Kinos about modern women?

Kinos about modern women?

Attached: women.webm (288x328, 2.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Every day we fall further from gods graces.

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>all those bouncing booties
hnnghh muh test

Attached: 2015_09_17_2f_jebbush.f2b75.jpg (950x534, 52K)

Alllllll those white wombs ready to receive black sperm. YUM

i can literally smell this webm

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God bless Ukraine. What would we do without it?

Act like a dog - you'll be treated like one.

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Alt right retards be like


The fat ass bitch at the bottom of 00:12? Would definitely coom inside and not take responsibility.

Footage from a blacked raw casting.

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I throuh it was a black guy

Keep your shoes on, Dorothy

>millions of people died fighting fascism for this

We need to nuke America

just imagine how many bbcs they've taken...

>couldn't you just have hit her or something?

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they hated him because he spoke the truth

Why are they so stupid?

Just California.

These beasts expect to be the equal of men?

this is from Ukraine

What gangsta rap is playing in the background at this place?

So many white wombs in heat. Too bad Pavel is only interested in Starcraft. Is there anyone who can satisfy the needs of these women?

I don't see a problem with this.

How about this

Meanwhile, Asian women...

Attached: 1558813979453.jpg (880x960, 200K)

How is it?

go back to resetera

she's making the white people face. so cute.

Everyone in that comment section is on a google/alphabet watch list

reminder that twerking is a mating dance invented by africans for africans

reminder that when white women twerk they basically say they want to get blacked

you can deny it all you want, but twerking wasn't a thing until african americans made it popular

it's why white women get big asses too. black men love big asses. it wasn't a thing for white men before that too.

God I hate you fucking cuckold larpers

Because you're a nigger

kek. any idea how much cosmetics they have on you deluded beta?

You do realise that after taking this picture, she probably proceeded to slut around all the same?

It bothers you because you know they're not doing it for you.

A small part of me can't be help but be depressed when I see this. I dunno, I guess it's just a reminder we're all still animals at our core.

Yeah modern white women are completely makeup free.

try it faggot

imagine a whole room of women doing this dance

Attached: 1483689798657.gif (252x263, 2.91M)

These women wish they could be in America. There they could find what their bodies desperately crave.

THis but unironically. The cucked states are biggest threat to the western world.

Modern women act degenerate because men let them. Average female never develops past teenagehood mentally, they cannot be really blamed. This picture, if anything, is indicative of the crisis of masculine, assertive values.

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And Islam and israel

>Average female never develops past teenagehood mentally
funny coming from an anime tranny

Women really arent the problem, weak men are.

women are the chief perpetrators of psychological and emotional abuse against children

Man you sure surmised a lot about me by simply glancing at the image macro. Truly a sign of mature high IQ megabrain

stfu and kill yourself tranny

baby boomer tier reply

he's not wrong about that, even if he is a tranny

If i went in with my belt out, ready to give them all a damn good thrashing these bitches would probably enjoy it. Make me lick their dirty butt holes and perform fellatio on my engorged, but still tiny, member. Why I would be laughed outta the place

What a strange mosque

Calculate the tolls that will be paid?

15 single mothers
2 deaths by beating
4 cases of aids

Attached: hmmnigg.jpg (1000x900, 87K)


Thats alot of whores. Apparently practicing ass clapping. Kek.

chinese invasion of USA when????

god i wish that were me

Every single woman here will give birth to a caramel child or four, God willing.

imagine if they lined up to take turns sitting on your face...

I don't get the appeal of twerking. It's not erotic or sexy, you just look like a retard

it's like a thot nursery

>This picture, if anything, is indicative of the crisis of masculine, assertive values.
>posts an anime picture

Attached: 1461308142681.jpg (113x128, 8K)

why are Ukrainian women such whores

Yeah... in Clapasstan

and a partridge in a pear tree

So? the average white "boy" can fuck high tier pussy of every race.
The average black "bull" need to ask first if the girl is into black men (the 70% of them say no) even hispanic girls reject blacks and you fucking know it NIGGER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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women are more empowered than ever. this thread reeks on incel jealousy

Attached: empowerment.webm (600x336, 2.88M)

I was hoping this would be Peterson reading the copypasta and it was

>posts a pseudo intellectual diatribe because of a webm

>Hurr durr it bothers you angry incel because they're not twerking for you
Like I couldn't simply fap to them regarldless of whom they may he twerking for. Not only is your comment retarded, but your desperate attempt to mock masculine insecurities making baseless conjectures is a clear sign of psychological projection.

>no ass
Not even a chub

>not being gay

i feel like im supposed to be aroused by this but its just not happening

I want to impregnate every single one of them

This. Might as well be a fucking man

I can't stop laughing

Even if you're an ass man twerking somehow makes them absolutely repulsive.

