What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: 1538611725332.jpg (730x768, 81K)

They can only afford one clothe set back then.

they had cameras in 1917?

Stop posting the based British actor Carey Grant, he was like 15 in 1917.

Attached: Cary Grant.jpg (1729x2200, 502K)

What went wrong?

Attached: l2.jpg (730x929, 156K)

They had queers and purple weddings back then, too, user.
People just didnt talk about it openly.
Old Hollywood was plenty gay.

birth of a nation was shot then

it being outlawed to be a mercenary

>porn and anime watchers


Yeah I was just about to say this. The clothing looks 30s-40s

Imagine leaving home without your most outstanding codpiece!

first photos were made in 1838

Don’t change the fucking subject, zoom-zoom. You dress like shit and everyone around you thinks you’re a faggot. What are some movies that embody the life of a pathetic zooming retard?

Well yeah.

Attached: Arsenal v Newcastle United, Fans - 22-9-1906.jpg (2048x1285, 1.27M)

The difference is that he isn't dressed like a woman

Let me let you in on a little secret user, people were even more degenerate back then. It was just hidden in plain sight. People have been just as degenerate throughout the entire human history in every human society. The only difference today is that it's not being judged as hard.


Attached: -8cqE4VF6GjFp4L0Fa2Fd_ELQbZ6icqMAHiUhgGx_gI.jpg (500x485, 65K)

Women's rights

dudes shoulder pads are waaaay to big.

Lmaoing at your khaki life boomer.

Epic 2013 meme bruh

must have been a bald mans paradise


Attached: wtf happened bros.jpg (2512x6676, 2.19M)

Pic always fails to mention guy on the right would be 5'7 140lbs and on the right 6'4 240

Everyone wore hats prior to WW2 tbqh.

Attached: 1405265627249.jpg (600x800, 36K)

ehm could you resize that image please? not all of us have a flatrate

Have to say, Archibald Leach looks way older than 13 there.


is that you in the

Fuck off strayan cunt