Almost the same plot as the original, except one side is cartoonishly evil

>Almost the same plot as the original, except one side is cartoonishly evil
>After the meticulous and brilliant setup to explain WWI, this time they explain the war by saying that Stalin allied with Germany after Hitler said he wants to wipe out Slavs and communists
>Need to quickly establish how evil the Nazis are? They pointlessly kill minorities and dress in black leather with skull emblems
>Germany conquers France in literally one scene
>Inexplicable Finnish-Soviet war subplot that goes nowhere
>No clue how to let the heroes win after the initial success of the villains, so Japan and Germany declare war on the USA for almost no reason
>Hirohito gets no development compared to FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini
>Climax of the movie is literally Americans winning the day with giant explosions while patriotically raising the flag over an island
Why were the writers of WWII such hacks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

WW-2 was the sequel that no one really wanted. WW-3 is still in development hell because the canon got broken with the nuclear bomb element thrown in at the last second of WW-2.

So instead we got a big filler arc called the Cold War and that ended in a disappointing season finale. There were kino seasons though of the Vietnam War and the Space Race subplot.

However like Sheev and the Joker, Hitler's exceptional presence as a villain glosses over the technical issues in the script. Although absurdly in the ease of which it is done, there is something beautiful about watching our villain triumphantly enter Paris and undue Versailles. We all knew Versailles was a sequel hook that had to be eventually dismantled to establish a credible villain, but it is truly admirable that the writers so quickly moved past a plot point that so many others would devote the entire story to. While the camps are debatable in how realistically feasible they would be in real life, they undeniably provided an incredible back drop for a human drama perhaps even more riveting than the trench stories we came to know. The writers should be applauded for abandoning the trench setting, which dreadfully slowed down the plot of the first film, but keeping the powerful bleakness found in the trenches through the death camps. My biggest criticism is how we are supposed to just accept two members of the entente suddenly joining Germany this time with little build up. Then one has to wonder why force Italy to switch sides if only to reduce them to a comic relief character?

did you learn history from coomies. because soviets were going to fight germany aventualy. do you think that either stalin or hitler think that two powers with the goal of taking over the world was going to coexist

This shit isn't funny

>protagonist is called "joe steel"
Fucking really?

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The Cold War tv show was fundamentally flawed because it was rooted in the premise that it was always building up to the third movie. It seems the studio ran out of money and collapsed just as the USSR did, delaying the third installment for the foreseeable future. Honestly, their efforts to find a satisfying villain have all fallen flat. They thought a more edgy and active endless war on terror would be what the kids wanted, but really it has just become embarrassing. 911 was an incredible plot twist when it first happened, but they have milked that for all its worth and more.

>America throws two bombs at Japan
>We wirr neva surrenda! Turns into AAAAH SAVE ME AMATERASU!
What a cop out. All the build up to the invasion of Japan and it goes nowhere.

Hirohito was manipulated by the military from the invasion of Manchuria in 1931 till the surrender of Japan. He's literally one of the few people in history who can be said that literally did NOTHING.

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>Okay so we just make a Roosevelt president again, the first one was popular.
>What do we call him
>Fuck Idunnow
>Franklin Delano of course
Fucking hacks

10 Reasons Why Hitler Did Nothing Wrong
>(And that's a good thing. Here's why...)

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>storytelling is totally comparable to the chaos and pointlessness of real life, you can't criticize a shitty story cause people do stupid things irl too

>Establishing scene of a shitty public access set with a wooden hut on top of it
>We're made to believe that the antagonists killed millions of people there.
Maybe do some establishing shots of corpses or something, but we get nothing whatsoever.

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I'm getting really tired of the whole Russia vs America arc they dig out whenever they need a filler arc, it's been done to death

Yeah, the Rwandan Genocide arc was a bit weird, do they really except me to believe over a million people died to machetes?

>it all happened off-screen because wanna keep it PG13

>Film a scene where the Central African Republic has guys in Santa suits gun down political opponents while plays
When are we going to get the absurdist African spin off we deserve?

How could dubs be wasted on such a joyless faggot?

