What's the story?

What's the story?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>a woman
>surviving the apocalypse alone

I don't care as long as the protag is barefoot.

the hungry cats eat her alive

The cats fuck off and live in the wild and the woman is captured and becomes the local warlord’s sex slave.

>gets raped and turned into a sex slave
>cats get killed and eaten
a 10 minute movie doesnt sound very interesting

I wonder sometimes, have women lost any sense of reality?

I don't understand the mindset of owning a cat. Not trying to be an ass, but cats are unloyal, useless, evil, and do nothing for yiu. A dog will keep you company, love you, defend you in a fight, go fetch fiod for you, and always loyal.

I think you could make a decent comedy out of this premise provided zero women are anywhere near writing or production

Cats are good for pest control. I love mine but yeah they're definitely dicks.

Dwarf fort. Cats over breed and eat her alive.


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you can train cat to do simple tasks. It can be kino.

Why do roasties love cats so much

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Capeflick. "Cat-Lady". Throws cats.

aww what a cute cat
what's his name?

Could be an interesting take but in the end “man in the wilderness with his dog” Is basically a male fantasy not a female one

the same reason we do
they are unable to make facial expressions so we can project our own feelings unto them with ease

>a woman and her army of cats
That do... what?

Like if a dog comes up to Man+Dog scenario, dog can engage in kickass hound battle with evil dog, what's the army of cats gonna do when the dog comes around besides get eaten?

Cats are cute but selfish and mean
Dogs are less cute but kind and loyal

Women like cats as friends because they can relate to them more, and women like dogs as fuckbuddies because the dogs are willing to oblige

Spoken like a true cat person.
I don't care about the racism, but I don't know if I want to associate with cat people.

>gets toxoplasmosis

>hear me out
>before posting a completly inoffensive idea

Imagine the smell.

idk looking at this thread it seems like bitchbois are mad

that's the joke faggot

>implying cats have inherent loyalty towards humans
They just stick around because you feed them.

>t. elizabeth may

Just kidding, he’s actually holding his friend’s cat in that photo

She has such a great smile


>let me quote some faggot DUDE COSMIC HORROR hack to prove those treacherous creatures are superior to man's best friend

>Like the cats are going to follow that bitch around in a post-apocalyptic world
>Like the woman would survive on her own with no skills other than talking and sex

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they never had it

There is literally no racism in that you cultist.

seething catman detected

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I've always thought dogs are just for people who need to have something more stupid than themselves around.

seething dogfags

Dogs are smarter than cats, just less graceful

In Lego Movie 2 the cat lady have her cats armed with weapons during the post-apocalypse beginning of the film.

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This kills the catcuck

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meant to quote

why isn't this catching on? it beats soimale in every way

They all logically end the same way, though. The cats become food and she gets raped. She gets raped A LOT.

>a woman and her army of cats

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I don't buy this article. I own a cat, and I still hate fags and thots.

So why do they act like fucking morons?

Because drinking soi drinks really does say something about you culturally. Owning a cat says you live in an apartment and can't own a dog.

Classic opinion of stupid retards, projecting human standards and behaviour onto animals. Look at chimps, extremely intelligent, yet act like huge retards. Sorry but your cat is not “independent” or “civilised”, it’s just fucking dumb.

you are the exception and should be commended. the exception doesnt disprove the norm however and theres a reason cat man is synonynous with an effeminate submissive male.

It's always funny seeing cat people defend cats for being "so smart". Just like those parents "MY KYLE IS THE SMARTEST KID HE IS JUST LAZY". No he isn't.
Cats are just too dumb to follow orders like dogs do, but cat people's cognitive dissonance is just too huge to admit it, so they just pretend cats are too smart and have their own head and whatnot, when in reality, cats are just violent retards.

Cats are highly territorial and don't stray from their claimed territory on their own. A movie about a woman with an army of cats would literally be a stationary and boring story where she just stays in one small area. It doesn't lend itself well to a good narrative.

Isn't she a millionaire? Can't she produce such a movie?

