Why was Dodge so bitter about Tits getting the girl, he didn't even bother to talk to her

Why was Dodge so bitter about Tits getting the girl, he didn't even bother to talk to her

Attached: spike-island-2012-002-shadow-caster-wall-portrait.jpg (1000x665, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is this really a 10/10 in bongland?

u wot mate?

The movie implied they were attractive high schoolers

these are fine northern specimens

it didn't say they were attractive

You're telling me an uggo like that could get Sally?

compared to everyone else in the school yeah

God i wish my highschool had girls like this

Attached: 1_bus.webm (706x640, 2.97M)

Attached: 1562094379536.webm (1920x816, 3M)

gib Sally gf

Are you a 2/10 bong in the early 90s, if not you probably wont be able to get a Sally gf

what did they mean by this?

Attached: 7_the_WALL.webm (784x640, 2.99M)

Sally is prime Emilia

Fucking anglos Jesus christ

Reminder that the spamming tranny is literally a discord tranny sansafag seething that their threads are fucking dead

>name her after an actual song by them

Attached: SIsleep.webm (1046x816, 2.89M)

Why does she make people so mad, if threads keep getting pruned I just watch Emilia videos or something kek

xhe's literally seething because his waifu is shit and nobody likes her

Attached: unknown-14.png (1873x100, 21K)

>Sophie Turner generals

Attached: 01-03-07-1568091694371.png (1365x1079, 1.42M)

Emiliabros are the most oppressed race

Attached: unknown-7.png (799x331, 54K)

what did she mean by this smile?

Attached: danydaario-01.webm (960x540, 1.85M)

It's simple. We have to report every other thread and post in the catalog. Flood them and make them work for that lack of compensation

Attached: Emilia lip bite.webm (700x720, 2.47M)

She was too strong for D&D

>swn scratch your beard
>ywn scratch her back

Attached: danydaario-02.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Dany a cute

It's funny because If you look closely she doesn't even put the joint in her mouth

Attached: 8_drugs.webm (941x640, 2.98M)

>will smoke actual cigarettes but not fake weed
what did she mean by this

me on the right, taking the first man-made emiliapill

Attached: 1568478722972.jpg (941x640, 66K)

She's not gonna smoke and risk catching herpes from that guy or aggravating her lungs

Just because there's a pic of her with tobacco doesn't mean she's ever smoked

What cigarettes? As Susan?


Maybe It was real weed
She doesn't smoke though

isn't she one of the few non-smokers in /got/ cast?

Maybe user thought it was her hand on pic related

Attached: Pin by Ethereal on Emilia Clarke in 2019 | Emilia clarke, Celebrit....jpg (604x453, 50K)

>those faces
Emilia is literally the only pretty anglo


Lol, literally what Turner generals. No one ever gave a shit about her enough to make generals, no hope of getting to image or bump limit.

A lot of people gave a shit when the nudes leaked

Not positively lmao

Those wouldn't be generals. Tranny implied Turner had obsessive fans that made threads just to dump pics and discuss her and that this happened frequently. Never happened. Those threads were filled with people making fun of her and a maisiefag spamming

Attached: 1565323394273.jpg (740x1036, 58K)

Any remaining Sophiefags offed themselves when those nudes leaked

Yeah was my point

Attached: 1566017340382.webm (637x800, 2.56M)

They don't even bother having a thread for her in /hr/ anymore. LMAO

Attached: 1561754018640.webm (1000x720, 2.97M)


Attached: 0908_tiffdhp_27.jpg (3000x2174, 530K)

Even worse when you realize >he was trying to push us to /hr/ lmao

Emilia the dress is gonna slip

why isn't there one there though? swore there was a month or two ago

Don't worry, there's a few metres of double sided sticky tape under it

It fell off the board, there was an Emilia thread on /hr/ or /s/ a few months ago but no one replied

She was never that popular in the first place, nudes showed how terrible her body is outside of her dresses and push up bras, her face is twenty years older than the rest of her besides her floppy tits, and she's married now and that hurts fee fees

Attached: Voice from the Stone Verena awakes.webm (700x560, 2.94M)

I thought you were talking about Emilia for a second there and was about to call you a fag

Attached: unknown-6.png (353x297, 129K)


Attached: Emilia is cute when she bites her nail.webm (1120x1080, 2.22M)

It would be a shame if the adhesive failed one day

She's had the same boob stretchmarks at least since she filmed the season 1 nude scene

She's very careful, she's had no nip slips or panty shots we got a glimpse of her bra once though

