Whats the purpose of this fat fuck

Whats the purpose of this fat fuck

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You need someone old and bitter to consume all the drugs and alcohol on premises so the host doesn't get fat

He actually used to contribute jokes and was funny back in the 90s, but now hes just a bitter failed sitcom star Conan decided to take pity on

Wait didn't he die of a drug overdose?

That was chris farley
OP is andy richter

He's just on the show so Conan doesn't appear to be homophobic

The sidekick is just an old remnant of the format. Just as useless as the band. And whole desk thing.

And that weird American thing where the interviews only last ~10 minutes which is nowhere near enough to have an interesting conversation.

Fuck you

No, fuck you!

>which is nowhere near enough to have an interesting conversation.
thinking that these shows are anything other than promotional material for upcoming products. you fucking retard

Wow, user, you're so smart to see what's the real purpose of these shows! Such a big brain you must have!
Of course 99% of the guests are there to promote something, I'm talking about actually having an interesting show beyond a couple of rehearsed anecdotes + here's my new movie/book + "that's all we have time for today, folks".

>And that weird American thing where the interviews only last ~10 minutes which is nowhere near enough to have an interesting conversation.
Yeah it should have been structured more like a 20/20 special but who could be entertaining for that long unless it was someone like Mitch Hedberg?

During one of the Conan “In the Year 2000” segments, I believe they said Andy Richter would be dead.

yeah i know what you are talking about, and that's why you are retarded. you fucking retard

Raymond Carver said something interesting about the short story format, "it's possible, in a short story, to write about commonplace things and objects using commonplace but precise language, and to endow those things -- a chair, a window curtain, a fork, a stone, a woman's earring -- with immense and even startling power."

>it's Andy quits to pursue his career, fails, and comes back episode

man, i miss good conan. during middle school and highschool i watched it every night. it was the most comfy

>andy richter is morphing into Chris Farley

I look forward to his cocaine overdose.

to be the famous swedish german

I thought his dad specialized in russian lit

Is that Andy Richter the Swedish German? Reminds me of my favorite Andy Richter the Swedish German joke.

they ditched the guys who invented all the new characters. Conan's 5th Anniversary special was amazing, I wish I still had that tape.

they didn't ditch them, they went off and did their own thing
jon glaser and brian stack were the two best, glaser has his own show and stack is the head writer on colbert now

Oh here it is, I just can't rip it all at once. The Avast browser makes it so easy to pull something from youtube

what the FUCK is your fucking problem?

i prefer the ones without andy desu

you're the one with the problem, a brain problem. you fucking retard

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