Different kinds of animals. Dogs are companions, a cat is a decoration. A decoration that will eat your face if you die before them but a decoration nonetheless.

catman internet defence force tries their hardest to ensure that cat owning males arent synonymous with effrminate betas. they arent doing a very good job.

whats going on here is kitty going to be okay

Cats are useful in ridding your property of vermin. That is, if you don't overly domesticate the cat and make it entirely dependent on you for food. This can lead to the cat thinking of you as its butler rather than it's mom/child, which can also lead to alpha cat syndrome where the cat will attack you in your own house for no reason.
I'm not going to sit here and defend everything about cats, but they are useful if you live in a rural area and are very low maintenance. You get a cat to protect your house from pests, a dog to protect it from invaders, and a donkey to protect your livestock from predators.

meanwhile despite all this posturing and anthopromorphization that cat doesnt get the stick because its simply too stupid to

The woman dies within a week because she can't do anything herself and the cats eat her corpse

>loyalty to anyone but their stomach

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There is no room for your incel bigotry here.

Edit: Whoa this post really blew up
Edit 2: I keep getting a lot of messages from you guys. I didn't mean to attack him personally I was trying to fight fascism on our board.
Edit 3: I wasn't defending him I'm a hard left leaning POC.
Edit 4: Guys fuck fascism and fuck him I'm against all forms of hate.
Edit 5: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Edit 6: I'm messaging the Mods to lock this thread because yall can't behave. I'm receiving a lot of threatening messages in my inbox from alt right incels telling me to kill myself.
Edit 7: I'm going to bed, Reddit!

>the woman and her cats become mutated through a freak accident
>they merge into a cat girl abomination
>movie is a creature feature about a mutated cat lady terrorizing a local town killing all the woman and raping all the men

>implying a bleeding shitcunt will survive in a post apocalyptic world even for a day

No way jose

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based post

>so many
There's like 3.

>endless amount of cool shit you can do with dogs
>cats are absolutely useless
>this somehow makes cats superior to dogs
his logic doesn't really check out to be honest

>Pussy-owning pussies are the answer to online toxic masculinity

owning a cat is one thing but considering yourself a cat man and having pretentious opinions about it like is even more of an indicator than soi drinking as far as detecting betas bitch males is concerned



what a fuckin retard

based catman you show those dog nazis who's in charge here!!!!!!!

based observation

>a donkey to protect your livestock from predators

I've read that the only people who hate cats are ones who want to control others and can't stand the fact that cats just do their own thing.
So yea, unless a cat ripped your eye out when you were a kid, I don't trust you if you hate cats.
If you prefer dogs to cats that's a different story, but I don't trust anyone who hates cats.

Yet it'll chase an intangible red dot of light from a laser pointer. At least you can actually catch a stick.

If you are a male that prefers cats to dogs you are a tofumale or filthy yellow subhuman bug person. No exceptions. I don't own either so don't get pissed at me reporting the facts, Chang, you faggot.

Post that picture of Mark Twain with his chad dog

this if she cute and barefoot the entire movie it would be kino

>Arguing over which of the two pets all households should own should be owned exclusively

urbanfags are such an odd bunch

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Donkeys are hardcore, they regulate any stealing of their property and they're damn good too.

My fat orange cat just hangs out with me all day. Rolls around on my lap and let’s me scratch his belly all the time or he just falls asleep on me when I’m laying down. It’s nice.

>If you hate black people I don't care but if you like cats I hate you
You sound like a dumb prick

Shut up animefag you aren't even people.

Donkeys fuck up coyotes like nobody's business. They're highly territorial but also friendly with other livestock animals. They might not kill a lone wolf, coyote, or cougar, but they'll definitely drive them off.

See. Tofumale.

Now in all seriousness, I like dogs. And it's pretty obvious that dogs are more useful companions. Cats haven't evolved to perform cooperative tasks and have been domesticated for a much shorter period of time. There is a point there though. Dogs are programmed to like people, a cats affection has to be earned.

based orange cat poster.