> Italians reduced to comic relief

Did the director get fucking robbed in Naples or something?

>The Holocaust subplot is full of holes.
Lazy writers were phoning it in by the end.

Japan didn't declare war on the US for no reason. They needed Hawaii and the European colonies to complete their empire ("Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere")

It's like the writers didn't even fucking care

Have you seen Hula girls? Who doesn't want Hawaii ad part of their empire?

The "Holocaust" sub plot was full of plot holes

That Churchill speech was pure fucking Oscar bait but damn if it wasn't fun to watch

>Low budget spinoff
>villain name is Osama

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Hideki Tojo is the one really responsible for WWII. Hirohito is not innocent but it was Tojo who took charge of the army and planned the invasions.

>brainlet didn't understand the subtle implication that they were both CIA creations
Stick to Marvel films, buddy.

They also needed the oil and resources for the war effort.

Fucking crime that Russia was such an important character in this one, but they didn't explain that sudden and unexplained character shift from towards the end of the first movie.

It's better fleshed out in the Interwar mini series

The Pacific episodes were kino in it's highest form.

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The art design on the original was fantastic.

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>Literally dozens of dead stuntmen
And people say the helicopter crash during the production of The Twilight Zone was irresponsible

I forget who said it but the quote was "Prussia is a military with a state built around it."

It's "army with a state" ackshually

its brilliant
im screencapping the best posts
will post later on itt

What was the point of this character? He had some of the most unique dialouge but he just kind of stays out of the plot.

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Comic relief

>watching past the Vietnam War season
Fucking why

Is ww2 diversity done right?

>He missed the Afghankino

the dumbest part is they could easily just adopt a china vs america theme but the suits don't want to alienate the chinese markets

>main villain named Hitler
>his right hand henchman named Himmler
who wrote this shit?

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same for french vietnam war and the dumb american sequel

Eh I can understand why they went that direction because otherwise they would just be rehashing the kino D-Day episode except LOL EVEN BIGGER, and then you end up with another The Force Awakens.

I didn't burn down your house and steal your car for no reason user. Your house happened to be in my neighborhood prosperity zone and needed to be removed.
I needed user's car to acquire more supplies to burn down more houses in my prosperity sphere.

These are of course good justifications for all my actions, and I am absolutely not creating a state of conflict based on my own insane whims.

>>Climax of the movie is literally Americans winning the day with giant explosions while patriotically raising the flag over an island
>Things Americans believe

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At least the subplot about the CIA agent trying to make South Vietnam a functional state while fighting the French secret service was kino

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>The HBO Series vs The Netflix Original

What will the next plotline be?

They needed to get to the jew controlled capitalist nightmare arc and were just going through the motions to make it happen

And now they got there they have no idea where to go with it, feels like the wheels have been spinning in place since the Berlin Wall-Baywatch crossover episode

I didn't say I thought it was good but it was their stated intention for that region of the world. It was stupid of them to underestimate the US, who they thought wouldn't fight back and would just give up on Hawaii.

>Berlin Wall-Baywatch crossover episode

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You fags have been hyping this shit up for literally decades. "NEXT SEASON FOR SURE BRO IT'S HAPPENING". They're never going to have the space season bro. It hasn't even been mentioned since the early Cold War arc, it's a forgotten plotline.

Oh no they thought they would fight back, they had the big dumb battleship fight plan that their entire war effort against America centered around, they didn't just build the Yamato and Mushashi for fun

The Russo-Japanese War prequel was entertaining but felt a bit unnecessary. Plotlines were never really picked up again and it felt more like an afterthought to the overall story. 4/10

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It had a pseudo sequel in the direct to DVD Russian Civil War: Eastern Theater arc, but that had a really contrived ending

the Mujahideen going from the protagonists to the antagonists in only a few seasons was a bit silly, it was a complete 180. It's like the writers ran out of bad guys and decided to show outlandish 911 event which felt completely out of place

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That's a really shallow reading of the themes, the mujaheddin civil war was absolute kino until 9/11 ruined it

Someone make a movie about the people jumping off the twin tower, honestly.

