Remember when Smallville had a lesbian psycho shapeshifter?

Remember when Smallville had a lesbian psycho shapeshifter?

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no way

What does jewish pussy taste like, lads?

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milk and honey

gefilte fish and matzo ball soup

like nothing

All pussy tastes like shit, and now you get HPV from doing it so not only are you a faggot, but a diseased faggot as well.

That's only if you're eating old roastie pussy. Most girls today are vaccinated.

No they aren't, it was very recent in the CDC guidelines that recommended children aged 11 and up get vaccinated. Most don't, if ever get vaccinated.


Who is this?

Like a bag of wet shekels

I think you only got white trash vaginas
Cute young girls pussy tastes amazing

You suck on that, you'll suck anything. Congratulations, you emasculated yourself to eat a bacteria filled pit that frequently gets yeast infections, UTIs, and STDs.

What a gay.

you have never seen a vagina irl, right, little virgin?

Of course, never went down on a girl because I'm not a soifaggot who eats pussy.

This post screams virgin

You could have just said lesbian

Enjoy your HPV :)


>frequently gets yeast infections, UTIs, and STDs.
What third world country do you live in?
Unless you live in a poor country or at a shitty part of the city, you shouldnt be worrying about that
Either you a virgin incel hating what you can't have, or youve fucked only ugly white trash chickes
You need to to your game

Just by this post I can tell you NEVER have been loved by a girl
Still better than being a virgin

Women are women everywhere lmao, I live in the US. It's literally a fact that women's vaginas are a breathing ground for bacteria and other microbes. Candisiasis is a common one, you are deluded if you think any womans biology changes from one area to the other. Keep being a faggot, and enjoy your HPV.

Holy fuck retard, who do you think this thread is about? Your mom?

You know what is the real reason why you don't eat pussy?
Because to do that you first need a girl willing to fuck you, but we all know that will never happen

I have a girlfriend, I just don't eat pussy because I don't want throat cancer. Simple as. Most girls look down on men who do that shit, it's embarrassing.

More like Tom Swelling

Vaginas are for putting dicks into, not putting mouths on retard. If you need to do oral sex on a girl you're a sussy cuck beta that probably squirts in 30 seconds

The only people this obsessed with this specific sti that has a vaccine and is 100% preventable are people that have this specific sti. Enjoy your genital wards.

>it's okay getting sick from licking a dirty diaper because muh medicine can make you feel all better XD
This is you.

Most HPV strains aren't even covered by the vaccine. Most of the viral strains make vaccinations useless and can't be treated. Best part is if you get it from a woman as a male you have no symptoms until you get throat cancer 10 years later and die like a faggot because you ARE a faggot.

Men don't get cancer from hpv. The virus dies after a couple of years. Not sure what your so butthurt about. Probably the warts on your anus.

You're a fucking retard lol. Enjoy your cancer :D

>300,000 cases in woman but only 1400 cases in men
Thanks for proving my point. But I'm still wondering why your so obsessed with dick warts.

>Men don't get cancer from hpv. The virus dies after a couple of years.

Nice moving of the goalposts soifaggot. Enjoy getting HPV, and then getting cancer because you are a literal faggot lol.

Are you upset that everyone on an anonymous image board knows you have hpv? You know there are other stds you can get from oral sex.

I don't have STDs because I don't go down on women like a queer and I always use a condom. You however probably already have HPV but I'm sure you will find another way to rationalize your love for eating pussy like a queer. Just come out of the closet already lol.


Im not this guy
I wasn't defending oral sex. I just thought it was weird how you zeroed in on hpv. Every single post is about hpv. You obviously have a bug up you ass about it.

Because that's the most common thing to get from Oral sex on a woman you fucking retard. Michael Douglas is a famous example.

I had no idea. I've never seen someone with warts on their face, and I've never had to read up on the subject.

HPV doesn't always have warts though, for men it's generally presents as no symptoms.

I remember masturbating to fantasies involving her messing with Lana and Chloe.

>Remember when Smallville had Amy Adams?

Attached: Smallville107_039.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

>Remember when Smallville had a lesbian psycho shapeshifter?
I remember very little of Smallville and I own all ten seasons.

>What does jewish pussy taste like, lads?

I just checked it out, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, and syphilis are more commonly transmitted orally than hpv. It actually says hpv is one of the least common.