>army of cats
>cats shit themselves in fear and hide for hours when a car backfires a block away

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>She’d be turned into a man’s sex slave within 5 days
>After 5 days, if she hasn’t been forcibly captured yet, she’ll willingly become some man’s sex slave in exchange for shelter and resources
>Her cats will leave her within a day of no food, especially if she is forced to become transient
The movie
>The woman kills a bunch of evil men, rebuilds society, becomes queen, her cats stay by her side through all of it, apparently compelled by her regal aura

hey, dis is Yea Forums

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based and WarrenG-pilled

>says he thinks highly of cats
>still names cat after the lowest form of life on the planet

Garfield is a lazy nigger.


This. I'm a cat person but it would be stupid to delude myself about their nature. Any cat would fuck off the moment food stopped being handed to them. That being said they might choose to stay in their territory to hunt since they don't like having to set up new territories. I think a comfy post-apocalyptic film about a guy living in some abandoned town with just cats for company would be kino

>name his cat nigger
what did he mean?

>What's the story?

>Rachel, a go-get-em 23 year old who just heroically spent 48 hours protesting by locking herself inside a 'yes-kill' animal shelter is in for the shock of her young-adult life
>She wakes up (still chained to the cabinet containing euthanasia drugs) to find the world eerily silent
>the world has ended
>it's up to her and her army of 31 cats to make it out on their own and reclaim the world for women like Rachel

Then 15 minutes in she opens the front door and every single cat bolts, never to be seen again

Roll credits

who is this girl

Lovecraft was a pretty subtle shitposter in his day

based schizo poster

>like why even discuss things with other people man haha im so above it all
retarded ruralfag going mad fron the isolation

>A boy and his dog
>I am legend/The last man on earth
>Mad Max
>Fallout games

Have fun living in a nigger infested hellhole

based humourless poster

>writing a 6000 word essay on why cats are "patrician" is SUBTLE shitposting

She’d be dead in 5 minutes and her cats would abandon her for the man who managed to build a shelter and provide security

dont live in the US sorry negro obsessed animeposter

it takes a big brain to get lovecraft's humor

here have my gold mister xD

Enough wit da chit chat
Let's get some grub going
Bullets won't work Jon

But even when you earn it it's worthless. A cat will never love you like a dog will, no matter how many years of care and attention you invest.


As a cat owner. Dogs can find and bring you things as well as attack people trying to fuck with you. A lady with a lot of cats probably couldn't function outside of regular society

Well fuck these post-apocalyptic man+dog or woman+cats movies. I want a man&donkey protecting the last bastion of [insert theme]. Heroic story of two unyielding individuals fighting to the bitter end.



Man or woman, if it was with some lions (or even just one) or other big cats would actually be cool. Housecats would be useless.

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that was humor? You're not doing a very good job

I don't hate cats but I personally think it's unnatural for a man to own a cat, there's something wrong there, it's unnatural

I think it's the degradation of the modern male

Probably the most kino youtube video to have been uploaded.

Would be pretty cool but doubtful it'll ever happen unless it's made in mexico.

>he genuinely believed that someone unironically thought that there is a shadowy cabal of catmen who co-ordinate online defences against anyone who insults cats
never project your scizophrenia again holy shit sort yourself out my dude

May Marmalade, used to camwhore on MFC & Chaturbate

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Act 1
Woman cannot open cans of cat and human food without electricity.
She becomes weak and her cats eat her.
Act 2
Cats disperse throughout the wasteland finding adventures and other cats.
Follows the stories of multiple cats, some end tragically.
Act 3
One cat finds a human settlement and is adopted after fending off rodents.

wtf lol, you sure are defensive over a low effort based post.
Have a you

Arguing over whether a cat or a dog is better to have exclusively is like arguing over whether a bed or a sofa is better to have exclusively you will geese you. Haha literally lmaoing right now. Imagine being the children in this thread haha literally lmfao right now.

>In a World overrun by small birds and various other critters one HERo stood her ground in the face of the apocalypse

Apocalyptic event movie. Zoo keeper goes to release the animals so they have a chance to survive outside their enclosures. A pack of young lioness who have bonded to her for reasons just follow her around and she starts living among them stalking the destitute urban landscape.

