Post a pic of actors when they were the age you are now

Post a pic of actors when they were the age you are now.

Bruce Willis - 33 years old

Attached: Bruce_willis 1988_33.jpg (367x480, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bruce Willis - 30 years old

Attached: bruce willis.png (375x579, 432K)

20yo Willem Dafoe

Attached: cs6u3h9364t21~2.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Bruce willis - 24 years old

Attached: b4e9a5ac7c8a440388048980ccec9869.jpg (450x480, 21K)

Sean Connery - 31 years old

Attached: dr-no.jpg (1200x1459, 955K)

Bruce Willis - 22 years old

Attached: bruce willis 22.jpg (800x689, 150K)

why does his forehead look like gordon ramsay lol he only 20 and that skank looking?

>Why yes I am 26, how could you tell?

Attached: 77AF0CDB-1322-4AA7-B0FC-C1477177A20D.jpg (383x661, 43K)

Bruce Willis - 29 years old

also he looks better balding than actually completely bald i think

Attached: Bruce-Willis-in-Miami-Vice-No-Exit-bruce-willis-21806277-800-600[1].jpg (800x600, 49K)

Bryan Cranston 30 years old

Attached: cranston.png (703x494, 566K)

Mel Gibson, 25 years old.

Attached: article-2721429-206D44AB00000578-232_634x690.jpg (634x690, 121K)

you need to be quite mentally ill to spend your youth doing that

I am 27 years old and strangers still call me "boy"

Bruce Willis - 31 years old

Attached: Bruce_Willis_002.jpg (1952x3000, 1.48M)

Marky Mark 21

Other than the low body fat, we're even on bicep & forearm width

Attached: images (34).jpg (387x737, 29K)

can you old faggots get off this site? i hate boomers so much


do you also stroll the city streets and beat the shit out of [local minority infestation] fucking shits?

lol fuck off zoomer

Bruce Lee - 39 years old

Attached: 51Pe8UNUiVL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 14K)

because he's raising his eyebrows, retard

Keanu Reeves - 30 years old
I look better bth

Attached: 628x471[1].jpg (329x471, 18K)

This. Fucking hate you old, balding pieces of shit. Die already

Sooo many boomers lmao

Attached: C0E5A99A-8D75-4003-A95E-914F6FD68CE3.png (750x1334, 3.41M)

Arnold was an autist who picked the right thing to be autistic about

Why, user? I did nothing to you.

31? Dude has some city miles on him

Lol you're stupid as shit. You don't belong on this site, we've been here so much longer than you. Go to instagram or whatever the fuck you dumb kids like these days.

This is him at 24 or 25.

Attached: 6623-main.jpg (400x600, 49K)

Unironically yes. I have pushed shitskins around

Luckily for the vietcong I haven't encountered some VFS

Bruce Campbell, 23 in 1981.
Beefy af

Attached: 74484d2651992c9ca35829c41b1290e9.jpg (552x694, 42K)

>we've been here so much longer than you.
that's not an argument you retarded boomer. if you've been here so long, that should give you a clue to move with your life instead of being a neckbeard posting on an anime board full of immature people


Attached: image.jpg (415x641, 26K)

Steven Anthony Lawrence - 26 years old

Attached: steven-anthony-lawrence.jpg (600x800, 57K)

This is our site and always will be. It's not 2016 anymore. It's time for you to go back.

