Ghostbusters loses $80M. this one loses $100M (i assume its by the same people) did they get the message or are they going to try again?
Ghostbusters loses $80M...
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The only mesage (((they))) get is that no matter how much they fuck up, they're job is secured. Sony is a japanese company and I believe (((they))) have some dirt on some bosses, so they can keep fucking up, they're getting paid. That's why Sony has only been pushing trash in the past 5 years
>or are they going to try again
Haven't you figured it out yet? It's not about money to these people so no, (((they))) will never stop
They can't get fired for "making everyone feel good" if everyone doesnt want to feel it. Hollywood will keep asking for this despite the losses.
Turns out when you try to remake ensemble action comedies that rely on having likeable stars with great chemistry you have to cast likeable stars with great chemistry.
Or we could just keep on pretending that it's because she's black it failed.
It's like if they tried to remake Beverly Hills Cop but instead of Judge Reinhold and Eddie Murphy it had Kevin Hart and Joe Rogan.
but even if your premise is true, ghostbuster pussyfart and this thing which nobody saw, didn't turn anybody into a feminist or wokesperson so it isn't effective. so i don't get it are they really smart 4D conspiracists or like "dumb but still conspiracists" or what
Haha le triple parethesis meme
>Turns out when you try to remake ensemble action comedies that rely on having likeable stars with great chemistry you have to cast likeable stars with great chemistry.
this is what i meant by the thread btw. i don't think of these movies as woke/frankfurt school whatever. they did just try to make money and they really don't get how to do it for some reason
It's because she's black that she's famous, so yes, we are right.
You must be jew here?
you guys really got to stop falling for pre release marketing designed to create fake twitter outrage.
How exactly did those movies lose $80M-$100M?
Sure, they underperformed, but both of them at least made their budget back.
I refuse to believe there's a single fucking person on the planet who finds Tessa Thompson attractive or appealing in any other way. She seems even more uninterested in acting than Jennifer Lawrance is in the X-Men movies. Same goes for Ragnarok and Westworld.
They literally shift blame. They're now saying that the Men in Black IP itself is the problem and that it's been saturated
>he doesn't know about marketing costs
kys zoomer
>Or we could just keep on pretending that it's because she's black it failed.
Noone did that and everyone acknowledged their great chemistry. All the critics called it a shit movie fuck off with your persecution complex to r/The_Donald
I liked her in Thor. She was pretty sassy.
I pity you.
retarded faggot zoomer
Based lack of reading comprehension poster
I liked her when she first appeared in Westworld. I like women with slightly fucked up features, makes them more obtainable. Then I quickly realised what a cunt she was in real life. Can't stand her now.
lol, most of Yea Forums are trendy retards
I don't understand why these two were so fun in Thor Ragnarok but pretty lifeless here. Having said that it's not a bad movie, it's just nothing special.
>being this asshurt over getting called out
>tfw nose is to big to fit into image
>It's because she's black that she's famous, so yes, we are right.
You can't hit a golfball without hitting a nigger around here, so I dont think that's right.
She literally started out at 19 doing community theater, then eventually started getting TV trash cop shows, then got Veronica Mars, then did some arthouse standard anti-racism stuff, then moved up to blockbusters with the Rocky/Creed movies, then onto capeshit like Thor and finally MIB 4.
If anything her career has been a long slow rise to the B level through taking roles and movies offered and working hard and not making waves.
And she's light skinned, with non traditional black hair so if anything she's trying to be a crossover star.....which if you remember Will Smith in MIB, was exactly what Sony was aiming for.
Impressive numbers and insight, friendo
They don't lose any money.
no. look up the wiki of box office bombs if you want
hint: production cost is 1/2 the total expense and ticket sales are 2x the revenue
>I liked her when she first appeared in Westworld
People like you are the problem.
wasn't the original actor for will smith's character black?
Will Smith made MiB
Trying to reboot with a white dude instead was fucking stupid
because MIB 4 is like Shemp following Curly. When viewed in a bubble Shemp is funny and has good timing but he's no Curly and will never be.
Will Smith was a generational talent like an Eddie Murphy or Denzel who was able to appeal to both white and black people equally.
You need more experience with women. The ones with fucked up appearance are just as obtainable as the hot hottest ones. All women view themselves as the pinnacle of beauty.
>so fun
that black cunt had no business in that movie
MAYBE it did bad because hollywood keeps trying to bring back things people love and are nostalgic for,l but they don't know those people want to stay nostalgic not have it ruined with todays shitty FX
are you disabled?
