Tfw knights don't have quality kino like cowboys and samurai

>tfw knights don't have quality kino like cowboys and samurai

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Other urls found in this thread:

does this count. i thought it was pretty funny.

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why has there been no good donkey hoty kino

No. But it's a great movie.
Cowboys don't have much kino either. Most westerns are actually trash and you only remember the very miniscule amount that were good.
The story lends itself better to a book or a thought experiment/discussion. The visuals outside of the main characters themselves add very little to the story and being able to actually see Dulcinea would defeat the purpose.

There was an era where Robin Hood and Ivanhoe movies were really big. Along with other swashbucklers of the 50s you'd have your best chance of finding good knight movies there.

Are you looking for knight errant adventure stories specifically or medieval period films?

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>Most westerns are trash

>Never has watched a single Western film or show.

It was the anime of it's time.


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These movies are anti-Knight

Here's your knight kino

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Most anime is trash though

Excalibur? Havent seen it in years but i remember it being kino

Yeah that movie is pretty shit.


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Garbage movie

There should be knight kino. I know there’s Excalibur, but give us like a really good Prince Valiant-style film with action. Something like LOTR on a smaller scale.


kinography tbqh

Knightfall s2 was good. Not great but serviceable.

A big-budget epic about the crusades has so much potential. Shame political BS will probably stop one from ever being made.

>Cowboys don't have much kino either
Based retard

Yes, amerimutt.

The tick is basically Don Quixote with superheros

here is the full list of cowboy kino
>The Searchers
>Once Upon Time in the West
>For a Few Dollars More
thats it

Uhh Lord of the Rings...????

absolute kino cinematography
lame script

>Cowboys don't have much kino either. Most westerns are actually trash and you only remember the very miniscule amount that were good.
That is the sharpest pleb opinion my eyes have ever read


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Everything about this post sucks. Gustave Dores illustrations of don Quixote have become canonical in their own right. To say that don quixote doesn't lend itself to visuals is absurd and can be spoken against by basic matters of history. When we imagine Don Quixote, we imagine Dore's renditions of him.

What's wrong with Kingdom of Heaven? You're not a fat atheist, are you?

nice poster

Why would atheists dislike anti-Christian propaganda?

Alexander Nevsky


a movie where christians kill muslims for the jews would be too much on the nose

Jews were targeted too though

Crusaders hated Jews
Nevsky is a pretty good movie. I’d recommend this, though it’s knights are a bit more exotic.

Bad acting, bad story, bad characters, terrible CGI and green screens, anti-Christian bias. Fat atheists are the ones who love it

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Neck yourself incel


>when you come back from the Crusades and all your friends are dead

>Cowboys don't have much kino either.
I'd say there are more than 100 great westerns

Didn't Gilliam just make one?


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Out of the way faggots, real Knight kino coming through

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watch Perceval le Gallois (1978)

Season of the Witch is the closest we have atm.

Based Rutger RIP

>Talk is for Lovers

Was halloween 3 really about knights and crusades

HEROIC KNIGHT kino is so rare it hurts

Crusaders are niggers of Middle Ages.


yet more anti-knight


Sire de Coucy biopic when? It even comes with a good title, just pare it down to de Coucy's story.

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It’s knight vs knight, but more like Druzhina vs Teutonic brother

It's a bit suspicious how rare are heroic knights in vidya, especially compared to other media like books or vidya.

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Lancelot du Lac (1974)
Thanks me later

>It's a bit suspicious how rare are heroic knights in vidya
>especially compared to other media like vidya


... Kingdom of Heaven?

Yeah druzhina weren't knights

I’m not calling you out but I’ve never watched a single western, where would be a good place to get a list of the ones worth watching? If you say there’s at least a hundred that are worth watching I’m not sure where to start. Hondo?


