What are some "extreme" situations actors have put themselves through for a shit film?
What are some "extreme" situations actors have put themselves through for a shit film?
ok, I'll need that source nigga.
There's plenty of examples
Jlaw casting tape 5
bale in the machinist. lost a fuckton of weight for the role.
google "Brown Bunny"
that movie wasnt shit
>that jiggle
Poor Arnie.
my bad, i misread the op. apologies.
Is that a real kid?
That movie was great though. Excellent thriller.It has no message or deeper meaning so it doesn't stick with you buy the movie as a whole is very well directed.
It does very well its job, no worse than Se7en or Usual Suspects.
user, pls i can only jerk off so many times in one day
twilight zone movie
could have been good desu
too bad that was the best part
jesus is that a deleted scene from atonement?
Not being aware of Jenna Coleman
Natalie Hershlag had her head shaved in V for Vendetta.
need a source pal
red sparrow
>There’s no digital or prosthetic abracadabra at work in “The Bunny Game,” unlike that in “Hostel,” “Saw” and other so-called torture porn films. Adam Rehmeier, the director, said that other than drug and alcohol use, nothing in the film is simulated, and Ms. Getsic has the branding scars to prove it. In a making-of documentary on the DVD, released in July by Autonomy Pictures, Ms. Getsic says, “Part of my soul did die in making this film.”
>True Lies
>shit film
fuck off faggot
I wish they had cast a better actress. This bitch couldn’t show fear or any emotion at all.
inb4 Vic Morrow death webm
Apparently Yuusaku Matsuda lost a lot of weight and had some teeth removed for his role in The Beast to Die. The movie isn't shit, but it isn't particularly great either. It definitely wasn't a film worth undergoing teeth extraction for.
but what movie??
what did they do with the water afterwards?
Well, there's Kubrick.
Was it rape?
>Mom, Dad, I finally got a role in a movie, be sure to tell all your friends!
What's frogs1-5?
Is it sexy at all, Might give it a watch
Jesus christ what is this? That kid must have been fucked up after filming
The child was superimposed by cgi in post.
Jena Malone fucktard, read your own filename
Bastard Out of Carolina (1996)
>Ron Eldard spent a lot of time playing sports with Jena Malone so they would both feel comfortable performing the scenes in which he is physically abusing her. He claimed that in no scene did inappropriate contact with Malone take place, and that for scenes in which he appears to grab her by the throat, he is actually only holding her by his fingertips. Eldard was adamant that the graphic depiction of sexual abuse and rape was a necessity for the film.
50 cent played a cancer patient in some movie that no1 watched. he looked like a walking corpse
som1 link a pic of this btw please, its so funny
Funny thing is, her parents fought to leave this scene in the film.
>the graphic depiction of sexual abuse and rape was a necessity for the film
Sounds fucking kino
Yeah she 100% got a rape fetish after that.
Natalie Portman shaved her head for a film. Pretty intense.
>That kid must have been fucked up after filming
>Malone endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
>50 Cent, who based his character on a childhood friend who died of cancer, lost up to 54 pounds in order to accurately portray his emaciated character, dropping from "214 pounds to 160 in nine weeks after liquid dieting and running on a treadmill three hours a day" according to the Associated Press
doing all that for a low budget direct to video movie
What was the scene
wtf. so she has to wear wigs now?
The user is lying, she wore a bald cap but she used too much glue and now has to wear wigs on top of the bald t's
That is photoshopped
>bald t's
*bald cap
so does the character die of cancer or is he basically white-washing his friend's story by letting him survive?
This is fake.
There is a real photo of Emma Watson though when she was about 18 where you can see her hairy pussy.
For some reason it's almost been successfully memoryholed and virtually never posted anymore, it's very weird. Thankfully I still have a high res version of it somewhere on my hard drive.
a woman directed this movie btw
ye thats the 1 was talking about. fucking hillarous
>tfw her head keeps getting bigger and bigger because the hair keeps growing under the cap
>who based his character on a childhood friend who died of cancer
seems like he really liked his friend, true bromance
Muh dick
Post it or it didn't happen.