>homophobic character is gay hinself

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I agree, we need a remake.

Producers putting their own biases into media baka.
>if you hate gays...

>Hitler was gay
>Hitler was asexual
>Hitler was a tranny
>Hitler was bisexual
I wish Rowling would just make her fucking mind up

The Japanese did not even have a fucking clue what they were doing. Their military structure was like if we played the army navy football game everyday and the losing team got executed and the department had their budget cut in half. The army thinks China is a total joke, so they waste tons of time not really fighting the war but also fighting it. They at least know they in general want a sphere of territory, and that they get all the glory while fighting the land battle. Unsurprisingly they do not have the resources to fight a non decisive lare scale war forever, and now the Yanks have decided the oil that is needed to keep the half arse war that still manages to feature shocking war crimes is no longer available to Japan. So the Japanese navy looking to be the problem solver and establish their glory start a whole other massive naval conflict for short term gains. They knew America would not take it lying down, but why would America suddenly fight tooth and nail when we haven’t and are better than them? Also Japan had completely lost control of its army and it was doing whatever it wanted so why shouldn’t the navy do the same? It has sort of worked , Chinese industry is mostly in Japan’s official control. Either way surely the Japanese will crush the American navy keeping them from fighting even if they wanted to, barring that we will destroy their big boats, barring that invading islands is hard and we don’t surrender, and finally we are divinely protected but that includes Japs killing themselves. So Imperial Japan was essentially a poorly run company with two competing businesses trying to spend out the budget and look good.

It's actually an interesting commentary. Hitler was already the most vilified character in the story, and he still gets brought up long after his arc in order to demonize other people. The other characters consider him the purest evil, but they still feel they have to demonize him further. It doesn't even make logical sense, they just project every 'evil' possibility onto him as it comes to their mind. The writing is very nuanced.

Reminder that Hitler was canonically vegetarian

>So the Japanese navy looking to be the problem solver and establish their glory start a whole other massive naval conflict for short term gains
What's interesting is their planning division came back and said it was going to be a total shit show by 1943 bar a miracle, and the madmen STILL went ahead with it

>Laughs in aircraft carrier
How many times has America stumbled onto something great, or realized something great’s potential, by dumb luck?

They really need to get a grip on the expanded universe and supplementary materials, it is just a mess right now. You know they don’t even sell official merch in some countries?

>comically evil
I mean, that describes g*rmans perfectly.
You know, niggers of the europe, warmongers, destroyers of white race, dindunuffins, filth and cockroaches.

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It's only because of Pearl Harbor that the USN was forced to use carriers and accidentally discover they are in fact superior to battleships

>Wildly disregarding all practical advice and logistics to launch a war that will be “won” by your nation just being that much better
I think the Japanese got confused about which country they were and believed they were the US.
Alternatively America borrowed even more cultural things from Japan, including setting up absurd puppet states wherever you go.

>except one side is cartoonishly evil
Stopped reading there.

>trying to make South Vietnam a functional state
fucking normie, how could you missed the subtle hints of CIA taking over Indochina heroin production? How else they could fond their cold war spy toys and regime change operation? I guest you thought Ned Stark is main character of Game of thrones too

The fucking fan club of this movie is insane

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Yeah that’s what I was saying. By dumb lock that novelty the navy had been playing with survived, and then also happened to be superior.
Sometimes Deus Ex Machina works in storytelling

Spoken like a true kike.

>>Berlin Wall-Baywatch crossover episode
pleb spoted

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Always thought this was really weird desu

>s-spoken like a true kike! HAHA GOTEM
Why do amerilards praise nazis so much?
Hitler would hang you by the balls mutt, that is, if you have any tranny

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Do you sincerely think a Jewish person would describe Germans as the niggers of Europe? To them the Goy are either just good or bad, so every non chosen nation is essentially the niggers of the world to them.

Love how people say the Holocaust OVA isn’t canon

Those were the days is one of my favorite songs. They didn’t even play the Mary Hopkin version, they played the instrumental like marching band version, basically just the Russian original. What a comedic image.