Tommy Lee Jones - 21 years old

Attached: wp4141438.jpg (819x1208, 89K)

Here he was 22 at the 1953 Mr Universe

Attached: sean-connery-mr-universe-8.jpg (1200x675, 140K)

Why should I? Here's my argument: you're a dumb kid that doesn't really understand Yea Forums culture. So fuck off if you wanna tell oldfags to gtfo. You're a dumbass lol

Attached: desu.jpg (640x480, 50K)

How unfortunate

Bruce Willis 40 yo

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

This is what a 23 year old looks like apparently

Attached: rs_1024x759-171218105305-1024-titanic-jack-tuxedo.jpg (1024x759, 59K)

Dean Norris - 33 years old

Attached: 960full-starship-troopers-(1997)-screenshot.jpg (960x520, 68K)

Bruce Willis, 33

Attached: image.jpg (768x433, 46K)

ask your friends (if you have any) what they think of you posting on an anime board with immature people?

also, I didn't mean to get you all riled up. I hope you took your blood pressure pills today boomer lol

We tried to leave you something good, but you little shits didn't care for it or respect it. It's sad.

What an angelic chad

Hé was 21 years old when Titanic came out. Get it together boomer

garrett hunter, 35

How's your gf doing little guy?

Attached: burt48.jpg (1000x678, 66K)

Miley Cyrus

Attached: 5BCCE59C-BA11-4292-8AC4-7DB358CF7E6A.jpg (313x469, 33K)

unironically this, it's not our fault you newfags just now got here.

Attached: 1539513258659.jpg (700x429, 29K)

>Yea Forums culture

Either you dont understand this thread or you're b&

I wish zoomers would die.
t. zoomer

>can you old faggots get off this site? i hate boomers so much

Attached: zoomer numale.png (434x327, 55K)

looks very annoying already

she's taking a nap. i jerked off her feminine penis not long ago so she's a little tired and exhausted.

Cary Elwes, 32-years-old

I look a lot like Cary Elwes. Or Mark Hamill+Gabriel Knight. Dolph Lundgren when I was ripped.

Attached: Jungle-Book-1994.jpg (778x1024, 93K)

Hey kid, I hope your mom brought you fresh tendies before you posted that
Otherwise, I'm sorry you're so neglected
Maybe find love in life instead of sharing hate online?

Attached: 1402191936010.gif (200x198, 20K)

>mark hamill resembled dolph lundgren somehow

checked and kek'd
you're alright by me

Orlando Bloom 32

Attached: Orlando+Bloom+Premiere+Good+Doctor+2011+Tribeca+oPZYPqFRjinl.jpg (395x594, 49K)

Burt Reynolds - 81 years old

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

Bruce Willis - 33 years old.

Attached: 9701765ed2f1fa45216928e43e4aa8ef.jpg (300x400, 18K)

Damn imagine balding at 30

post your hairline

Justin Long, 24
What a coomer lmao

Attached: new-york-city-2002-justin-long-photo-by-john-barrett-photolinknetmediapunch-P6TFDF.jpg (866x1390, 152K)

jack nicolson 18 years old

Attached: jacknicolson.jpg (397x416, 14K)

23 - 39

Attached: joseph_gordon_levitt_looper_movie_transformations2.jpg (668x680, 103K)

>Damn imagine balding at 30
it's pretty common to be honest


Nice data mining thread, faggot.


Attached: 1521111221177.jpg (700x382, 27K)

get out summerfags

Get an absolute load of this pretentious asshole

I've been on this board for 4 years mate, don't be insecure about your old age

sorry meant for

t. spic

Jake Lloyd - 9 years old

Attached: CoverJakeLloyd.jpg (1200x628, 218K)

He got better with age desu. Looks odd here.

>imagine being triggered because someone was born 10 years earlier than you

Brad Dourif at 34

Attached: BD34.jpg (1777x740, 64K)


>Yea Forums culture
I wish I could kill you in real life. I’d eat your frontal lobe in front of you before I killed you.

look at all the responses. if anything, boomers are triggered.

take your meds breh

I'm balding at 20

Joaqin "Joker" Phoenix, 24 jahre alt

Attached: 557c39552ba452a647f98a7e94829d6b.jpg (700x664, 43K)


I honestly think this boomer/zoomer shit is some sort of psyop.
Nobody gave a shit in the past, in fact oldfags were sought after for advice due to their life experience, but now there's suddenly infighting and all this political shit.
Fucking glowniggers, I know you and your faggy little think tanks are behind this, get the fuck out of here.

