Movies you liked the first time but less and less as tome went on?

Movies you liked the first time but less and less as tome went on?

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makeup as a concept is disgusting
social media is for women and homosexuals
races should be separate

Almost every movie I liked as a young teen. I have to avoid re-watching them, it just ruins the memories.

Based but also nurture over nature

Women look like shit without makeup. It's a necessity

She looks better on the right. She just needs to comb her hair.

>Women look like shit without makeup
that's only because most women's faces are all fucked up from wearing makeup all the time

Neither are particularly disgusting OR attractive. The important point is that if you're pleb enough to actually enjoy/favor the kind of look she has on the left picture then it's entirely your own self-inflicted disappointment.

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you've been conditioned by media and porn to think this

The Usual Suspects

Actually I've been conditioned by every woman I've ever seen in public.


my gf is still as beautiful as the day i met her

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>muh patrician taste in homely women

Not really. Nothing patrician about me, it's just you being a pleb

Imagine admitting you look like Sarah Butts

She looks better on the right

Yeah sure he does. Guarantee he slamming some fresh pussy elsewhere

Cant comment on the body obviously, but she has a cute slampig face

Yea she is not playing this smart. She is above average on the left and above average girls go for guys even better looking than them. He should have no trouble running off.

The Force Awakens

White women are so disgusting

she's not gonna shag you, mate

No, it artificially elevates their ego and standards.

>Shawshank redemption

Saw it first without ever hearing/anything about (im from the third world) and was really touched by the happy ending. After spending a decade on Yea Forums I think its kinda gay and reddit.

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6th Sense
The Salton Seas
The Machinist

Only if theyre old and/or fat or badly mixed race
Youth is far more attractive than makeup

kek based

this post was quite an experience from start to end

Contact. First time I saw it I thought it was a cool movie about going to space and being contact by unseen ayyliums, second time I saw it I realised that this was all about some atheist faggotry, with somehow the astronaut being chosen based on her religion, which is some reddit fantasy.

she looks worse with make up

It is the way

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blade runner, the second time i tried to watch it i only got halfway. felt soo boring
why are women such liars? makeup should be illegal

terminator 2
best action movie ever on first watch
over the years ive come to realize it's bloated with unnecessary plots, lore building and an annoying child actor

>director's cut isn't as good as the original version

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she looks like Beetlejuice on the right.

no one wants to fuck a surgical wound

see, when kimber had a penis and the guy wanted to stick it in, the only hole was her bootyhole. and, there was the delicious cock up front to suck on


She actually had a second vaginoplasty done and says she's a lot happier with the results now. Had a big lawsuit with her previous surgeon, too.

>wear makeup
>look good for strangers and coworkers during the day
>use filters when posting on social media

>get home
>wipe off makeup
>look like shit for your husband

I'd rather none of them wear makeup so we can see who the actual pretty ones are.

kek lets hope he bankrupted that "surgeon"

It should be well known by now that the only guys interested in being with transwomen would rather them not have the surgery. Take that however you want.


in before all the incel redditors who've only fucked one ugly fat chick show to type shit like "its not obvious deceit, women have the RIGHT to trick people and never actually show their true face until its too late"

they raised the beauty ceiling by using make up.
Abolish it and we'll see the ceiling go back to normal standard

I remember being hyped for seeing her doing a new scene and I clicked and saw that disgusting wound. Made me feel sick to my stomach.

My girlfriend will literally never grow old. How's about that 3D cucks?

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2Dfags are so sad

It can be the other way, too much makeup looks like shit.

Well yeah, only gays want to fuck traps and gays want a cock.

the dark knight.

saw it in theaters and was blown away by it. since then ive mellowed out on it. still dont say it is a bad movie, just not the amazing film i thought it was.

Not as sad as you white knight simp.

You're completely right.

Enjoy jerking off alone again loser

I will, thanks. Have fun with your 3DPD hampig wife taking a massive shit and stinking up the house again.

Enjoy your saggy fake ugly hag wife who will cuck you for some fat retarded nigger and raising their abomination child

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>this is the maturity levels of 2Dfag
It's a shame what a deluded soul you are. You're missing out the best things in life.

I could do without bi-yearly starfish sex with my 300 pound wife.

I'm not American so I wouldn't know.

>my gf never wears makeup
>I think she's very cute
>her sister got married
>she got professional makeup done as a bridesmaid
>looked like a different person a pure 10/10
>fucked her all night long, popped a lil blue pill so i could keep going
>now all I can think about is the wasted potential

It's been 6 weeks bros and she hasn't even considered putting some on. Always some nonsense about how she's just going to work out anyway and it would be pointless or it's an expensive waste of money or whatever. What about my dick? I don't even want to fuck her anymore. It's not fair.

This. Absolutely 100% this. Women look like soi guzzling low test men with receding hairlines without makeup accentuating their feminine traits.


sounds like you're a cuck

Ignoring the tranny shit how many movies are actually worse due to the directors cut? I've heard people say blade runner theatrical is better but those are retards. Donnie Darko theatrical is good but the directors cut ruins the movie in a few small changes.

Can anyone actually think of a directors vision that was substantially worse than the theatrical? It's almost always cut down for time and directors cuts give more context.

>Edit: I just remembered the Daredevil directors cut. It added like 5 more minutes of coolio in court for some reason. Yikes.


Based and gravurepilled.

this is why you go for a girl who does not put makeup on and looks good naturally. yes, they exist.
if you see a "babe" that has an inch of make up on her face you can bet both of your nuts that she is a fugly Langolier



Calm down, incels.

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kys normalfag degenerate

Tell her to put on makeup because you want to fuck her like a whore.

are you ok?

Good post, strong post. And dare I say, a vital post?

This. If they roughed it without makeup for 2 or 3 weeks they'd look fine without it. Makeup's a vicious cycle for women because it clogs pores and dries skin, which creates more acne and gives them lines faster. If they just washed their faces better and weren't covering their pores with shit that their body is desperate to reject, they'd probably be just fine.

Your girlfriend isn't gonna hit the wall at thirty like women who cake it on though. You're luckier than you think you are.

Apocalypse Now's Director's Cut adds a bunch of boring scenes.

user you just sound gay

post pics.

the warriors directors cut adds a bunch of shitty comic book transitions and introduction

>it's a too much makeup ruins a cute girl episode (for example, fresh young pussies 2 starring kylie page)

>I don't feel like cooming into my girlfriend anymore
>I need my coomies tho
sex outside of marriage is immoral, go flog yourself

She unironically looks more appealing on the right, whore makeup is fucking disgusting. Women can use a little bit to touch up but hos with fake eyebrows and caked on makeup are hideous on several levels.

aka"a youtuber told me a movie was bad so i dont like it anymore"

You’re only saying this because pussy feels good. Take away your sexual attraction to a woman and you wouldn’t put up with their shit.

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