So whats a website that allows anonymous posting and no vote system but doesn't allow freaks and degenerate losers to...

So whats a website that allows anonymous posting and no vote system but doesn't allow freaks and degenerate losers to post gore/racist/edgy shit?

Attached: 1565606650039.jpg (1440x1715, 105K)

I'm just warming up.

When you find out, let me know.

No, you're cooling off like a corpse.

Because there's a board for that

Just go to fucking slow board like /sci/ and /trv/. You'll be fine

lots of hobbies can be discussed anonymously without gorespam or excessive racist shit

>pissing in a sea of piss
There's always that one asshole....

it does you dumb fucks, just not on the fucking television and film board

>t. 2016

Yea Forums has been kinda intense the last couple nights

Attached: 1482364607853.png (3072x3118, 2.31M)

Just don't open the thread if you scared of it. Same goes with thread you personally dont like. Close your eyes and move on, simple.

Get fucked redditor. Gore spammers are heroes

Attached: XWJIneK[1].gif (432x324, 838K)

It literally is too. The goreposters are literally like 3 people.

If such a place existed, it would be foolish to post it here.

No, they're faggots just like you.


>he can’t handle gore/racism/EDGINESS

Well at least you acknowledge you don’t belong on Yea Forums. Now if only all you faggots would leave and stop giving the spammers validation, we could turn back time 16 years.

>xD Yea Forums fun liek old Yea Forums!!
It's all Yea Forums or none you vile fucking facebook meme hustlers

How new are you to the fucking internet? You just described forums. There's hundreds if not thousands of forums for any topic you can think of. And many allow general discussion about any topic, and are very active.

Not gonna lie hes got some good ones.

There is no such thing as good gore. Only holey brains.

the mass influx of coomer threads was funny, but now the lack of moderation is just exhausting