Attached: 1567750013556.png (802x854, 1.42M)

Don't judge me for their idiocy.
As a Yea Forums man, you must know how moronic normies are if they are comparing (You) to a celebrity. I don't look anything like Mark Hamill or Dolph Lundgren, but idiots love talking about celebs they have on their minds, so it's happened a few times.

But, I will agree, I look a ton like Cary Elwes. At every stage of his life. Just a sharper nose and ZERO ability to grow facial hair. Hairline, hair color, eye color, eye set, eyebrows, lack of dimpled smile, jawline, all of it. I'm just taller and more muscular. I could claim to be his son and people would believe me.

get a load of this edgy sperg

Christopher Walken at 22

It's just a meme. No one really hates anyone. Every generation usually thinks the newer generation is dumb. Zoomers will "hate" the other coming generation and so on...

Attached: maxresdefault (11).jpg (1280x720, 146K)

forgot pic because i'm retarded

Attached: famous-people-young-christopher-walkin-22.jpg (600x763, 47K)

what a stupid video made with little effort. you can tell it was made by some retarded low-energy boomer who probably forgot how to tie his shoes

Yeah. Making someone reply when you directly called them out really equates to them being triggered

Johnny Depp, 26

Attached: rb31.jpg (1000x1570, 325K)

Kek I fucking doubt it


keep flossin youngster

>this thread

Attached: 1543959999241.jpg (369x368, 47K)

Oh no no no

Didn't realize he was 30 here. Truly in my prime.

Attached: e4a517a38a1ddf75dcec05fed66b9785.jpg (600x398, 51K)

>he thinks zoomers run 4channel
Not yet kid

He looks like a real Crybaby here.

im sorry he hasn't responded to your love letters but it's true
he's not so hot any more

everyone is 30 years old. is that why this is the fucking worst board on the entire site? you guys are total dweebs

This is an 18+ forum kiddo. Come back in 5 years.

Prime Pitt was him as Achilles in Troy and he was like 40 there

What's the matter, fagboy?
You upset I'm about to fuck with your data?
Ah blobloo

when zoomers make up the majority of this site, there will be a lot less racism, homophobia and transphobia

i can't wait for all the boomers to fuck off already

>site established in 2003
>doesn't realize you're here forever
seethe harder

Attached: 1530969595134.jpg (1029x1000, 275K)

still too many zoomers, explains all the capeshit and the "i actually liked rogue one" threads

shut the fuck up you unfunny old piece of shit

Millie Bobby Brown - 30 years old

Attached: Millie-Bobby-Brown-10-758x1024.jpg (1500x1918, 455K)

How do they look so fucking old? I'm 30 and still look 20.

At least boomers only hate specific groups. Zoomers seem more misanthropic in general.

high test

Gandalf and Magneto - 33

Attached: f5b54c68477526cdbecdb96e25ff1b5a.jpg (640x889, 125K)

People used to look a lot older than they actually were.

Blessed thread. I thought I was the only person above 25 on this board

you probably have low T and a lot of estrogen

More exposure to sun, more smoking, more alcohol, more physical work in general, less soi

say as fuck you fucking teenie bopper

>tfw zoomers are responsible for all mass shootings
Maybe that's not so bad? We don't seem to hate near as much as the younger generation

Attached: 1362745974959.png (700x700, 35K)

Matt Damon - 25 years old

Attached: gettyimages-76202897.jpg (435x612, 113K)

Attached: 1536555515954.png (505x640, 656K)

fuck I gotta get my shit together. I still have the body of a preteen coomer.
this would give me hope if I wasn't balding. Even if I get fit now I'll just look like a tranny fucker.

Christian Slater was 24 in the same movie, jogged my noggin a bit

Tom Cruise, 22. He looks like Peter Parker from that cartoon.

