
>Hollywood is celebrating a movie about literally whores drugging and scamming rich white men
>RT score is 92%

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Other urls found in this thread:

how does the movie celebrate it?

>rich white men fuck over people and make money
>trashy women of color fuck over rich white men and make money, only to be fucked over by rich white men in return
Honestly, it’s a healthy cycle. Not sure why this is even a big deal.

Empowering strong women

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>getting tricked by a literal whore



The premise and plot seems complete shit but is it any interesting and worth a watch? i'll try to ignore the obvious stronk wimmin and agenda they push into it.

good grand great wonderful. ALL FUCKING SIMPS MUST FUCKING PAY

My old boss got roofied by a call girl in vegas and she stuck a chicken leg in his ass


did she take pics ?

Sounds great. Not like Wall Street crooks don’t drug the poor and scam them out of money. An eye for an eye I always say. And if women are the ones that do it, even better. Love to see the protestantcucks seethe.

Normally you gotta pay to be treated like that, he got it for free.

Those rich white men are eating up your money, too.

Hear hear!

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The greatest accomplishment of rich capitalists was convincing the middle class that it's women, minorities, and poor people's fault their lives suck.

she cute. would pay to sex.

>(((white))) men
Bravo pedowood

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>convincing the middle class that it's women, minorities, and poor people's fault their lives suck.

then they convinced the women and poor people that blue collar white men were the cause of all their problems. Everybody please ignore the 1% while they get richer.

may they continue to spread the truth

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well, convincing women, minorities, and poor people that the middle class was theirs was unbelievably easy

>sexy white females people want to fuck
>92% scoring

Of course.If you weren't so bratty, you'd accept this reality as it is, instead of whining about it.

There’s no difference between anglos and jews

did she make him eat it afterwards

When the fuck will this bitch stop being a prude and show those pepperoni size areolas?

there are nudes out there, dog. It's a nude photoshoot, though, not leaks.

they're normalizing Cardi B and the girls to follow.

You mean jewish men
source: gamespot

Are you a liar or a jewish person?

I know but its not enough. I have to see them in movement.

You’re living in lala land bitch, my town DOES suck because we have a Muslim ghetto so bad the local animal shelter will no longer allow pets to be renowned there because of the subhuman cruelty. It’s also infamous for rapes, violence and fanatical Islam. Rich capitalists are the ones helping to bring the fuckers in by the millions you retard, along with your filthy libtard mob who think you’re helping humanity. I hope you both burn in Hell desu.

maybe if you spent your time developing a valuable and marketable skill you'd actually be making money, instead of whining about being in debt due to living outside of your means and having to pay back money you yourself borrowed

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where do you live? i want some dog shawarma




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I cannot think of a more appropriate picture

Is this because women are allowed to vote?

SOCIETY celebrated those cocksuckers on Wall Street doing basically the same thing.

serves them right for being gullible, never trust a whore

>marketable skill
cool meme

My neighbourhood is getting better because the rich fucks are gentrifying it, closing down all the dive bars, and opening up hipster yoga studios and clay oven baked pizza joints, and chasing away all the junkies. My house's value has gone up 30% in two years.

I actually have a career and a place of my own and a car. I simply realize how the scales are tipped and am willing to fight for what’s right.

Simps will pay to see this because well they are simps. Hollywood is doing what it does best by promoting Thots, pedos, third-wave feminist and anarchist.

>convincing the middle class
the fuck are you talking about its the niggers and feminist who jumped on hate train and keep spreading the divide, midleclass is nothing but cucks who passively watch and are even too scared to admit to their friends that they voted for trump

>Lili does not pole dance
What's the fucking point then?

I Really want my daughter to become a stripper in the bronx , then get 'discovered by Jewish record executives and made into a star.

Zyklon Betty is a notorious racist though so I hope you're prepared to show proof of heritage

I don't know what a Cardi B is and frankly I'm afraid to ask.

I’m guessing this is another ORANGE MAN BAD film

There’s a scene where the strippers talk about a rich client called ‘Donny’ with a little penis, right?

No, /pol/. Its just normal rich white men getting cucked by them.

Did they absolutely intentionally put Cardi B song on the official trailer?

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>Tripfag is a moron

>I don't know what a Cardi B is

Is cucked the right word here? Surely just robbed.

Elizabeth Warren (yeah, that one) wrote a good book about why women are to blame for all that. The Two-Income Trap.

She's a literal mutt person who used to work as a stripper and drug and rob men.
>She is the daughter of a Dominican father and Trinidadian and Spanish mother.[9][10][11]

Transexual furries are not known for their extensive vocabulary.

This all due to boomers and MUH BOOTSTRAPS MUH TRICKLED DOWN ECONOMICS they like going on about all the time. Seriously, how the fuck did one (1) generation manage to fuck things over so badly so quickly? No other generation before them managed to make such a shitty mess of things. I'm almost impressed.