Wouldn' be anything we haven't seen before tbf

I know. It's very sexy

Attached: Instagram hashtags of craziness.webm (708x900, 2.21M)

/hr/ went to bump limit in the bloody thursday and /s/ died because Emilia is not for lewd

Kek, wrong webm

Attached: Emilia interview which one is bigger.webm (708x900, 1.24M)

The bra was accidental

Attached: image0-1.jpg (634x893, 142K)

An easily avoided accident but a happy accident nonetheless. I love a teasing Emilia

Attached: 1564883136427.jpg (2430x3000, 881K)

Impossible, she puts ALOT of tape
Must really hurt to take them out

Attached: 1563419923108.jpg (1362x2048, 299K)

this is funny cause i actually meant to say "why isn't there one for emilia though"

Oh, and continuing on from my question about SameYou last night. If user is here, as I had pointed out I did read the website already, but all those things they're going for don't seem to lead to anything tangible or things you can showcase for effectiveness and goal achieving. It' seems mostly behind the scenes and very difficult if you're such a small nonprofit to get funds for research or to commission research of something so complex and having a doctor or two as consultants doesn't give enough expertise to really coordinate with government and nursing programs about new training or methods unless this doctor is already famous himself and revolutionized neurosurgery.

Seems money donated goes to some other organization doing research I assume with government grants already, and paying people's wages so they can maybe talk to some politician or call a nursing school up

Her charity is more for the recovery not the treatment of brain injuries

The money goes to research and hospitals dedicated to brain stuff
Also link related i guess thetimes.co.uk/article/new-drug-offers-hope-for-patients-with-thrones-star-emilia-clarkes-condition-9jq0xqzkb

Attached: 1561469469168.jpg (750x917, 88K)

I know but the talk about nursing schools 8n the UK and programs geared towards the recovery doesn't seem very tangible for a small nonprofit like that. Would cost a lot of money for research to develop best and better practices for people recovering from a variety of brain injuries and implement that in schools especially as government grants would already fund the most important part of treatment and recovery is more up the individual, how well they cope, monitoring after and the physical therapy they might need

SameYou doesn't seem like they had anything to do with that, they're too new and article is just naming Emilia because it gets more clicks

fuck were sameyou or something else she's involved in help lead to this? she's so based.

Anyone got a webm with that

of what

..with that dress.

Attached: pink_dress.webm (800x720, 2.99M)

>that smile at :16, :17
I would sabotage this woman's birth control just to keep her in my life

Attached: 1564995933914.jpg (2000x3000, 734K)

If you check the archives with "Emily Clark" you'll see that this nigga hates her since 2015. It's pathetic
archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/84619527/#84624957 also this thread made me seethe

Attached: 1564930368619.png (472x357, 214K)

That's the one

>since 2015
>season 5 was in 2015
Lmao, sophiefag is a sansafag and probably a jonsafag

Attached: 1501116688717.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

Think they'll have free early screenings to get buzz out before official release?

Attached: 1568340137976.webm (1600x1000, 2.33M)


Welcome back

Attached: 1568321156782.jpg (1200x1000, 199K)

Holy SHIT, Emilia lives in this roastie head rent free. Literally the same Dumb ESL writing style he does with the cringy Hobbit spam

Attached: 1389395758883.gif (300x225, 1.25M)

The cutesounds trilogy, watch at your own risk

Attached: cutesounds_1_2_3.jpg (1487x600, 228K)

Racist Emilia back at it again

It just makes me want to do more daily threads

Attached: AYUWOKI_HEE_HEE.gif (500x500, 271K)

based this isn't your Asianmasculinitygeneral you fags go worship some chick you will never meet on reddit like everyone else

Ok, now try again but in english

Based and badass

Attached: 1561390799262.webm (1000x750, 695K)

Very based

Attached: 1561925462704.webm (640x360, 2.44M)


Are you ok there buddy

"WOOOOO the tension is rife!" fucking died at that in the third one she's so funny

Imagine hating this, How hollow you gotta be to hate THIS for absolutely no reason at all

Attached: 1567421587263.jpg (265x265, 8K)

Azn Bodyguard!

Attached: redlips_reddress_aznbodyguard.webm (600x675, 3M)

He took the pill

Attached: 1567356567859.png (555x841, 1.04M)

Part 2

Attached: redlips_reddress_aznbodyguard_2.webm (600x675, 2.99M)

How long until seppuku lads?