It was an ok film.
I worked on a friend's project for graduate school in Austin, Texas and I had to hang out with a bunch of theater kids "all grown up". It was the toughest interpersonal situation I have ever had to deal with, think you average "theater kid" and then add in drugs and alcohol. It was high school drama turned up to 11.
>no can do, have plans to watch the game
>well...what time is your show
>....did you just do finger quotes and say winky face and wink at the same time?
It was horrible.
>For his role, Leto gained 67 pounds (30 kg) by drinking microwaved pints of ice cream mixed with onions sauce and olive oil every night.[7] Gaining the weight, he said, was tougher than dieting himself into skeletal shape for his role as drug addict Harry Goldfarb in Requiem for a Dream (2000).[8] The abruptness of Leto's weight gain gave him gout.[9] He had to use a wheelchair due to the stress of the sudden increase in weight put on his body
huge critical and financial flop
Eurgh. The newfaggotry in here
You can search for the high res version yourself you lazy bastard
>panties on
is that clip really from Red Sparrow? that actress looks like she's strapped to a fucking machine.
the moving strap under the chair looks like it's connected to a Sybian plate or something.
Crazy to think this is Oscar darling J-Law. She was completely ravaged without Harvey's protection.
The load of nudity she did for this godawful film
Based. Thanks bro.
What if he got a stiffy? Also I bet she has a thing for older men now.
Sold it as thot broth.
this was fake as fuck though
Learned ballet for that Oscar
the pianist isnt a bad movie, but come the fuck on
>For his efforts in Roman Polanski's The Pianist, Adrien Brody at age 29 became the youngest actor to receive a Best Actor Academy Award. To prepare for the role, he began by practicing the piano four hours a day until he had mastered Chopin. To get into the mindset of a Holocaust survivor - a man who had lost everything - he stripped all "comfortable living" from his life. He gave up his apartment, sold his car, disconnected his phones, sold all but two bags of his worldly possessions and left for Europe. In addition, he broke up with his long-term girlfriend to further feel the pain of loss.
>During filming, Brody went on a crash diet, losing 30 pounds in a matter of five weeks. He got down to a slight 130 lbs. (He's Six Foot Five!) He did this to feel the emptiness that comes with starving, all the while immersing himself in holocaust memoirs and completely staying in character day in and day out.
>It took Brody a little over 6 months to fully recover, physically and mentally, from the whole ordeal.
how does anyone get that perky?
Who the FUCK is that
now THIS is method acting
What Christain Bale did for Vice was an absolute injustice.
Adam McKay should be embarrassed. He absolutely wasted Bale in a terrible film.
wouldn't be surprised if she'd already studied in her youth, it's very common in acting circles.
Honestly one of the shittiest films I've ever seen.
It's whole gimmick is the branding is real, but it looks so controlled and consensual.
God I wish I was the water running down the crack of her ass and over her pussy.
Pretty dumb given the "mindset" isn't going to lend you any more power to "act sad and stuff" to be noticeable to literally anyone.
breaking up with your real girlfriend so you can feel sad while playing pretend
he did get the oscar so hey
>In addition, he broke up with his long-term girlfriend to further feel the pain of loss.
ywn be this transcendent chad
I've been 130lbs at 6'5" before. Brody is never, ever 130lbs in The Pianist. He's probably upwards of 160 at the minimum.
She did do it when she was very young but not past like the age of six
>he while immersing himself in holocaust memoirs
Ah yes such classics as the masturbation machines, the holocoaster and telling the ethnicity of the bodies being burned by the color of the smoke.
movie trivia: the water was actually Adriana Chechik's squirt fluid.
Bale getting super fat for American Hustle and Vice, neither of which were particularly good and no awards descended.