Although I dislike Cardi B, if you're a fan of her music, how can you be mad at her about this?

ah yes here we go
the marketers once again larp as people from here and then the msm picks up "nazis hate this movie" and we don't hear the end of it until the mongrels move on to the next wannabe/pol/ spam threads

Tbf the movie didn’t exactly glorify the drugging/robbing part and the strippers are constantly portrayed as short sighted, overly materialistic and out of their depth

Here's hoping your "marketable skill" helps out when you get sick and have to pay 6 figures in medical bills while the CEO of your insurance provider laughes his ass off on his private jet to a golf retreat in the Bahamas.

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And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.

>drugging and robbing people is simply "work ethic"
The American mind is a disease that must be cured.

Takes time to carve the statue of David but an ape with a sledgehammer can destroy it utterly in an afternoon.

I wonder who those CEOs are...

>chink tells me that I will now have to do $1000 dollars worth of extra labor so that he will give it to nigger
>this is a viable platform in the mind of shitskin bootlicking zoomer

Imagine if this was done to women kek

Women & minorities are the weapons rich capitalists use to screw over decent working white men.

The entire welfare state, healthcare system, marriage & divorce system, tax system, mortgage system & student debt system is one giant mechanism for taking money out of the pockets of white men and putting it into the pockets of ungrateful women & minorities.

Why? Because women & minorities are absolutely obsessive consumers who spend spend spend every penny they're given. Thus making the rich manipulators at the top of the whole pyramid of lies insanely rich.

>>drugging and robbing MEN is simply "work ethic"

''''Equality'''' is a fucking joke.

It was. It was called Wolf of Wallstreet in case you didn’t watch it.

>extra labor
Yeah because god forbid we limit the amount of tax dollars going to Israel, or shrink down your retirement funds instead.

they were just worthless whores though ,not business women

Oh Vey

>business women

How about we shrink down the number of zoomer scum and their chink handlers?
It will save a lot of money to cull unproductive pieces of capeshit worsipping human trash.

>implying business women would be seeing giggolos instead of just pulling random guys at a bar

You seem to be forgetting a key difference between men and women: sexual pull.

Kek at the open borders equality worshipping bolshevik posting the results of his gib policies.

IT doesn't matter what the subject matter is as long as the movie is good. It doesn't seem like it is though.

99% of women are THINGS.

So? Since when do we care what happens to old rich (((white))) dudes?

>26 years old
haha, no

>he isn’t a globalist

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Greatest failure of socialist swines was their attempt to convince us that it isn't truth.

the sooner you realise that women are worthless creatures the better

Have another avocado toast.

>chink bootlicker pretends it will be the muh 1% who pays those $1000 to his nigger lover and not me
Back to Fortnite, cocksucker.

Imagine being a boomer. Imagine being a disappointment to BOTH your parents AND your children. Imagine living with the fact that your geriatric heart is going to give out in a nursing home where your children are going to drop you off at like a kid at preschool because they're so ashamed of what your generation did to the country. Just imagine sitting there in some closet sized room rotting away while your children forget all about you, and all you can do is sit there staring at a wall because your caretaker got paid to ignore you and you are too weak to move yourself. A very fitting punishment for a generation that broke the country. Have fun at that while future generations have to try and put back together again what you broke.

Take a nap FBI, you're getting cranky again.

post more Lili

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I'm very disappointed this film won't be producing Lilipics

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god i want to shoot this bitch in the face

Rich capitalists are the ones who use minorities against whites you brain dead commie

found the jew

Toasty roastie has to postie because "her" looks are not for boastie. Statistics say that odds are mostie "she'll" top "herself" and become a ghostie

unironically neck yourself faggot

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which one

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Lili is for marry, Maddie is for fucking relentlessly while Lili takes the kids to piano recital.

wait a damn minute

women ruin everything no matter what class/caste/race/culture they are in.

Wow what a whore

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I agree, the rich capitalists should have continued to keep them second class citizens instead of getting greedy.

based Duke

All those problems you posted are because of globalist capitalism, unrestrained outsourcing. Obvious stuff but of course you don't actually give a such about working class, they're just pawns in your ethnocentric brand of globalism, so that's where that little idiosyncrasy in your beliefs arises from. Nationalist socialism is the best solution to protect the worker.

This is all we'll get to see though

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Does she get naked in this movie?

Why do the Jews want to destroy childhood purity?


Can you explain what you mean?

>all those problems like not having a gf and getting sunburns is due to globalism
lol you didn’t actually look at the picture did you Mr. NPC?

The spic

Not referring to the virgin vs chad pic. Put your trip back on, coward.

