So I just finished watching this and I have to say,I believe this may be Brad Pitt's best acting ever...

So I just finished watching this and I have to say,I believe this may be Brad Pitt's best acting ever,perhaps only surpassed by his performances in Fight Club and Troy.
This movie could be considered the spiritual successor to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" from the almost seamless blend of live-action and animation to the gritty noir setting of the 1940s/50s.It's as if a broken mirror was placed in front of Who Framed Roger Rabbit and on the other side came Cool World;
- a good, buxom long red-haired woman in a long red dress : a bad, buxom short blond-haired woman in a short white dress
- a short, fat, bald private detective who loves a real woman and the real world with no love lost for the cartoon world causing tragic consequences : a tall, fit, luxurious maned police officer who loves a cartoon woman and the cartoon world with no love lost for the real world causing tragic consequences
- a happy, enjoyable entertaining place full of wonder, magic, and joy enveloping every sun-filled turn : a sad, depressing, raucous place full of horror, guile, and sorrow lurking about every dark corner
- a tunneled entrance beneath a mountain to the land : a plugged pipe atop a skyscraper barring entry
- a movie for children and adults : a movie for children in adults
Two sides of the same coin. Brilliant.

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Now while the music, with Frank Sinatra, Jr himself making an appearance, and animation were top-notch, there were some questionable and dodgy places where the animation did not live up to its predecessor. For instance, there is almost no feeling of weight or existential presence to multiple cartoon characters while they are in the real world, there are places where there are no shadows for the toons, but are for the 'noids', (humans in Cool World), and the choreography between the two either is missing, miscued, or misplaced.
With that said, Cool World itself uses the properties of its cartoon world to the fullest extent with imaginative and creative; scenery, visuals, sounds, artwork, sound effects, and slapstick.
All-in-all, this is a fantastic exhibition of animation and an overall entertaining film.

Coonskin is better


Never seen it.

Plot, effects, animation and characters were shit when it came out.
Plot, effects, animation and characters are shit today.
>Yea Forums will love it because it's old.
This movie is garbage, but it's niche to like it now.

Attached: OPs Mom.gif (683x400, 1.15M)

Coomskin is better

Your ranting is reminiscent of a guttural nigger explaining his disadvantageous station in life.

You're right user. But so am I.

I loved Brad in this.

Then you would know the claims
>Dindu nuffin
>Fuck wypipo
are unequivocally false statements.

cool world is hands down one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I hate it.


a good movie, a bad movie
Two sides of the same coin, brilliant

I feel like they should have just made it into a proper adult movie if they were going to make having sex a key plot point.

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When I was in college me and my housemates let this homeless guy who looked like santa live with us. He coomed to this movie a lot and would watch it on our projector. We eventually had to throw him out after he kept telling girls we brought over that he wanted to rape them. He was a legendary coomer.

This, comparing it Who Framed Roger Rabbit is insulting. Its an interesting watch but thats it.

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What more could they have done to make it into a "proper" adult movie?
Did you want to see her tits?
Did you want a close-up of Brad Pitt's cock going into Holli then Kim Basinger's pussy?

I mean, Gabriel Bryne's cock.

>Did you want to see her tits?


>Did you want a close-up of Brad Pitt's cock going into Holli then Kim Basinger's pussy?


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Attached: oh.gif (500x375, 221K)

We'll always have the Heavy Metal movie, user.