This post didn't make much sense. Drinking tonight?
That's piss, you dump truck
I like that you can see the steam from her breath. Bitch is cold as fuck.
All women have rape fetish to begin with
probably cgi breath
>let's design a torture for her to be "naked" but show nothing
Based retard
Leo in that one snow movie with the bear
less is more
they can cgi in breath effects
Red Sparrow, it's ok albiet generic
Look at the breaths. They're very obviously CGI. They don't even match her breathing.
revenant is a great movie
Well it's not like they're going to be able to put her on an actual fucking machine, let's be realistic.
She's one of a kind
Imagine eating out her ice cold pusy
How is this a torture?
>hurr durr let's put her under the shower
Maybe she doesn't like taking showers.
lel it looks like a Lifetime movie
The straps are the torture. The water is just to ensure that the person doesn't eventually numb their mind to the pain.
Adrien Brody isn't 6'5
I mean that it shows a little sideboob but nothing really, no ass visible, etc, despite her being "naked" it's PG13 looking
Reminder that these degenerate cunts get paid literally millions for all this pussy shit
None of it is impressive with that in mind, short of actual death or severe disability
>Shia decided to go method for playing a moonshiner. Which meant showing up to set drunk. He explained, “My drinking on this movie was as undestructive as I could possibly make it, if that makes sense. I did it for the movie. I didn’t drink off set for no reason. I did it because, when I showed up on set the next day, my fucking eyes looked like this and my face… had that drunk bloat that I needed, that I couldn’t have if that wasn’t going on.”
It's almost 9:00am where I am. So I'm drinking this morning to combat the alcohol ingested yesterday.
Chloe Sevigny in The Brown Bunny, a completely shit film.
Irreversibel prequel?
>tits so firm they stick straight up when she's lying down
Picture, if you can....
Imagine watching the pianist and then actually thinking this
Actually, I'm sure you didnt watch it at all you goddamn zoomer reject, you'd prolly kill yourself afyer two weeks without high speed internet alone
Damn what a genius. I need a job like that so I can come to work all disheveled from booze and drugs I can say it’s “for” the movie and instead of getting shit for it I get praised. “Wow look how dedicated user is looks like he spent all night getting wasted and snorting coke with hookers, what an inspiration”.
Uhh oh did he hurt your fee fee cuckservative
the painist is poorly made propaganda, fuck off kike
Is this done intentionally?
Don't forget this devilish little piece of the nazi industry of death.
To be fair you get enough of her naked in this movie to last a lifetime
The point being he could have done an equal acting job without breaking up with his girlfriend and living like a pauper.
lol propaganda for what, "nazis bad" ?
Not really. There's never even a clear topless shot let alone full frontal
no, "nazis worst humans that have ever existed in the history of humanity". everyone knows the nazis were bad. they weren't, however, walking into random homes and throwing crippled people out of windows for not standing up to greet them.
Hating Jews wont make your dick grow any bigger user, I'm sorry you had to find out this way
Real perky
you literally cut off part of your dick to satisfy some old cunts in a old book lol
And you know this because you were there, or because you watched american history x one too many times because Stacy liked nigger americans and not your disgusting visage?
It's not done UNintentionally
I have literally never watched American History X. I am not American either. Please keep your bizarre, mentally ill Americanisms to yourself. The rest of the world considers you nothing more than monkeys.
I'm not Jewish or cut, but to say the pianist isnt a good film shows how deluded your outdated ideologies are. This is called a neurosis
Oh I get it now, you're mad that we won the war. It all makes sense
Seething kike. Tell us about Purim. Your kind are truly evil incarnate
>the only reason to consider the pianist a bad film is ideology
Lol, way to out yourself a jewish idealogue.
I'm also not German. Seriouisly, what is wrong with you mutts that you cannot think for even one second that there exists an entire world beyond your borders? What disease has permeated so deeply into your nation that every single of you rats has such a pathetically low IQ? It's scary.