Oh ok so you just like yelling like a sperg and repeating your corporate approved scripts. Gotcha. Thanks!

fucking hell!!!!!!

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Real talk, would it be better to be a billionaire CEO or a King? As in, who has the most power. Because I'm starting to read some history books, and it seems that Bankers and Merchants controlled everything, and that Kings were tied to Lords, the Church and Bills. It seems that today with an Oligarchy based purely on credit, it's easier to navigate the world. Am I talking crazy, or...?

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Based and high test

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>We're losing viewers, quick send in Maddie but tell wardrobe not to give her a shirt
Based CW

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I'm referring to And lol @ you pretending like anyone here but you is a corporate stooge. There is no bigger supporter of globalism than corporations.
Nice try though.

Id marry Lili but cheat on her with Camila regularly

She looks like she answered the call

Well they seem to be on this trend of transforming simple innocent fictional characters into complicated degenerates. Characters that were designed originally for childrens/adolescent entertainment but have been reconfigured (sometimes even as far as racially) into more adult forms, primarily adults of poor moral fortitude.

That’s right. Trickle down economics works! The free market solves everything. And companies need less regulation! Thanks for opening my eyes.

It's actually a solid flick. J Lo is genuinely fantastic

It's simple: We kill the One Percent.

BLEACH the brown out

That's why you don't deserve to marry lili, faggot.

So you're accusing me of being a neocon or libertarian even though I explicitly said nationalist socialism is the best system to protect the working class?
Interesting tactic, let's see how it plays out.

The CEO, easily. Being a king actually seems kind of shitty. There are always people plotting to bump you off and you're held accountable/blamed for everything that happens in your realm. A CEO doesn't really have to worry about losing a war, managing a famine, or the arrival of a troublesome new religion, and while they're not entirely immune from internal plots and even possible assassination, the threat is significantly lower because a CEO tends to have less of a public presence than a head of state and is thus going to be less of a target.

Camilla>lili, dont @ me

There are 2k billionaires on the planet. Jews aren't even worth half of what white men, chinks, sand niggers and Pajeets are worth

There is no national socialist candidate no matter how much you ironically pretend. You still end up voting for a republican corporate stooge. That’s how it plays out my idealistic child.

>Shits getting more expensive
>Pay is decreasing
>No signs of improvement
>growing signs of an eventual collapse
>Just go back to school/get a jerb!
Found the boomer

Marry Lili and start a lovely picturesque family. Cheat on her regularly with Camila and Bleach her into a single mother that you encourage Lili to help out with as much as you can because they're friends. Use the time she's out with Camila to regularly cheat with Madeline too in your marriage bed.

Over represented tho as a group the chosen are

They both have their own merits so a direct comparison is pointless. I want to taste some caramel first though

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>mfw Globalist
>mfw White Supremacist
I don't give a fuck if Poland retains its """culture"""". Globalists have it somewhat right; just get rid of all the shitskins and establish a white-only world.

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>What is inflation?

You have quite the uphill battle. Best of luck buddy. May the best man win ;)

Id love to get into both of their merits if you know what i mean

Left with Right's world class rear end

Buffalo or lemon pepper?

Unironically men should make the money by working and women should take care of the house and kids at home.

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That sounds more like colonialism to be honest

Something only CEOs are protected against apparently

>There is no national socialist candidate no matter how much you ironically pretend.
What does this have to with nationalist socialism being the best system to protect the working class?

Wrong. Doesn't matter anyways because low test bitchboys like yourself don't have a chance.

Because idealism=/=reality.

Your actions speak louder than your words, big guy.

Something that doesn't account for a whopping 1000 percent increase in price of a consumer good you fucking retard.

I have no idea, please elaborate. Preferably with some sort of visual aid.

Cos you’re on the cusp of sweeping lili off her feet, right? Admit it, your waifu is ever so slightly inferior

Inflation is Jewish treachery. It's why parts of a car sells for less than the whole car.

Women counter this argument by saying their work dosen't end after the man comes home. Do you have a non retarded response to this?

Had to censor it, its absolute filth

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My actions?

Yes like who you end up voting for.

If women are left alone they get super bored, they crave things to do but don't want to do anything, often they end up drinking too much. If they're constantly doing something they'll be happier (ofc a woman is never actually happy with any situation).


Naw one is a goddess and the other I can find a 1000 just like her at the border or the red light district every weekend. Get better taste pleb.

god I love that woman

Eh, IMHO it's the better way for advancement. I unironically think Globalists do have some points. A Global Relgion, a Global Government, etc, etc, would work better. The world would be one big Market and I think it'd work. Honestly, the only thing I hate about this is that shitskins factor in this plan; aside from it I can see the merits.
I guess. But come on, do all countries and cultures really "deserve" to be "left alone"? Who gives a fuck about Lithuania or whatever other shitty little country? Just mix together the best Euro Cultures, establish a new mode of Goverrnance, get rid of all the shitskins, and then the sky's the limit. Tribalism will always exist, and it should, so that the competition would move things forward.

women take part in poll dancing classes to keep their bodies in shape.
Women view strippers as empowered.

they've basically lost the gender wars

The only reason you hate it is because of fear and fear turns you into a cuck. I suggest you learn to love. That’s how you can end up dominating your enemies.

