/BASED MCU/ - General


>MCU Fans: popular kids, plenty of friends, chads and veronicas, get high paying job after highschool, settle down, have kids, big house, perfect life, be good member of society

>DCU Fans: Loner incel perma-virgins, drug addicts, neets, mass shooters, tranny faggots, "LE SOCIETY SUCKS", "ITS SO TOUGH BEING A WHITE MAN", "I NEED TO DILATE NOW"

The choice is yours friends!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>DCU Fans: Loner incel perma-virgins, drug addicts, neets, mass shooters, tranny faggots, "LE SOCIETY SUCKS", "ITS SO TOUGH BEING A WHITE MAN", "I NEED TO DILATE NOW"
He's right, ya know...

Henry Cavill has an emotional support dog everywhere he goes, and he's afraid to fly. Superman is AFRAID TO FLY.

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just look at her tits

Just post more sweet Lizzie

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is this what Hollywood wants with consent?

based and talented kiddos

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lizzie is perfection

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I like both, but you can post more titties.

That's pretty fucking pathetic if true

The only MCU fans I know are poor people and orbiters

She should be the female face of the MCU, not Cpt Fungus

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>biggest grossing movie franchise of all time
>contains biggest grossing movie of all time
>the only people that I know that like it are poor and orbiters

Think about what that says about "YOU" for a second.


Most of the mcu fans are either some soiboys, or just a bunch of shitskins, pajeets etc. So I doubt it.

MCU movies are just braindead popcorn flicks, that ends up being forgotten a few weeks after release. Only third world scum gives a shit about them.

>>DCU Fans: Loner incel perma-virgins, drug addicts, neets, mass shooters, tranny faggots, "LE SOCIETY SUCKS", "ITS SO TOUGH BEING A WHITE MAN", "I NEED TO DILATE NOW"
This is true, but it goes for MCU fans too. Anyone over the age of 15 who cares about this shit is an emotionally stunted soilent-sucking waste of carbon.


>not you again user

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>Sneed Fans: 'My bad'

>happy birthday user!

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She's a skeksis and her sisters are gelfling puppets for her to drain essence from.

There is literally nothing wrong with being an incel