You're missing the point.
It doesn't matter if it didn't create fresh converts (nor lose money like the other one said), it's about destroying what's already there. Everything else is incidental to this.
>white dude
tessa thompson may well be a man but it certainly isn't white, you nigger
is there anyone now who's like a generational talent.. i can't think of anyone who you could put in a mib or a beverley hills cop. hell i can't even think of any people you could put in a ghostbusters who could carry it
maybe im out of touch, comedy films still do well with like steve carrell i guess
I'm obviously talking about the Australian you spastic
no you're definitely right, the late 90s were the last decade really of stars who could carry movies on their own. maybe the 2000s with ben stiller or will ferrell comedies but there's no one really around like that any more
>it's about destroying what's already there
What exactly did this destroy? Please seek help
you dumb bastard
Why the fuck didn't they just cast Will Smith again?
It would have made money because of nostalgia and it still would have been a woke casting.
Hemsworth was in both, how to kill your career in two easy steps.
>is there anyone now who's like a generational talent.
Brad Pitt. Maybe Emily Blunt.
because he is blacklisted (Scientologist)
you don't understand the nature of this beast.
They lack no ability to self-reflective. They will just blame racism and/or sexism for this, it just reaffirms their own beliefs that more the same is needed.
This is your brain on coOOM
Nothing can stop Hemsworth he's with like 150millon
And he's got Thor 4 and gotg3 coming out
i wonder if its the internet siphoning off people's comedic output or the plastics in the water. people don't have the same audacity
but he just made a movie
The writing and director make all the difference for getting a performance out of an actor.
Maybe. The film was calculated by most to need to make 300 million to break even, and they didn't reach that, even internationally. The spent a shitload on the advertising and such, it's documented but i can't be arsed to find it right now.
It will probably make it's money back with streaming and disc sales. But it won't be a big money maker over time. It flopped, and is forgotten except sites like here.
Think about it.
This, that nigger was fucking terrible in that thor movie and I have no idea why they pushed for her in other marvel movies or how she fucking got cast for this
I miss Rush Hour movies
>Using "le" in 2019
after 9 years of having to self finance outside of the traditional studio system.
2010 it was discovered he donated a total of 1.7 million dollars to Scientology. Like all purges there are some who are able to 'rehabilitate' themselves.
Plus they needed a person darker than a paper bag who people knew and who could act and sing and be larger than life. Who was Disney going to cast? Kanye?
Worth noting that none of Smith's earlier success came through Disney's studios. So it might also have been a case of Disney knowing they could get him at a discount and still get his star power to carry the movie...and they were right.
The thing that got me about this movie is that while MIB was certainly comedic in a lot of places, the threat they fought was real. What I got from the trailers is that Europe's aliens are no worse than the average ahmed in britain.
Are you fucking crazy? Scientology gets you into a career in Hollywood, not blacklisted. Will Smith is getting old and they probably wanted a fresh start with new characters and make more sequels. Also Tessa is much cheaper than Smith.
i mean okay but tom cruise?? the main sciguy is still main hollywood movie guy?
powerful rhetoric, very compelling
They will get rid of the white male altogether
These movies get outside funding to push feminist and progressive agendas, so they made money just fine. Which is why they keep doing it.
This is what happens when you have people like Zuckerberg and Bill gates with more money than they ever know what to do with.
Is there a paper trail proving this? Movies have long been used to launder money and tax evade so it wouldn't surprise me
but nobody goes to see the funny movies that obviously aren't don't have talented comedians in them so the agenda isn't pushed to anyone and the money is wasted
are you saying that self-made business billionaires are retards with no ability to think through things like cause and effect?
>the main sciguy is still main hollywood movie guy?
Do you forget the decade he had to self finance his own movies outside the hollywood system? He was only rehabilitated after he shit on Harvey Weinstein, who traditional hollywood was very jealous of.
>Scientology gets you into a career in Hollywood, not blacklisted.
It got you a career in the 80s and 90s. That's why it was essential that the Hollywood machine stomp it out. They were losing control of whole shoots- entire movies and tv shows were being cased with only scientologists.
Jews worked hard to run hollywoood- not even memeing. They'd be idiots to lose their kingdom to some new age grifters.
>Tesa Thompson
These are movies to money laundering for the Colombian mafia, they don't care if it loses money.
Sony's entertainment business is nothing japanese. Even their videogames. Everything is decided in America. And they want to axe the Gran Turismo studio.