A basic blonde with a perpetual sad face and tattoos? Yeah real hard to come by and not an endless deluge of simple thots. Latins are taking over, gotta blend in hombre

Probably more to do with manchildren wanting to see their childhood franchises some more but don't want to feel childish so they pretend it's somehow deep or edgy. Alienation is more to blame than muh jew boogeyman.

Nah, fuck off. I'll stick to my guns.

Yes Mr. Protestant. Any day now the strippers will come back to you begging for your cuck sperm. They’ve lost the war apparently according to you.

Maybe in Scandinavia she's a basic blonde, actually she would stand out there too. You have awful taste and you should feel ashamed.

So if nazis are responsible for the actions of neocons they end up voting for, are leftists responsible for the actions of the neoliberals they end up voting for?

Right back at ya pal

Yes. Free healthcare, better living standards, public works, human rights and all those things are indeed due to leftist votes.

Capitalism is the greatest economic system ever devised by man and the only people who don't like it are lazy useless sacks of shit pushing 30 and still working at Starbucks

in Canada it's legal to touch the strippers anywhere you want except directly on their pussy

These days a Starbucks employee and a mid level office worker have the same life style. There’s no longer a real middle class.

Could someone please photoshop Pepe's smug face on the manlet hugging Lili?

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Based boomer

Nah man, just roll the Swiss model across the whole world. Central government to collect taxes, enforce contracts, and secure borders and let the various provinces run their own affairs in accordance with a loosely defined written constitution.
I don't really care about some Polish holiday or Nigerian festival so long as I'm not obligated to be involved. Free trade and managed free movement are great.

depends on the timeperiod and country. In some times being the absolute ruler, autarch was the absolute shit, in other times yeah you want to be rockefeller instead. Today it's not even a question, billionaire, always.

>Ethnic tensions, deracination, and family /relationship issues are all merely the fault of not enough wealth equality
>Muh revolution will surely solve all of this
There is nothing more pathetic than a leftist with LARP fantasies

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>Free trade and managed free movement are great.
Sure, but without the shitskins. Now it's ALL about the shitskins.

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This, but unironically.

Hm, good points. But I'm generally talking about how much power each one of them has. And honestly, after some point, Kings had way too many restrictions put upon them. It seems that billionaires and CEOs are the ones with actual, global, and real, power and pull.
If you're the King of some vast country, I suppose it'd be pretty great, but only if you had the power to start pushing others around. Otherwise you'll be a prime target for other, more powerful nations. If you're the King of some little spot on the globe, you're basically worthless. Meanwhile a billionaire and a corporation's reach stop nowhere, really.

And the war in Syria, Libya, the migrant crisis and unprecedented amounts of dronestrikes on civilians?

Nothing inherently wrong with non-Europeans, a lot of the African countries have been doing great lately. Again, I don't really care about blacks coming here from economically aligned countries but I do want the opportunity to visit cool other countries and reap the benefit of trade with them. Part of why I support nationbuilding is exactly that, it's an investment in a trading partner and a holiday spot.

So yeah, so long as the agreements are between countries of comparable wealth, employment, and ideological alignment I think free movement is great, no matter what.

You can't nationbuild the niggers. The last time we tried it failed so hard we actually got blamed for their poverty.

for me, it's Jellybean

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My old boss got roofied by a call girl in Miami and she shoved a whole chicken up his ass leaving its legs sticking out.

Was a war started by republicans, yes. Now you’re getting it. And speaking of the “migrant crisis” were you suggesting those families stayed in those warzones to get bombed? lol it’s another win from leftist voters in my books. Saving human lives is a good thing.

Are they really human though?

Yes. It’s people who want to kill that aren’t.

>Latins are taking over, gotta blend in hombre
You're right. But Camila Mendes?
>fridge body
>crossed eye
>weird looking chin
>>Vulcan eyebrows
>no lips
I have never seen one that didn't have lips. Mads and Lili literally beat her in that department. The only good thing about Camila is her ass.

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Syria and Libya were started by republicans?
>were you suggesting those families stayed in those warzones to get bombed
The only thing I'm suggesting is nationalist socialism. Just pointing out the consequences of leftist votes.

