Why did critics hate it?

Why did critics hate it?

It couldn't be just because Tarantula uses 'nigger' a lot, right?

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its boring
i watched first 2 hours in 1.25 and still almost fell asleep

It has the worst "mystery" in film history. It wastes Morricone's excellent music. And there's a flashback scene that takes like 10 minutes which is obviously inspired by Leone where the killers are waiting to ambush people. The thing is that Leone would never make a scene like that in a flashback because there is literally no tension. The scene is just what Tarantino has seen in other films and it's completely retarded.

too kino

>its boring
It really is. It's a 90 minute story inexplicably stretched out to two and a half hours because Tarantino loves the sound of his own words and even his own fucking voice.

i like it but its both slow and dry, like 90% of the film is dialogue and a bunch of it is stuff that isn't even driving the story. and the flashback scene was really awkwardly put in, it doesn't work well at all.

20 minutes almost

Maybe add the flashback before tatum is showed down there. Would it add something at least?

People with short attention spans dont like it

Just cut out the pointless narration where tarantula explains the scene

I suppose it's quite self-indulgent, even by Tarantino standards, and there are moments that could definitely be trimmed that Tarantino chooses to keep in just for the whole 70mm thing. The thing is, the vast majority of people aren't gonna get to watch it like that, and so those scenes feel needless. One of the ones that really stuck out to me is that whole portion where Oswaldo Mobray describes the concept of justice for what feels like 3 minutes straight to Domergue whilst John Ruth stands there like it's a kindergarten play (in a way I was begging Ruth would speak even more than he did, just because I liked Kurt Russell that much in the movie).

For the most part, there were some dialogue exchanges I really liked in the movie; I was actually quite fond of the whole coach-ride scene and I found Walton Goggins to be really dynamic, there. I also quite liked his relationship with the Confederate general and it feels appropriate that he ends up sort of being the hero of the piece. Personally, I like a lot more in the movie than I hate (I've seen it twice, so I couldn't say I hate it), but I fully comprehend why people dislike it, it essentially feels like a slightly prettier, less substantive, less "gripping" version of Reservoir Dogs. Reservoir Dogs feels much more tense, the characters all act fucking afraid and on-edge and each time a new character walks into the scene, more and more is revealed about why the job fell through.

Incidentally, the whole fucking scene where they actually take over Minnie's Haberdashery? Completely, totally pointless. 25 straight minutes of nothing. It's probably why the Mexican and Michael Madsen's characters feel so underdeveloped, you had a whole half hour to spend on them that they were never given (whereas, with the exception of Mr Blue, who Tarantino kindly removed from the movie completely so you never *had* to get to know him, every character is pretty compelling in Reservoir Dogs).

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I like The Hateful Eight.

With the exception of Death Proof and Once Upon a Time (which I think is quite good), Tarantino's movies get worse in order of release.

plebs ITT the "boring" part is literally the best part of the movie. As soon as it turns into a shitty tarantino grind flick it becomes trash.

Both the schlock parts and the poor man's Leone parts are garbage

This. They also complained Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was “too long” and “too boring”. Turns out when they say they like Tarantino they mean they liked watching some action scenes from Kill Bill on Spike TV

Because it sucked

I like both parts, personally (though I like the grindhouse bits a lot less, even if they lead to some satisfying dialogue and character interactions).

This. Fucking hated this movie. Fuck. I'm mad. Still mad.

You are either too young or too old. Anyway, kill yourself.

The movie I imagined from Trailer 1 and 2 was way more interesting. The trailers made it seem like an Agatha Christie style Western murder mystery. I thought that would've been amazing. Trying to figure out which on of these unassuming people was willing and capable to start killing everyone off for a reward or some other motive. Then I saw the movie and the mystery is so fucking uninteresting.

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bad take, chief

The age range for a Tarantino movie is 13-19, so if he's too young for Hateful Eight then he must almost be a toddler

Just felt like a rehash of all his old work and unnecessary.

Basically was like the new Tool album

I think the 70mm garbage harmed this. made it all grandiose and "outdoors" when it should have been small and claustrophobic