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>the 2016 cold War reboot
The 2016 reboot sucked ass. The guy who plays the president sounds extremely robotic when he speaks and the back story of his enemy wanting to declare war on Russia, Iran, Syria, etc. Is tiresome to say the least. And to really hammer home the fact that she was evil, the writers made her a child-eating whore. Lazy writing, honestly.

Why do Europeans obsess over cowboys or even rednecks? Things are much more entertaining when you have very little personal connection to them. Nazis aren’t the party that took a nearby country on the war path possibly threatening your nation’s existence, they are those strange kinda funny evil Germans with good aesthetics.

Actually no, britbongs are even bigger niggers than g*rmans.
Good thing both nations are being replaced by Mohammad.
My people can't die

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LOL You learned this from 4channel?

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Its clear they thought the actor who played Barack was much more invested than he actually was in the project. Honestly some actors get their big break and quickly grow tired of it. It was very frustrating of the writers to try to bring back the old characters from both the 90s and 2000s at the same time, but I think they handled bringing a celebrity guest on full time relatively well.

JJ Rowling’s involvement with the series is non-canon

Did I learn that Americans have treated Nazis as a prop for storytelling and countless other side projects from Yea Forums? No. I learned it from living in America


>Hirohito gets no development compared to FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini
Yeah this was institutionalized racism. #OscarsSoWhite

>ignoring the perfidious Austrian
Yeah its just a coincidence that they started the first world war, and then shortly after an Austrian takes charge of Germany just in time to start the second.

>Hirohito gets no development compared to FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini
That's because the actor was more concerned with golf and marijne biology than playing his fucking part


Austria's project since 1866 has been to destroy Prussia, they succeeded in 1945

Hey man at least the actor didn’t burn out so fast like all the others

>That's because the actor was more concerned with golf
In the Cold War spinoff-series (the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars), they introduced a new character a few seasons ago, Donald Trump, and all he does is play golf but they still made him an interesting (albeit unrealistic) character

Playing golf is part of his arc though, Hirohito never got the personal arc and instead had play an autistic that literally isn't allowed to speak to anyone outside the privy council, you can clearly see this when he visited the set in England and complained about how he wished he was cast as a Windsor instead in his diaries

I don't understand why they would WASTE aircraft like that?

They didn't have competent pilots dude, planes pretty useless sitting in a hanger

It’s shit like the Kamikazes that remind me of just how horrible an actual invasion would have gone. People who insist on the atomic bombs being evil and the civilians killed not being justifiable, but for fucks sake they had enough people willing to give their life on a slight chance of delaying the American war machine that it became an official strategy. Its as close as you could get to turning a human being into a literal weapon, and they had more than enough people willing to do it. If we invaded, every single inch of Japan would be viciously fought for by the most mundane of Japanese citizen. I don’t even want to imagine what they would come up with and how many lives they would sacrifice just to inconvenience us.

>Kamikaze pilots
>Ohka manned flying bomb
>Shin'yo suicide motor boat
>Kaiten minisub
You hear about the kamikaze pilots, but Japan had such a diversity of suicide machines it's almost impressive

They actually had a higher rate of hit-efficiency than regular bombing at that point of the war iirc

nobody died in these scenes, the kamikaze scenes were made with cgi

No, they were made with midgets and several dozen died, it was a huge scandal at the time

the breakup between antagonist and protagonist isn't even explained

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>Hey we have this villain called Osama that's been on the loose since 9/11 event, how do we call the guy who finally kills him
>Uhhh..Os...Ora...No, Obama, yeah, Obama
Fucking hell

>Didn't get that Neville was just buying for time to match Germany's own rearmament program
Why do you think the RAF and Royal Army suddenly increased in size during that time? Brainlets I swear

Fucking cartoonish is what it is, no real nation would throw away their citizens like that, much less base their entire doctrine on fucking suicide

>So the guys name is Osama bin Laden right?
>What if we have a president called Obama and his VP is called Biden
>Get it? Obama-Biden 2008, and then we have the Obama-Biden administration kill Osama bin Laden
Fucking insanity at the writers room

It's even worse because we're expected to believe Russia can match America's literally world-spanning empire. It's like if in that Napoleonic Wars Prequel instead of having Britain face off against France, they went off to fight... Spain. At least in WW2, they did a skip (Interwar miniseries) which explained Germany's re-armament, but Russia's only snatched Crimea and we're expected to see them as a believable threat? Come on.

