Top 5 movies your gf wants to watch

Top 5 movies your gf wants to watch
1. Male Stripper Vegas Trip Bachelorette Party Shenanigans
2.10 Things I Hate About Clueless Heathers Mean Girls
3. You Go Domineering Boss Lady!
4. Sex and the Broad City
5. Disney

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Other urls found in this thread:ötz_von_Berlichingen

that ain't true I like cartoons too

i don't have gf

God I love Silent Hero Journey Boy.

It's over for femoids

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you forgot shitty john green/john green-ish movie

top movies your girlfriend wants to watch

-love triangle
-demanding respect at work 4
-single girl travels
-handsome bad boy

Top 5 Movies Your Girlfriend Wants To Watch:
- Strong Independent Woman Rides the Cock Carousel

You forgot
6.Rape me like a whore rich guy.

she wants to see
1. star wars ix
2. joker
3. frozen 2
4. angry birds 2
5. mulan
my gf is the biggest star wars fan i know

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>Olympus Has Fallen
>Batman Begins
>Blade Runner 2049
>The Raid
>Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Why do women have such bad fucking taste?

-an idiot needs help but refuses to take it
-rich girl problems 4
-annoying friend misery girl
-talk talk talk

Top 5 TV Shows Your Girlfriend Wants To Watch:
-Girl in her 20s finds love and success in the big city
-Famous Serial Killer
-Rich Girl
-Man convicted of crime but did he really do it?
-Thinly-veiled Softcore Rape/Lesbian Porn

Top 5 movies your girlfriend wants to watch: doesnt matter, shell be asking Whats he doing? and whats going on the whole time anyway

Why can't my wife appreciate the beauty of boats?


my gf wanted to watch Juno last night and I made her watch the Mummy instead, it was great

Implying Boats™ isn't kino as fuck.

literally me

10 things I about you, clueless and Heathers are based desu

>master and commander

life truly imitates art huh

6. Piss on me rich guy 3

>random girl posts something on twitter
>get so triggered and butthurt by it you screenshot it and then make a thread on Yea Forums about it
literally lmaoing @ ur life

based i love boats too

seethe hoe

lmao I don't even know my gf's birthday how am I supposed to know what she likes to watch? n igaaa!!!!

what the fuck did she unironically meant by "-Boats"

>master and commander
> das boot

Holy shit. What's with women and not understanding boat kino?

to be fair Silent Hero Jorney Boy is a lovcraftian masterpiece

No one is triggered tranny. It's funny.

>doesn't understand boats

10 Things, Mean Girls, and Clueless are kino af you pleb.

The Perfect Storm would also work

Is juzt jokez

bitches will never understand boats

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top five films HER bf wants to watch
1. gay porn
2. gay porn
3. gay porn
4. gay porn
5. gay porn

>Rich Boy Hero 4
>implying I’d want anything to do with the Rich Boy Hero franchise after the second one


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She looks like she's fucking twelve, and has the movie taste to go with it. Disney wars is garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>2.10 Things I Hate About Clueless Heathers Mean Girls
now wait a second, there is nothing wrong about watching clueless, heathers or mean girls

You incels just need to get swagged out, and you can pull primo pussy

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Boats is fucking kino


Rich Boy Hero 4 was pretty bad. To be honest, I think that all of the Rich Boy Hero movies were terrible. Yes, even Rich Boy Hero 2. Everyone likes that one a lot for some reason.

Oh and dubs gets nitro dubbZ

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Nice three way with Robbie and nitro dubbz

Name the movie:

-an idiot saves the president

>Air Force One

-Rich Boy Hero 4

>Batman the Dark Knight

-silent hero journey boy


-fight fight fight

>The Transporter


Master and Commander

>reddit humor
fuck off with your faggotry

if you want to fuck chads, don't complain about their taste. silly beta women.

I mean guys could rip into girl movies too.
Not particularly funny. Boats has a comedic punch to it but there's like 3 boat movies ever made so it doesn't make sense. Everything else is describing capeshit.


I'm sure you're very knowledgeable about the topic.


David Duke...

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I’m that gorilla dick nigga.

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Superior version.