Didn't Yea Forums just hire a new batch of mods?
Do your supervisors specifically tell you *not* to delete off-topic posts?!

Is this MadTV?

If we dont put women in line our societies will literally unravel and collapse. Has happened many times before in human history.

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>getting rid of California while Nebraska exists

Let me guess you've never left the county you were born in

nebraska is based and pilled get fucked redditfornia

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Most men have better asses than that


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If you think about it, this is not about 'modern' women or women for that matter. This is about blindly following trends.
It's exactly the same thing in the '80s when aerobics were a thing. Just because they were fitness related doesn't make them any less of a meme.
This is no worse than people who do anything to appear trendy.

they leave these thread up then mass ban everyone and range ban ip pools. protip: it doesn't work

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women's "rights"(to be disgusting whores, kill babies etc) are the result of christian universalism. Most bad things in society are.

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Women are animals. Men have more self control

good girls, ready for college

This is what Nietzsche was worried about

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what did nezeche say

This. I really wish I was born a gay man.

Beating women into submission should become a norm in the West again.


they'd love it

This is american """culture""" infesting other countries

>be weebtard
>think asian women so traditional
>think asian women huge sluts for white cock
>be idiot

but is you're image really the best example? this woman has the mind of an 8 year old

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>nooo! stop having fun!

All women are whores

yet other countries are always eastern bloc shitpiles

where is this?


Stay mad whiteney

And other 'cultures' willingly accepting. Pathetic.

I'd like to put by bum right on her face.

look like a walrus laughing

Imagine the smell...

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Peak Reddit

Preparing for their trip to America?

Essentially he was worried about the death of God, ie) the death of religion/spirituality as a source of absolute values (for the common person/zeitgeist) Without that comes nihilism where everything is relative and nothing really matters and all is trivial.

go learn some more subhuman gyrations roastie

these are gay and replaced cool dances

Not one of these larpers but why else do these girls learn this stupid booty dance? I've listened to the music in many of their videos and when they do this ass shaking they almost always are listening to rap music.

imagine the smell

you think there are that many white women in america?

if only he told his daughter that before it was too late

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Imagine investing 20 years and and hundreds of dollars to raise that lmao
No wonder pakis kill their female babies desu

And if America had been nuked 40 years ago there wouldn't be any shit like this
No twerking, no capeshit either

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See, this is why they need twerking classes.
Bless their hearts for trying though.

did he propose a solution tho

>t. Flyover angst

>islam will save us from degenera-

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yeah sure kid dream on



Which in consequence results in the average roastie doing shit like this, men pouring what remains of their passion into sports, video games and other nonsense, various forms of political radicalism, veganism, polyamry, and other wankery, etc.

All women are whores

Jesus Christ look at this. LOOK AT THIS. Where are their fathers? In fact its not even necessary. Where the hell are the white men putting a stop this this?


Oh never mind I think I answered myself.

maybe, but your mom would still be a whore

>act like a base bitch in heat
>sexy, free, empowered
lel these cunts

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Mohammad: all women are whores

imagine protesting the emancipation and empowerment of women anonymously on the internet LMAO. peak incel in this thread

Attached: modernwomen.webm (550x308, 2.88M)

The video cuts off just as they are about to get beaten.

well that's not very kind now is it user, if you don't have anything nice to say how about not saying it at all? if incels jumped off a bridge would you do it too?! didn't think so!

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>I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
>That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.
> And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
>For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Imagine being proud of living in California

>the ass on the one up front
Holy shit, that's haraam

>so many of them in one room it almost makes you think you could pluck one out and have sex
>every single one is taken by chad and a dozen orbiters

Attached: 1517087285633.webm (640x800, 2.55M)


Not comparable. While asians don't do this butt jiggle shit they are extremely materialistic to the point where you want nothing to do with them.

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they're also race traitors

>new stands

Attached: Star Platinum.gif (400x224, 1.49M)

I saw every webm in this thread but my dick is fucking asleep
I'm just low test or what bros

Attached: 1503153190698.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

well he had the idea of the ubermensch (which you know who talked about) and trying to come up with values and purpose inspite of there being no evident metaphysical truths, but I think he knew there really wasn't an obvious logical solution to the problem. but I do think nietzche identified the problem we face (he called it the spectre haunting europe) where there isn't anything transcendent that's holding people together

>objectively the worst state in the union
>"a-at least it's not a flyover!"

imagine caring this much about women

if you are actual men you should be too busy to give a fuck about women aside from nutting inside them

idk man, i doubt OP actually jacks off to all these he has a million of them

dat bum isolation tho

you just like big boobies instead (redpilled)

Imagine being poor

why do incels get mad at women having fun?

literally have sex

just make a new god lol

or any thing that's perceived as transcendent

This is fucking disgusting.

post some boobkinos

Just don't accept it then instead of continuing to delude yourself into thinking that you and the people from whatever shit hole you come from are enlightened.

being aroused by this shit is peak faggotry
blessed is the way of noble love: the love between two men. loyal men, strong in will, stoic and measured in temperament

Attached: 1563693718293.webm (480x852, 2.54M)

same dude
ass thread are boring as fuck
tit threads are kino though



I'm with you bro, twerking is incredibly unattractive to me.

