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What is this movie about? Who is it's audience? Why the cryptic advertising?



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>What is this movie about? Who is it's audience? Why the cryptic advertising?
Seen the trailer, didn't know what the fuck it was about.

Something about a kid steals a priceless painting and autistic art critics get butthurt about it or some shit.

Should've made secret history instead.

lmao the wiki synopsis ends
>"Boris argues that perhaps their strange and unwieldy path was all for the greater good and that it is all part of the strange thing called life."
ahahaha what the fuck
the rest sounds like some coming-of-age shit with no point to it

>Something about a kid steals a priceless painting and autistic art critics get butthurt about it or some shit.
So what was the bomb thing about them? I'm confus

Based and kino. Cant wait for the UHD release

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Finn wolfhard can't act
Especially in this, his accent is atrocious

There's a terrorist attack at the museum. It kills his mom and steals a painting (that's survived a bunch of bad shit on it's own, apparently). He then loses the painting.

Everyone saying acting is good, cast is good.

Movie so fucking dull and boring, people walking out. Critics included.

Back in days at Warner shit like this wouldn’t have had a chance in hell being made. Development department there needs to be sacked.

Most of the people desperately shilling this movie are Finn wolfhards fan girls.

I saw it today and everyone hated it too for various reasons.

yeh it is pretty bad from what i've heard. he looks like he had fun making the film. will have to see for myself

Just watched it. The film is shit but the part with Finn as Boris was genuinely good

horrible marketing

Finn Wolfhard somehow becomes the best part of this dog shit so I’m pretty glad that there’s at least something gooding coming out of it

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>the only non-mouseshill and capecuck film coming out this time
>let’s not watch it because of basedboy fagoot critic trashed it for not being family friendly enough
You fags deserves to have only garbage movies to watch

I've read have the book. Some kids mother dies in a terrorist attack while he is with her at an art museum and he steals a painting during the attack for some reason? He is sent to live with rich friends and then his dad rakes him to Vegas where he meets Russian Finn Wolfhard and they spend their days getting drunk and vomiting.

Apparently there will be a time jump and the plot will have something do with the harem of potential waifus he has accumulated but man is the book dull as fuck.

>Finn Wolfhard
Jesus he actually can't act. Saw It part one and he was absolutely grating. Shitty line delivery and he was supposed to be some witty edgelord. The smaller runt kid really outshone him at every step.

I don’t like him but he was easily the best part of IT

I won't watch the film but I will watch clips of Wolfhard supposedly playing a Slavic Bette Davis.

Not surprising that he’s the saving grace of the film, he also is the stand outs of IT and Stranger Things

>Defending this dogshit movie
I saw it so piss off and quit trying to get people to waste their money

I don't remember anything spectacular from him, just a whole lot of quipping
>Stranger Things
He was literally one of the worst parts of the new season

He might not be he best actor but he’s always the most fun one by simply doing whatever he wants

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I really enjoyed the book. While reading it I thought it would translate well to the screen but this looks like garbage desu

He's a shit actor and he's ugly


>ITT Finncucks cling onto the idea that their goblin is still worthy of an Oscar nomination

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>he does whatever he wants
kek I can see why critics didn't like him

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>got the most showy role in IT
>in a hit series like Stranger Things
>over 17m instagram followers
> half of the IT cast have better projects than him
really shows you how shitty his acting is

Donna tart's first book, the secret history, is a top tier book and would make for incredible comfykino

>Kid loses a family relative in a terrorist attack in new york, then he discovers something and a journey starts
>It's shit
Hmmm that sounds familiar...

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Is it the one with twincest?

Yes but it's right at the end and not really crucial to the book overall

better projects... such as?

Like I said the film might be shit but the part with young Boris and Theo is genuinely the best part of the film

why does based finn make this board seethe?

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I think it’s just some unwell individuals but most of us love Finn

>got the most showy role in IT
And? Bad actors get lead roles all of the time
>in a hit series like Stranger Things
And still managed to cuck up his performance in the last season
>over 17m instagram followers
Horny girls and middle-aged women are not proof that he's a great actor
> half of the IT cast have better projects than him

>t.autist that has no self awareness

Jaeden - lead in an apple series with Chris Evans, lead in two horror movies, Knives Out(well-received in TIFF unlike Goldfinch), and some indies
Sophia - lead in a Netflix YA series, lead in a horror & co-lead in a movie with Naomi Watts
Jack - lead in a Luca Guadagnino HBO show, DC Shazam movies

meanwhile Finn is still playing sons and supporting characters and can only get jobs in the horror genre

>Solid Russian accent
Well unless the rest of it's better than the scene they used in the trailer that's a lie. He sounded like Leslie Nielsen in Dracula Dead and Loving it

When hope Finn brings Ansel along his way of future unemployment

You said it better than I could. Because those actors are all bland and no where near as notable as Finn

>notable as Finn
Whats he done other than 80s shit and an Oscarbait movie that's being called "the worst movie of the year"?