Why do women suck at stand up comedy if they can clearly be hilarious? You can't deny that's an A+ tweet.

I mean shes not wrong
Silent hero journey boy + fight fight fight + boats is basically Berserk

>weekly boat movie time with bf
>it's not Pirates of the Caribbean

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Top 5 movies girls like to watch
>victorian era love triangle
>a ghibli animation
>a love story, possibly romcom or pure drama
>favorite male star movie (leonardo di caprio, ezra miller, cavill, elgort, efron, etc)
>Audrey Tatou

You can't deny this list

You guys must realize that this form of "turning the joke around" looks really salty, and therefor it's not as funny. Just accept that her tweet was funny. You'll get em next time.

Girls like Berserk tho.

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Women are funnier when it's off the cuff and conversational
They don't do well under pressure, most chicks have the same sense of humor: very sarcastic, focused on teasing

Yeah, add Disney Princess movies and Crime Thrillers and that's actually a solid list.

girls who are into actually cool shit, 100% of the time without fail, are dykes.
law of the land

>disney princess movies
>crime thrillers
Shit, you're right.

you're micro machines

Wow, Miyazaki really is obsessed with Berserk. Bloodborne's logo is just that rune without 2 of the lines.

That's because he's a hack.
Miyazaki is just japanese Hideo Kojima.

They will NEVER understand.

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That one is hetero, she has a bf.

That'd actually be cool if my gf had that taste but it's more like
>Mean Girls
>terrible 21st century horror movies
>coming of age shit that's just a 90 minute Instagram filter or tumblr post

>Miyazaki is just japanese Hideo Kojima
Kek, I know what you mean, though. Although I disagree as I don't think either are hacks.

women these days dont give a shit about leo tho, only kinnosseurs care for him. same as the goose.

My gf likes action movies.

>every movie on the guy list is a stone cold classic

>Miyazaki is just japanese Hideo Kojima.

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Almost like the male perspective is dominant in society, and movies men like are what get considered "classics."

Nah, jk, women are retarded.

miura is a hack too
the whole guts character is a complete ripoffötz_von_Berlichingen

Girls who like Berserk have a rape fetish.

Women can't come up with an original thought it's always "Jane Bond" "Ocean's Eight" "Make _____ a woman"

>Pride and Prejudice
Are you telling me the average blue haired millennial and zoomer watched this movie?

Honestly women are so fucking lucky they have bodies that we want. If they didn't who would ever fucking talk to them?

damn, never saw it that way

Amazing, between two lists the only good movie is Rocky.
This list must be made by Amerimutts.

How she gonna watch anything with 2 black eyes?

>3. Woman Who Doesn't Understand What Power and Authority Are and Just Heroically Acts Like a Controlling Cunt: The Movie

Are you making fun of me? How have you never thought of it that way? Simple game theory. We want pussy and because of how bad we want it, it severely reduces the level women have to achieve to be attractive. They can have no job, no personality, no interests, be a 6/10 and STILL get guys.

this and boats are easily my favourite flicks to watch

and that's why women have an extreme fear of sex robots
because they know they will be worthless if men can have sex without them

literally the first movie that came to my mind when I read boats

Those will be seen just like sex toys are currently.
Normal people will stick to normal relationships.
The only men and women who are taking part in some kind of cultural slapfight are millennials because they are a generation of autistic weirdos.

Everybody shits on An Idiot Saves the President, but it's such a comfy movie
And if he's the idiot AND he saves the president. That means that smart people could save him
Really puts it into perspective, if he's the idiot and they're not. But he's still the one that saves him. So does that really make him the idiot?

t. woman

Wrong. Girls like the Office and Friends and whatever is popular on Netflix at the moment and that's it

No, just not a millennial.
The entire world is pointing at you generation of blue hairs and superhero watching idiots and laughing.
Should have become adults instead of trying to live in a perpetual childhood.

