So, can we all agree that`s this was the only good SW movie made by Disney?

So, can we all agree that`s this was the only good SW movie made by Disney?

Attached: rogue-one-a-star-wars-story-2560x1600-poster-hd-2757-810x506.jpg (810x506, 104K)

Yeh it’s ok

It’s alright on the first watch but I couldn’t rewatch it it was too boring. Solo was a similar deal as well. I’d give them both solid 7/10s. Better than the sequel trilogy movies at least

I unironically prefer Solo.

It had a KINO cast.

Attached: Galen-Erso-Rogue-One.jpg (1260x529, 45K)

Its boring as fook. Disney sucks and makes the phantom menace a masterpiece

Compare this guy with that bitch Hux.

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The characters all suck (except the droid and the main villain), but the aesthetic is perfect for a modern day Star Wars movie and the tone is great.

Definitely the best one.

Something is very wrong when space balls is a better star wars movie than tlj tfa and prequels

Same deal with orville and galaxy quest VS trek

I liked that mechanical negro.

it is good tbqh. the girl is a bit wooden, and besides the kinda cringy LOOK A REFERENCE TO THE OG STAR WARS™ = A NEW HOPE, I think it was very well done

The fact that they killed whomever they needed to kill without regards to B-BUT WE'LL NEVER GET THEIR ORIGIN STORY also makes it feel 'authentic'

>female protagonist
Fuck off shill

I liked her butt

that's all I can say about the movie

SOLO was much better. It had all the classical elements of Star Wars without all the pathos of Rogue One.

Attached: solo-a-star-wars-story-1280a-1525738460730_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 193K)

>tfw they will never release the Garreth Edwards cut

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It really was much better visually than TFA and TLJ

Yes. It's the only one better, or at least comparable to the prequels.

And it was a bit less anti-white male, and full of diversity.

>"it's gonna be saying private ryan in space"

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Solo was great, but the ending with Darth Maul randomly appearing kinda ruined it.

Having the next movie's villain show up in a quirky sequel-bait cameo at the end is a Marvel thing, and doesn't fit with Star Wars. Plus, it just seems pathetic when the sequel gets cancelled.

Solo was good too. Frankly, this is why I'm looking forward to the Mandalorian.

It was supposed to be a war movie set in the SW universe then KK's mood changed and ordred a diverse cast and a tentacle monster to be added in the movie.

>Plus, it just seems pathetic when the sequel gets cancelled.
this desu.

You Solo niggers genuinely confuse me. The movie was shit. Han and black guy were the only good parts.

Ricky Martin, his husband and two sons agree.

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good movie and strangely good space battles. SW always sucked massive cocks when it came to space battles

Attached: RogueOne_battle.webm (956x400, 2.98M)

>poweful gay robot activist

>SW always sucked massive cocks when it came to space battles
When the original trilogy came out, Star Wars had the best space battles ever.

It just looks boring by today's standards because the movies are like 40+ years old and there was only so much you could do when the ships were physical models.

Now, with CGI you can do anything, and it sucks precisely for that. When ships can do some completely counter intuitive shit like Poe Dameron drifting with his X-wing in space, it's just like watching vidogame cutscenes. There was nothing memorable in TFA or TLJ do you remember anything from the Starkillerbase assault or the space battle in TLJ?

I am not taking about old ones. I know when they were made. I just keep wondering how multimillion franchise had so shitty space battles compared to low budget scifi tv shows.

Attached: SGA_battle5.webm (782x440, 2.82M)

Solo was better

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pretty sure the original writers were actually laughing at feminist propogranda with that, but the rewrite messed it up a bit

it wasnt good, but it was the least bad

They were playing both sides but ended up alienating both because you actually need to talent to pull double speak propaganda. The film was written by Kasdan, the fraud who takes credit for George's movies, and his son.

gee so making something with great cast, good cgi and decent plot produces good movie?

Disney fucked up the movie with reshoots. The original version was a masterpiece and they destroyed it.

Apparently people think Solo is better, and having seen both, I can't fault them for that.

For all its shortcomings, RO is one of my favorite SW movies, and if I could get rid of all the rest of the Disney run, I'd keep this one.

Thyey didnt want yet another space odyssey

How do I ignore the overload of scene transitions in the beginning and that retarded monk? You guys seem able to

>that retarded monk
they had to introduce sw shit somehow

No, you have pleb taste, both these movies were 6's at best.

