ITT: Crushingly depressing scenes
ITT: Crushingly depressing scenes
i haven't seen this one yet, but wtf did they do with the music? vangelis's score was atmospheric as hell, this is some dubstep harry gregson williams garbage
This is the most depressing pic I've seen
The score is not as good as Vangelis, as expected, but it's actually pretty solid overall. That's just the very first part of a theme, the only one that has those dubstep-y elements, due to the high action that follows.
Jesus christ
What the fuck is wrong with him?
Oh god, my eyes
This is more pathetic than depressing, doesn't really fit in the thread.
This work better if the guy was a lot uglier
Maybe not having lurked enough and missing the meme, but what do I need to be looking for on this pic?
I've seen some horrible shit in the gym, but this takes the cake
mfw I realize it's over
Are his books worth reading?
Someone post the webm of the tranny coming out to his father on that one talk show.
Depressing and / or funny as fuck
Here you go friend
Bruh, this is too far
Never post something so sick again
Literally nothing. It's just a forced /fit/ meme just as sneed is a forced Yea Forums meme.
Soul crushing, thanks bruv
Why is that man so upset about his daughter walking out?
Also, the artifacting on the video is really bad and is messing with her face, making dark shadows around her jawline.
Maybe he should have spent more quality time with his son.
he's on Dr. Phil trying to make her understand her steroid abuse is a problem, even if she is the first female NFL linebacker
I literally just finished Atomised and saw this thread. It was pretty good
Yes, he's possibly the greatest living author and has a contempt for boomers you'd expect to come from a zoomie.
It's not just that. You don't see vast amount of fatherless niggers becoming trannies.
What would you do if this was your son, Yea Forums?
It's a /fit/ meme where everyone pretends that picture is ultra cringe while it is just a picture of a slightly awkward person.
He has fucking converse shoes in the gym
You also don't see vast amount of whites becoming trannies.
was he an incel ?
Excellent taste monsieur
That's why I'm scared to go to clubs
that and the trash music
Who the fuck cares? Only women and faggots notice shoes anyway. I literally train in socks in my home gym.
Just don't act like a complete idiot and you'll be fine
Nothing because everything would be fine hahaha
>defending this shit meme
Isn't that the point of clubs?
Actually, don't go to clubs. You've never been to one yet, and you're already acting like a complete idiot.
do incels really just accept defeat like this? is it depression?
what do you call that walk?
It is stark reality seeping through the veil of delusion
defeat? it's more so that we have these thoughts on a constant basis but because we live in an age of "everything bad is only caused by le negative thoughts, just b positiv" so we don't internally validate them. but when someone else confirms your thoughts to be true it's just a sinking passive acceptance.
damn. just be yourself bro
>b myself
>"why are you being so weird bro?"
if people don't like you that's fine, but some will. if you're not genuine in who you are and try to make everyone like you then no one will like you because they'll know you're faking your personality, and you wont actually connect with people because you're not showing them anything real about yourself. the few people who actually vibe with you are out there. trying to connect with people by playing to what you think they want from you is depressing and isolating. i used to do that and i was way more depressed
what if "myself" just wants to jerk off, eat chocolate and watch anime for 80% of the time
What $500 designer lifting shoes do you wear
>all white
dude there's more to life than that. get a shitty unskilled labour job, you'll be forced to get fitter through the physical labour of each day, you'll sleep better, your eating will improve because you'll need to eat at least some good food to get through the work. sleep with the curtain open so your sleep cycle starts lining up with the sunrise. take opportunities to be social, and don't be anything other than yourself while you're out there. also see a psych maybe if you feel it could be helpful
literally what I did and I went from a depressed piece of shit to a much happier, fitter, more confident and loving version of myself. you need to get out of the fap/chocolate/anime cycle before you look in the mirror and see an old man
The Stanley strut
>get a shitty unskilled labour job,
but I don't want that
>you'll be forced to get fitter through the physical labour of each day
but I don't care about that
>you'll sleep better,
I sleep fine
The only reason I would want to be anything else than what I am would be to please others. If I stopped caring about getting everyone to like me I wouldn't go out the house, I'd just jerk off and watch anime all day because that makes me happy. Slaving away socializing and working, in any form, does not
Why does this hit me in the feels so bad.
>I'd just jerk off and watch anime all day because that makes me happy
seriously? happy or just placated? like are you actually happy doing that
>The only reason I would want to be anything else than what I am would be to please others
what about self improvement for your own sake? there's a huge difference between self improvement and "being something else"
physical fitness really does make you feel better and it really isn't that hard to achieve if you have a job that requires some physical exertion. be a trolley boy or some shit, seriously. you don't want it but you might need it
what do you do with your time other than what you've already mentioned? do you long to be in a relationship?
the only thing cringier than the film itself is the Yea Forums sadbois. holy fuck you guys are the most pathetic form if cancer I've seen that drag this board down.
>seriously? happy or just placated? like are you actually happy doing that
>what about self improvement for your own sake?
Why would I want to do that? Seems like pointless effort. Why change yourself when you're happy with yourself and you no longer care about the affections of others?
>there's a huge difference between self improvement and "being something else"
There really isn't. By "improving" (which is loaded spook term to begin with) you are, by very definition, becoming something else.
> you don't want it but you might need it
Why do I need it?
>do you long to be in a relationship?
Yes but the only way to get into a relationship seems to become something that I am not.
A black guy would just ignore her protests and rape her anyway
get us a girlfriend and we'll leave faggot
>Get told constantly, through your entire life, that you are worthless
>"Why do you just accept defeat, bro?"
One day, all you normies will get what you deserve
where can I watch this movie?
Already read the novel (it's great, as is pretty much everything that Houellebecq has written)