There has literally only been ONE worthwhile cat in the history of this planet, and he's been dead for 15 years.

Your post started out strong and then went straight into crazy land

keep on projecting there mr humourless schizo man

Willard with cats. Sounds cool. Hated Willard's ending though.

You have to have a triple digit IQ to understand having a cat. An animal isn't supposed to just be your robot slave.

Dogs smell like SHIT and they don't leave you the fuck alone ever. Needy smelly little cunts. And they kill kids

>he sees an animal dumber than a dog as his equal
the mind of a catman everyone

Haven't even projected dude.
Just calm down, it wasn't hard to figure out your condition. Take a deep breath and remember I'm only in your life as long as you let me be.
Don't let live in your head rent free.

Nah that's just the toxo talking, and you trying to justify it with some meme shit.
If someone doesn't like cats, it's harder for your parasites to spread, so you're influenced to dislike them and spend less time around them.

based and cringe at the same time

just because you need to repeat that mantra to keep yourself sane doesnt mean everyone else has to you keep on projecting onto me and you still prove to be an utterly humourless sissyboi

>and just as cucked people prefer being dominated

fixed for you

As a fact dogs are more intelligent than cats, they know that by themselves in the city they would fucking perish and die, cats are delusional and don't realize the true state of nature (knowledge and truth are correlated to intelligence), so they think they can be independent and shit and they usually die after a day of going fubar

That's a lot insults for someone being spot on about your schizophrenia.
Truth doesn't have to hurt you know, just embrace that your brain isn't stable enough to withhold a single personality.

Toxo is a meme that only scientifically illiterate mouthbreathers take seriously

extremely based and ironypilled

Why do they always use this word?

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how do you know?

Oh fuck it's like I'm really there

I think it's because they don't want to say "you guys" because of some stupid gender shit.

The cats abandon her.
roll credits
mid credit scene, cats come back and eat her dead corpses.


One of the shitty things I imagine about a disaster scenario is that there’s no way my neurotic as fuck housecat will come out unscathed. I can toss her in her carrier with her leash and harness and some food, but if things don’t blow over fast enough for her to hold out, she’ll either probably waste away from the stress or escape and get eaten by a coyote. I guess technically my fate wouldn’t be too dissimilar, but at least I might understand what’s going on.

>is still projecting his coping stratagies
>cant just own up to the fact he thought that the catman internet defence force was just some lighthearted banter he took way too seriously

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Exactly, this would be rad.

this and adopting negro culture is a tenet in leftist ideology


I want to see this, except with elephants.

Personally I'm much more interested in the story of a man and his mare

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You can tell the difference between a leftist and a southerner with a single apostrophe

>Personally I'm much more interested in the story of a man and his slave

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She starves to death. The cats eat her.

The end.

based horseposter

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Thinks someone believes that, schizo to the very end I see.

Not a cat person but it should be noted that cats are the most successful predator on the planet.

Either way, both cats and dogs are plebshit. Pigs are the patrician animal. Smarter than the smartest breed of dog, won't fuck you up for no reason and can be used for foraging because they have superior sense of smell to even trained scent hounds. And above all, pigs are much cuter than both.

Deep-tee-doop updoot

cats are pretty dumb too

Have 3 cats and they are all loyal af and come when called and chill with me whenever im home.

The cats turn into zombies and eat the woman alive.

>Cats are the most successful predator on the planet
I can think of one that's a bit more prominent.

if i wanted my own comeback id wipe it off your moms chin

>the most successful predator
I once had to kill a rat at 5 am by crushing it with a discarded computer case because 2 "very successful predator" (i.e., house cats) cared more about jumping around it and playing with it rather than ending its life.

>May Marmalade
>google search
>fap mode engaged
thanks user

I'd watch it.

Those cats would just eat this fat cunt after they got hungry enough.

the boy and his dog would rape the cats and her and eat them in the same order

This is correct

you fucking NIGGER

Dumb people follow orders, smart people make their own rules. Same applies with animals.