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Not really all that suspicious considering Knights irl were usually the unreasonable aggressors, and were more often than not humiliated and blown the fuck out by superior foreign warriors like Baltic pagans, Mamelukes, Turkic peoples, Mongols, or even non-catholic European nations who did not follow knightly culture

On top of my head:
>King Arthur games (lots of them)
>Ultima Series from IV up to VII, some of the games even vowed being a good knight in the mechanic
>Kingom Come Deliverance
>Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight
>Dark Souls (sorta ruined by MC being undead, but not really)
>Final Fantasy Tactics (a bit anti-knight though)
>All the RPGs where Paladins can be party members: Baldur's Gate 1&2, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Dragon Age)
>Gothic 2 (if you follow City Guard questline)
>Oblivion: Knights of the Nine - entire DLC about being a classic heroic knight

Have a kino

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Not that guy but you can start with the Dollar Trilogy since even people who dislike westerns in general tend to like these.

To be fair the entire realm of fantasy worlds are built off the stories of knights. Every MMO essentially lets you play a knight character or their idealized state, the paladin. I’d argue that the elder scrolls stuff is also designed for you to play as knight like character as the default and then the other classes are further adaptations from old literature. Divinity 2, For Honor, Fable franchise all spring to mind. It may not be the standard knights tale thing but I think many games are built off of the arechtype.

It's not like Samurai, Cowboys and Martial Artists were benevolent gods of war in actual history.

You have to go back.

Yes, but you'd think that it would be reflected in other mediums. Even fantasy movies tend to avoid having knights as protagonists.


Best place to start is Stagecoach since it was basically the zenith of everything that the traditional western had built up to at that point. After that it doesn't really matter.

Best classical western directors are John Ford, Howard Hawks, Budd Boetticher, Anthony Mann, Jacques Tourneur, John Sturges, Nicholas Ray, Robert Aldrich and William Wellman, although there are many many more great one-shots from directors who merely dabbled in the genre.

For revisionist westerns there's Monte Hellman, Arthur Penn, Robert Altman and Clint Eastwood.

Not a fan of spaghetti westerns but some of the more renowned filmmakers in the subgenre are Sergio Leone, Sergio Corbucci and Sergio Sollima.

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Remember when a darkie in armor was considered a joke?

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Knights were always a British thing, yet England never made movies. It's their fault.

America made cowboy movies
Japan made samurait movies
England made


Nah, but Samurai and Cowboys have had had the advantage of having been romanticized heavily. When people think of Knights, they might think of how the heroic English peasant longbow men defeated them at Agincourt, even if they were the actual aggressor military force. How how the peasant Flemish militia heroically Defeated knights at Golden Spurs.

Samurai were complete chimps too, but Japan praises them to this day, even though they were absolutely disliked in their own time by the non-samurai classes. Just a different cultural mindset I guess.

>Knights were always a British thing
No nigga. They were predominantly a French thing.

Did you think for even a second about how this might not actually support your argument?
By all means, show me a full list of Westerns and then tell me the number of good ones. At a guess I'd put the number of good Westerns at significantly less than 1%
Dores' plates are almost exclusively of Don Quixote himself. I already mentioned that the main characters are appealing visually.

The majority of the novel is the two men travelling the countryside with long stretches of nothing happening and minimal dialogue. When they do encounter other characters the narrator spends a significant amount of text explaining how Don Quixote interprets the setting. In many instances (Camacho and whats-her-face for example) we also have 'tricks' from characters explicitly explained to the audience by the narrator because there is no clean opportunity for exposition in-world and the intent of the scene is ruined if the reader does not already know about the deceptions. None of this makes for good visual storytelling.

>Nah, but Samurai and Cowboys have had had the advantage of having been romanticized heavily
The whole idea of something being "romanticized" comes from chivalry romances which made knights to be more heroic. There is no group in existence more romanticized.
>When people think of Knights, they might think of how the heroic English peasant longbow men defeated them at Agincourt, even if they were the actual aggressor military force. How how the peasant Flemish militia heroically Defeated knights at Golden Spurs.
Then people think of knights they either think about fantasy games or King Arthur.


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Very much appreciate the recommendations for starting points. I’ll do some searching on IMDb to see what leaps out.

Pretty sure they were a German thing

>By all means, show me a full list of Westerns and then tell me the number of good ones. At a guess I'd put the number of good Westerns at significantly less than 1%
Your argument is completely backwards. "Having much kino" means having many quality movies to watch. It doesn't matter how many bad ones are there. If there are 10,000 coboy movies with only 100 being kino it's still better than having a genre in which there are 100 movies, out of which 10 are great.