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Go dilate

Boys who watch cartoons don't have gfs

Lmao women literally seething on twitter because of based m&c


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Kiss kiss fight kiss
"It's not rape if he is Rich" part 4
Being respected in the Workplace 5, return of Brad
Along Came Chad
Dogs Lol (ft. Chad)
Christmas with Chad
Rampant Materialism
Cool Wine Aunt 2
Career v. Motherhood: Dawn of Menopause
Feelings Love Feelings
Super Scary Serial Killer (starring Chad)
Social Justice Feels Real Good (ft. Tyrone)
Traveling and Fucking
I'm Actually Royalty
Singalong 3
Rich Guy Loves You
Cheat Cheat Cheat
Muh Pussy Lol (the hit comedy of the summer with a cameo from Chad and Tyrone)

goddamn boat movies man, they're my crutch

>face piercings
>gay nigger tattoos

The J*w took another one.

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No, she's just mentally ill 30 year old and she's pretty much a perpetual kid.
Literally every single pic she posts on IG is just her saying what she used to do when she was a teenager.

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i cant decide if i should compliment her taste or tell her to have sex

Not going to lie I really want to punch this bitch in the face.

Some guy wrote a really good one a year or two ago, but I can never find it.

It's just a joke

Broad City is actually really funny

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Her parents control her life, so I don't think the second one is an option.

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Boats movies are about order, discipline, curiosity, perseverance, strength and men being content and joyous without the need of a woman. Women, in general, emboby the exact opposite of each point in this list with the exception of the last, which they simply hate. Little offends a woman as much as the thought that a man may be happy without her.

Source: 14 years of marriage to a naturally born woman.

women will never recover

Top 5 my wife wants to see
1. Nature Documentary
2. Murder Porn Documentary
3. Cooking shows (does not cook)
4. Murder Porn but as a based-on-events movie
5. Old Disney

We don't watch a lot together.

>Olympus Has Fallen
>Batman Begins
>The Raid
You are 3/5 omega homo.

I only like watching Master and Commander the Far Side of the World

Post Silent Hero Journey Boy kinos.

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Let's not forget every girl's favourite Rich Handsome 'Monster' Falls In Love With Average Girl Because She's Like A Drug For Him.

>Cute Cat Cartoon
>Mental Issues Child Abuse Girl 2
>Looks Scary But Isn't: The Awakening
>The Fantastical Fantasy

best one


>. (does not cook)
ditch her at once

Prove her wrong and post your 3x3 anons

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Chad Loves Tyrone (don't actually like it, but it stars Chad AND Tyrone)

I'm interested in "Boats", could be kino


Take career vs motherhood off there. It hits too close to home to be a kino they would watch regularly

Jewish women and lesbians don't count, ask Hitchens R.I.P.

Why does this image trigger Yea Forums so much? Why can't you faggots take a joke?

We’re joking right back. Only you are mad


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I don't get this. Women love Pirates of the Caribbean

List lacks space

Top 5 movies your gf wants to watch:
- Girl Makes Handsome Charming Man Fall in Love with Her with Her Quirky Personality
- Handsome Charming Man Chooses Cute Female Protagonist Over a More Attractive but Bitchy Woman
- Young Female Professional Proves Everyone her Worth even if Nobody Believes in Her at First
- Basic Bitch Makes an Exciting Trip Abroad Doing the Same Things Every Basic Bitch Does There
- Hot Guy Looks Like a Tough Rebel but He's Really a Sweetheart Deep Down

1. Rich, handsome man from the big city develops feelings for the quirky, recently arrived small town girl.

2. A diverse cast of quirky women start a dance/singing ensemble and win the big contest.

3. Horror movie with ghosts or zombies. Absolutely no other monsters allowed.

4. A period piece, but only if it's a musical.

5. Any animated movie for children.

What's her Instagram?

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>Fight Fight Fight

Well she's got me, I'm on board.

>naturally born woman

I never got this one.
Aside from Jaws and the Titanic, which is a chick flick, I can't really recall a popular movie with boats, let alone an entire nautical/maritime genre existing.

I think this girl's mind broke because her boyfriend kept making her watch Master and Commander while continuously asking her DO YOU SEE? - Red Dragon style.


Well. I guess.

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don't get salty, it's insightful and funny post, once in a history -type of a thing coming from women

women comedy should be more like this and less like VAGINA