Krennic was the best character in the movie

unpopular opinion, the last jedi was better than force awakens.

King deserved better

>Stargate Atlantis space battles
>the ships size change depending on the CGI house

Attached: battle of the resurrection ship.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

The CGI space battle was impressive because they respected the lore and the cinematography. Garreth Edwards got ILM to do 3D scans of an old Star Destroyer model kit and it really gave the same aesthetic of the OT.

Attached: vlcsnap-00084.png (1280x536, 349K)

>he ships size change depending on the CGI house
bullshit desu

sw space battles were shit because they all were pew pew die die tier

>build city-sized machine of cosmic annihilation
>it can be taken down in a matter of seconds by a couple fighter-bombers with ion torpedoes
When will they make a SW movie where big spaceships are actually a threat

The 304s and the hive ships size change depending on the episode or the CGI company. Have you never noticed that? There's an episode where one 304 crashes into a hive ship and it looked tiny.

yeah not that they built a planet size death machine that could be destroyed with one torpedo

it was very tiny. Also they mixed hive ship with cruissers in the show hence your perception.

the chad Y-wing vs the virgin Rian Johnson magnetic bomber

That's explained by it having one critical weakness and that's exploited by a space wizard pilot
With the star destroyers you just fire one blue missile anywhere on it and within seconds its engines and all of its systems shut down. You'd think whoever designs and builds these things would make them harder to disable and destroy

And then theres that scene in the beginning of Ep 8 where a destroyed TIE fighter goes through not one but THREE rebel bombers, as if they were made of fucking cardboard

They were all good.

>With the star destroyers you just fire one blue missile anywhere on it and within seconds its engines and all of its systems shut down.
you could destroy DeathStart with one torpedo while you needed to fight Destroyer for some time. Thats the difference olso IRL you can rekt a destoryer ship with one rocket. Destroyers are meant to fight other destroyers.

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Rogue One
4. Attack of the Clones
5. Return of the Jedi
6. Solo
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. The Force Awakens
9. Holiday Special
10. The Phantom Menace
11. The Last Jedi

TBD Rise of Skywalker

the ion torpedos should of been replaced with normal torpedos that just get a lucky hit on the engines or something, what's the point of having the main part of echo base in ep 5 be a giant ion cannon when any fighter can do the same effect with a missile the size of a fridge

best "star war" in star wars 2bh

i thought it was okay


Solo was better

They activated SOLID GRANTE CAR on the ship

Honestly though, how did an entire production team that massive get so ignorant of physics?

I liked Solo.

It's just the workaround for the empires superior strenght
notice it doesnt destroy the star destroyer - same with the ion cannon in TESB - it just gives the rebels a few minutes to escape
if that damn admiral ozzel hadnt come out of hyperspace too soon, fucking faggot

never saw it, never will

Solo and Rogue One are mediocre, but being mediocre is considered to be kino now since everything else regarding Disney Wars is so shit.

Yeah, pretty much. Solo was just passable, mostly because TLJ and TFA were both so fucking bad.

TLJ has a consistently good cinematography that outdid TFA's and maybe R1's baseline. But R1's had all the memorable highs that blew Rian's baby out of the water.

Solo would have been a pretty good romp were it not about Han Solo. Some random space smugglers on a job would have been more interesting.

The costume design is fucking awful

It's boring as fuck. Just as trash as all the other Disney Wars.

This and everything after ANH is mediocre or worse

Apparently not a lot of them, considering Solo bombed.

Because it came right after TLJ, It was the sacrificial lamb

Not seeing any sources about people liking Solo more than R1.

>all it takes to disable a star destroyer is one bombing run from three (3) bombers, all of which survive w/o a scatch
horseshit, no gravity, ridiculous, boring as hell... how are star destroyers a threat again? Have they ever destroyed anything in any sw movie?

This is the worst one

This. It's bland, there's no pacing at all, it's useless, and it's more sjw revisionism. The pro-Rogue one faggots are plebs of the highest degree.

Disney canon nerfed Star Destroyers to hell, now a fleet of these mile-long starships can only achieve a level of bombardment no more powerful than a couple of Earth's Napoleonic era cannons.

Strangely enough I agree with this list.

>I’m the only one who can be trusted with this product. I deserve the credit.