I love Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

Highly recommended. Cast is great too.

>Kevin Costner
>Morgan Freeman
>Christian Slater
>Alan Rickman
>Michael Wincott
>Sean Connery

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>literally the closest to 1:1 depiction of what the holy-wars were
>waaahh they aren't like that

Fuck off /pol/cel.

I heavily disagree with your assertion that those defeats come to mind when thinking of knights. Maybe it’s the case for those who are well versed in history but it certainly isn’t a representation of general public perception. Medieval Times is pretty based in that regard, taking my niece and nephew there and seeing the kids reactions to the show/stuff on display was comfy and heartwarming.

This thread reminded me of this King Arthur cartoon I used to watch as a kid, at the time I was really into it. Totally forgot about it. It’s knights with suped up armor and weapons who hang out with Merlin and fight Mad Maxish looking evil knight villains or whatever they would be called. Anyone else ever see this?

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Literal commie brainwash.

Anti-knight movie

>Kingdom of Heaven is historically accurate

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robin hood isn't a commie

Funny enough I also had a favorite knight show as a kid.

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Probably started off as a German thing during the “Dark Age” phase of the Middle Ages. Definitely became a predominantly French thing by the time of the high Middle Ages.

Finally a good fucking post.

Shit version of this

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Nah I think of the Reconquista where mohammedans got BTFO by Chad Iberian knights


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Right. There was that one well rated El Cid movie. Anyone knows if it's any good?

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>mfw sean connery as richard the lionheart

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Why did Braveheart turn William Wallace from a knight of minor knightly birth who led a Scottish feudal Levy incursion against England, into a peasant born highlander leading people in kilts against the evil, arrogant, and cartoonishly poorly skilled knights of England?

French/British are very similar to each other culturally up until the 1400's-ish to the dismay of both countries. Arthurian stories were written in both countries

>Took more than 700 years for Knights to recapture the whole peninsula
>Took Muslims 77 years to conquer the whole damn thing

Because jews mad

Has a lot to do with a Norman class ruling over England at the time, no?

I should specify English rather than British and I'm talking about the aristocracy and priestly classes rather than the common man. You can see the cultural crossover in other spheres too, such as early English cookbooks like the Forme of Cury

>Dores' plates are almost exclusively of Don Quixote himself.
This is complete bullshit, stopped reading there

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Here's your donkey hotty

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Of course

> he doesnt know about the spaghetti westerners

I still have the toy of the red knight's sword


I always liked these as a kid
Ben Hur
First Knight
Robin hood prince of thieves
mel brooks robin hood
And how could I forget Ivanhoe. I have some vague memories of watching some Errol flynn Robin hood stuff, might be worth checking out

>Crusaders hated Jews
Yet they worshipped one.

Fucking Knightfall

How is this show? I was interested in watching it since I have an ancestor who was a Templar knight.

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Good taste.

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I can take photos too faggot. Outside of a handful of images from stories recounted by other characters (which also don't translate well into film) Don Quixote is in almost every image.

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it's a good concept but very poor execution as I recall. Sorry user. Watching order 66 from star wars episode 3 is a better take on the destruction of the templar order, sadly

>moving the goalposts this hard
in != of.

I just want to say thank you to all the anons who posted great recommendations in this thread. Great thread.

>imagine romancing jewish lies

I only see anti-knight recommendations

>Nobody posting Outlaw King

Absolute state of this board

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Nope. Script is great.

Post 5 pro-knight movies

The movie is about kingship, not knighthood

1. ironclad

Scottish propaganda my dad says, refuses to watch it

I can't. The (((film industry))) hates knights.


How is Kingdom of Heaven anti-knight?

If you're still ITT, Once upon a time in the west is really good

>being this bluepilled

Not an answer.

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It's a shit movie, and no, it's not because it's from Netflix but simply because it's a shit retarded movie.
>Chris Pine's whispering and mumbling throughout the movie
>muh strong wife
>the kid from Kickass' performance
>we need that old guy from Braveheart for extra points with the audience
>let's just not ransom the English heir to get what we want
Literally the only memorable scene from this shit movie is the trebuchet shot in the first 5 minutes and then it's all downhill.
If you knew the bare minimum about the Chivalric code or Chivalric literature you wouldn't ask these dumb questions.

