn't change the fact that losing weight is in fact incredibly simple.
Maher is upwards of 90% in the right. Yes, there are people with congenital conditions that make it extremely difficult to stay thin, but they are the shields that entire marching columns of lazy, self-indulgent, weak-willed, undisciplined fatties waddle behind.
The reason we're at this place as a society was because of the push against bullying
Zachary Scott
Brayden Jones
The biggest factor of losing 120lbs for me was the massive amount of self hate I had for myself. That didn't change after the weight loss but that's a different story. Shame and self hate definitely helped me lose the weight faster and more effectively.
Colton Brown
because I don't care anymore
Hudson Robinson
Feminism and smartphones.
Levi Rivera
Is bill maher the last at-least-a-little-bit real nigga they'll allow to have a platform ever?
Daniel Sanchez
People stopped cooking their own meals
Adrian Morales
He's cool when he dabs on #cancel faggots, but he's also a massive corporate whore who did a whole segment about shaming people who weren't with her.
Republican states can’t even manage their own bodies
Nathaniel Morris
For now. He's certainly one of the last people to be able to consistently piss off both sides of the political spectrum which is how all political voices should be. Pandering to or shitting on one side too much is the worst thing a political commentator can do.
Austin Baker
Corden's right about many parts of Europe being fat as fuck now.
Alexander White
Anyone on the planet would have been better than trump. Even /pol/ realizes that by now surely.
Ian Bennett
They pretend not to
Ryan Thomas
I'm honestly betting on self-hating chubster for this one
Oliver Perez
I'm I lost 120lbs and have kept it off for nearly 3 years. I try to educate people on how easy losing weight is and how the mindset of a fatty is because I was one for 90% of my miserable life. Losing weight was one of the only good choices I've made in my shitty life.
Nolan Walker
Bill is correct. How is this even a debate?
Austin Harris
the old atheist man is correct and the fat british car singing man is wrong
Adrian Brooks
The fattest state 20 years ago is skinnier then the skinniest state today This isn't a red state blue state issue
Lucas Young
I should have specified, shaming lefties who weren't with her.
James Cook
Calories in Calories out
William Robinson
fuck that british cunt. did the UK kick corden out because he's so bland, and now the US has to deal with this celebrity wannabe?
so boring unfunny and fat
take your trash back, UK. you should be ashamed of yourself for producing him
Liam Phillips
Not voting for your party and staying at home was the same as voting for trump. The fence sitting smug assholes and Bernie retards made this mess and now they have to live with it.
Adam Bailey
Have fun when Biden gets his shit pushed in.
Aiden Diaz
I 100% disagree. Shaming people is the right thing to do. No addict is gonna her the help they need. I know because there’s plenty of shit in my life that I can fix for my own personal well being and I chose not too because I’m fucking lazy and don’t want to. The thing is I’m not a disgusting fat fuck so no is gonna know what my issues are.
Everyone shame fat people. Call them names throw shit at them. For everyone that is too bitch made to improve you’ll light a spark in one of them.
Luis Jenkins
>Read through this bullshit to find out what your opinion is because you state you have one. >Get to the very end only for you to ask me what the fuck I think and not give your opinion at all.
FUCK YOU OP, that's what I think.
Hunter Bell
Thankfully I'm not American but Biden would be the worst possible choice and they would be digging their own grave. None of the current democratic nominees have the potential to beat trump right now. Hillary clinton did if more people would have showed up.
Evan Myers
you can't explain that
Henry White
Nope I see a shit ton of fat whities everywhere I go. Nice try /pol/
Jason Long
>Thankfully I'm not American I am, and I'm smack dab in the middle of the Obama-to-Trump country (which handed them the Election). >hillary would have won if she wasn't hillary Cope.
Robert Adams
You keep saying that but these forms keep saying "white" or "caucasian" and when i go into a black ghetto they keep calling me white boy. when I go to mexico i get called gringo
Landon Moore
that both are retarded and it's done on purpose in order to push a false narrative. - maher is retarded because: people don't get fat because of meat, but because they're gluttonous slothfull sack of shit for one, and for two because of hormones in the meat, gmo veggies, and shit in the water supply. he conveniently pretends that humans are not primarily carnivorous and only opportunistically omnivores. our ancestors used to follow herds, and foraging berries and other sort of local sparse vegetation will only get you that far, mind you. in other words, he is a kike liar (shocker), and regurgitating vegan stupidity. - that other litterally-who is retarded aswell because: crying like a bitch about muh bullying only make you desserving of getting bullied some more. he was here only to appear to fail in order to give his interlocutor a false victory to push a false narrative. muh genetics is a shit excuse: people weren't that fat in the US in the 80's and didn't all mutated all of the sudden in the exact same manner real world =/= capeshit.
Liam King
>hoping that hatred for the ineptitude of the uran utan is somehow synonymous with leftard shit getting any higher on the totem pole no retard, it only means you get sunk even lower. ALLWAYS LOWER. because you're the lowest form of scum.
Caleb Mitchell
So instead of insulting fatties or yelling at them we should be cheerfully poking them?
Andrew Thomas
Bill Mahar is unfortunately right.
Jaxon Rodriguez
Is he Christian? He seems gay and super pro gay and a globohomo.
>Inb4 "you can be Christian and pro gay"
Jonathan Brown
>Hispanics aren't much more fat that whites but Mexico is fatter than America
Easton Mitchell
Malta and Turkey are Anglo?
Camden Moore
>being racist is bad
Bluepilled. Being racist is just acting in your objective egoistic interests by not letting rival tribes have access to your resources.
Henry Sanders
Once again, it's niggers.