I live in CA as well and youre retarded. This place is objectively a fucking shithole

Attached: los angeles 2019.webm (480x480, 2.86M)

Fuck off, retard. White women behaving like niggers isn't sexy.

whatever goober. I think whores are disgusting. Nothing wrong with that.

this nigga lives in some shithole suburb in cali that nobody has ever heard of has the gall to go "LOL FLYOVER"
like brah, you're literally a flyover. if you live in homeless shitting street cities i feel bad for you son

Mankind is diseased, rotten to the core. My only hope is that singularity gets invented before civilization is consumed by niggers

What explains this?

Attached: worldpop.png (381x323, 13K)

if twerking turns you on you're just as low iq and brainwashed as these women

t. faggot

>when someone posts a webm you made over 5 years ago

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i live in cali btw and traveled up and down it

Obviously because they cannot compete with oversexualized females. These women have tons of sex and live it daily. They continue to crave bigger and bigger dicks. They need men to last longer that know how to fuck. All traits an incel will lack obviously.

>people in Antarctica

california is full of homeless
you're probably posting from mcdonalds wifi, you hobo

Attached: 1514214049726.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

holy fuck you are stupid as hell

that feel when 15-32 year olds discover that people dance

Sauce bro before this thread dies

>12000 individual in antarctica
way too high. this must include individuals making the journey to inner earth?

this dance sucks though

Sorry your faggot ass lives in Compton and not a nice white and Asian suburb and you think your shithole is the whole state. Get a fucking job and go outside your nigger hole

>north america

unless over 200m people live in canada that's not accurate

This thread is so disturbing

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>tfw you have fetishes and the pedestrian semi-naked women thing does nothing for you

>the main characteristic of a man is to ignore the crumbling of societal norms

Good goy, good fucking goy

i don't live in commiefornia sorry honey. maybe get some culture that isn't based on soi consumption and the rest of the country won't call you the faggots you are.

>All of California is San Francisco
Imagine being this retarded

thanks obama

What is mexico?

t. fresno white trash

God I'm gonna COOOOOOM bros, hold me!

virgo peridot

Attached: 1465751756151.webm (960x540, 2.43M)

>actual kino booty webm coming through

Attached: 229ca5791b4c3921.webm (480x600, 1.02M)

>low iq arabs spamming this shit

fuck off

I think janny has taken the day off today

way ahead of you lad


Have some gold kind stranger


me neither.

Imagine paying money to go to a class that shows you how to shake ass. What will those people of Jewish descent think of next!

this is the opposite of what would make being a hobo great. You can go anywhere your feet can carry you, why live around other stinkos.

i will beat da fucc out of you cuhh

Latin America

Attached: 1406691576797.webm (474x344, 2.1M)

naw saturdays are notorious for having lack of janny's/mods


with what? not being as retarded as you?

You're not a nigger, of course you don't understand.

Soon enough the majority of white girls will be fucking black guys. We are in for some dark times friends.

t. faggot

I'm proud to be a cumbrain


i'm transracial and identify as black so this is true in a way

>I have never left my basement much less my state and I know everything about California because I watch Ben Shapiro

Imagine being proud of being ignorant

Manhattan Beach actually, cuck

the evil has been spread and infected every aspect of the collective mind. abandon the world. there is nothing left in it that is good

this thread has incredible incel energy

how are you suppose to get married with shit like this out in the world, man was not meant to be with just one woman.

Attached: 1427753750970.webm (1046x922, 718K)


>Worse than Alabama
>Worse than North Dakota
>Worse than West Virginia
>Worse than Mississippi

ur so mad

umm yeah mmhm okay sweety that's nice, is your tantrum over? do you need your bottle?



That is not a name of a continent. There is only 2 "american" continents. North America and South America.

I don't think so. Most of them will go through a phase during college, but in the end they'll marry a white guy.

Attached: 1432172503746.webm (406x720, 2.78M)

Is it inherent in women to get a dopamine rush from acting like whores for each other, or have they been conditioned into this behavior?