Physical feats are one thing but are we really supposed to believe there aren't actors who couldnt have played the same role as well or better just by turning up and acting?
Nazis are always depicted as cartoonish psychopaths, nothing new. Name a movie where it isn't like that.
Stop posting. This is a boring argument by boring people and off-topic.
>130 lb
bullshit, I'm the same weight for barely 6'1" and I look more emasciated and thin that this. Not to mention I don't have a 4 pound nose weighing me down either. Joogle says he's 6'1" but he doesn't look 130 lb.
He should have sniffed some delousing crystals to really get into the character
Saving Private Ryan.
>please stop bullying me and my kike overlords! pleeeeeeeease!
Fuck off kike.
Might just watch this movie but holy cringe. Like Leto sending sex toys to people on set lmao.
The worst part about the movie was the dumb gimmicks that everybody else seemed to love
>hurr the narrator dies and gives his heart to Cheney
>hurr muh fake ending
>durr Cheney was just a loser who was pushed by his strong independent wimmin
If he has to do all this to give a convincing performance, doesn't that make him a bad actor?
Best tits
Inglorious Basterds.
>Eldard was adamant that the graphic depiction of sexual abuse and rape was a necessity for the film
total CHAD
Your condescension is unwarranted and youre a dumb faggot who got roped into defending a retarded ideology
she gets her hair shaved off , thats a major turn off for me
Has anyone ever gotten pregnant for a film role?
I want to eat her smooth and fluffy pussy so bad
Lots of porn stars for sure, cue the purposeful miscarriages and cocaine addiction
Not once did I even come close to defending Naziism, you illiterate mongrel. It's possible to hate kikes without being a nazi. All of humanity did it successfully for literally thousands of years. Now fuck off, kike.
my great grandmother was forced to ride the holocoaster for 6 million hours straight when she was only 8 years old
>tfw ywn be a rich jew movie director who treats beautiful rich adulated shiksas like low down desperate whores on camera for the sake of """art""" aka what makes you coom in the editing room
>putting the effort for a low budget movie
>portraying a friend that died of cancer
i think it's kino
>Saving Private Ryan.
>that nazi begging for his life and joining the SS again the moment he's freed, ending up butchering his savior
seems like 50 cent is a pretty nice guy
>lying to save your life is "cartoonishly psychopathic"
Way to out your autism for all of us, mate.
Does she have those permanently hard nips like Jennifer Anniston or Florence Pugh?
Bullshit, he was gonna break up with her anyway just wanted an excuse
Did she miraculously survive because they ran out of gas, 5 times in a row?
>tfw no 3dpd Joi
>It took Brody a little over 6 months to fully recover, physically and mentally, from the whole ordeal.
Oh God, actors need to grow the fuck up already. Anytime they say this shit it's the gayest thing ever. Oh this role messed me up so much, I'm going to go cry into my gigantic pile of money, woe is me!!
Please, most people think this guy was just living the dream.
Is this from Megan is Missing? I have only watched it once - been looking to rewatch.
Pretty smart you have to admit. Instead of being an asshole everyone thinks you are just dedicated to your craft.
And you've hit your limit at 5am?
>what is urine?
KYS cooomer
lucky bastard
it would be very hard to fuck her mouth like this
I remember the director of Air Force One (granted an action film, not some sad drama) talking about Gary Oldman playing his intense fanatic Russian terrorist character for his scenes, and the second he'd hear "Cut!" he would instantly snap back to jolly English bloke messing and joking around with the cast and crew. As seriously as he took his character, he was only in character when during a take. It's only acting after all.