I don't really have much but here's some gold, stranger! Thanks for the chuckle. I needed it.

Dubs pick what I'm watching tonight

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Whats the appeal of owning a pet?

What's that guys problem?

I'd watch Mandy but only because I haven't seen it yet

>All these asshurt dog owners
VERY succesful b8

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>film about a woman luring in survivors and feeding them to her cats

Id watch it.

Chungking Express

But I don't feel Chungking Express, saving it for a cold night where I had a female interaction


So successful they don't even have to hunt to be survive anymore, they just have their human servants feed them and take care of pest infestations while they goof off.

There will be blood
If trips delete Paris, texas and never watch that pile of trash

What do they mean by point of personal privelege?

Now I have to explain to my neighbors why a fully grown bearded man is laughing maniacally at 3 am.

Also made me spit out my onions, thanks a lot.

She doesn't realize the world has ended, because it's always been just her and her cats. Then the government checks stop coming.

Solidarity with the n-words.

Why would you have to explain it to them? Did they complain? They're probably still sleeping, but even if they aren't it's only a slight annoyance, and you're done now anyway. Frankly I think it would be more bothersome to go over there and explain it to them right now than to just be quiet for the rest of the night.
Also why are you eating onions?

That wouldn't even work. Cats don't give two shits if you're being raped to death by muties. A dog will fight for you, a cat will eat what's left of you afterwards. I'll bet that stupid bitch doesn't even own a cat.

stopped reading at "hear me out" the dramatic pause felt pretty cunty. what happened?

I think cats are cool tbqh. You may say they’re not loyal, but I constantly see my friends who own them with their cats walking up to them, like a dog, and cuddling. Not even to eat, but just to cuddle with. That’s loyalty to me.

Dogs are indeed better, but cats aren’t bad. The only thing I hate about cats, especially as a bird lover, are how they kill hundreds of birds a year just for sport. Makes me sad. Then again, I tend to like raptors the most and they certainly don’t get fucked over by cats. In Alaska, bald eagles and golden eagles are known for killing house cats roaming about which is pretty metal.

oh no no no

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Based Mr nigglesworth

is this tweet kino?

solid folder there chief. enjoy

Well that's what the army of cats is for.

>Not having dogs and cats

who the fuck is Elizabeth May?

>go fetch fiod for you
fiod needs to learn on his own. slacker is starting to piss me off

>you're a schizo lalala
meanwhile cats shit toxoplasma gondii, the environmental factor for the development of schizophrenia.

wait we can edit posts here? How?

even though you're a samefag, you're still based in my books

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This is the type of guy to be a simp cuck in a relationship because he wants a strong independent feminist partner who is his equal.

The bacon narwhals at midnight my good sir *winks at you as I tip my fedora*

>I don't care about the racism
based redditor

Southerners are negros?

I like both cats and dogs

>one example = all instances
That's not how science works, Karen.

Yeah. It's would be about cats protecting her from getting raped and feeding her.

looks like my work is done here
ass blasted schizo is still mahd and bahd at this game

Imagine some shitty survival island reality tv show with just women but they also have to keep a bunch of cats alive. I gives them 2 days before they irredeemably fuck up.

cat's confirmed for being the fedora of pets

Dogs are pets
Cats are vermin

>needing pets
bunch of fucking spastics.

still lacking in any humour and banter i see

Watch Tatami you hipster weeb faggot.

>i am legend
>remember that scene with the dog
>you know which one
the only time i empathized with a negro, albeit a fictionnal one.
not even kidding.

no surprises. dogs are the niggers of the animal kingdom

whatever you gotta tell yourself dude or dudette however you are currently identifying.
It's been nice spanking that ass

Because it's the only thing more useless than themselves.

You sound like a faggot redditor

>its okay my dog is retarded because its supposed to be

godspeed fellow redditor teach these nazi inceloids some respect

my cat is legit on her death bed rn. idiot thing drank dodgy drain water like a twat

Depends on the animal and the personality of the owner. A well-loved animal will be loving in kind. Cats, unfortunately, are often tended to like pieces of furniture that need watering. Fat slobs leave out dry food, gross water, and the catbox pile up for weeks without cleaning it. Of course that animal wont develop affection, for you or for anyone. Dogs are already social animals so they will forgive more and demand less, but cats get a bad rap solely owing to 95% of the people who own them being mindless retards. Most people who own dogs or cats are simply bad caretakers.