Tessa Thompson has almost no on screen charisma, she's mediocre in everything she's in. Thor Ragnorok was made by the writing and direction, you could have cast anyone in her role and you'd have got at least that level of performance.
MiBI's biggest problem is having a shitty dynamic. Rookie + veteren works, but here you have a 'Rookie' who is actually super competent at everything she does and takes everything weird in her stride. Given Hemsworth is also a 'maverick' and laid back, you've no straight character to play the humour off of.
No audience insert, no sense of wonder, characters that don't allow for jokes to play off of each other.
black panther made one billion
aquaman made one billion
the list goes only cherry pick the examples. diversity works.
Did socialists stop pushing their meme horseshit just because it failed every time?
At least movies no longer have shitty improv any more. There are few comedians who have natural wit and jokes that have spent time in the writers room to tighten up are almost always superior. We went through a few years of terrible improve that consisted of 'jokes' that were just quirky random things where the co-star had no way of coming up with a come back so the exchange tended to involve one person no really saying anything and the person 'joking' just repeating the joke over and over.
>My coat is the colour of MAGMA
>that's nice but I don't..
>That's right, MAGMA, like a raging hot volcano
>ok but can we...
>Magma's hot, like my passion
>I see..
Well of course it did not make money, they make you forget as soon as you look at the poster
bravo. i think we can flashy thingy this thread now
Ghostbusters did not make its budget back friend, not sure about this abomination
>I believe (((they))) have some dirt on some bosses.
>no longer
that's what the ghostbuster movie is 100% made of
what message?
et phone home
this movie was actually ok. the feminist shit was annoying tho
Well the ghostbusters franchise
No, Will Smith was played by Robert Downy Jr.
there's this graph that goes around linking all the agendas back to the frankfurt school jews and at the top is their ultimate aim - to destroy capitalism. which just seems hilariously dumb to me since why would the jews want to destroy that of all things. I see now a more plausible candidate for the ultimate aim - 'wreck the ghostbusters franchise'
Tessa Thompson replaced Will Smith.
In MiB Will Smith was a huge megastar of the day and TLJ was the veteran who most kids wouldn't care for. So Smith easily takes centre stage.
With this film they hired one of the most popular superhero stars in the world today to play the TLJ role. It's almost as if they didn't have any faith in Tessa Thomson to lead the film.
the actors were so utterly devoid of character they had to reference their previous roles
You see what you want to see
In the originals, Smith was obviously the lead
In this remake, Hemsworth is the lead. They only tried to subvert otherwise through the marketing.
Hollywood is dying. Attendance has been in steady decline for almost as long as hollywood has existed. Over the last century, theaters went from the only places to escape the sun/heat and see literally anything other than your "local color" to inferior experiences to just staying at home. The fact china's living conditions are similar to the living conditions of hollywood's golden age is why the chinese market is considered so important.
"woke" movies are being made in desperate attempt to engage "new" audiences. Straight-out-of-college writers tell the out of touch SVPs and Chief Officers the way to engage youth demographics is with politics and representation. Every time diverse and political movies fail, the desperate-to-keep-their-jobs people explain it was because the movie wasn't political/diverse enough. They validate this with social media. Thus, accelerating hollywood's death spiral.
So, no, hollywood hasn't "learned their lesson." They're still dying and they're going to become increasingly desperate to grab audiences as they wither away.
>Hemsworth is the lead
He has less screen time and plot influence than tessa thompson's character.
i assume most of this movie wass made thinking Ghostbusters was going to be succesfull and by the time it bombed it was too far gone. Like they thought they weere gonna catch on new wave of WOKE movie remakes and be like MCU.
They just forgot that people liked those franchises because they were good movies first that later made a shitton of merch and they tried to do the opposite.
In the last day I keep seeing more and moore one-liner post aimed at minimizing (((what))) is happening or calling more and more people incel.
I think (((they))) are accelerating with their western-world-wide brainwash.
new ghostbusters is about woke girls who fuck black dudes this time around
the thor was made cringy but she was the worst part of it..
>those toes
>(i assume its by the same people)
Seriously how did this board get this fucking retarded?
Oh that's how
>they want to axe the Gran Turismo studio
Wow Snoy really went to shit.
>Ghostbusters loses $80M. this one loses $100M (i assume its by the same people) did they get the message or are they going to try again?
The movie industry is just a front for the child porn industry, and is completely divorced from the US economy. It doesn't matter how much a movie "loses" because the money is all being laundered anyway.
