Ursula > Monica > Rachel > Janice > Phoebe

Ursula > Monica > Rachel > Janice > Phoebe

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Phoebe is the ugliest off the three. Her lolrandumb personality isn't funny either. Bitch looks like a pigeon


fat monica > monica > rachel

phoebe doesn't make the list

Reminder Julie was literally perfect and the writers knew it, so they had Ross dump her off screen with the reason "she wasn't Rachel".

Attached: Julie.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Literally who?

Rachel (seasons 1-3) > Monica (seasons 1-3) > Rachel > Monica > Phoebe >>>>>> Janice

Good riddance. Ross actually became funny after she left.

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Well she can't be perfect if she's fucking ugly

>looked like a boy
>had no tits
>had no ass
>annoying voice

Courteney Cox isn't Jewish

Did Jennifer Anniston's jaw get wider every season? Ross aged like fine wine till the show ended

The writers probably got non-stop angry fan mail from roasties mad that Ross had yellow fever

wow i've been fapping to jennifer aniston for a long time


Anyone who looks at that image and says Jennifer Aniston wasn't the hottest one is fucking kidding themselves. I think it was actually extreme mean-spirited of the photographer to all Jenn to MOGG the other two so hard. Just shoot them all individually, no one needs that comparison.

Why is her shin so shiny?

Season 1 Monica >>>>> anyone else at any point

The picture does no justice to Lisa Kudrow. Photographer probably went "Jennifer looks good, Courtney looks good, Lisa looks... whatever who cares"

>shows my mom and dad watch

My mom would watch Friends all the time when I was 4 and she would get nervous everytime I watched it with her

why are these ugly cunts looking at me instead of playing tug o war

I agree, I loved Kudrow as well, but come on. In their prime, Aniston was leagues above her. Courtney Cox was always mediocre.

Kudrow used to be a babe but by the time Friends came along she was already older than the other female leads.

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She looks like a dumb Jew whore in that pic.

Works for me

I wouldn't say she's a star, but she's really good.

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post a pic of you

Been told I look like Keanu Reeves

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that's a nice towel desu

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Aniston always looked like a faggot that wanted to steal my wallet.

>TFW no s1/2 Monica

Cox looks like the pissed off faggot who opened your stolen wallet and immediately threw it on the ground after seeing your xfiles id card, the pic of your fat single mom, and the big empty hole where the money would go

also true

twin peaks girls > friends girls

Attached: twinpeaks.jpg (500x389, 22K)

golden girls > friends girls

janice > phoebe > rachel kill the rest


>rachel above phoebe

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Thank you, short-haired brunette Kudrow is quite striking.

>rachel below literally anyone

Wow. I haven’t seen that pic in years. It used to be my desktop wallpaper when I was a teenager.

>Jennifer Aniston is a 10 in every season
How is that even possible?

More like a rat

At the time the show aired, she was ahead of the curve actually. Iirc, the lolrandom crap was around 2007 and 08 I think. Cringey now, but suitable at the time.

She was a 10/10 in the 90’s though. What a strange and sad decade.

You look like Adam Drivers FAS brother.

>a 10 in every season
she looks ALOT like my aunt so i really didnt get it. it would be like rubbing one out to my uncle who kind of looks the same

She looked pretty good in the earliest seasons, better than Monica.
Rachel is the only one who looked throughout.

What was her problem?

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She was English

For me it's Monica with shorthair.

her Rachel haircut was shit


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Her parents were scammers and she was too prissy.
Way cuter than any of Ross's women but Rachel, though.

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you dont see the ghost on the other end of the rope

Its shaved, you virgin.

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Yeah, people who say she was shit don't remember how good she looked when she 1) wasn't being a weirdo, and 2) was still in the first few seasons of the show.

>was dating another guy when she started dating Ross
>marries again no less than six episodes after dropping Ross for good

Are British girls really like this?

>Top tier
Pill popping Chandler
>High tier
Ross, Joey, sober Chandler
>Meh tier
>Shit tier
>Monica tier

it was a tv show dummy. it's not like she could change the script

>>Shit tier
>>Monica tier

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