Cats are just funny

they do that to tire their prey out so the killing blow is less risky

I need to take her asap to a vet in a few hours. not so independent now are you fucko?

t. never seen a dog need to eat his own shit for sustenance.
95% of all dog owners are great though.
people can be horrible cunts regardless of the animal they keep


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95% of people without an opinion on either are mindless retards

I hope you two are the same person. If not, first person, take you fucking cat to the vet.

it's me. and she on her way in the morning, the bullshit is it's sunday night and im in the sticks. I know. i know. trust me i tried a bunch of stuff.

>I've always thought dogs are just for people who need to have something more stupid than themselves around.

Do you then consider cats to be as smart as you? Because you would have to be pretty fucking stupid to think that.

>So why do they act like fucking morons?

Because you think that the movie version of a really smart anything is accurate. Most of the people I know who can or have achieved a phd in a stem field are fucking lunatics. One is functional but he's not from here.

>he's not from here
g-go on

>army of cats
>they all just sit there and lick their twats

>break into dog owners house
>dog barks to alert owner and attacks intruder to protect family
>break into cat owners house
>"lol they upstairs senpai im boutta head out"
>entire family is killed
Remind me why people like cats? Only lazy, recluse redditors who want a meme pet but dont actually want responsibilities of a pet pick cats.

Is her arch enemy a raider who dresses like a giant bat because I'm there bros!

Woman dies from stupid mistakes trying to survive in the wasteland. Cats eat her.

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remember when we talked about other things than not being reddit

you keep a dog because it loves you. you keep a cat because you love it.

Cats are too autistic to make a movie out of them it wouldn’t be believable but dogs are loyal. It would be nice though if we got a serious post-apocalyptic movie with a couple in it.

Women depend on societal collectives to survive, they've literally evolved this way.

that question is worded weird, but women in general tend to be very short sighted because they are meant to be emotional caregivers not master tacticians and fighters. Women’s role is to be wives and mothers, the only reality they need is the one their man gives them in plain language

>person thinks cats are smart

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H.P. Lovecraft was a incel retard, his opinion on animals is as pathetic as his life and legacy

is this cat an anime

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I would watch it

Thanks for the honest reply, no racisexihomaphobia. Very refreshing

they do it for fun retards

Spoken like a truly mind rotten toxoplasmosisfag

Cats are survivors. If anything they'd bring back extra birds for you.

what about some kind of bat-man versus a crazy cat lady

No that would never work!

an army of cats isn't useful


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dilate tranny

I like that apocalyptic movies have stopped showing women and small men as fuck holes.. because that's all they would be. I wonder why...

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They try to talk like niggers, it’s really pretty bizarre.

>woman gets enslaved
>cats leave
>woman lives her life as a slave
>after 5 years of enslavement she will not even try to run because she knows she would die
>cats either die of hunger or turn wild

Reminds me of that one Steven King story where the movie is actually better than the book.

Realistically no one would survive it alone.

Cringe and yikespilled

>tfw this will be Yea Forums in five year tops
Keep laughing now, you'll be remembering my post

People want responsibility but don't want kids so they own cats. Mostly fags and fag hags

>so many post-apocalyptic stories about a man and his dog

Name four.

How about a post apocalyptic story about a cute girl and a rat that hangs out on her shoulders?

Its straight up appropriation of my rural Texas culture and I fucking hate it.

Fund it.

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Cats are fine company and they're cute and they'll love you but will rarely be there for you when the going gets tough. Cats also adopt new people and if they find that other person meets their needs better than you do they will leave you for them.

A lot of dogs have pack mentality and they will stick with you through thick and thin and they have seperation anxiety when you leave. They're more dependent than a cat but it takes a great deal for them to leave you for someone else.