>If you knew what I knew or at least pretend to know you would agree with me

>that scene where the knights are laughing while butchering civilians
gee I don't know

wtf are you talking about the 1930s and 50s had tons of medieval movies. Robin Hood, The Black Shield Of Falworth, Ivanoe - Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky is one of the greatest movies ever made and has an incredible soundtrack. When the horns start up at 2:25 you have to be chinese levels of soulless to not have a chill run down your spine.

Capeshitters wish their manchild films had a tenth of the soul these movies have.

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>Robin Hood is a knight

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Honestly, dollar trilogy and spaghetti westerns are the only part of the genre worth watching. Actual American made westerns are cheesy and childish with fat actors like John Wayne or manlets strutting around pretending to be tough.

Anything westerns do samurai films do better. Hara Kiri, Samurai Rebellion, and The Duel at Ichimonji temple blow all cowboys out of the water.

preferably during Basil II's reign

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Based englishman

>You want Knight kino? Watch this movie where knights are the villains that get obliterated

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There's no need to agree with me because it's a self evident fact. You'd know this if you watched the film and knew some basic facts about knighthood.
It's anti knight in the sense it depicts the conflict and the majority of the knights realistically, as mere humans guided by pettiness, personal ambition, etc. instead of the perfect noble men they are supposed to be (Chivalric code of conduct). It also represents some of the Moors as actual human beings instead of worthless infidels (basic Crusade knowledge).
Orlando Bloom's character is the only firm adherent to the code and somewhat represents the Chivalric ideal, but he's a wanted murdered who fled his country and cucks a fellow knight (although an asshole of a knight) with Eva Green.

So I was just calling you out on your ignorance and inability to recognize basic contrasts with other knightly fiction stereotypes.

Not that bashing mutts isn't my favourite hobby on Yea Forums, but pastabros made a shitton of western kinos.
Sergio Leone is no amerimutt, and many productions were half-shot in Europe (usually between Spain and Italy) and the US.

At least troll intelligently user.

He appears in literally ONE (1) scene at the end for about 15 seconds.


>Not that bashing mutts isn't my favourite hobby on Yea Forums
>preferring /int/ shitposting to talking about film on Yea Forums
Non-Americans were a mistake. You have also have awful taste to make matters worse. Spaghetti westerns as a genre are cynical post-modern pastiches of older American westerns. Why they appeal to teenagers and lukewarm iq thirdworlders.

it's seen as "cliche" and "generic" so nobody does it. Yes, there is some irony here.

Nobody posting The Visitors. This is how I know you are pleb.

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Based Coucy poster

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You might want to move that back a few years and start with Nicephorus, aka "The White Death of the Saracens." The man had only one goal: Remove Kebab.

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the entire Macedonian dynasty was based
too bad Basil II was so busy making ERE great again that he didn't leave a heir

El Cid was pretty good

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we watched this in a French class

My friend, the most kino knight story of all is Berserk Season 1 (1997)

So kino that it made me watch an anime.

Doesn't really count but still good

Guts is a mercenary that kills a child.

Im gonna catch a lot of flak for this but

Manga>cgi movies>'97 anime>>>>modern anime

The cgi movies get waaaaay to much hate in my opinion and my main gripe with the 97 anime is the fight scenes are lazy as hell, so many still poses with scrolling backgrounds

Also you cant talk shit about how they handled the eclipse in the final cgi movie, it was incredibly faithful and well done

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This is a kino thread no shitty CGI adaptations are permitted

looks like dracula

Stfu zoomer

Funny thing, the templars was actually bad guys in this one.

How so?

Plate armors were so aesthetic. Too bad guns put them out of fashion. I wish they will make a comeback.

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kino alert

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this movie had some positives but overall wasn't very good tbqhwyf

kingdom come coyboy edition

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and unfortunately that movie is fucking awful

those designs are ass

>What are Cuirassiers

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Eat shit, those fight scenes are garbage. Literally lazy dbz tier shit

Literally zoomer

Can you defend the animation in the '97 series? Do you seriously think that shit is quality?