Don't forget the complete character assassination of France which went from hero to zero.

There's too much flexing this season, no one really does anything, just flexes. Remember North Korea subplot? That just sorta stopped, nothing happened, nation didn't even collapse or something, and don't get me started on how unrealistic that country is in a first place, I mean seriously, worshiping your leader and nation being so isolated that its funny, who wrote that?

They bring up that Maginot Line strategy and how it's impossible to beat for so long and then they have France lose in one episode with most battles off-screen and just a scene of German troops going into Paris at the end. They gave the Polish front more screen-time and Poland was only like a footnote mentioned in the first movie. Sure they bring them up more in the expanded material but you shouldn't have to look into that shit to understand the plot.

Writers saw Hitler was a successful villain and they decide to just have every succeeding villain take Hitler as inspiration. Remember the East Germans? They even reused the WW2 props for them.
>just chop off the swastikas and call it a day lol
the cold war series prop department really was trash

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it's so boring to see russia defend itself because of the winter the third time in a row

>Talking shit about the East German prop department when the West Germans didn't even redesign the helmet until the 60's

>Climax of the movie is literally Americans winning the day
Burgers did manage to convince everyone of that, aren't they? If you repeat something long enough it becomes true.

Oh don't get me started on Soviet Union, hyped up as the big dick to rival US and then at the end of the arc it just stopped existing, not any big events or civil wars, it just stopped being there and that's it, most anti-climactic ending of any season I'll tell you what
At least its not fucking Japan that had some random hurricane destroy the invading fleet in middle ages...twice, I mean what are the odds?

>it's a bomber harris episode

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I really like the Russia character prior to the Revolution sub-plot, why did they have to pick her to become the commie threat?

New director was clearly a burgerfag

Because Germany would be too predictable, but then they made Germany the villain again anyway so who knows

>we can be edgy too


Tojo was making the decisions OP.

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>Spews Hollywood version of the war

Have you heard of books

>promise the Sudetenland was the last territorial demand
>invade the rest of Czechoslovakia anyway
>then proceed to demand Danzig
what the fuck was his problem

And then when the next series starts, they just have it pop back up as a threat as the Russian Federation. I think they really wanted the Soviets back as a threat after the Cold War Series got the plug, but then the writers of that show wrote them into a corner with that whole USSR collapse, so they tried their best to ignore it. We're supposed to think they're a threat even with all their European puppets gone. Like you're telling me they're just hacking elections across the world? That's the explanation we get for their power? Jesus.

Gambling addiction

>Japan didn't declare war on the US for no reason
It was a dumb move tb h

Hack writers, same hacks who think a reject artist becoming a cartoonishly evil dictator is realistic

Like what? What book is accurate version of WW2?

Don't forget their leader being literal ex-KGB agent, if that's not some James Bond shit I don't know what is, then again Britain still has its immortal queen

>these guys were supposed to be "master race"
most unbelievable part of the arc to be quite honest.

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>Have the same actor play Hirohito and Himmler
I understand they were on a budget but this was just fucking ridiculous

They've been too lazy to do anything with Britain since World War 2. We get some nice Prequels of them when they were big, but they're not even bothered to mention what happens to their monarch so sure, she just lives forever I guess. Brexit arc looks interesting though, we'll see if the pay-off is worth it.

>forgetting about Thatchers Revenge: Argintina Strikes Back

I’ve always been fascinated with what strategies a desperate nation about to lose a war comes up with. You see some truly impressive innovations and lethal creativity, with it often being the case they are onto the next big thing but it is just impossible for it to make a difference and the technology won’t be perfected by a resource depleted nation. Japan on the other hand...their ideas were just more straightforward insane. At best all their strategies make perfect sense if you have AI, so maybe they were just thinking not just ahead of the curve but on an entirely different plane.