Attached: 1564001798546.jpg (2822x2048, 2.71M)

Honestly, how long does it take for the longing to turn into despair that you'll never have Emilia then turn into obsession in doing anything to get her, divorcing your wife included?

Attached: 1564915266377.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

3 years

>tfw threads like this will never happen again cause anything Emilia gets pruned

Attached: 1552166211342.jpg (485x556, 40K)

How about more long term and personal cases like Kit or Emilia's brother's friends?

Attached: 1563566607281.jpg (807x726, 388K)

>like Kit
Never ever

No, I mean when will someone like Kit self destruct, divorce his wife and go crazy pursuing Emilia?

Attached: 1566005228346.jpg (957x755, 145K)

Nah, extremely low
Emilia isnt a homewrecker and wouldn't want this bad PR

Emilia isn't into him, would reject him and be there for Rose of course, but how crazy will someone like Kit get and when will the Emiliapill get to the terminal phase?

Attached: 1565318518442.jpg (955x1195, 798K)

>but how crazy will someone like Kit get and when will the Emiliapill get to the terminal phase?
I mean, isnt that the absolute state of everyone in these threads?

I'd rather have Antonia Thomas

Attached: misfits.png (543x720, 601K)

I'd be a lot worse if I knew Emilia irl enough that we'd been friends for years. And sex scenes too? I'd go insane

Attached: Beyond the Wall1.webm (1024x576, 2.83M)

Mahh Mahh

8 days

Attached: image.jpg (850x559, 45K)

The Emmy is hers, by rights

Attached: 1561306775020.jpg (750x735, 94K)

10 Mile Smile indeed

Attached: 70654716_128681108490666_2708998280455808186_n.jpg (1080x1080, 162K)

Lucky bastards. Time machine when? Just one trip please god

Attached: 68965963_153137089108225_821537095435352829_n.jpg (1080x809, 121K)

>I regret to announce, this is the end. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye

>Yes, sir?
>Prepare the time machine
>The time machine is ready, sir. Any time, any location in the world.
>London, 2007
>Really? Access to all of history, and you're sure that's where you want to go?
>I'm sure.
>I have to warn you sir, it's a one way trip. You can't come back.
>I never intended to, computer. I never intended to.

Attached: 1555459348148.png (723x666, 163K)

every one of those bastids is a time traveler


In another timeline Emilia is a mother of 5 living somewhere in Belfast with a part time job as a stage actress. She's happy, healthy despite a health scare found when she was pregnant with her first, and whole. She enjoys reading under the tree in the forest near the house, running in the fields and playing with the kids until dark. Her birthday is just around the corner and her husband's promised to take her to New York to see plays on Broadway

Attached: 1561524723241.png (624x948, 1.08M)

Fucking hell this one is super stealth, It took me 6 hours to find it

Attached: 1567884961141.png (1169x1800, 3.54M)

Based hivemind

Attached: 452bf208bf901322968557227b8f6efe.jpg (320x240, 10K)

In another timeline Emilia is married to a bitcoin visionary and they live in a mansion on the english countryside. The guy asked her in marriage while they danced La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong under the Eiffel Tower. The couple is waiting their third son by now

Attached: 1553476431241.jpg (1920x800, 785K)

Everything you did brought you where you are now. Where you belong. Home

Attached: Me Before You jiggle jiggle jiggle2.webm (1148x480, 2.59M)


Thea is a genius

Attached: Me Before You jiggly3.webm (900x800, 3M)

Find a flaw

Attached: senient_eyebrows-1.webm (800x727, 2.95M)


Attached: DXCou8TX4AACSmx.jpg_large.jpg (1080x735, 77K)


Attached: Peep these eyebrows.webm (576x720, 816K)

>Emilia will never straddle you
Why live?

Attached: 1568321914390.jpg (1080x1350, 268K)

I'm afraid this thread is too stealth

But alive

Attached: 6b956f34d560c85da16cca56bc814e29.jpg (1080x1350, 211K)

Look at this dude

lmao briefags and sophiefags hate us, we're on the right path

My fucking heart, also lol at the men of the year part

What is this lmao

>...and the 91st Outstanding Lead Actress for Drama Series Emmy Award goes to... Viola Davis

What would you do

We're split up between three threads, neither one can hope to reach bump or image limit, we must unite

Attached: Emiliaverse is real, suffering.webm (467x1000, 1.9M)

I never would find this one desu

Understandable considering how few of us have watched the movie. I found it by recognizing the names in the catalog

Attached: 1562099020485.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I guess people really didnt found out the thread

I watched MBY only, none of the other movies.