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>Syrian civil war was started by republicans
>Libyan civil war was started by republicans
Hey buddy, did you just blow in from stupid town? First of all, no, an American political party did not start either of those civil wars. Second of all, the executive branch (the branch of the US government responsible for sending support to x,y, or z side of those conflicts) was run by Democrats. Not that most republicans were against interventionism , but ffs to pretend that the Democrats were any more against it is just absurd.

Dont want to kill em, just dont want em here, simple as. Apart from that dont give a fig. Maybe our governments can stop funding terrorist states trying to kill them all part of plan for greater israel

The war in the ME was started by republicans. You’re not fooling anyone. And leftists voted for people to be saved from wars. That’s a good thing my retarded friend.

Should've gone to school for a real employable degree instead of following muh passions like a stupid faggot

Congrats, you’re wrong on all points, well done. Would smash all day

>destabilize region with wars
>bro wtf these civil wars aren’t our fault!
Slimey kikey conservatives at their best

>were you suggesting those families stayed in those warzones to get bombed
Idk, they could flee their own country to one of their immediate neighbors instead of travel all the way to Sweden to free money like is mandated by UN guidelines.

>Saving human lives is a good thing even if it's going to cause more wars to save these lives than to let them end or suffer
Can't wait for the collapse of the current zeitgeist. It will be glorious

others are pedophiles and scum, the others make world go around

>they're just moving away from the bombs
No they aren't. If they were, they'd be moving to neighboring countries instead of fucking germany. Imagine the US getting bombed and instead of fleeing to Canada they move all the way to Argentina.

There is no "war in the middle east".
There are multiple wars, with different belligerents who have different goals.
This is a very pathetic attempt at revisionism.

Lol neocon style hawks are in both parties, both serve aipac

Don't get me wrong, I would still fuck her from behind so I wouldn't have to look at her face.

Keep waiting my retarded friend. You tried once 70 years ago and got btfo. You can try it again but the odds are even worse for you now.

I pay like 12 dollars a year for top of the line health insurance because I developed a skill that landed me a job with amazing health insurance.

>scamming rich people
Nothing wrong with that.

>me on the left

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Yeah, but here's the thing; I don't care about civilizing niggers, and, quite frankly, I don't like them. My deal Globalism, is one without niggers. And hey, the only reason """they""" "love" them so much, is because they're cheap working hands. All I have to do is create functioning AI, make the replacement of the cheap worker by a machine viable, and there it is, all need for shitskins is immediately rendered null.

No, it's because you millennials worship corporations as if it was a fucking cult.

why do you guys keep reposting these two ugly girls in the thread?

But thats one of her best features! Those eyes! Anyway, doggy is for the redhead and her bogged face

>Globalists have it somewhat right; just get rid of all the shitskins and establish a white-only world.
but that is the exact opposite you faggots are doing

>Libya was destabilized by Iraq war
Have you looked at a map?
>Syrian civil war was started by ISIS
>Implying the region was stable to begin with before the Iraq War
>Still implying that Democrats were actually against interventionism under Obama
Yeah, soooo stupid town. Got it. It was Trump who ended Timber Sycamore btw

based and redpilled

>But thats one of her best features! Those eyes!
She has a dog face. I'm not into it.

>hollywood elite trains some hollywood ladies to be real whores
hahaha, oh wow

What eyes? Literally can't even see them. Non visible limbal rings=TRASH genetics. Everytime.

Globalism opens the way for actual competition. That’s just a peek of the natural order. No wonder yties clamped down hard once they saw what was waiting out there

>Changing zeitgeist = fascism
Topkek. There was communism too,you room temp IQ faggot. A shift in the political zeitgeist is not inherently left or right wing, it's just a total shift in political thought. Shit , I would prefer the old left to what the liberals have become.

At least the CNT and some other leftist groups had some balls and a mild sense of morality beyond sheer greed.



That was the problem with Imperialism. We took all their shit but built infrastructure that was built under the presumption it'd be used and maintained by us rather than for the needs of the native population. If we go in with business loans and investment and get them to sell us all their shit then the infrastructure is built by and tailored to them. The Chinese are pulling it off somewhat in Africa at the moment but they're not well liked. We need to get in there and take advantage of the opportunity.


Lol who’s the brainlet now. Both a left and right wing party can be fascism

Cant, middle class white women might complain and then decide we need to bring them all over here

She looks like she'd provide strong sons and make you enjoy creating them. Where's my Camila farmer's wife gf?

The natural order is white people conquering and subjugating everyone else and each other.
Are you suggesting you got conquered in the first place because of "white privilege"?

False! She cute, cute!

Each to their own. I like her features

Who did you conquer exactly? Some native Americans?

So....did they?

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This user gets it. Shame about the tattoo though

>He's using fascism as a synonym for authoritarianism in general
Top fucking kek. No, fascism was it's own unique political movement that was right wing. Maybe lolbertarians try to use their concept of the political dichotomy of left = collectivism right = individualism but that's only their subjective opinion on the matter.