Look up the 100 man battle in the cgi movie vs the '97 version. The animation and choreography is objectively better in the cgi version, you're just bandwagoning hating it, you cant fucking think for yourself

are there any kinos about this famous siege?

Damn just imagine being this pleb

Im sincerely asking you if you think the choreography and inbetweens are better in the 97 version, please without being steeped in irony or replying "zoomer pleb kys" id like an actual defense here, otherwise i just have to assume you're just joking

This one:

Also, are there any kinos about the fourth crusade?


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1997: Soul
Cgi: Soulless zoomer


Try The Incredible Army of Brancaleone.(((Hollywood))) will never make a good knigh's movie.

Anti-knight movie

Don't watch the anti-knight movies that have been recommended in this thread

Alright thanks chief of Yea Forums shitposting, great conversation, I'll let you get back to typing based over and over


Reminder: anti-knight just means anti-reality.
If you want fantasy then go read/watch fantasy.

Why don’t you go back to spamming “anti-knight”

Why do i even bother trying to have actual discussions here

Go back to redddit. I bet they love the soulless zoomer CGI movies

Sorry I insulted your cherished childhood cartoon but they look garish and have a pseudo-asian mortal kombat look. It's trash made to sell toys.

>he doesn't know what happened in the First Crusade

>Still no kino about Charlemagne's paladins

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Berserk is the most anti-knight you can get.

It wasn’t a cartoon but you already knew that. In terms of Saturday morning shows this was the only one that venerated European cultural elements. Consequently it was one of the few elements of media that inspired kids to go learn real history. Sadly this is beyond your cumbrains comprehension.

I get why Kikewood doesn't want to make knight kino but why don't European film industries?

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I'm talking about the designs, not what it how precious it was to young user. Sadly this is beyond your anime-rotted brain.

That book has some of the most unintentionally hilarious ancedotes peppered in. The bit about the German Priest grinding his teeth because half his congregation would spend mass at the bar across the street; only to rush into the church shitfaced when the bell started ringing because this indicated the Eucharist was being given out was absolutely hilarious.

i laughed quite hard from the description you gave of it lol

>but why don't European film industries?
Christianity hasn't been cool in Europe for a long time, Islam is the new thing now.


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Go back to watching dbz, sounds like you enjoy soulless anime poses with scrolling effects backgrounds as substitutes for actual fight scenes

The problem lies in annoying historians that keep popping and mentioning the missing aspects that almost always are about templars, the pope, and Jews. So instead of going down that road now, it gets shelved until a future date when such people dont seem to exist or cant make big enough waves. Then it gets released and becomes the new truth.

Barbara Tuchman is a great writer and has a good narrative voice in her writing style. She peppers in these little anecdotes of common life here and there to break up the monotony of the chronological story and usually they're fucking hilarious. Its funny how no matter how many centuries or millennia pass, humans remain the same as they ever were. There is a bit about the French King and Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia meeting to squash the Papal Schism. Wenceslaus is a reckless drunk and the French King was perhaps schizophrenic and would go into bouts of raving madness. The courtiers would alert Wenceslaus that the French king was sane for a meeting only for Wenceslaus to show up absolutely shitface drunk. The times that Wenceslaus was sober the French king was screaming at the sky and other deranged shit. Another bit was about an inquisitioner talking to a peasant about evil things and the peasant cuts him off really quick and says "There is three Satans in France, the King, The Pope and The tax man!"

>symbol of virtue and christian morality
>sells farm to buy armor and a sword
>fights to retake the holy land from satanic invaders

>gets a new sword
>commits tsujigiri
>"psh, nothing personnel, peasant"

no wonder anime is so edgy

>European history
>written by (((Tuchman)))



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>Still posting this anti-knight movie

The Directors cut is absolute KINO

The theatrical movie is garbage that doesn't make sense. They cut out basically everyone's motivation in the theatrical cut its pretty absurd.

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The battle of the Pelanor fields is literally based off of this event.

>the Turks are orks


how is it anti knight?

>tfw wayward Lancelot returns for Camlann
Truly he was what is best in men.

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Already been explained

This one's pretty good. Also

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Another anti-knight film

worth watching just to look at prime Helen Mirren

No it wasnt

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damn Griffith LOOKS LIKE THAT???