Attached: 9a7v6xi1occz.jpg (1263x1920, 196K)

Attached: Vincent and Steve.jpg (1280x801, 158K)

Vincent who?


you retarded nigger


Kyle Massey - 28

Attached: GettyImages-855357438-1552757580[1].jpg (1997x3000, 811K)

I'm 23 years old and generally tend to get along better with people who are in their 30's, although most of my friends are around my age.
And yes, millenials are cancer, but Gen Z is even worse. Maybe it's a cliche, but every next generation seems worse than the last.

Unironically thinking spending your +30s at your computer doing things online is sad opposed to under 30 xoomers spending what should be their testosterone rebellious youth out drinking, causing mayhem and having fun, whilst fucking many girls.

Attached: 1554202518081.png (1024x610, 488K)

I'm probably younger than all of you, and I hate trannies, faggots, and niggers with a fucking passion.
Try plebbit, you retarded cunt.

>fails at basic math
You might wanna retake that middle school algebra class, zoomer coomer

looks like Jonathan Rhys-Meyer

you sound like a stereotypical boomer from /pol/tardia

stop larping

you're an unloved virgin not doing any of those things

Meth is a hell of a drug

This. God I was such a Chad in the 90's. At least I have the memories.

Not even joking, you likely have much lower test and far more estrogen exposure. The modern world sucks

Attached: received_523167321769240.jpg (720x720, 40K)

Nope, don't project onto me fren -- had anal sex half way through watching 'Yesterday' with a 24 yo GF. (I'm 34)

Attached: steps_on_your_balls_JOI.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

>causing mayhem
>having fun
>fucking many girls
My life as anime and posting on r9k

Jude Law at 26

Attached: music-from-another-room-1998-jude-law-mfar-011-BKGR57.jpg (826x1390, 108K)

Hello folks, today I'll be reviewing the Taco Bell Naked Chicken Chalooper

They say age is just a number, and they're mostly right, due to the simple fact that you can't pause time. Many people find a comfortable physiological "age" and stay that way forever.
I know 40 year olds who behave like they're still in their teens. Alternatively, I know people in their early 20's who think they have life figured out completely.
The real obstacle starts when you're really old, like in your 80's. Imagine having to worry about your own heart failing you at any given moment.

Here he is with young Flass from Batman Begins

Attached: C-5gSjBXYAE7x6y.jpg (1200x800, 113K)

They're masculine.
You're a faggot.

Owen Wilson, 32-years-old

Attached: Meet the Parents 2000.jpg (1300x948, 213K)

I think Ryan Reynolds is 23 here. I can still make it, there's a chance

Attached: Sept.-9-1999.jpg (1443x2000, 383K)

I bet he was listening to Limp Bizkit on the way there.

>30 year old boomers
no wonder every thread here is shit

Attached: 1552082246796.jpg (600x418, 27K)



how come so many girls say "hes weird looking but id fuck him"

what is it about him???


get off this site you old faggots

Seth McFarland - 25 years old

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Attached: GXC0fOQZVBAx.jpg (594x415, 27K)

I've heard girls say that about a lot of guys. Then it downed on me, when I took off my glasses. You see, I have very poor vision, and everyone looks better if they're already average looking.
So he likely has some attractive features from afar, but looks like a weasel the closer you get.

Suck my nuts. They need a good tonguin'

lol you can say that again!

i'll get off on your dick you zoomer

All things considered, he aged very well. Same with Elon Musk.

i mean you'll get off my dick

This thread:

Attached: 12143546575543.jpg (179x170, 5K)

Jason Schwartzman, 29

Luke Wilson, 32-years-old

I could pass as a 3rd Wilson brother.

Attached: Biography Magazine July 2003.jpg (235x300, 20K)

why are you talking about my dick you creepy ass boomer?

choose cruise, you lose

Attached: eternal cruise.png (716x839, 1.71M)

Apart from Connery and Norris, none of them look that old, dude.