Fascism was right wing, though it considered itself a "third position" between left and right.

Sounds like a fucking great idea pal.

reminder that "muh jews own porn" is pure bullshit
In picrel are all the major porn studios. As you can see, only one of them is supposedly a jew (David Marmostein, if he's a jew at all. I'm basing it off his surname)
Can you prove anyone else on that list is a jew?
And i'm not even talking about the japanese porn scene (2nd largest in the world) or the czech porn scene like LegalPorn (and don't pretend like you aren't familiar with how degenerate that site is)

>but mindgeek is jewish!
>MindGeek has its origins in Mansef and Interhub (owners of Brazzers and Pornhub) founded in 2004 and 2007 respectively by Stephane Manos, Ouissam Youssef and Matt Keezer in Montreal, which internet entrepreneur Fabian Thylmann bought in 2010
None of them are jews

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I worked as a straight gigolo for two years. A few basic tips:
1. Repeat customers are your best way to make a ton of money, but they will 100% fall in love with you and try to figure out things about your private life. I personally used a whole bunch of different backstories that I knew inside and out and used for different customers. You’ll have to check your own moral compass to see how far you’re willing to go in abusing their love.

2. Don’t do shit where there’s a guy present unless you really need the money. Tends not to end well (in many different ways).

3. You will definitely get booked by mentally challenged or physically handicapped women. I recommend rejecting them entirely (you can usually figure it out beforehand), but if you end up doing them anyway, make sure they pay up front and that they’re clean.

4. If you’re with an agency, try to transition to independent work ASAP. An agency is great (from what I’ve heard, I’ve always been indie) to start out with, but it’s better to do shit on your own, which leads me to:

5. Try to get escort dates with wealthy clients to parties and such. Not only will you get paid more, you will able to make new contacts for clients at the parties (most people there will recognize that you’re a gigolo).

6. Don’t ask for gifts, trick clients into thinking they came up with it themselves (don’t say “hey could you buy me a guitar”, say something like “my guitar broke... wish I coukd find another one like that...”)

7. Some of your clients are fine with just talking

8. Repeat customers sometimes want you to present yourself differently. Both in terms of variety and in terms of seeming more like a real partner who’s sometime more disheveled or whatever.

9. If you live in a major city you WILL be paid to deflower some rich Middle Eastern woman who thinks western men are hot and will treat you like a machine

lol Americans don’t understand fascism

They can be managed with soft pro-natalist policies and a more robust municipal support system.

So you're saying you're not oppressed by whitey unless you native american?

No body's perfect. I could get over it so long as I also got to get under it if you know what I mean

No, I'm just more educated than you... by a lot from what I can tell from your syntax and vocab. Hell, I'd be surprised if you graduated from high school

I don’t think anyone is oppressed by an entire race these days. However there are certain races that can’t seem to work well with others: I.e. whites

Maybe something with an open palm too

great thing when you are a professional blogger, you can make your own fake profile internet rants and then you can write an article about it

lol too bad going to a fancy prep school didn’t stop you from being retarded and thinking the conversation was ever about fascism when we were talking about national socialism

I suspect i get the gist of what you mean but the complexities elude me

My GF is going to see this with her sister. I’m spouting /pol/ 24/7 so when she told me she was going to see it I had to bite my tongue.

and strippers and their bouncers/pimps already shake guys down all the time who are tight with the purse strings and looks with the alcohol

This. Veronica is the thinking man's bestgirl

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That's retarded. There's zero reason they couldn't utilize the infrastructure we gave to them. When someone builds a highway or rail network in your backyard, you just attach your own roads and then it becomes your highway/rail network. Letting it decay into nothing is the absolute worst thing you could do.

>when we were talking about national socialism
Hahahah we weren't though. Maybe thats why you talk like someone smashed you in the head at a young age. Are you drunk?

The conversation started with you not understanding how US politics works, but your idiocy gradually lead you to Nazism. Fucks sake

>wtf why won’t they keep exploiting their land like us?

Nah, that's for uncivilised savages and addicts with rage issues. Mass immigration types mostly do it preformatively, give them a couple of screaming brats to raise and the opportunity/obligation to show off how they're helping their community and it becomes a cold equation.

If streetwalkers looked like that I’d very quickly be broke

>maintaining infrastructure is land exploitation
go back to your cave kaczynski

We cant utilize it because its it shit condition (apart from the major arteries), empire of dust goes into this a bit

Sure buddy. After every post saying you were standing up for workers rights by being a national socialist, you’ve now suddenly decided to pretend like all leftists are fascist bolsheviks in order to deflect from the fact that you not only lost the war 70 years ago, but you’re also desperately clinging on to idealism today while voting for republicans who shaft you through their corporate interests. Lmao

pretty much yeah

Itll take a bit of force in some instances for women to relearn whats required of them

Why do you think mass infrastructure exists? To support commerce. Commerce leads to the exploitation of resources.