>i wonder if its the internet siphoning off people's comedic output or the plastics in the water. people don't have the same audacity
Twitter has tamped down audacity because no one is willing to risk their fame by doing anything that rocks the boat.
We live in an age where everything public figures do is instantly monitored and judged by people who have nothing better to do with their lives.
>Ghostbusters loses $80M. this one loses $100M
Where do you get your numbers?
I'll answer your question with a riddle
What do you get when you mix a bungee cord with an owl?
>not about money
wait, what?
Well it used to be that a hot actress would suck a fat jew's dick to get a role so we'd get a talentless whore who was nevertheless good eye candy.
Now #metoo has ended those days.
So, now roles are handed out to ugly talentless mutts so everyone thinks your movie is progressive and "woke"
>he thinks they care about money
it's all about pushing agenda.
If Giganta is a nigress I'm killing myself.
>Or we could just keep on pretending that it's because she's black it failed.
Well, no but she's in the movie because she's the flavor of the month.
Honestly if they want to cast talentless mutt actresses there's much better ones out there, at least prettier ones, I don't see why they've homed in on a homely mutt like Tessa Thompson
I don't think there's a big conspiracy behind this and it's not 4d chess.
I'm sure this is the WOKE BANDWAGGON and everyone is trying to get on board, from Gillette to Sony Pictures.
I really hope this blows over one day and we can go back to the days when a fucking movie can have a black lead without everyone making a big deal of it.
Remember when Will Smith headlined MIB and everyone felt it was normal?
Remember when Blade was successful and not everyone felt they had to suck a black superhero movie's dick because it was so "progressive" and "woke"?
Do you remember when you could have a black/female star and you didn't have to dumb down their white co-stars to complete incompetency to make them look better?
From the new star wars cartoon where Luke is a bumbling dumbass so Leia can look better to the new MIB where Hemsworth is a walking joke to Ghostbusters where Hemsworth is a walking punchline idiot it's a growing trend.
Your white male lead needs to be a bumbling idiot to make your smart woke powerful women and blacks look good in comparison.
>Budget: $90 million
>Box office: $589.4 million
>Budget: $140 million
>Box office: $441.8 million
>Budget: $215–225 million
>Box office: $624 million
>make another MIB movie
>no Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones
Who the fuck would even care?
>they really don't get how to do it for some reason
you make it seem as though they are clueless. they know that they are making: propaganda, that's also shit entertainment, they just don't give a fuck.
Gillette lost 8 billion and the CEO said the message was worth it
It was a different time
Hemsworth is the bumbling fool while Tessa Thompson is the smart strong independent woke woman of color who is so smart she can talk her way into becoming an MIB agent with just her wits.
This organization that, in the first movie, has a grueling elimination process that turns down Marines and "The best of the best, of the best, SIR" suddenly lets a black woman in because she makes a good argument.
Granted but which one is "TRUE" equality?
1. The one where everyone has to act extra excited because your movie has a black lead and celebrate it and call it woke and suck its dick all day long?
2. OOR the one where a movie has a black lead and everyone acts like oh that's a good movie because it's perfectly a normal thing to have a black lead?
Gilette didn't lose it because of the add though, people just no longer fucking wanna buy 69 bladed rotating dildo-headedTM self lubricating Death to Beards v3 for god knows how much when much cheaper options perform just as well, they were in a decline for a while
The ceo also didnt care because the company doesnt just consist of gilette and the other brands were making bank
If he backs down now it would be admitting he was wrong so he feels he needs to double down.
Also the CEO didn't lose a buck, if anyone's losing money it's the shareholders so no skin off his back.
And yeah like you said they're part of a big conglomerate so no big problem.
No, it’s about making money. Which becomes increasingly difficult as audiences dry up.
I've been thinking the same thing.
>not about money
It doesn't compute.
More likely there's a big woke bandwaggon right now and everyone wants to get on board. If they lose enough money they'll get off but if people keep supporting it and they gain an audience we'll never see the end of it.
>big woke bandwaggon
It was never profitable. Go woke get broke. If hollywood jews really cared about money they would make good movies that sell well.
>Ghostbusters loses $80M, MiB loses $100M
Imagine if Sony Pictures didn't have Spiderman, they would have bankcrupt parent Sony no matter how many PS4's they manage to sell.
>but both of them at least made their budget back.
Not when you consider that advertising/promotion are outside of the production budget. For big released like these they spend ~$50-80 million to promote/advertise.