I liked voice from the stone but ninth gate is one of my favorite movies so if you hated that probably not for you, haven't seen the other ones

I've only seen Genisys and only half paid attention, working on correcting that though

Attached: 1566720724095.webm (800x640, 2.99M)

Listen I not should do this its Richmond park 12pm ,EVERYONE KNOWS HER THERE . ok .. so start Fresh an then do runs times , an igore her But get Hiya Hello, I twinch . Uou uup ther smaile not /coping off .. Listesen rest you

Last bit was a choking thing you try an then .. die for her to SAVE YOU ..

Attached: 1541351-dick_dastardly_and_muttley1.jpg (230x300, 20K)

Attached: 1553223343768.jpg (840x641, 162K)

>Emilia fan
>hasn't seen Me Before You

You're not going to make it

Yess get down there an Dont be that cunt .OK ..
I had her on a date ..

I will after I have bought the blurays then invite her to see West Side Story front and center on Broadway

Attached: 1567107440737.png (620x413, 218K)

I'm here since the beginning and i never watched anything beside got LMAO

Anybody else?

You gotta watch atleast MBY dude, its pure and unfiltered emiliakino

I'm afraid what this movie can do with me

Why the Daenerys guy is so upset? We shouldn't be fighting our own

Attached: R14kkDj.png (657x527, 13K)

This. The same discussion every fucking day, just ignore each other

Yo why is this one so hidden? Mods being a pain?

Attached: 1462881494684.jpg (736x1058, 87K)

They're still deleting Last Christmas threads on sight no matter how on topic they are

This the most stealth one yet lol

>Emilia loses
>D&D wins best writing
> Sophie wins

No way Sophie wins

No, but someone exaggerated

I hope HBO bought all the prizes

Do this really happen?

You think it doesn't?

No Isn't too expensive?

Not for them, HBO literally won trillionS with GoT

cutest hobbit legs

Attached: 3~50.jpg (1536x2048, 295K)

Cutest female

Actually most of her fans are men, it's surprising

>she's presenting the Emmys too
I'm watching the whole thing now aren't i

Attached: 1539193521425.jpg (540x720, 178K)


Most of those people are probably paparazzi or autograph scalpers

If you look at twitter most of her online fans are women, at least the vocal ones


I think that people are Daenerys fans, not Emilia fans

>From Game of Thrones, Alfie Allen, Gwendoline Christie, Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington, Lena Headey, Sophie Turner, Carice van Houten, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, and Maisie Williams will present.
Worth a watch?

>my man Niko
Imho yes

Sophie will wear something slutty i bet

I hope not
Dios mio...

Attached: 1564165589417.jpg (582x1000, 119K)

I hope Emilia does

spoiler please

She got that out of her system in 2016

Attached: 0228_VFOscarsAfterParty_0020.jpg (1996x3000, 1.01M)

She doesn't use slutty shit, its always tasteful

Attached: 0917_68thEmmys_0115.jpg (2021x3000, 1.79M)


That braless black dress was slutty

I don't get the point of the thing on the front of her dress. Is it supposed to match the purse, I guess, does it match the rest of the dress, nope

Attached: 1565064596997.jpg (1553x2048, 458K)

Based Emilia making sure no one ever makes her shave her arms

Attached: 1568169593101.jpg (2500x1664, 352K)

Take your meds and quit stalking Emily Clark fucking losers

Attached: take your meds.jpg (400x317, 34K)

I don't think its much different from

Attached: 0107_75GG_0054.jpg (2000x3000, 1.06M)

Patrician user realising her shoulders are her lewdest feature

Attached: 1561516084510.jpg (1365x2048, 188K)

Fuzzy cutie
Imagine the tickling

Attached: 1561298959271.jpg (3000x2250, 820K)

Lewd and whorepilled. Also nice shoulders. She should wear something with unicorns and dogs


And trips

Attached: 1562979530382.jpg (640x640, 39K)

>Lewd and whorepilled
Rude and retardpilled, delete this

Attached: 1559517323152.jpg (1719x3000, 420K)

She makes it tasteful

She's doing the leg thing

Attached: Me Before You Lou is thicc in the kitchen.webm (410x720, 668K)

She keeps doing it

Attached: dh_stills_6.jpg (1280x854, 575K)

We must stop this cutie. Let's see her do that 9 months pregnant

Attached: 1564279130263.jpg (1242x1306, 167K)

