He took Lewis CK's back

He took Lewis CK's back
He defended Michael Jackson
He called out the shemales
He called out the pedos
He called out Jessie Smoulet
He called out the opioid crisis
He theorised the only effective solution to gun control (without advocating for it)
He was Ahchoo in Robin Hood
He is a great American
He is our guy
He is all our guy

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Other urls found in this thread:


hes funny too

All of that and he's still a nigger

He hates you for the color of your skin. They will always hate us.

i like him, always have and he did get shit for giving trump the benefit of the doubt when he got elected.
Black bush was kino

but he's not

Abe Lincoln?
Naw, I said hey Blinkin, hold the reins mayn.

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>He took Lewis CK's back
>Yea Forums never liked CK until he was outed as a sex offender

NO ONE masters the subject of race relations like Dave Chappelle. Separate but equal. He gets it

nigs and nogs

It isn't about whether I personally like someone, or their work. It's about principle.

name someone more honest and makes fun of black people better than chappele

We don't like cuck king, we just don't throw our principles in the trashcan just because we happen to dislike the person. He did literally nothing wrong

Citation necessary

Unfunny nigger , lost his touch

worse, he's a muslim

>He is a puppet of the elite

False newfag.

What does the N at the bottom right stand for?

The BBC (big black Chappelle) lol

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Everyone calling him a nigger is a false flagging tranny. Dave "a bullet in the head of every disgusting tranny freak" Chapelle is and always has been /ourguy/.

He also married an asian which is based and redpilled

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how new r u?

Why did he star in a star is born?

I've been in 4channel since the very first day.

>he defended michael jackson
>he called out the shemales
these two are not separate

>There are people on Yea Forums who were 3 years old when Chappelle's show first aired.

hi moot. cuck calling the cuckle BLACKED?

Stop posting this controlled-opposition meme nigger.


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>Separate but equal. He gets it
I don't think he does.

his parents were professors and he is riding the nigger bandwagon as a career move

he should have converted to judaism


>Everyone tells me how "redpilled" his new special is
>abortion is a woman's choice
>white people are mass shooters

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Dave "trannies go to hell" Chappelle
Dave "throw the jew down the well" Chappelle

Dave "Dances like a whore for Netflix Jews" Chapelle

damn. it's true. the left really can't meme.

But both of thoes are true.

Only thots think abortion is a right, and there are more nigger mass shooters than white ones.

He's a nigger!

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Nah, Yea Forums posters have always been Louis CucK fans.

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I was about to watch this but not anymore. Fuck Dave and fuck the people that support him. If you're white you're literally a cuck if you're still supporting him. Fucking kill yourselves

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You are so unintelligent to miss the nuance and overall message
Truly a weak mind

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>white boi can't take a joke
You are no better than the discord trannies

What overall message? He lightly tapped twitter liberals while ultimately still reinforcing the mainstream narrative like the Netflix house nigger he is.

Where does the Louis is cuck meme come from? He’s self deprecating but he’s never suggested anything about being a cuckold.

You're too young and/or dumb for this kind of shit.
Please go to the nearest waifu thread.

Did you miss the joke? Dave's bit about abortion was that if women have the right to abortion, men shouldn't have to pay child support. Also, most mass school shooters are white. Also, have sex.

>H'he's totally /ourguy/!
Sure he is. That's why the jews gave him millions of dollars.

Citation needed. You can post it on /pol/.

Its funny. And now that we know he likes to be humiliated is even funnier.

>what overall message
Kill yourself immediately brainlelt

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/pol/ ruined your mind, the point is and i can't stress this enough: You didn't get it.
Now go burn me another strawman.

>most mass school shooters are white
Blatantly false.

How new are you faggot?

>He's not controlled opposition because I like him
You naive faggot.

Have sex.

Fuck off tourist

Everything is /pol/, guiz!

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>He took Lewis CK's back
Hmm only reason I might end up watching it

It's incredible that some people are so retarded that Dave Chappelle is out of their reach

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Dear god. Go back to your containment board, you're to stupid for Yea Forums, which is really something.

Cool thread bro. I knew it was a meme, retard. I’m asking how the idea even got started. None of the made up bits in that thread are remotely close to anything he’s ever said. And if it’s about being Jewish he shits on Jews probably more than anyone.

>Defending CK in 2019
Get your shit together man at least pretend you watched the thing.

He's a Mexican ginger jew. Of course he's a cuck. Most mixed race people are.

Oh man, end your dreary existence immediately

>He defended Michael Jackson
she he's a pedo himself, will probably soon be revealed. Pedos tend to flock together.