Can someone post and link this with sound on /gif/?
that reminds me of a story about peter o toole that dustin hoffman told, dust8n had gone on a 3 day bender because "method acting" he was suppose to be completely trashed, after peter came to him said "my boy why dont you just try Acting?"
method acting is a cope for actlets
>the "I starved myself into a recreated concentration camp with extras I paid to act as nazi guards just so that I could pretend to be a Jewish pianist" virgin vs the "lol just act when the cameras are rolling" Chad
God I wanna cum inside her tight little feminist vagina so bad I will scream
Now THAT is method acting
this cubana kills me. fukkkkk
My dear boy, have you tried acting?
>you will NEVER feel up her tits
His way doesn’t let you go on a 3 day bender for “work” though
I remember it being so ridicilously realistic and atheistic, that picture feels like it lowers the quality of the film and turns it into some form of Saw seqel... I just need to rewatch and see it again for myself
are you sure?
Just when I see all the replys are interesting the vid refuses to load. Fucking nigger shit
To be fair, there is a lot you can hide with editing and camera angles. They probrably did a bunch of short takes with long breaks inbetween so it wouldn't be disturbing to the actress. I also assume a parent or guardian was there on set to make her feel safe.
Lurk more, newfaggot.
I'm fully aware of the copypasta, you fucking mongoloid. I'm calling out the fact that OP is requesting things from shit films and True Lies is not a shit film. Try not to stick your foot in your mouth next time you want to act like you're such an epic oldfag for knowing a copypasta that's like 3 years old.
And CUT.
>realistic and atheistic
elaborate on this some more?? never heard someone say a film is "atheistic"
on top of this I suspect that the footage has been sped up. I can't imagine the actor shaking her this violently and everybody on set being okay with it, including the actor himself. imagine being in that position, having to be violent to a little girl. I'd bow out to avoid a lawsuit by the parents.
It’s fucking awful actually. Written like total shit and it has no good actors in it. The edgy saw-like scene is the only half decent one.
Nic Cage did get a tooth pulled out (apparently with no anaesthetic) for Birdie
Our flag is on the moon. Dialate
mega kek
Sic em
I’m surprised anyone even got drunk at that boring ass game yesterday, it’d cleared out by 4
The film is very honest, real and doesn't sort to any belief system. I am non-secular person. I believe person's moral values cannot be as good when they have 0 beliefs of wonder, superstition or anything larger in life than what they see day to day.
Not necessarily that atheistic person is bad or criminal always at least but in Megan is missing the perpetator doesn't seem to have any respect, value or even feeling towards the victims or anything larger. The actions are just based on pure self-desire. You don't see this in any religion.
My thoughts are weird tho
>talking about religious systems of morals and potential ethical conflicts between the sectarian and the secular
>about a fucking torture porn film
Yeah you're mentally ill, not weird.
Not sure if non-secular is the right word since I believe that being atheist doesn't necessarily make you criminal but just less happy and less empathetic towards others... And being atheist will definitely lead towards higher suicide rates and higher criminal rates. I am still processing my own thoughts about these things.
Imagine how sexual that must be for her, tied up submissively, her pussy pressed hard against the unyielding chair, rubbing against it so tenderly, slowly getting wetter the more it rubs against it. Completely nude and bound, unable to touch herself for sexual release as the chair slowly brings her closer and closer but not enough to bring her to orgasm. The cold water running all over her naked back, dripping down over her breasts as her nipples harden to the sensation of the cold droplets running over them. The water flowing down over her tight, bare shaven asshole, tickling it and running over her already aching pussy. All this while the film crew watches take after sexually agonizing take. I bet she still fingers herself recalling this shot.
I fucking hate Jlaw but this scene.....damn....
haha imagine her farting out of shock
I am not mentally ill, my second orphanage had me tested.
>the only concept of wonder I can think of comes from imaginary magic things
I think the problem here is you. All of the worst people I've ever met have been heavily religious.
there is absolutely zero sexual arousal involved here. have you never been cold before?
>but just less happy and less empathetic towards others
Christians are consistently the most miserable and selfish people on the planet.