This. Neither Chris Hemsworth or her are likable actors, they just have next to 0 charisma. Of course /pol/turds will always have an agenda and desperately show this is somehow validating their white supremacy.
Get woke go broke only applies randomly.
Example: The movie costs 200 million to make, then the studio spends another 200 million on advertising, paid publicity appearances and reviewer bribes meaning that the movie needs to make 400 million just to break even.
It’s not Tessa’s acting ability that’s for sure.
People have wanted fuckable black women for a very long time. I remember people lusting for the girl on Fresh Prince for fucks sake.
The ghost girl was pretty hot. Halle Berry had a ton of T&A roles in the 90s.
Where’s this fucking meme that audiences are racist coming from? We’ve fucking gone backwards on race relations.
Uh, friend, they don’t get 100% of the box office gross. At least half goes to the theater and more gets eaten by international trade. So they get between 20% and 50%. So that would mean a 200m movie needs to gross between 800m and 2 billion to start to see a profit.
Test marketing has shown that audiences are racist as fuck, and we haven’t gone backwards, it’s just that more and more backwards people are chiming in.
Tessa Thompson is fugly. I’m not talking Hollywood ugly, I’m saying she is uglier than the average young woman on the street. I feel like someone is playing a practical joke on me when I see her continue to get casted in blockbuster movies or when god forbid I watch her get propped up on the same level as a peak male specimen like Hemsworth. And it’s not like she’s a brilliant actor or comedian to make up for it. She just kind of floats along through these movies reciting her quips with rote smugness. How did she become so successful? Does she suck a mean dick or what?
They kinda get money from other means too though, like merch and other shit
it's their fault for trying to bring back a dead franchise
I think the industry take is generally 55% of box office I forget you can look up estimates.
oh yeah forgot that's domestic box office, international box office take is less than 55%
she's got that slightly thick short girl frame in westworld plus they put fanservice in it what's not to like? have you seen it? they open up with her fucking a robot
>great chemistry
>hey remember that one time we paid Hemsworth to like this mystery meat mudskin that we replaced Valkyrie with?
>lets replace Tommy Lee Fucking Jones and Will Motherfucking Smith with these two
Hemsworth is desperate to not be typecast as Thor and she's a diversity hire.
I'm not going to argue whether or not he's the lead but he's definitely will smith's character. it's just a bit muddled because the movie has two funny men rather than a staight man and a funny man
how does that differ from will smith?
Funny thing is if it was Chris and Liam Neeson throughout the whole movie it might have been a decent but otherwise forgettable flick. The chick is a charisma vacuum.
ghostbusters is a wash for him might as well be a cameo in a disney movie he's just in it to get the women wet
Hope that's the last one, but relying on capitalism to do its job doesn't always work
Jews control the entire world's finances.
Jews want white people to disappear within the next 100-200 years.
Jews don't care if their movies flop.
Their goal is not to make money; it's to shape society into what they want it to be: a mass of brown slaves ruled over by Jews.
>did they get the message or are they going to try again?
Stop giving roles to Chris "box office poison" Heimswort in anything non Thor- related?
>when much cheaper options perform just as well
this has been true since forever. it has nothing to do with shaving memes and more to do with facial hair styles changing. go shill your straight razor bullshit opinion somewhere else how the fuck do you think that is what caused the company to lose so much money when gillette makes those fucking things.
Because Smith wasn't 'a bumbling fool' nor was he 'super street smart and so witty he can talk his way into MIB'.
He proved he could do something that impressed a hardened veteran (TLJ) who made a case to his superior to give him an honest chance. He then displayed a natural talent for the work.
Smith and TLJ also had unexpectedly good onscreen charisma. Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth are literally "those two people that were on screen together a few times in the third Thor movie". They have zero chemistry.
most pocs are ugly dude. so are a lot of whites, but lets be honest.
Cheaper options do not only mean cheap use once to shave and maybe throw away razors, it means cheaper options
Gilette isn't the only brand and has been losing customers for a long time you fucking dumb gilette shill
it was never about 'equality', it's about revenge
Hemsworth actually does have some Charisma. Dude just can't act like anything but Thor. The term you're looking for as far as what he's lacking is depth. Dude's as deep as a mud puddle as far as acting ability goes. But he's extremely likable both onscreen and off.
Tessa Thompson is a mystery meat diversity hire that in her first notable big screen role was used to replace a blonde haired blue eyed Norse Warrior Woman.