> I'm 30 and still look 20.
You just think you do.

I'm 21 and I look 39.

>You just think you do.
Strangers literally call me "boy". I not only get ID'd anywhere, people always think I gave them a fake ID. Can't even order drinks at a restaurant when I'm with a girl without the waiter checking my ID first. It's fucking embarrassing.

Looks like Roger Moore

Look the fuck who is talking

>29 years old

Attached: Thomas_Brodie-Sangster.jpg (509x720, 44K)

what is embarrassing is dating girls you chump

Roger Sterling

Attached: ehe616zblmp11.jpg (625x937, 65K)

Meg Ryan, 32-years-old

Easily my biggest celebrity crush growing up. When she got her "fwip" hairstyle in the 90s, it set my love for girls with shorter hair.

Attached: When Harry Met Sally Orgasm 1989.jpg (640x351, 46K)

None of them look particularly old and I strongly suspect they are significantly more attractive than you are.

>They say age is just a number, and they're mostly right
>t. nonce

Attached: Clint 42.jpg (560x330, 46K)

Noooruu Brad Pitt. Mai breaky wakey bonesu can no take yur supoor eeoar Kung fu!

Tom Hanks, 32-years-old

Figure if I post Meg Ryan, I should post Tom Hanks.

Attached: Big 1988.jpg (1035x1390, 215K)

why? are they siblings?

>55 years old
The wall is scared of this man

Attached: 704419653.jpg (960x1200, 85K)

I was talking mentally.

Or I shitpost.

Bruce Willis - 34 years old

Attached: bruce willis 1989.jpg (1356x2037, 715K)

Clint Eastwood, 32-years-old

Attached: everett-clint-eastwood-1962.jpg (705x900, 81K)

Maggie Gyllenhaal, 57 ans

Attached: maggie-gyllenhaal-back-to-school-tips-1566249263.jpg (480x480, 25K)

This post exemplifies how looking young for your age isn't necessarily a good thing.

This actor Is a anational treasure

jesus christ what a mess


They starred in romantic comedies opposite each other in wildly famous movies for the 90s.

The guy who played Sheldon Cooper is 44 years old and still looks like he crawled out of some dorm room


just think, in 20 years we'll remake this thread only all the actors will have had their entire lives put on the internet, so we will have candid pictures rather than glamor.

Steve McQueen at 28

Attached: the+blob+1958+2.jpg (1600x892, 180K)

You realise this guy will look great at 50 though?
And still looks 20 for now

looks japanese


He looks too childish. Here's someone who has been aging very gracefully, if a bit extravagantly. Nigga's like 50 years old.

Attached: 5ae1e6b8422e4.image.jpg (400x426, 16K)

hes looked 55 his entire life

>in 20 years we'll

in 20 years we'll still be here jerking off to child actors and say IT'S OK CAUSE THEIR LEGAL (I HAVE LINKS TO THEM AS CHILD ACTORS BTW LOL)

dis me age

Attached: Gary Oldman age 39.gif (500x206, 500K)

Technically your heart can fail any age, but I guess it becomes significantly more likely the older you get. The point is, you can die at any moment anyway, so its best not to worry at all.


It’s cute dude. Just think of the opposite, 18 year olds who look 30 with full beards, it’s nasty

Because they were in romantic movies together constantly
Joe vs. The Volcano (failure, but huge cult following)
Sleepless in Seattle (huge success, won all kinds of awars)
You've Got Mail (huge success, won all kinds of awards)

Bruce Willis - 34 years old

Attached: JT.jpg (210x240, 21K)

that is the most kino episode of miami vice

>look great at 50

dude, he doesn't look great now. He looks like some weird little alien with coiffured hair.

this but unironically

Whatever your age is, try not to end up like this faggot.
>still a better actor than 99% of current hollywood tho

Attached: maxresdefault (12).jpg (1280x720, 156K)

sex gifs

high test. 1970s chemicals and lead exposure.