>Series finale is supposed to make you believe the antagonist just killed himself

wtf that was not a satisfying ending

>When your nation is real enough to you that you are willing to give up your life for it, but a true nation should care enough about its people that it wouldn’t waste your life so willingly

>Episode 731 in the pacific show was cancelled for being too graphic

fucking network suitts

I wish the writers would just make up their damn minds about what type of character North Korea is. They can’t alternate between comic relief and top antagonist every year or two. Are we sure the people who wrote the last jedi aren’t the same writers for this?

is it true hitler was a tranny

yes a gay tranny at that

>Complains about spewing the Hollywood version of the war in a thread pretending that the war was a Hollywood production
Autist detected

I mean its clear that they didn’t expect to get renewed and rushed a happy ending at the dawn of a new millenia(so fucking cheesy). Then they tried to sell us on the whole the guy who invented the internet and who was basically trying to be Captain Planet becoming President to end it all, but they changed all of that when it got renewed.

They were stupid enough to let San Francisco be the testing demographic, so of course they ruined it. Apparently they also complained it was racist to have the Japanese cast continue to be so inhumanly evil. I have enjoyed the ongoing Japanese friendship arc, but it feels a little forced at the start.

Director Mcarthur was a weeaboo, what makes me mad is that we had to put up with that but they sacked him right when the Korea season was gonna get good

hitler was actually 2 midget trannies, one on top of another

Show it again.

Did Truman’s actor own the production company or something? He comes out of fucking nowhere just in time for FDR to be written out too early, drop two of the nukes he had nothing to do with finishing that storyline up, and to finish it all of he gets to remove all of the crazy General characters we came to know and love? I think they even tried to write him out and he forced them to change the script

Im still salty they put the Korean plot on hold and now only mention it to remind us nothing has changed. We had the perfect set up for the third movie in the new Asian setting and production just stopped.

>dinner scene in Fuhrer Bunker
>die Musikbox blasting
>Hitler eating
>Meine Freunde, ich habe die Lösung für das russisc-
It was ambiguous at best

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I heard his friends in the industry bribed him to focus on the Israeli-Arab subplot

That Brexit thing has been going nowhere for three years now, so I wouldn't hold my breath

Israel is such a Mary Sue
>Founded by apparently God’s chosen people
>Somehow a bunch of Jews were able to establish entire cities just by showing up
>These literal settlers for the most part rebel and take on six professional armies from six nations each wealthier, bigger, and stronger than them
>They somehow decisively win and are given a pass for having a morality entirely centered around them
>They are even still considered victims and people are expected to apologize to them
>The villain of the past two movies bends over backwards for them
>Now they are best friends with the main characters of Britain and France and then America
>Then they pull an airforce out of their ass that essentially wins their wars in days if not hours
>They can even get away with attacking some of the main characters
>The only time they ever felt threatened was when they were attacked during the holidays
>And the drama there was they didn’t instantly win this time
>Now they basically a 51st state that is still its own country and has more influence than all the other fifty states
The writers are seriously playing favorites

You're right, sneed and blacked threads are so hilarious in comparison.

>the Cold War and that ended
it's still on broseph

Yeah I don’t get that. Usually British seasons are much shorter than American seasons

>Entire Arabian server locked into sword-age era
>jews show up with F-16s

>defeating the villain on the same weekend as the royal disney wedding
cheesy af

I mean a bear and an eagle tagteam battling jews is retarded.

It was because the US Philippines were smack dab in the middle of Japan's oil supply route, the directors scripted a pointless showdown into the movie.

>villain dies offscreen and is never mentioned again

>Its a forced diversity episode

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The musical spinoff was pretty kino

Its because the film didn’t get an American following until a bit later, and it even took the writing America into the first script at the end to sell it well.
So for the second they basically gave America two wars to make it feel extra special

>Still got protested because the black characters didn’t interact with white characters enough
You can’t win with these people

I feel bad for laughing. People died and all.

>that one guy who doesn't realize hirohito was the mastermind of everything but said "oh no. i'm just a helpless little figurehead. i never did anything :3"