Montana is Republican, but also 90% white and skinny.
This is false. Even if you adjust for race, red states are fatter.
Logan Cox
Heaven and Hell don't exist you stupid faggot. All humans go straight to Sheol when they die, all of them. Anyone and anything that says the contrary is fanfiction written hundreds or thousands of years later.
Ryder Wright
If you look at the statistics, obese people are far more likely to have been molested during childhood than people of a healthy weight range - putting on weight for these people is a mechanism to deter molesters by making themselves unattractive. Other than that, some people are just greedy cunts with no self control.
John Ward
Says the book that says Earth is flat and admits it's god got beat up by a Moabite diety named Chemosh
Cameron Diaz
I'm sorry we did this to you but he's your problem, forgive us yankbro, genuinely cruel Gavin and Stacy was funny, that was a lifetime ago now
Trump's protectionism and (attempt) to close the borders is still based compared to 90% of the Democrat platform. We mostly hate Trump because he's Zionist; but so are the majority of Democrats. The non-Zionist Dems like Omar are also vehemently anti-white, so basically it's a contest of "who's the least shitty?".
You think Montana or Idaho is fatter than Cali or NY? Check again.
Daniel Carter
As a bong I can tell you that most of the obesity here comes from binge drinking. Literally everyone I know goes out and drinks almost everyday. It's like some kind of genetic defect.
Brandon Miller
>Says that Bill is wrong about there not being as many fat people in Europe.
i mean there's solid statistical data about this, it's not something up for debate
>Calls Bill’s tactic of fat shaming equivalent to bullying and claims that it will either cause fat people to kill themselves or to eat more.
another proof that america is going to shit is people indulging these obese fucks as if it was a trendy life choice rather than a proper illness
Nicholas Lewis
>foreign shills all want globalist niggers to win because a nationalist US terrifies them
Go figure.
Luke Ortiz
>It's like some kind of genetic defect. It's fun and the weather's shit.
Come for a pint lad.
Lucas Howard
This guys right, you need some support. We are naturally addicted to fatty foods because these things use to be hard to acquire and we where driven to hunt deer to get them. Now we can easily get them with a large coke and no running required.
You're aren't going to get people to go against this without motivating them.
Parker Russell
This. I'm a fat fuck too but at least i acknowledge it's my own damn fault.
Eli Morales
Different user here I would sure as fuck assume so. Lefties are obsessed with faggy calorie counting and vegan shit. If anything Cali and NY are horribly underfed and malnourished.
Julian Morales
There are other things to do ffs. What about a game of squash? Why can't we all be squash addicts instead?
Andrew Cruz
>Fat states vote for fat man SHOCKER
Logan Stewart
Everyone in NY walks everywhere and everyone in CA has an eating disorder
Robert Bell
some fat fucks are malnourished. understand that amerimutts do not eat food, they eat synthethic garbage, it doesn't provide real sustenance (henceforth tricking them into stuffing even more shit in their maws), and only make them bloated (fattening hormones in fact increase mostly water retension). their dogs are legit betterly fed.
Seriously though, most fat people react to being insulted by eating more to cope. Yeah there are gonna be people here who claim otherwise but actual studies have shown this to be true. The last time I posted those on Yea Forums everyone just got mad so whatever, not doing it again, just google them. There has to be some internal motivation to actually improve yourself
Adrian Jenkins
Replacing sugar (which isn't fattening) with high fructose corn syrup (which activates your liver into storing fat)
Samuel Brown
Mohammed, we don't think about you at all.
Camden Gutierrez
>i need someone thinking about me what kind of a mindset is that if not one of a woman? grow a pair and stop being an embarassment. actual people concerning themselves about the retarded shit going in muttlandia should not surprise anyone with half a brain considering the propensity your country has to export its most retarded habits.
And maher is still one of the biggest cocksuckers of all . . . .
Justin Sullivan
>all these ass mad atheists You know, when some wackjob on the corner screams about aliens abducting the president and replacing him with a reptilian, I don't take time out of my day to argue with him. I laugh and keep walking. These atheists really want to put their souls at ease by mouth raping you with facts and reason, kek.
Owen Gomez
shaming worked pretty well with smoking desu
Kevin Smith
Being fat is a sin He'll burn in hell along with all the jews, homosexuals and Protestants
Jacob Scott
Maher: -Zionist cunt & Jewish supremacist -Wrong about a tremendous number of things -"Stop eating meat for the environment" is bullshit spouted by the same people that tell white people and only white people to stop having kids "for the environment" while taking white people's money to subsidize & encourage Africa's enormous population explosion +He's right that there are far too many fatties and they need to be shamed
Corden: -Fatty -Being fat is not mostly genetic. Fat parents are more likely to have fat kids because they pass their terrible eating habits and complete lack of self-control on to their kids through example -/+He is partially right that there are a lot of fat people in Europe. There aren't as many as in the US, but the number of fatty fat fat fats in Europe is always downplayed by Eurocunts in denial. +/-He is partially right that bullying will only make fat people retreat into themselves and their food and get fatter. Fatties usually eat emotionally, and making them feel horrible will often make them just stop listening to you and shove cake in their mouths. That being said, there is an enormous difference between bullying a fatty and simply letting it be known that their behavior is not acceptable.
Angel Ramirez
Watching them fight is like watching two hobos fighting over a moldy sandwich.
Dylan Cooper
But pedophiles go to heaven in your religion, right?
Brayden Jackson
>"Stop eating meat for the environment" is bullshit spouted by the same people that tell white people and only white people to stop having kids "for the environment" while taking white people's money to subsidize & encourage Africa's enormous population explosion Okay Exxon.