>more backwards people are chiming in.
das racist (against the most racist people there is, mainly blacks, spics and chingchongs)
To be fair, those two movies were awful regardless of the cast.
I'm not talking about hemsworth vs tessa thompson, just the writing
in the main office there's paintings of smith and tlj next to neeson and hemsworth. they even reference the paintings. that's his legacy. he punches above his weight and turns bad situations around the same way. hell, the elevator scene in the opening is exactly the same shit they'd have will smith doing. the poker fight is like the restaurant fight. falling over backwards to win in the end.
hey guys look they put don glover in it wow
>movies magically change the world
No OP it's 'franchise fatigue' these ideas have just plain run their course...
Movies change the minds of many people of whites descent. Especially since the infancy they are constantly bombarded by anti-white propaganda:
You must not be violent and aggressive, because this is the realm of black/brown people (they can be violent, especially if called nigger. Is their right to murder you for words).
BTW, another poster wrote above what I'm telling to people here (Italy).
A mass of brown(ish) slaves... divided by tribe, whipped in order thanks to Islam (Muslim mean Submitted) is the real dream of future ultra-capitalists.
White people produce things like Robespierre, Marx, Lenin, Hitler... revolutionnaires.
Brown people... bow 6 times a day and kill themselves over "MUH TRIBE".
Just keep some white for ultra specialty labors, sex slaves for the riches and scapegoats for the brown slaves...
sauce? Asking for a friend...
>White people
>Marx, Lenin, Hitler
>(i assume its by the same people)
If only there were some way to look this up. Someone should write some sort of an "engine" to help people search for things.
Roger Ebert said once that they shouldn't remake the good movies, they should remake the bad ones.
There was some truth to that.
Yes. White people can have ideals that trascend MUH TRIBE, MUH Skin Color.
White people have started wars.
White people have ENDED wars.
White poeple ENDED slavery.
Nigger with white female, in italy...
Don't know guys... it seems impossible to deny a "design".
who the fuck cares which colour the skin of a fictional person in a movie for children is?
you fucking manchildren are so invested in pop culture that you seriously believe it matters and has any relevance to real life.
grow the fuck up you fucking incels.
Marx was a jew. Lenin was jewish. Hitler was a jew proxy and possibly jewish too.
Keep minimizing and ostracizing who can see thru while the rest of the masses is brainwashed.
Shalom rabbi
just kill yourself. you people contribute nothing positive to society. you are only a financial and emotional burden to others.
>who the fuck cares which colour the skin of a fictional person in a movie for children is?
Okay, we'll make all the characters White since you don't care.
>you fucking manchildren are so invested in pop culture that you seriously believe it matters and has any relevance to real life.
I bet you also think diversity is our greatest strength.
>grow the fuck up you fucking incels.
Why are you so fascinated with the sex lives of other people? You sound like a pervert.
M (AW) IB.
>you people contribute nothing positive to society.
Yeah, like diversifying movies and tv shows, right?
>you are only a financial and emotional burden to others.
So money is the be all and end all of human existence?
No need to kill myself, it will be a job for the 12 sons of Mohammed (my door neighboor) in some years.
BTW, a couple of questions:
How it's the time in Tel Aviv?
Here is still hot, I hope you have AC in your office. All of those computers and people jam packed.
Also. Do you have a paid rest time? A place to eat kosher food?. Can you use the organization PCs for browsing some other site for relax or you are forced to read burdens like me all the time?
it ruined the originality if you want make a black character just make a new one don't replace the original it's wrong
Yes. They should remake unsuccessful movies without an established fanbase. Totally.
Fuck off JIDF
You think jews don't have 200 mil to spend on propaganda?
>You think jews don't have 200 mil to spend on propaganda?
And they think hollywood doesn't have things like insurance policies to protect against movies bombing. They've rigged the industry so it can't possibly financially fail.
Based reddit
>that in her first notable big screen role she replaced a blonde haired blue eyed Norse woman
That wasn't her big screen debut.
>Okay, we'll make all the characters White since you don't care.
Sure, do what you want with your money. Still don't care.
Westerners are so degenerate and detached from real life that they think movies somehow matter.
>Sure, do what you want with your money. Still don't care.
But you're not the media nor the SJW culture.
>Westerners are so degenerate and detached from real life that they think movies somehow matter.
Hm...what one group is behind all that degeneracy...I wonder...
Why do you hate seeing brown people on a screen?
Niggers are ugly and they can’t act for shit.