Wrong, holy shit.

>t. fat atheist

Go suck the emperor's dick, holy shit.

>deus vult

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>t. bandwagon faggot

Not an argument

they will when power armor and energy weapons become a thing.

Will it happen in our lifetime?

So are there any European films about Islamic history or mythology?

Yeah man, King Arthur and the Knights of Justice. They were a 20th c. football team who were pulled to 'medieval times' by Merlin to fight Morgana and her army of evil snake men. Morgana had trapped the real Arthur and knights. I liked it a lot too.


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No. Thats hundreds of years away.

They claim it’s anti-knight because it is not a fantasy/male abstraction of honor and chivalry. Their mythology of knighthood is rooted in the spirit of adhering to a lifestyle of the idealized form of a knight. The reality of knights not being this holy divine force makes them seethe because they think it undermines the concept of being a knight. It’s hard for them to empathize with the true nature of man regardless of what he says is his moral compass. It’s not dissimilar to autists who complain that Batman isn’t allowed to ever use a gun or how Superman would never act in a way that would be detrimental to humankind. To them this portrayal of knighthood is inconistent with how they perceive a knight would act. They’ll claim this is post modernism infecting their idealized noble heritage and that it’s a “deconstruction”.

>io sono judio

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It's an atheist movie made to demonize the crusaders

About as much of an argument as

Better argument than

National Review is the most mainstream and accessible fount of consevative thought you commie sperg.

Except the main character acts a perfect knight in literally every way and the only "bad" knights are literally Gi and The red headed guy, and they are literally the bad guys of the story

Read this historian's review

here's your knight kino

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Watch the directors cut you absolute pleb


It looks like it's knights fighting knights. What's the problem there?

>they have armours so they must be knights

Bluepilled cuck

>fount of consevative thought
Mainstream and accessible trash is still trash

>flat cuirass and plackart
is it so hard to make them globular?

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>kike mocking European history so funny

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You can't separate the poetic power of knighthood from heavy Christianity, which gives Hollywood a really hard time. They've tried a few different spins, but it usually falls flat. Guy in armour fighting other people could be kind of interesting, I guess. Guy in armour fighting other people, and the temptation of the devil is kino. Throw in him managing his lands, and you have gold.

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he gets knighted at one point though

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as long as it shows the crusaders being the barbaric brutes they were, looting and raping their way across the Eastern Roman Empire to reach the Holy Land and then being butthurt when the Emperor decides to deny them passage through their lands.

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Oh so you're faggot.
Oh so you're an autist.

This thread is awful and you're all awful.

The director's cut doesn't fix all the historical inaccuracies

> I have an ancestor who was a Templar knight.

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Are you retarded? The Templars were forbidden from having children

Oh so you're not an argument

Based Amerimutt

That actually happened though
Multiple times

English culture never forgave knights for having the courage and virtue to side with the House of Stuart during the English Civil War, so I'm not surprised anti-knight sentiment carried over to America.

>If you knew the bare minimum about the Chivalric code or Chivalric literature you wouldn't ask these dumb questions.
This is just a cringe as someone that talks about grorious nippon and bushido.

Damn I can't believe they didn't follow the Geneva Conventions


While I don't believe user's claim has any legitimacy, the vow of celibacy only applies after joining the monastic order. A Templar could have children before joining.

Not an argument

is this guy baiting or falseflagging?
hard to tell

How do you argue against a nonargument?
Nevsky features knights losing and knights winning. Try watching the film, it’s pretty good and is certainly kino.

But Bushido and Chivalry were both real, brainlet. Did you read some pop history article that said they weren't and that Game of Thrones is a documentary and all Knights/Samurai/feudal lords were needlessly violent bloodthirsty nutcases who slaughtered the peasants they depended upon for their livelihood for fun? Lmaoing at your life

Strongly disagree. I liked the characters more because they had real human motivations. Even the “bad guys” were at some point virtuous but became jaded along the way. Just admit that you are a turbosperg who can’t empathize with parts of the human experience you can’t neatly put into categorical boxes.