The water might not actually be cold, she's just acting
t. mentally ill incel
>In addition, he broke up with his long-term girlfriend to further feel the pain of loss.
women just can't understand
I'm not a JAWJA alum, I just pulled that off google. Our game was even more lopsided, so I wasn't even gonna bother fucking with traffic and the stadium nonsense. I got toasted at the bar district and drove home because why not.
>The water flowing down over her tight, bare shaven asshole
Lmao not after our boy Harvey ravaged her
what movie is this scene from?
The water is obviously warm. The chair is probably set up to be as comfy as possible too
Alright what is this from? Google image search pulled up acrobatics.
>there is absolutely zero sexual arousal involved here. have you never been cold before?
12 year old never heard of sadism or masochism
>lost up to 54 pounds in order to accurately portray his emaciated character, dropping from "214 pounds to 160
>tfw 6’8” and barely 170
Am I a cancer patient :((( ?
red sparrow
I want to be that chair.
This was her big break, so it is to be expected. It's not as if she's a great actress.
I always got the vibe it’s a subtle boob job with how perky they are. They don’t really move much either
She was naked in films long before that
most who acted for him actually appreciated his work ethic, and wanted to do good work for him. shelley duvall was just a coked up crybaby. stop pushing this bullshit.
>wanting Weinstein's sperm in your mouth
Not a chance
small tits aren't gonna move much compared to fat ones
definitely implants. zero movement.
no you just have a hungry skeleton inside you stealing all of your nutrients
this nigga looks like dmx
fucking moron
>imagine being in that position, having to be violent to a little girl. I'd bow out to avoid a lawsuit by the parents.
Didn't you read, user? they play-wrestled every day, so it's okay
>don't destroy my fantasy
you never interacted with real boobs in your life.
they had to have fucked for real after this
I mean how could you not after grinding your hot naked bodies together building up so much sexual tension
the release when he finally got to penetrate her pussy must have been mindblowing
Nope. She got very skinny for BR2049 and her tits were a lot smaller too. Not fake.
>I assume
read what? the other guy's pure speculation?
you've never seen nice ones before
she is beautifuland hot, but goddamn i hate sex scenes so much, movies and tv should stop doing scenes like this, i cant even watch, i just cringe. intense kissing needs are the cancer of film. does this make me weird??
>yank can't even spell "dilate"
you're a walking meme
Why are women so soft lads?
>Ron Eldard spent a lot of time playing sports with Jena Malone so they would both feel comfortable performing the scenes in which he is physically abusing her.
Where the fuck is "Probably" or "I assume"? Or did you just only read that one specific post you replied to?
There's always one virgin.
bruh look at dis dood
pretty based for a talentless nigger
They have more fat and less muscle than men
I don't believe these weights. I have the same skeleton as his, same height and frame. he's 75 kg tops in american psycho, probably lighter. the 55 kg for machinist are believable but the bulkier weights aren't. I'd guess around 75 kg for reign of fire and the batman sequels. in begins I would believe he cracked 80 kg but only barely. the most laughable figure is 90 kg for rises. both his face and his arms look skinny, yet he's supposed to be at his biggest ever? complete fantasy. next they'll claim he's 6 feet tall.
Jesus Christ I just want to squeeze a girls thick soft thighs while I suck her tits.
two posters and you're projecting hard.
Weapon Bringer 3083
I ain't complaining but getting naked for damn near every movie isn't an extreme situation
Find a better pair of nipples than hers. Try.
she is 16 years old here
FUUUUUUUUUCK what a lucky guy
>brown nipples
No ta la.
Those aren't brown.
never happened just like the holocaust
That slut in Euphoria with the big tits
I feel like a lot of this kind of shit is about performance anxiety.
He had the ability to do this performance from the start, but either underestimated himself or had an irrational fear he wasn't up to it, so he does all this shit to reassure himself. It's like how the reason OCD people do all their compulsions is to relieve stress and gain reassurance in response to a general anxiety disorder. It was all to make him feel like he could do it, not actually making his ultimate performance any better.
