Kinos about neo populism with this feel?
Kinos about neo populism with this feel?
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no one is gonna vote for a dicklet chink even bernie has a bigger chance
This, I cringe when I see that Yang Gang shit. The dude is supposedly a successful businessman but he's only worth a few mil. Meanwhile Trump is worth billions, embarrassing.
It's literally all paid shills. Yang has enormous financial backers because he's trying to usher in full scale technodystopianism which all the billionaire techdouches want.
pretty sure your ideas have to be popular for them to count as populist.
I love how idiots who think they are NEETs are buying into it, when his plan will undoubtedly make real NEETs poorer.
The saddest thing is, how he plans to pay for it isn't even a secret, so the 12 non-shill non-bots that support him literally can't even take 10 seconds to read his actual policy.
Heard this so clear in my head
How can one man be so based?
Why am I not surprised the niggertranny tripkike is a yang shill?
I havent even read into his full plan on how to pay for it. Since the basics of giving every moron 1k extra invariably leads to higher rent, gas, beer, cigarette and fried chicken prices. The very idea is retarded and literally only helps convenience store owners.
>Song is about something or the other, probably about love or some shit
Jesus, do these kids even try.
you guys need to chill
So who does the Left going to vote for then? Warren?
Yang may be a fucking fraud but he still deserves more attention than Biden or Buttigieg or Bedo or Kamala or any of the other literally who kike plants in the running.
Better than sending your money to a middle eastern country.
can't believe im actually turning into a yangfag, this guy actually seems pretty reasonable
i love voting for madmen so he'll get my primaries vote if he makes it
Populism is appealing to people's emotion, morality or desire for stability and security. So it's easier to find a non-populist. People think populism means just "less centrist than mainstream candidates"
You don't think yang would support israel? It takes someone with balls the size of Ted's to do that.
post yangkino
Trillions a year. Perfect plan. Effectively fool-proof.
>we can spend pentatrillions a year fighting sand niggers and giving money to kikes in Israel but actually giving money to US citizens is out of the question
It was almost compelling until the naruto run.
Because we sell those arms to other countries, and charge afghanistan for the broken windows.
Andrew Yang is talking about really important things, but his solution is literally the wrong answer to the "are you a moron" question asked in day 1 of macro 101. Giving every nigger 1k only leads to inflated fried chicken prices.
Yang has a decent plan, IF he also plans on curtailing immigration -- legal and illegal.
Doubtful he will since that would be too Nazi-esque, or whatever the FOTM phrase is.
Economists have said over and over again that inflation from increased income (minimum wage increase, UBI, etc.) doesn't have a 1:1 relationship with inflation. Yes, it causes inflation, but it's not as fast or impactful as you think it is.
The people want Yang.
On average some 650 billion dollars. On a good year about 50-60 billion goes for wars. How much of that can really be slashed to still make a military for a country like US function properly and what difference would it make on the budget especially considering the revenue is a little over 3.5 trillion?
He’s literally the only one fighting corporations
And here's his worst enemy.
Bernie. Warren is a little more center and a self-proclaimed capitalist, so she's not as favorable as bernie.
Are these the same economists who swear to me that inflation is steady at 2% when a loaf of bread costs about 3x as much as it did 20 years ago? Look bro one of my bachelors was in economics and I know the tricks. Post me a study about how giving every moron 1k wouldnt result in them spending on retarded shit. I will refute it.
Everyone can be happy again (except corporate CEOs)
Because producers could never raise prices, especially if all their competitors were suddenly hit with the same increase in tax.
I was surprised at first. but it makes sense. he’s not even American
>spending over 70% of your annual budget on handouts
>spending over 70% of your annual budget on wars for opium
>Meanwhile Trump is worth billions
LOL, where are his tax returns anyway?
Why all of this anime intro parodies are from the same Naruto intro?
>It's literally all paid shills
Literally nothing wrong with that even if it was true
Because normalfags only know naruto. They think the naruto running is hillarious.
The washington post hacked him and illegally relaesed them and got a Pulitzer.
Would you think the washington post deserved a Pulitzer if they released your tax rexords?
It’s funny because I can remember getting flooded with soulless, mass-produced Pepe/Spurdo Trump edits back in Spring 2015
Seething harder
Yang shills are sadly way too transparent. The joke around it is; Yang does not have a chance. His entire purpose is to lure away those NEETs and Yea Forums users in the 21-45 demographic that voted Trump in 2016, thus destabilising the Republicans and getting their pick into power (which in turn will be devastating for the American economy and culture, if not straight up lead to war).
t. german observing from outside
This dude can't even compete with senile ass Biden even with telling morons he will give them wan towsand dorra and reparations.
fuck off opium is great
>automation gets rid of manufacturing jobs
does that mean we don't need mexican labourers?
I think Ill vote Trump. He's the only one that isnt going out of his way to systemically replace my people.
Yang is basically what capitalists should have been 30-40 years ago. Nice guy, but too little too late.
this guy gets it
>social security
Fucking boomers day of the pillow when?
Good thing not everyone just goes by what their first instinct says. There’s more to that quote but you don’t want to show that I’m sure.
No, because my tax records don't show 400 million in fraud and tax evasion.
Mexicans don't do manufacturing jobs unless you count meat processing plants. They mainly do service jobs.
But no sadly yang is still pro immigration.