>Haha, i am just a billionair in the making

That backboneless bootlicking lawl

I get what you're saying but when I say infrastructure I'm being more general. The political apparatus doesn't exist, the population is not primed to take part constructively in a free economy, the roads and ports are geared towards supplying the colonising nation, there is no free press, no financial districts, and the rank structures are all geared towards supporting the colonial organisers rather than organising independently.
You can't build an economy from the top down like you can an occupation so all the shit we built is useless to them.

And that's why you don't waste effort trying to civilize the niggers. They require constant babysitting to keep them from reverting.

Fuck rich white men desu senpai.

There were like 5 replies to you. Maybe you're just too much of a newfag to know this but there are no user ID's on this board. I'm not a natsoc and I'm not the same guy. Fucks sake user

Maybe go even further back buddy. Arguments don’t start in the middle. So much for your education.

John D Rockefeler was literally a dirt poor (literal) bastard in the 19th century

That's a bad attitude. Women are valuable participants now and men are generally just as shitty from a political point of view. Men need purpose too and arguably a more rigorously managed one based on how men go to shit and start taking heroin when they lose their jobs. Women shouldn't be made into barefoot and pregnant non-participants, we just need to design the economy so that the compassion that sometimes gets people in trouble is constructively utilised.

I came in with low expectations, but this movie is decent with some great BRAPPERS.
Worth a watch, 6.5/10

Anprim is gay and you're gay for wanting it.

Oh so now you're JD Rockerfeler?

Look at the most succesful colonies usa, canada, nz, aus, where the natives are a tiny percent of the pop. But admittedly those nations are struggling with the question of how to deal with a post idustrial over civilised society with no more frontiers or mystery

Deflection and that’s a wrap

Maybe because Jews are the ones responsible for the bad things, but innocent whites get hit in the crossfire.

Please explain the difference between decommercializing society and anprim.

>Arguments don’t start in the middle
Says the guy arguing that our conversation started with national socialism when I, a different user, did not start a conversation with that topic.

>So much for your education
I wouldn't even need to be educated to know that you're being a fucking moron right now lol. Come on. How much further and further from the topic are you going to drift just so you can feel justified?

In fact, let's get back on topic. Republicans sand conservatives in the US are not solely responsible for the Libyan Civil War or the Syrian Civil War. In fact, it was the Democrats who decided to fund portions of the civil war and if you knew the first thing about modern geopolitics and history you'd know it was a lot more complicated than that.

we kill the two percent

Take responsibility for your actions anglo. Everyone knows who the “whites” we’re talking about are. Ain’t no Africans angry at Italians or Romanians.

True true, arguably everyone lacks a purpose, capitalism often burns that away for pure profit, but it feels like societal wide ennui has crept in and with no more monsters to slay and lands to chart we are over socialised pecking at on another for the scraps. The whole set up would have to change

No, I'm just making the point that there are , in fact, poor people who become rich and rich people who become poor.

>I was born poor and I'm gonna die poor
Is the mentality of beta faggots with no understanding of what makes a great man great.

>Meanwhile at the water

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Do you have toe skills and tools necessary to assemble a car?

But those colonies didn't civilize the natives, they just built around them. North america was basically just a giant empty landscape that europeans could build upon. You can't do that in africa, there's too many africans.

>wtf why is this car more expensive than a 2000 pound lump of iron

Italians colonized africa too you complete idiot.
Put your trip back on so I can filter your brainlet posts.

Cant build around them? Too many africans? Not with that attitude pal, remember the 6 million and look what happened in rwanada. Everything is possible if you give it your all!

Rockefeller would’ve never made it in this day and age

What’s it like being so insecure with your own sexuality that you’re triggered by what someone else finds attractive?

Not real capitalism, just this neoliberal cronyism the elites are pretending is the capitalist ideals that make the world run. If we break up the monoplies and get rid of the landlords and the rent seekers and give people a real shot at making something of themselves while also putting in place a safety net so people can risk failure then we can have that grand purpose everyone is looking for. We don't need to tear down the old world, we just need to be serious about building a better one.

Also, people need to start having more kids and at younger ages or the pension system is fucked. Give every 25 year old support to buy a house and start a family.

And people watch this for the story? Yeah right

lol Supa really fried your anglo brains. He’s an alright guy in my books. And the Romans did colonization right. It’s basically what anglos tried to mimic before their pride and hubris turned them into retards

Even the writers don't pay attention. Redhead Chad ends this scene by using in universe slang that insinuates he's going to cum on his friends' faces

Capitalism, especially now with global markets interconnected, will always revert to this state, entrench itself, and oppose reform. Real capitalism (tm) is a theoretical dream, and is only perpetuating the slow collapse being attempting to fit it into this current economic system.