>they all don't have cheekbones like muh phinn
He is popular because of his looks which are quickly being pushed out of the way by his nose.

There is nothing notable about him talent wise.

anyone who thinks Sophia Lillis and Jack Grazer are blander actors than Finn Wolfhard has mental illness

Why did Jaeden change his surname?

perhaps the goldfinch was the friends we made along the way

>He is popular because of his looks which are quickly being pushed out of the way by his nose.
You can say that again

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>2 million over the entire weekend

that's what they get for playing that forced oscarbaity trailer before every movie i saw

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Just finished the film
The biggest problem was the non-linear narrative and the rushed ending
The most interesting part was Young Theo and Boris, and Finn’s character got the most reactions from the audience
It quickly went downhill after their part.

He changed to his mom's rather than his dads. Which is weird as he seems to get on with his dad.

Not sure. Saw somewhere that his mom won his custody. His current last name Martell is his mother's middle name or something.

*saves every movie he’s in *

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As someone who read the book, Young Boris is the most flashy role a teen actor can get and I was mad when this kid got it. It could be a breakout role for some unknown talented east european kid actor, or at least should go to someone more deserving

>*saves every movie he’s in *

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He clearly didn't save this movie though... It's terrible.

Should have adapted The Secret History instead. Her other two books are shit.

Why do male child actors always get ugly? Jacob Tremblay is looking weirder every other day and Noah Jupe during tiff looks so greasy.

Finn is always based
BELieve in Finn.

The Secret History will be kino, but won't happen thanks to this weekend's box office.

They could be dicks in marketing and advertise it as, "based on the novel that was pretty much overseen and peer-reviewed by the edgy faggot behind American Pyscho..." The entire time reading it I felt like I was reading a more adventurous Ellis plot with a tinge of Harry Potter thrown in. I loved it, mind you, but the premise of preppy college students killing a farmer then their own friend is crying out for a Hollywood flick. I have no idea who read Goldfinch and thought: "Yeah, this aimless fucking book with nonsensical motivations and a random piece of artwork will do." Terrible choices all around.

The movie will probably be disappointing but i
ll still watch it for him

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Is this a girl?(Male)

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this shits shota core and the people behind this movie are attracted to underage boys, i mean what the hell's with that poster, that's so erotic on purpose, you all preach against degeneracy yet still have flaws you cant see past

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Are you so desperate for people to praise him you're posting reviews from random Pajhiits?

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the book was great

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I'm gonna watch it just for him

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This is a literal shill thread

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WB probably got the right idea when they cast the 15 year old actor in their movies and it's the one thing that attracts people to watch it

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Never? WB is massive. They could survive years of nothing but flops

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no one was attracted to see this as it's going to have one of the worst opening weekend box office numbers for this amont of screens

Holy shit, based

also a finnfaggot cope thread.

This guy is the stuff of miracle

Seen the trailer for it multiple times and still have no idea what the fuck the film is about.


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>pulitzer prize winning novel
>solid cast
>director's previous movie was nominated for best picture
>roger fucking deakins
>everyone saying it was an oscar frontrunner after the trailer

fast forward to now

>24% on rt
>will make 2 million opening weekend on 2500 screens

What was the scene the got the biggest reaction from the audience?

Finn's acting resume so far
>last season of stranger things was objectively shit
>IT, whilst doing well in the box office is not getting the greatest of reviews
>starring in garbage like Dog days
>The Goldflop is getting panned hard and bombed at the box office
>Nobody watched Carmen Sandiago
>starring in Garbage like the ghostbusters
>The Turning keeps getting its release date pushed back
>The Addams family doesn't look promising


I’m going to continue to watch capeshit and now ignore movies like this because you made the comment.

Cute cute cute

Dumb nigger.

I read his interview for IT 2 with LA Times and he said he started acting because he wanted to be a director. Wyatt Oleff also said something similiar. Funny it's always the ones shit at acting that want to direct.


> In the book, James "Hobie" Hobart, Theo's devoted friend and eventual guardian, is described in their first meeting as resembling "antique photos of Irish poets and pugilists" with "his skin an unhealthy white."

> Director Crowley cast African-American "Westworld" star Jeffrey Wright to toil in the Manhattan antique shop as Hobie

Get woke.....

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nice meme, you retarded faggot.

>resembling "antique photos of Irish poets and pugilists
What horrific Purple prose

Oh don't worry finncuck, maybe your favourite goblin will learn to pick better projects and be less mediocre next time