I'm out Bros, don't let It die
This one was too stealthy

Attached: 1568347363155.webm (1920x989, 229K)

It took me 9 hours to find it

I'll try but yeah, not a lot of active people here despite the poster count. Good night

Attached: 1559882836250.png (1142x804, 643K)

we were right lads he did become blackpilled

Attached: gqs1js2qdk121.jpg (750x915, 40K)

Absolutely based

Attached: 1566129470426.png (801x652, 518K)

Attached: mZRA4uB.gif (160x270, 863K)

He probably means as a role and how he wants to stay employed but fuck it, he and Emilia are having parallel journeys. It's pottery

Attached: You absolutely can understand what Dany's fucking saying.webm (1280x1080, 2.82M)

Dare i say /ourguy/?

Emilia was probably mainly listening to Hitler speak so she had little to no idea what he was saying, Sam on the other hand had his research material in English

>so she had little to no idea what he was saying
you are forgetting "You absolutely can understand what Hitler's fucking saying"

I'm sure she meant it in a more tonal way since her role required her to deliver an intimidating speech in another language

She didn't say Hitler, specifically. Could be any dictator

No, she definitely said Hitler

"In giving all these speeches in fake languages, I watched a lot of videos of—now it seems funny—dictators and powerful leaders speaking a different language to see if I could understand what they were saying without knowing the language," she said. "And you can! You absolutely can understand what Hitler’s f*cking saying, these single-focus orators speaking a foreign language. So I thought, 'If I can believe every single word I’m saying, the audience won’t need to be looking at the subtitles too much.'"

>She didn't say Hitler, specifically. Could be any dictator
did you even read

I was thinking. It took me hours to find this thread and the spammer was already here, is he a angry emiliafag or what?

It took him 12 hours but yes, he's more obsessed than any Emiliafag will ever be

>I was thinking. It took me hours to find this thread
got any ideas then on how i can make it less hard

Emilia would've made a great villain

Cast her as any villain in any big franchise

Fast and Furious 10, another one of Statham's characters siblings

No, it's a sophiefag. And yes, OBSESSED

Attached: 1564455147175.png (800x685, 849K)

This definetely would not

Mission Impossible. She's got some stunt training already

Attached: HD Roll.webm (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Do you have something against #litty kino?

Attached: 48~12.jpg (500x746, 61K)

Sauron in the LOTR series

I for one would gladly take a ring from an elf that looks like Emilia tbf

Attached: 1567725093134.jpg (500x751, 64K)

>several of us banned
>thread is incredibly stealth
>two other and more obvious threads made
>entering aussie hours
These are dark times but Milly lights the way

Attached: 1568231381294.jpg (1026x1214, 734K)

Fast and Furious is a dying franchise, she doesn't deserve to be blamed for another flop

Last main series movie made over a billion, spin off made over 700 million. If it's "dying" it's doing so while making money over hand and fist. But I would prefer being in the main series than a spin off

Attached: 1565132940425.jpg (510x765, 114K)

Critics hated the last movie

Still made loads of money as a spin off with only one member of the regular cast and none of the originals

Attached: 15638881899921.jpg (500x552, 61K)

"Critics" hated Me Before You too

Attached: 52~12.jpg (537x807, 91K)


That The Rock + Statham bromance is way more funny than the family shit desu

>still wears heels even on a plane and on her way to a hotel
She really hates being so smol. Don't worry Milly, thanks to me your daughters will be 5'7 womanmores

Attached: 1566634054224.jpg (1500x1930, 204K)

cute mom

When I was looking for reaction images I saw a picture of her going through security barefoot, surprised footfags haven't spread those pics

Post them



Attached: 1568504723734.webm (1100x900, 2.99M)

Here's one, there's probably more out there but you footfags can do the rest of the work

Attached: 15291.jpg (1433x2048, 482K)

Long hair kino. Soon lads

Attached: 1568393253781.jpg (698x985, 121K)

She looks 10 times better with the wavy hair and even more with messy hair

Attached: 1567351935166.jpg (750x713, 65K)

I really hope she doesn't straighten it or tie it back like she's done sometimes

Attached: 1568025652002.webm (640x640, 2.37M)

How did she change dresses so fast

It's not the same day


That kid is really dedicated then. Tfw I'd even be Emilia's godson just to be close to her

Attached: 1561524435823.jpg (453x555, 43K)

Sounds like eternal torture tbqh

Attached: 1567473292342.jpg (1200x1000, 200K)

