Why do directors pander to retarded audiences...

Why do directors pander to retarded audiences? They felt they literally needed to spell it out to audiences that Joi was telling K "everything he wanted to hear/see". Then directly after that in the same fucking scene they had the shitty voiceover from BOTH the rebel woman and Batista to make sure it's 100% clear to the idiots in the audience what K is going to do next and why.
Was all of this really necessary??


Attached: 1_qLwaNBg-PUyVyaTMw3cVew.jpg (810x540, 100K)

It’s called dishonest cinematography


I facepalmed when in John Wick some guy spent over a minute explaining the origin of word "assassin" to a fucking killer. It was obviously for the retarded audience but it was so awkward.

Movie is made for videogame players who have no concept of subtlety and need to be lead through the story by hand

What would be a less dishonest slogan for this product?

The flashbacks weren't necessary but the "everything you want to hear/see" on the Joi advert isn't as obvious as you think. It's still a mystery whether she broke that conditioning or not, even if the "regular models" don't. I'd still really enjoy a no-flashback cut of the film though, maybe we'll get it someday.

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If someone could re-edit the bloated mess of the hobbit trilogy then someone could do that too


the point isn't that Joi was just telling him what he wanted to hear
the point is that she was irreplaceable because of the time they spent together and the experiences they shared
it's the same goddamn message that Rutger Howard's character was explaining at the end of the original
replicants "weren't real" because they were manufactured humans, Joi "wasn't real" because she and her product line are computer programs
but throughout the course of their personal existences, they accumulate memories and experiences the same way as any "real" person does

Here's a hint. How many languages does that writing get translated into.

Nah dude they were robots. Did you see the unicorn thing?

The point of the entire franchise is you can’t build humans and then expect them to not act like humans. There was no conditioning to break, she was coded to love, genuinely, and did so. While also pushing the customer for upgrades.

There is no question of breaking conditioning, it’s about the idea that being built to love doesn’t make her love any less real.

>It's still a mystery whether she broke that conditioning or not
if ur stupid maybe

>The Comedian is your father...
Jon isn't telling Laurie (she KNOWS, that's the whole fugking scene), he's telling the dumbfuck audience

You can take your own conclusions, but it's left open ended canonically. There is no set answer, as per the director. If you think there is, you're a brainlet.

you didn't get the film, brainlet.
k even told joy "don't say that" in the end he broke her conditioning just like his was broken.
you are low iq like a nigger.

Subtle does not always equal better. There are great movies where theres a narrator explaining how they feel. Show don't tell is a rule of thumb for amateurs, not the end all be all of criticism.

lmao OP is a prime mental midget

The thumbnail looks like a retarded pink haired duck.

It’s only ambiguous if you’re thinking about it in the completely wrong way. The ENTIRE point is being built for a purpose doesn’t make the execution of that purpose any less real. The franchise regularly establishes they need to go to the molecular level to determine if something is a replicant or not. The fact they can implant memories means they have a working model of how the human brain functions. Which means they’re designing what is, ostensibly, a human being, be it meat or digital, for custom purposes.

So yea, it was real, as every conflict in the movie is built around expecting things that are ostensibly human, to not act human.

>Movie is made for videogame players who have no concept of subtlety and need to be lead through the story by hand
What is the Souls series?


lmao. fuck you for putting that in my head