It's South America then

that's about right

>t. seething wh*toid

most women are untalented and have no hobbies/interests

they just go through their lives waiting for something to happen

American culture

>Y-y-you mad?!?!

I can hear the smashing of the keys of your spittle covered keyboard from here

I live in a beautiful small town near Yosemite, dumb faggot. Thats why Im not leaving despite seeing the overall state get more and more trash week in week out. I dont think our state sucks because of ghetto nigs or homeless but rather because we have a fucking SHIT state government that enables those nigs and bums in the first place.
We should be generating enough money in CA to solve or at least seriously mitigate these problems, yet they just keep getting worse. Face it you braindead drone, this place is beautiful waste of potential thanks to people making it OBJECTIVELY a shithole.

Attached: ca vs maine.png (1476x950, 1.32M)

? But blacks would never be allowed near them

Ive saved every single webm itt. Gonna coom to them later.

fucking faggot now i have to abaondon my comfy woman hate thread. fucking subhuman

imagene, if you will, de smelle

Attached: sniff.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

i'm 100% black
okay don't quote yourself too hard now cutiepie

Imagine having a daughter in 2019.


at least he isnt an arab

Lol keep telling yourself that whiteboi. Those girls would readily except black seed. Its you they wouldn't touch

It is not. Mexico is in North America


>cp instantly deleted
>thread stays up

Attached: 1420826815340.jpg (295x274, 25K)

Sounds about right

They did a poll 2 years ago by UC Berkeley and 74 percent of California, and 62 percent of even Democrats, opposed illegal immigration. The democratic party is only in power because of fraud voting.

Attached: 1563686513135.webm (1920x1080, 2.23M)

>I'm 100% la creatura
We know

funny how this made your second statement true! a freudian slip, my asian friend. big mistake, a true faux pas. just close the thread.

shitskin cope

I'm liking these new jannies

Women are stupid and I don't respect them. That's right, I just have sex with them.

Just imagine the scent of all those sweaty brappers, lads.

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>Admitting to being a nigger

Hahahahaha, literally every argument of yours is now invalid

That wasnt even cp. No need for thread removal

spotted the ben shapiro fan. sorry, hun, won't be replying to racists from now on.

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Imagine the smell

Are you the Austrian weeb from /int/?

El atrocidad...

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Oh the irony

rip thread

Im sure the jannies didnt get a chance to see

Why would I not be surprised if every person objecting to these hot asses in the videos posted are flat ass tumblrinas and roasties?

the poster himself deletes it

>the joke
>your head

>La atrocidad...


The internet was a mistake

Am I going to jail

Attached: 1563687808467.webm (608x1080, 1.98M)

Blurry as fuck she could be any age

>I was only pretending to be retarded

That's why if you want a shitpost removed you report it as "illegal content". They'll have to respond immediately.


>it happened again

Attached: 1563196063705.jpg (398x376, 37K)

What was deleted?

I'm afraid some girls are just too big to twerk.

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culture industry conditioning projects could be compared to mass demonic possession

stop quoting yourself

but then you'll get a b8 for false report

The blonde baby is half Polish

As a white boy I wouldn't even try. That ass is reserved for black men, and I know my place.

Based mods btfoing Amerikeks

My wife Yui is so cute when she is masturbating

Oh hi underage

Chang, please.

Attached: 1566221142983.jpg (336x538, 34K)

You can raise her half breed kid like a good cuck should

Cheese pizza

b-b-b-but hispanic girls are c-c-conservatives!!!!

You're just jealous because they're not snorting your feces while reciting demonic verses and beheading kittens

You get What you ducking deserve

Based, us white bois are only good for providing and raising black children

Latin America is a communist shithole, who told you this lie?

Fuck, she is sex personified

People who generalize entire demographics usually simply don't have any experience with those demographics and their view of them is entirely in their shit they made up in their head.

the last stand of the coping user, i'll let you get the last reply if you want it, syruphead

They are unironically too skinny for my taste

? No one likes blacks..


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Boardwalk empire

So this... Is the power.... Of Asian masculinity

So I'm Canadian now?

White girls do

Attached: 1568177143815.gif (360x640, 2.87M)

oh, so you finally admit you're not american?

Uh yeah.

Implying you aren't poor BECAUSE you live in California

What are you talking about, everyone knows niggers dont have dads.

No, this is their full power.

Attached: 1558462120239.png (1218x560, 131K)

This feels like a parody. This can't be real.

just report it on phone and use airplane mode.

do they call us ghosts cause we haunt their heads rent free?

what does hearts mean?

Ive turned down women with 10/10 faces because they had no tits or ass. Sorry ladies but I'm not gonna have sex and only have a minimal orgasm

No, actually, they are the most race loyal demographic, even more than white men, much to the dismay of scrawny asian boys.

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