They certainly aren't pink enough though.
I would bet actual money youve never played with a real pair and have a fat, hairy visage that makes women cower in fear and nausea irl but go on here and, " hahaha brown nipples kek dropped"
I mean... I'd fuck that butterface. But then again, I was never Mr. Universe
Blade Runner 2049
I'm disputing that they aren't perfect, not that they aren't nice. Calm down Jose.
They are physically perfect.
goes to show that being a Chad is a state of mind
>In addition, he broke up with his long-term girlfriend to further feel the pain of loss.
The second I read the thread name I thought of this.
Besides shade yes. As I said she does have nice tits.
he just ended up looking like DMX
that bint from Inherent Vice
she has near perfect tits, nipples could be browner though, but im not one too complain about stuff like that. im a white dude and all i ask is the girl not have the same exact nipples as me, c-cup+size boobs with nickle size nipples/areola is just odd
yeah people are taking that out of context probably. they probably werent doing so good together anymore, he wanted to spend time in europe and she didnt/couldnt, so they broke up finally. it wasn't "hey, im doing a movie where i need to feel pain, so goodbye bitch,i love you but we're done forever"
I can equal
nah you're right
>left for Europe
worst thing t b h
besides it's fake and gay
>Goi wrote the script in ten days and shot the film over the course of a week. Because of the graphic content, he requested that the parents of the predominantly young cast were on set during filming so that they were fully aware of their children's involvement in the project
lel who munches on a boobie like that?
>I need my milkies right now bitch nom nom
yes sir those are perfect
what's this from?
sucking jew cock for roles
it's a midget
lol please stop posting that, i had my fair share of imagining
Theyre probably really close user, Muscle ways waaay more than you would imagine. Ive been 6 feet hungry skeleton all my life around 140lbs getting to 180 i barely look different.
I like Jena Malone.
Her parents knew what it took to expedite the harvesting.
literally who gives a shit? it's just underwear. only pedos would even notice this
very disturbing thread
>Grandma falling down 10 seconds after he walkes off just like in my animes
like I said I'm his exact height and frame. I even have a similar face (not as handsome). I have weighed anything between 58 kg and 75 kg in my adult life.
and besides, even with no frame of reference you can just compare the claims about batman begins and dark knight rises and see that they don't add up. he's clearly MUCH heavier in begins.
>low budget movie
>probably doesn't need the money at all
Sounds based
oh how horrible, he almost holocausted himself
>hmmm maybe if i put s o y sauce and olive oil in this ice cream i'll get fat faster
Was everyone in this film blackmailed into doing it?
Niggers always need the money, you can give a nigger a million dollars and one year later he'll be $200k in debt.
>left for Europe
Too far man
I like this thread
Amerifat, right?
>To prepare for the role, he began by riding rollercoasters four hours a day until he had mastered Space Mountain.
The other girl was the director's wife, hence why she was depicted as being just as hot as Ana
Hard training
How the fuck are you so illiterate? Read the fucking posts before you make such a retarded reply.
Why does this alien faced fucker get to make out with Emma Roberts? Its not fair.
kek seething Amerifat still lurking the thread hours later
>realistic and atheistic
quite Kafkaesque too in my opinion
cute af
Please learn how to read. It is literally the post before the one you initially replied to with accusations of Amerifat. You're embarrassing Europe right now.
I mean, I would
omae wa mo shinderu
your note mentions he gave 6 million to a Levinstone, so that's only part of the story being jewed more easily is the reason wealthy blacks are mostly bankrupt
>guy immediately goes to help the blonde with a nice arse
What's the story here?
She is cute too though.
he's a big The Verve fan
Simulating the diet of real fatties: oily, salty, creamy, sugary.
Titless Hayley Atwell
why was it bad?
true, they get extorted all the time. But generally speaking they're not very good at not spending their money on frivolities.