>this straw man I just made up isn’t true so reality was actually the complete opposite

*stomp stomp clap*

Based chin poster btfoing larpers

>Ducking out on what I am sure was a fascinating session called “Focus on Fluids: Analyzing Urine in the Middle Ages,” I corralled a few of my graduate students and headed to the local cineplex to catch the matinee. The theater was largely empty–a bad omen, given the number of geeky medievalists in town.

LOL. Already off to a great start.

What the fuck is this autism
Have you ever read berserk?

Your dads a moron and your mums boyfriends Scottish

It's literally a propaganda movie made by soviet atheists to demonize Christian German warriors

You are correct for the most part. The general pacing and story of the 97 anime was better than the movies to me, but the fight scenes were generally bad. The animation (or lack thereof) made them boring but there are exceptions.
But the rest was fantastic. The anime captured some of the scenes from the manga way better than the movies did to me. The action is one of the least important things in berserk for me, it’s just guts throwing his sword around for the billionth time, and all memberable fights are due to the story surrounding it, so I don’t consider the lazy animation there to be a deal breaker.
You’re right about the eclipse too though. The fact that the anime left on a cliffhanger was weird. Obviously they couldn’t just throw skull knight in randomly, but they could have had him in earlier. The scene in the movie was epic, exactly what I would want from the skull knight scene in the manga.

It's a propaganda movie made by an atheist who hates Christianity

>This guy disagreed with me? Obviously that means he took the polar opposite stance as me and this strawman should shut him down.
No, user. If you want a chartible discussion on it, sure, but I'm not going to play into your fantasies otherwise.

You’re a butthurt kraut that is seething at decades old soviet propaganda. Do you not understand how stupid you sound?

It’s not even Christian v atheist at all, the Russian knights are clearly portrayed as Christians fighting for their faith too. Go ahead and dismiss a movie without watching it, I’m not the one missing out on the kino choreography.

Y-you're not actually religious are you?

>The film also conveys highly anti-clerical and anti-Catholic messages.[4] The knights' bishop's miter is adorned with swastikas, while religion plays a minor role on the Russian side


Catholic = Christian now? Are you shitting me?

There was a deliberate attempt made by Eisenstein to tone down Christian imagery on the Russian side while employing all negative Catholic stereotypes when portraying the Crusaders. The film was very much Soviet anti-Nazi propaganda (which is why it was banned during the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact period).

>Why yes I do recommend you to watch anti-Christian Soviet atheist propaganda films. How could you tell?

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How are they not essentially the same thing?

You summed it up pretty well.
This retard on the other hand is sperging out over it.

Anti catholic is genrally anti pope not anti christian

How many catholic people do you think lived in Russia?

>this thread

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>and knights winning

Lol don't tell me you think the Russian soldiers are knights

Because most big movies are made in the US. Cowboys are a part of American culture, knights aren't (plus Westerns) are easier to film. Samurai have a similar place in the Japanese industry.

Besides, most people don't really care for or understand actual medieval chivalric romance. Sure, young adult men may think dudes in plate armor look badass, but there isn't an intuitive cultural understanding of the genre in the way there is with Westerns. How many people in this thread do you think have read de Troyes? I'd wager not many

There were Boyars fighting which had their own code of chivalry. Don’t tell me this suddenly doesn’t count because they have to be Catholic and wear specific armor.

>knights are a religious institution
All you needed was a horse, it's just a title granted by monarchy not exclusively by clerics

knights using their HARD COCKS as weapons!

>All you needed was a horse
And a sword...

>O Fortuna intensifies

Based historically illiterate retard. No wonder you thought Nevsky was knight kino

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Great argument there. Unfortunate you will be missing out on a genuinely good movie, but it’s not my loss.

Unforgiven is the only one you need to watch. Killed the entire genre because nothing will ever be as good and retroactively made everything before it look like shit.

Samurai films are Knight kino too by this logic

>A knight is a man granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch, bishop or other political or religious leader for service to the monarch or a Christian church, especially in a military capacity.
No they aren’t.

druzhina/boyars aren't considered knights by Wikipedia just so you know

Thanks for letting me know, not sure how that’s relevant.

this is the only one i can think of that is actually a quality film

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>Tries to win argument with wikipedia copypaste
>Same wikipedia disagrees with your claim that Boyars were knights