Owning even a little dog in my 700 sq ft shit apartment is cruel.

Dog probably decided not to let her go to waste also cats didn't touch her because Chad dog kept them away.

Cats will generally only touch soft parts i.e. the nose, lips and ears. Dogs will eviscerate you in hunger but it'll take a week to get there.

What you expect in a board full of lonely social outcast virgins? Not to mention the poor animal would have no choice but to be with them.

Forgot t. works for law firm that only deals with elder abuse cases and every geriatric in the world has a dog or cat for company.

Compassion for animals separates us from the mud races.

cats can not be all of the aspects you described, some people have loving cat pets that are great at pest control
dogs can not be all of the aspects you described, surely you've seen pitbulls raised by niggers or chihuauas or any other yapping-little-shit breed
pets are individuals just like people
you should be asking the owners of shitty cats that won't even let you pet them why they keep them, even if your pet has no "use" it's still a warm plushie toy unless they can't even do that

which brings us to why are you questioning cat pets when shit like fish, tiny reptiles and the such are also common pets

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the cats would dominate the woman and in the end kill and eat her. women are weak and pathetic.

They never stopped, even in Fury Road you had women whose only purpose was being fuck holes and breeders.

Too bad it's all but pointless to discuss Fury Road anymore on this board.

Is y'all the correct one?

>travels constantly
>still has lots of money

The cats probably didn't eat her corpse because the dog got it first fuckhead. Cherrypick your examples more carefully next time

Literally this. It's so absurd it can't even be done well in science fiction stories

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What a fucking faggot holy shit

underrail: the movie (though it would work better as a series)
a lost child scrapes by in the harsh underground long enough to develop psi skills, go mad, join the lunatics and raise a small army of cats that wrecks pipeworkers that stray outside of the settlements, ends with the game's protag putting you down, making way for the next installment.
the perfect post apoc slav kino you'll never get to see.

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their was an Indian woman who survived in the channel islands for like 30 years alone

but they do and only because they will be turned into valuable sex slaves by the next raider gang

when I rise to power, usage of y'all will merit 25 years in the gulag

Lovecraft was an incel so of course he'd love cats, the pussy whipped faggot.

Why not a QT and her three doges?

You just know.

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a woman tries to survive with her amy of cats
the cats alert the nerabh survivors because they won't stfu, mewing to the woman and begging her for food
the survivors kick the door, a group of 4 men and a dog. The woman is malnourished and is practically kissing the feet of the men, begging to be saved.

They all take turns raping her, even the dog. Then the cats eat the corpse of the woman. The end.

>t. fishnigger

>suspicious amount of credit card debt

>having twice the neurones makes you twice as intelligent
only a moron could write it but it takes a double-moron to believe it

> t. gonna go innawoods to compete with every 200 lb neckbeard, redneck, and animal near some 8 acre twig wood.

Fallout 1 - 4

This. Even the smallest most useless dog is better than a cat. I recently adopted a stray Chihuahua I found in the street. I trained that lil nigga within a few months to 1, be my alarm clock and 2, be a watchdog in case someone wants to break or steal my amazon packages. My mom had a cat and it was the most useless thing ever. Most it did was provide warmth in winter. Cute though.

just by an alarm clock and security. its cheaper in the long run and dont shit on your carpet

>easy to take care of, easy to ignore when inconvienent or getting rawdogged by chad
i wonder why user

I imagine most cat owners or people in general look at their pets with pure utility in mind. You fuck.

The cats are radars. They bring the cat to you and if the cat loves you you're golden.

I used my phone as an alarm clock, I just turned it off and kept sleeping since I'm a lazy fucker. My dog literally does not stop barking and scratching me until I wake up, much more effective. As for security, I don't need a literal security guard outside my house, my dog i enough.
>shit in your carpet
>not training your dog to go outside
Dumb catfag

I don't see my pet as just an utility, but he is very useful.

That's cool. Dogs are hela useful. Cats could be more so but they're bitch to train. My cat is the kind of Fruit Ninja though.

Some people love too much, it's a good release for all that extra love.