Bruce Campbell - 31 years old

Attached: bruce-campbell-darkman-final-shemp.png (1369x689, 516K)

are you really gonna tell me that's not tom cruise?

This is why I take E. I will remain young forever. Then, I will neck, or get jacked by taking T. It’s genius


50s Japanese rebel bikers emulated western rebel biker culture BIG TIME. That's where that ridiculously large punch perm haircut from the Bōsōzoku came from, along with the zipped-leather jackets.

Here's another film shot of Clint for you. The Pitchwagon, 1962.

Attached: The Pitchwagon 1962.jpg (1333x1000, 110K)

toms charging up his special

Attached: thWFW6VPAM.jpg (474x266, 26K)

what a fucking dreamboat no wonder lois s
nagged him

Depardieu aged arguably just as bad because he's known to eat and drink all the time.

Attached: maxresdefault (13).jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Holy shit. Pennywise is gonna grow up to look like Buscemi.

Toshiro Mifune - 28

Attached: Toshiro Mifune.jpg (690x900, 74K)

The good (and bad) pictures here all prove you should take Finasteride

I'm 36 and still kind of baby faced. I still get carded all the time, and most people think at best i'm 25. I've traveled half way around the world and worked a lot of jobs and had a lot of crazy experiences but people are likely to believe you are naive, or unprofessional, or an easy mark/rube. You have to prove yourself more because people are less likely to take you seriously or trust you with leadership/responsibility if you look like a kid. There really a weird bias. I am only just now starting to show some small signs of aging, and I'm worried that it's just going to end up like some weird uncanny valley thing where I'm obviously old but still have young features. Luckily as I got into my thirties my facial hair filled out more and that helps a little, a bit of scruff goes a long way.

Attached: splash_780-1549-520x245.jpg (520x245, 23K)


Asian don't crack.

Attached: 50-year-old-photographer-asian-do-not-age-chuando-tan-10-5975de9eb5676__700.jpg (700x861, 75K)

Brendan Frasier 31-32

Attached: 51e9C2V5UXL.jpg (402x500, 37K)

tfw you're only 18 and you see all these old faggots in their 30s posting here

reminds me of coachella when you see annoying balding millennials try to dance with girls your age even though they clearly don't want them near them

This one hurts

Attached: EEOlfvnT_400x400.jpg (333x333, 9K)

Roger Moore, 32

If you looked like Cary at age 32, user, you looked like Roger Moore, too.

Attached: Simon Templar THE SAINT 1960.jpg (378x480, 28K)

What happened? He is the most puzzling change in appearance I have ever seen desu

this but unironically

I'm 19 and I likely made out with your girl last week faggot

Mickey Rourke was a 10/10, but he got into boxing, alcohol, drugs and plastic surgeries.

Attached: Mickey-Rourke-886714.jpg (590x350, 44K)

Dakota Fanning - 25

Asians literally transform into goblins once they hit 60 years old.

Patrick Swayze 29

Attached: swayze3.jpg (333x500, 37K)

Did you take the wrong drink?

Pierce Brosnan, 32-years-old selling MasterCard

Attached: Pierce Brosnan 1985.jpg (1024x576, 38K)

oh really? well I very much doubt that since my girl is pretty loyal to me but in the offchance that you did, i hope you don't mind that my gf has a beautiful feminine penis

>forgot pic

Attached: 2_Fromme.jpg (1200x630, 62K)

Agreed. Him and Michael Madsen are a very similar case, except the former aged better.

Is that his grandma on the right?

For real? Age?

Yuck. I take that back then.

I'm 18, she's 19.

His hair got thin and he put on some weight which made his face look pudgy. With a full head of hair and if he lost weight he'd still be handsome middle-aged guy.


have sex

TFW you get out of high school and find out that many women are turned on by men older than them and not so much hairless skinny jeans twinks.