>I’m asking how the idea even got started.

There was an extremely long bit in one of his last specials before the scandal where he was literally saying black people should fuck him in the ass for what whites did to him.

t. never knew his nigger dad

What's it like having a coal burning whore as a mother?

I think it's more that he's a sexual deviant who got caught, that's why he empathizes with MJ and CK. That and the comedians code is never criticize another comic for making jokes no matter what.

He was blackmailed for filming a adulterous sexual encounter and had to get the FBI involed. It just never hit the media cycle that hard, probably because he had stepped back from the spotlight a bit by then.

Lmao are anons like you payed to spread shit like this? I’m convinced you’re the actual JIDF payed to psy-op the /pol/ faggots


incoherent rage reactions to accurate posts.

Listen to yourself man!
You are a grotesque peasant

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Yea Forums used to like him before they started hating him
pre-cuck meme

You need me to explain Dave Chappelle to you?

Don't mind me

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Go to bed, american. The sun is almost up.

no, the perfect description has been posted already. maybe you want to re-read it and let it sink in:

Gonna be honest i never understood the cucck shit with louis either

>tranny bad


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It's 11:00 AM here in the UK mate

Could've sworn he's said
Of course i wouldn't be bothered if my daughters dated black guys, I think all girls should try it.
If you need any more evidence than that, then Jerome will be banging your wife at the kinoplex soon

because he went from edgy 90s guy who will SAY ANYTHING I'm so outrageous on O&A to this fake Woody Allen wannabe becasue he was smart enough to see the sea change. His comedy isn't authentic. It doesn't come from any place of truth- he just rides the wave of whatever's popular. And a couple of years ago it was hip to be the self hating, depressed, wimpy white who is unable to wash the original sin of slavery from his white skin.

Really old fucks or people with access to old comedy central bits will remember when his comedy was merely a bad copy of Jerry Seinfeld.

You make us look bad. Whites have a thicker skin than any other race and stupid cunts like you ruin things for the rest of us.

What are you even trying to say skizo

How retarded are you m8? He’s a comedian of course his content and style changes over the years. And he’s gotta be one of the most authentic comedians since the past 5 years of standup have mostly been people trying to imitate him.

but it's true, shootouts and murder yeah niggers win but when it comes to killing unarmed innocents and kids, you know it's true

all these leftist larping is hilarious

>abortion is a woman's choice
Did you get the joke at all? He said that if a woman can choose to keep a human life or not, then a man at least should have the right to choose to pay child support or not

>He theorised the only effective solution to gun control

i missed that part what was it? was that the disarm the whites comment?

That explains how you're blind to obvious cuckold behavior.

>but when it comes to killing unarmed innocents and kids, you know it's true

Niggers win that category, too, but no one cares about dead black chilruns.

The narrow box within which you operate shows what a brainlet and weak mind you are

Lmao you're replying to multiple posters like it's your job. How many rupees do they pay you?

Nah, his suggestion was just for black people to go out and mass buy guns.

To LEGALLY buy guns. That is the important nuance

Louis C Kike is not my guy.

I noticed that as well. He got jacked while he was away.

>He defended Michael Jackson

This is the only thing I disagree with him about. You have to be a fucking retard or wilfully blind to believe that MJ isn't a massive fucking pedophile.

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I unironically love Men in Tights.

and to run away from the child too

he fell for the yellow fever meme

of course Yea Forums likes him

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Another "comedian" falling victim to the Carlin disease. What a shame.

It's true that whites are the schoolshooters. You have to go to school to shoot it up.

He got the gun control thing wrong, if a bunch of black people registered their guns, Republicans would just brag gun ownership is up

hes right about Whites wouldn't give up their guns peacefully though, nor should they

>and if I'm wrong, then maybe all of us are wrong

Where are the jokes? All I see is a bitter old nigger crying about how persecuted he is

/pol/ irl ...

Damn he sounds hilarious OP

>He defended Michael Jackson
>He called out the pedos

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I've been watching a bunch of Netflix stand-up and half of them start with bashing snowflakes and the other with bashing Trump.

There are racist blacks just like any race but not dave

You're not actually this retarded, right?

>Chinese niggers
Race mixing was a mistake.

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you forgot
He blames slavery on whites
He won't name the jew

I mean if you take the definition of mass shooting as any person who kills three or more people in a shooting than yes the statistics support that black people do it more than white people. But that’s just black on black murder and that doesn’t get any media play but on the different end of it that’s traditionally retaliatory gang violence where the white fuckers normally just choose innocuous spaces to fulfill their inept and flaccid “manifestos”