Not gonna lie, kinda based for the writers, really immerses the viewer that

Jeff Bezos was born to a 17 year old mother and his father was a fucking bicycle repairman. There a lot of fucking former NEETS who made a fuckton investing in crypto. Some poorfags become investors, entertainers, generals, etc. People rise from poverty all the goddamned time with sheer force of will

Its banter you faggot

Not if you have effective legal protections but yeah, we need politicians with the balls to stand up to big industry and fuck them right in the eye socket

I didn't say that name, you did because it's you. I'm not talking about the romans you, again, brainlet. Italy colonized eastern africa in the late 1800's.
How can someone so opinionated about history be so ignorant about history? I expected better of you Supa, honestly.

>when Reddit and /pol/ collide
If you look at this post and see (You) walk into traffic.

If you just pretend that the characters are all fucking off screen but trying to keep it a secret then the show is way more enjoyable and makes way more sense

Survivors bias, how many are born to teen mums and fail? And crypto is a bad example, thats just fortunate asset inflation, not the creation of any business or framework to earn money or influence. The modern day has colonised the margins and with greater institutions with larger reach the world has gotten smaller and more narrow in reality in terms of wealth accumulation because everything is already established and discovered

Yeah it's a shitshow, I don't how I always end up getting sucked into these stupid arguments. I apologize for shitting up the thread. If only we had a politics board.

We all know who you were referring to. Cry more bitch.

It's lottery numbers but the existence of anyone that succeeds is proof that it can be done.

Legal protection is often heavily influence by exisitng large companies as barriers to entry for newcomers. And the type of person who wants to be a politico is often very susceptible to bibery, its just the eay of the world man, dunno whats gonna happen next

I've only got so many Riverdale pictures and we're in a thread for a film that isn't even out yet. Pitch in or fuck off

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Don't inflate your ego too much. It's only because you used your trip ITT earlier.

all me btw

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It can be done, but in any meaningful numbers? Like yeah jobs are overworking underpaying and restricting advancement while communities crumble everywhere around you and finding a partner is a headache but this one guy lucked out on this one idea and is now acting like a cunt so see you can make it too. You sont want grand stories of great success for .1% of the pop but rather good lives for the odd 90% of the pop.

China has a great system where if you get caught doing corruption they execute you. Ironically their government is sufficiently corrupt that it's used as a tool to keep the party in line as much as regulate political/business interactivity but maybe there's something to that. We investigate Michael Bolton and if he's in bed with the MiC then he gets shot in the back of the head. Theresa May's husband sits on the board of G4S? Now he sits in the electric chair. Simple stuff


Me just out of frame in the bottom and also below the subject lmao

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Oh I'm agreeing with you, as Taleb says, the success of the 0.1% of startups relies on the failure of the other 99.9%. We just need to convince more people it's worth trying and be able to catch the ones that fall

Yeah but then it becomes cliques and factions of corruption, not much better. Why do you think they buy property in the wst? To hide their miney, have assets and to have a home for their family if/when they get gulagged and be able to transition to a new nation. The Chinese haven’t sort out corruption at all, even in their schools everyone cheats, their culture is all about face, not honour



>yes this striptease and pole dance is vital to the plot

Why dont they just make it x rated and get some titties out

It's almost not worth thinking about. Although Camila did get her tits out in the background once and they broadcast it accidentally

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That’s admirable but ones economic life success or failure should not be based on startups. Especially when those startups, if they become big enough, become tools for further societal decay and government outsourcing of repression. Its fucked, all the way down

You er, gotta a clip of that?

Also panties!

Medians are a thing for a reason.

I don't but it's S2E1 if you care to make one.

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Damn you for making me hunt down spic tits lol

It's just an example. People can be relatively secure but static or take a risk and potentially make it big. A good economy accounts for both

You might have better luck going through her photo shoots if that's your goal, there's some see-throughs and she's based enough to not care who sees.

Thats true, but we are not in a good economy for most and often current startups are swindles, tools for state enforcement or societal subversion

>There a lot of fucking former NEETS who made a fuckton investing in crypto.
Almost all of them gave it back.

>While recalling the sad story behind her ‘to build a home’ tattoo, Camila Mendes admitted she was ‘roofied’ during her freshman year at New York University.
Oh shit

lmao @ all this poorfag cope

They should have cast her instead of the sexless blonde.

I wouldn't sex her less than the blonde if you catch my drift

I just wanna cum inside Lili's tight little 14 year old pussy so so fucking much I can't even exist ! I am so drugged by her