Congrats. I’m taking hormones also but I boymode.

>24 years old

Attached: p02n576b.jpg (496x529, 42K)

My delightful waifu was once my age. Hard to believe.

Attached: 24.jpg (1266x2000, 1.35M)

I'm also 32 and have the same hair length and style. Sadly, I don't look that good.

Unironically looks pretty decent for that time period. He should've ditched the stache tho.


a wife who divorced him and drained him of 900k a year

I think you're right

Attached: is it a joke.jpg (204x320, 13K)

I'm 35, I was asked twice for ID in the last year when buying alcohol when I was clean shaven
18 is the legal age here
I don't look effeminate the least

She literally looks like fat Funny Valentine now.

Get the fuck outta here, Chad

>same hair length and style
Kickass, user. I've got the same cowlick and wavy style, too. I'm blond, though.

kinoest of choices

Nah, I think the phenomenon is simpler here. When you look at the photo of a 60 year old and he's around 30, you partly associate that old photo with the 60 year old and you get some kind of in-between delusion about it, like they're 40 or more.
If you knew absolutely nothing about those faces you'd fine them younger if you only saw the old pics.

I thought you were just being some faggot to call yourself his son, but holy shit

Attached: 1522625728998.png (600x718, 913K)

You're right, but lifestyles, makeup, clothing and a bunch of other shit all come into play as well.

Michael J. Fox, 32-years-old

Attached: For the Love of Money 1993.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Yes, I'd also like to add that they pulled faces differently back then.
e.g. if your 60 year old uncle pulls a face now and you see that face on a photo of a 20 year old you may get the delusion they are 40.

>Brad Pitt plays the random stoner side character to Christian Slater's main character
>Christian Slater plays the nothing journalist side character to Brad Pitt's leading man vampire character.

Mickey Rourke - 30
This man is a kino machine that never gets any recognition on this trash site

Attached: diner_1983.jpg (601x601, 38K)

Look at Sean Connery here

Attached: Bond.-James-Bond.-Sean-Connery-is-introduced-in-Dr.-No.jpg (1680x966, 263K)

On the contrary, he's easily in my top 5.

Tifa, 31-years-old

Attached: Career Opportunities.webm (720x720, 2.66M)

brutal career mog

Jennifer Connelly, 32

Nice work user. A true 10/10

Attached: Career Opportunities.jpg (630x1200, 196K)

Who are you telling this to? Everyone knows this

>he thinks it gets better

Dont need to look good at 60 tho.

looks like Leo DiCaprio

don't move the goalposts, user

This is Mel at 23, too. People thought he had a baby face when the first one came out.

Attached: mad_max_mel_gibson.jpg (1200x680, 86K)

he kinda does though

We are very alike but i can control myself and nobody listens on my mobile :D

Attached: Alec-Baldwin.jpg (618x412, 74K)

Imagine being like this giant faggot

No i am an asshole with kind side :D

Yeah that's true. I think he's as baby faced as an action star should be allowed to be. But compare him to a lot of young "action stars" that are popular now like the two recent Spider-man actors and he comes off as much more masculine.

One old-school guy who aged better than most:
Terence Hill was over 50 years old in this movie.

Attached: terence hill.png (500x704, 544K)


Attached: 56oopimyxhc21.jpg (720x478, 54K)

It worked out for him pretty nicely though

the girls i like like the hairless twink boys, because i like girls below 15.

No one on this planet has aged better than Keanu. He's also a ciggerette smoker so imagine if he didn't smoke

sir ian mckellen - 75

Attached: 800px-Ian_McKellen_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (800x994, 184K)

Can you please delete that from your computer you fuck

Ethan Hawke at 25

Attached: shutterstock_5877972c.jpg (2870x1920, 497K)

lmao no way, he looks like he could be my dad

Getting more of a Swayze vibe from that pic desu.

You only see millenial losers at coachella because only losers go to coachella in the first place