Imagine the cuddling, play dates, sleepovers, asking her for girl advice, her walking you to school, her teaching you words and to sing or dance. Worth it

Attached: 1561480557123.jpg (1080x1350, 161K)

>being with Emilia constantly
>no chance at all of romantic love
Congrats you created your own hell

I might be as immune to her soul consuming perfection as her own children will be and her friends and family are while still enjoying her. And you never know, legally speaking it's not wrong. I might even fall for one of Milly's daughters

Attached: 1561479809849.png (749x947, 592K)

>And you never know, legally speaking it's not wrong.
user she will always see you as her surrogate child their is no chance

Where there's a will there's a way. A timeline where an older jaded Emilia never had kids of her own and desperately tries to maintain her godson's affections as he grows older

Attached: 1561480061173.jpg (634x798, 52K)


Attached: 1563225556708.jpg (739x415, 13K)

Imagine Emilia thrusting a sword into your chest haha that would be funny

Attached: 1568381112454.jpg (413x912, 68K)

Belly. How about a The Mummy reboot with Emilia as Evelyn?

Attached: 1562368600033.jpg (608x352, 49K)

Good night everyone

Attached: 1566021523965.png (1888x796, 2.41M)

Cute tummy

Attached: emiliaclarke_es_29~13.jpg (2048x2048, 2.76M)

But that's morning Lou

cutest mamma

Next sunday

Attached: keet_and_emmy_at_emmy.webm (800x800, 2.98M)

Emmy 4 Emmy soon

Attached: always_silly_emmy.webm (700x700, 2.99M)

Attached: cuteface.webm (700x850, 3M)

I'm feeling It bros

Attached: usurper.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

we can only pray

Attached: vhs.webm (1400x1080, 2.99M)

Absolutely BASED. You guys wouldn't be mad if i go for Emilia, right?

My only fear is the gook

Why does she ignores TA so much?

Attached: 01_party.webm (1000x720, 2.99M)

yup this pretty much.

because everyone except her were awful

Attached: 03_under_attack.webm (1000x720, 1.97M)

I was actually just thinking about this lmao

But it was the thing that put her on Stars of Tomorrow

Attached: 2010_ukstarsoftomorrow_004.jpg (940x871, 727K)


Bit weird

Viserys Sam and her together is pure pottery

There's literally a Sophie Turner discord trying to raid our threads btw

Attached: 1568512063269.jpg (1012x422, 54K)

I really, really doubt that there's a Sophie Turner Discord kek, no way

One might OD watching all 3 at once...


stars of tomorrow didn't get her anything

Attached: 00_behindscenes.webm (700x720, 2.99M)

>Sophie Turner generals
I thought this was a mith

interviews starting when?

Attached: 10_lazy_the_elf.webm (1200x1000, 3M)


Pretty sure they filmed some a few days ago so soon hopefully

It's fiction, he made it up

should have already started. 1,5 months until the release.

I want it now

Attached: legs.webm (600x680, 2.99M)

Soon brothers

Attached: EEW-GiMWwAAg5Ey.jpg (640x960, 109K)

we need to go longer

Attached: mirror.webm (900x800, 2.97M)

And thiccer

Attached: fertile.webm (700x700, 2.89M)

My God

I don't want her to go thin bros

Attached: golden_globes.webm (900x750, 2.99M)

hair certainly wasn't the focus

She looks so hot when she's walking in heels

Absolute peak female form

She looks like a sweet pudding.

Attached: 1568138132467.webm (800x800, 2.54M)

It hurts

She looks comfy

one comfy womb for one comfy sproglet

Attached: based.jpg (1412x2048, 1.15M)

I would shave a decade of my life to cuddle her

me on the right

Attached: rest.webm (500x360, 2.96M)

Imagine resting your head on that womb

>this will never be you

Attached: 9_crowd.webm (784x640, 2.99M)

I like the tummy

Attached: 1558965286022.webm (1080x1080, 2.16M)

She's making that face again



Attached: 1559500951591.webm (750x422, 2.96M)

poor guy

A gay?

Why is she so cute

Literal brain damage (amplified 2 times)

There was no brain damage the first time, physical at least

But she was already cute before them, see

Less inhobitions since then, so she's cuter

>Less inhobitions since then
This is true

Attached: images (27).jpg (428x717, 46K)

Cute Bill and Ben


Attached: 1561558474543.png (516x680, 306K)

New one i guess

Last bump for eyebrows

Attached: retro_eyebrows.webm (1400x1080, 2.51M)